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The New World Order Blues & Alien Disclosure Coming to a Location Near You Soon

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posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by mick1423
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Rome used an invisible man who live in the sky and watch and judge us 24/7 for all our life to help them rule over the world, maybe the old Catholic God has become out of fashion and TPTB want to creat a new invisible force to control the world, an alien God

Well hey nothing like a update to modern times.

I hope they make this one a real hot chick!

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by OleMB
Really put a smile on my face, thanks op!

I for one believe these revolutions are a chess move for TPTB, and a big part of me believe that 'waking up' is part of their plan. They want utter chaos, and then ordo ab chao. I will say this though, waking up the people could have horrible consequences for them, and I don't think they ever leave things to chance like this. Sure they could take over the revolution and propose a world government of sorts, but if enough people see through that, they will be lynched within hours.

We ARE actually witnessing history ... perhaps one of the Biggest conquests ever by TPTB!
and the ONLY ones being lynched are the Scapegoats.
Same would be for the Alien Disclosure!

Remember, these people are not omnipotent. I think things went terrible wrong form them on 9/11 (Pennsylvania crash/explosion), and I don't believe they were 10 steps ahead of us planning some kind of truth movement to blossom. I think their utter arrogance lead them to believe they would have no problem convincing the whole world with their propaganda and tactics against the conspiracy theorists.

Maybe They were only 7 steps ahead.
that's why they have/had Scapegoats ready to take the falls when needed!

Now, if the waking up of the people not is a chess move, then we have a very scary reality over our heads; they are in great haste. Our numbers are not getting smaller, and people are getting angry. Very angry. If they are to stop the enlightenment of the people in time, a false flag alien invasion (or nuke attack) are probably right around the corner. I think they are going ahead with what I see as plan A, revolutionizing of the planet, and if that does not work they will attack and unite the human race with unseen technology (and then we will win in some way or another, and that should be a indication that it's all bull****. Any inter-stellar traveling, intelligent race would eradicate us within hours if not minutes)

History will be written .. and edited .. and re-edited.

Today's history is being documented and notes are being taken .... actually it's a history "blackout", as we all know we are NOT really "seeing" and "hearing" everything!

They will "write" what THEY want - when THEY decide on the advantages!

Great post -- STAR it!

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by OleMB

l Think you are right, especially about the false flag "alien invasion. There is a guy who lives in the UK called Gary Mckinnon. he hacked into a lot of sites in the US looking for proof of UFO's. The US government are trying to get him extradited to the states and say that he will be facing up to 70yrs in prison. ln an interview in the nexus magazine he said he hacked into this site and saw a picture of an amazing craft just off our planet, he said it was like nothing he had ever seen. He also saw lists of staff with "off world" against some of them.
l also think that could be the reason all these sites have sprung up over the last few years claiming the "Alien's are sending messages to us using channelling. The way l see it, lf you can get enough people to believe that there are benevolent beings just waiting to save us from the nasty ptb, we will welcome them with open arms. l personally believe that if there is intelligent life they would not go out of their way to "save" us. We cannot even respect the beings on our own planet let alone respect beings from elsewhere in the universe. Peace star.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well that video pretty much sums up the major threats facing humanity today. We're so screwed ):

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Topato
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well that video pretty much sums up the major threats facing humanity today. We're so screwed ):

Yeah but everyone loves a good challenge!

The propaganda machine can't overcome all the independent thinkers in the world, and if they just keep putting their thoughts out there eventually it can reach a critical mass.

Critical mass has happened before in societies, so there is hope it can happen again.

That's not to say don't take these threads as seriously as you should, but by taking them as seriously as you should, talking about them, alerting other people to them, each person who opens their eyes, takes us one step closer to achieving critical mass.

Thanks for posting friend.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by Aquarius1

The mass populace are too busy trying to survive right now to notice what may be going on under their nose.

I disagree.

I have been trying to wake people up for several years with little success. All of a sudden I am having conversations with grocery store clerks,a group at a feed store, another waiting in line at the licence bureau that utterly floor me.

People KNOW about the Federal Reserve.

