posted on Mar, 21 2003 @ 04:40 PM
He thinks like the Sauds do, like manipulators. They and many other nations take advantage of the disadvantages of another neighboring country. That
is simply done to the Palestinian Movements in order to keep them in check, and able to commit the dirty deeds of foreign nations. This is one reason
some hopeful independents can't get their freedoms is because the cause for their freedom has become too benefitial and essential to the
stabilization of surrounding states. So if the cause were to die off by liberation, or defeat than the manipulating nations would no longer
They benefit from having a regional conflict in there neighborhood as long as it is not in their back yard.
I think the war mongering posture is so prevelant there in the Middle East that too many oppressive forces have taken form and benefitted from the
suffering of the people they are and aren't. So as long as the people suffer than the system of guns and money prosper. The enemy in the Middle East
is ignorance. Ignorance is the enemy of all things good.
[Edited on 21-3-2003 by Abraham Virtue]