They LISTEN when I talk of the coming depression caused by changes in the tax code made by Obamacare's 1099 form expansion or the effects on food prices from the New food safety law How the Tester Amendment Does NOT Help Small Food Producers. How the new law could morph into regulating Home Gardens according to a lawyer who "co-represented the prevailing defendant in the last successful constitutional challenge to federal regulation under the interstate commerce clause, United States v. Morrison (2000), one of only two cases in 70 years in which a challenge was successful."

Just these two new laws will wipe out the farmers and small business people who are still reeling from the blow caused by the economic down turn. This will have a major effect on all of us because twice as many jobs come from small business as from large Corporations and Farms contribute 20% of the GNP the last I checked.

After the Bank Bailouts and the handling of the Obamacare law, people do not trust DC. With a rotten economy and the REAL unemployment rate at over 22% (hidden by political double speak of course) people HAVE awakened and are eager fro real information.

If you look it is easy to see Reagan's Admin was responsible for the Leveraged Buyout feeding frenzy, the 1980s great takeover boom that hollowed out of the industrial heartland

Clinton signed the changes in the banking laws that lead to the housing bubble and collapse. Not to mention WTO, NAFTA and China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, the trade pact that cost America 20 percent of its manufacturing jobs in just 14 years.

Bush got us into another wealth eating war and the Patriot Act.

SO who actually represents the interests of the people of the USA?

Rasmussen Reports created a tool to measure the differing views of the Political Class and Mainstream America. and found only 7% support the Political Class.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by mick1423
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well hey nothing like a update to modern times.

I hope they make this one a real hot chick!

Thanks for posting my friend.

I found this sketch in Rome's secret files, i hope they'll make our futur Goddess even more sexy


posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great thought provoking thread as usual PROTO S&F.

When I saw your thread my first thought was of the War of the Worlds radio broadcast but you beat me to it.

I have (not to my knowledge) ever met a being from another planet, and never have seen anything I would consider an alien craft but that doesn't mean those things don't exist.

I do know the oft forgotten but infamous radio show Orson Well did "War of the Worlds" and the fact that it caused mass panic throughout the United States as many of the listeners thought aliens were really invading.

One of the more interesting things about "War of the Worlds" is that it was written by H.G. Wells. in 1898, a former member of the Fabian Society acquainted with Lenin, Stalin and Roosevelt. Given that the Elite and especially the Fabians are very long range planners one wonders if that radio program was actually a test to see what the reaction of the general populous would be before money was spent on the project.

A little about the author of the "War of the Worlds"

....Orson Welles' Mercury Theater radio broadcast, based on The War of the Worlds, caused a panic in the Eastern United States on October 30, 1938....

Passionate concern for society led Wells to join in 1903 the socialist Fabian Society in London. It advocated a fairer society by planning for a gradual system of reforms. Wells did not believe in Marx's proletarian socialism... Wells soon quarreled with the society's leaders, among them George Bernard Shaw. This experience was basis for his novel THE NEW MACHIAVELLI (1911), which portrayed the noted Fabians....

In 1917 he was a member of Research Committee for the League of Nations and published several books about the world organization. Wells Rising militarism disgusted Wells. "The professional military mind is by necessity an inferior and unimaginative mind," he said, "no man of high intellectual quality would willingly imprison his gifts in such calling." (from The Outline of History, 1920)

Although Wells had many reservations about the Soviet system, he understood the broad aims of the Russian Revolution, and had in 1920 a fairly amiable meeting with Lenin....

In 1934 he had discussions with both Stalin, who left him disillusioned, and Roosevelt, trying to recruit them without success to his world-saving schemes. Wells was convinced that Western socialists cannot compromise with Communism, and that the best hope for the future lay in Washington.... one of his mistresses, Moura Budberg, turned out to be a Soviet agent for years.

If you are not acquainted with the Fabian Society, it is well worth researching since it seems to be one of the interlocking groups of wealthy elites intent on ruling us.

the Fabians were willing to take their time, to come to power without direct confrontation, working quietly and patiently from inside the target governments. To emphasize this strategy, and to separate themselves from the Marxists, they adopted the turtle as their symbol. And their official shield portrays an image of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Those two images perfectly summarize their strategy...

The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Aquarius1

The mass populace are too busy trying to survive right now to notice what may be going on under their nose.

I disagree.

I have been trying to wake people up for several years with little success. All of a sudden I am having conversations with grocery store clerks,a group at a feed store, another waiting in line at the licence bureau that utterly floor me.

My point exactly, I have also been trying to wake up people for years also with very little success, starting when I a read a book in the early nineties called Secrets of the Temple: How the Federal Reserve Runs the Country by William Grieder published in 1989.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

....many of us have concerns that much more sophisticated off the books technology looms up in outer space orbiting the planet.....

For what it is worth sometime around 1980, three friends and I were watching a meteor shower in upper state New York. None of us use alcohol and all are college grads or higher. Chemist, Geologist, Engineer and a polymath Gemologist/lawyer/Electrician.

We witnessed a light that was moving erratically for several minutes. Three jets were scrambled out of Rome Air Force base and chased that light all over the sky for several minutes. It made really weird right angle turns and when it got tired of playing tag with those jets it took off so fast it went invisible within about a second crossing the sky from right to left. It was akin to watching a dog chase a supersonic jet.

Was this a training exercise? A show for us plebs? (It was near Albany) Advanced human technology or real aliens? Heck if I know but it was THIRTY years ago and it was not commonly known technology even today.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Aquarius1

have also been trying to wake up people for years also with very little success...

Have you noticed people are a tad bit more aware now in you area?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Rome have been controlling the world with fear for the past 2000 years with the threat of God's final day of judgment, demons or hell at the end of our life if we don't follow Rome's World order. Maybe now they want to use modern fears, like an alien invasion to end up with an a alien God...into a one world religion, in a one world order.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by Aquarius1

have also been trying to wake up people for years also with very little success...

Have you noticed people are a tad bit more aware now in you area?

Some may be more aware but the problem is they are still complacent, people don't seem to care,.the attitude that there is nothing that can be done about it still prevails. If it isn't on MSN they think all is well.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:00 AM
It's only funny because it's so true!

You bring up an interesting point regarding the Bible and one that I have often pondered. I always felt that ancient and religious texts provide very valuable information but not necessarily for the reason most people think. Coupled with the Internet and the power to actually see collective thinking spread out before you, I believe we end up with a chicken vs. egg conundrum.

The number of people expecting something to happen between October 2011 - December 2012 continues to grow and ranges from the doom sayers (the world is ending) to the religious (Jesus is returning / ascension is beginning) to scientists and scholars (changes in weather patterns, record-setting events, dying animals, etc.) to the average Joe (I see the world falling apart). Add to this the general populations increasing willingness to embrace the existence of aliens and we have ourselves in a quite a state of...waiting. While we spend our time waiting I believe TPTB spend their time planning.

We have all been so programmed to expect something that it becomes a question of: Was this destined to be or did TPTB find the common thread that can be used to exploit an already desperate situation? The current upheaval in the Middle East is actually playing into all of this rather nicely. But again, we are left with: Is the uprising fulfilling the prophecies or were they orchestrated to appear to do just that?

Similar to campaign polls in which wannabe politicians test the waters to see how their voting base is going to react to certain hot topic items, I believe religious texts, Internet discussions, and the like can be used in a similar fashion. TPTB already know how a large group of the world's population would react to an attack "from above" based only on the above factors. The religious devotees will be praying, the alien hopefuls will be beaming messages, and the ancient prophecy group will be scouring the pages to see what happens next. Together, in my opinion, they form a rather significant portion of the overall population. A significant portion able to be controlled, by one method or another, I should say.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by mick1423

I could spend some time in Church with her on Sunday mick!

Or Saturday, or Friday, or Thursday, or Wednesday, or Tuesday or Monday!

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Great thread.
Although everytime i watch a movie and the president is going public with some alien disclosure i am really jealous,in real life i wouldn't believe it.

I have read about the fake invasion plan about one or two years ago and although it makes sense,i don't understand how something like that would leak to the public.The TPTB must be the most clumsy guys on the planet and definetely can't keep a secret
.They are either testing us to see how we react or spread disinformation to stop us from looking into their real plans.

I don't know,maybe i'm just too paranoid.

On a more humorous note:Imagine the day the fake invasion happens,a real one occurs as well.What would they do?Who do we run from the real aliens or the fake ones?

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Phantom traveller

More than anything the Powers that Be like to divide the masses through confusion, so that we basically argue amongst ourselves what's real, what isn't and they can basically more or less do anything they want in the vacum that creates while we argue it out amongst ourselves.

By giving some people the 'truth' through select sources, and others the 'lie' it just sets up a perpetual argument amongst people who prefer to be seen as right more often than they want or need to be right.

Divide and conquer.

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

Those are some great assessments my friend, and in truth so many people are expecting something monumental to happen in relation to the year 2012, that the Powers that Be would probably be woefully remiss if they didn't try to capitilize on it to their advantage in some way.

Now if we can just figure out a way to make it not to their advantage.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:12 PM
I posted this over on "All Roads Lead to Rome"

People have no idea of the number of plans being put into motion. The Middle East/Open Mexico Border False flag set-up. Proto's find with the possible UFO False flag set-up.

Do not forget the Elite are urging Union/Tea party demonstrations where politicians are ACTUALLY calling for BLOOD!!! Democrat Michael Capuano urged unions to "get a little bloody when necessary" and Use live ammunition’ against Wisconsin protesters, Republican Indiana official says

Remember it was January 18, a little over a month ago Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was Shot at Public Event. Weren't all the politicians blaming everyone in sight, especially Palin, for inciting violence by using the crosshairs imagery.

Think about it people.

1. Stir up the sheeple. Have demonstrations and protests prominently displayed on TV. Even incite violence with Union Thugs, Acorn and agent provocateurs

2. Collapse the economy in 2012 as I showed in the post above. This increases the tensions between government employee Unions and the wiped out middle class.

3. Continue stirring up hatred for the USA in the Middle East and elsewhere. The open border will GUARANTEE another major attack. in a year or so, after the withdrawal of the national guard units in June and July this year.

You now get a two for one. You can blame BOTH the Middle East AND "home grown Terrorists"

4. Declare martial law and come down HARD! The Bureaucrats in FEMA of course will botch the job just as they did with Katrina due to all the turf wars.

There will be political unrest and economic hardship to "validate" harsh measures. When people rebel against confiscation and relocation, bring in Canadian troops per Feb 14, 2008 agreement and when that does not work UN troops. When people in other countries become alarmed - use the UFO scenario to unite them under a World government as needed.

Americans have to be taken down first because our citizens are armed and there are a heck of a lot of them. Also the US military can not be trusted to back up the government, hence the war in hard to get to parts of Afghanistan.

After taking out the USA, it is shooting fish in a barrel.

The take down plans are already written.

10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the US;
10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public and private;
10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and private and all farms and equipment;
10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars, trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports and water ways;
11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government so desires;
11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities, both public and private;
11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register every single person in the US
11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;
11004--Federal seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish forced relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe," establish new locations for populations, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds;
11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage facilities, both public and private;
11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into effect in times of increased international tension of economic or financial crisis (FEMA will be in control incase of "National Emergency").

Happy Nightmares.

posted on Feb, 24 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by mick1423

Maybe now they want to use modern fears, like an alien invasion to end up with an a alien God...into a one world religion, in a one world order.

Oh the modern fears and formation of a modern religion are for real.

All you have to do is look at Maurice Strong. He has been one of the best weapons of the elite with a finger in many many pies. He started off poor and spend his early days working for the UN and of all things, the YMCA! He was behind the popularization of the environmental movementand Global Warming, Sustainability (agenda 21) and is a member of the UN Commission on Global Governance.

...Supposedly, in 1978, a mystic informed Hanne and Maurice Strong that “the Baca would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come.”

Hanne and Maurice Strong created the Manitou Foundation in 1988, a New Age institute on or near the Baca Ranch. On the website it reads: “In the mid 1990’s, Manitou and specialists of The Conservation Fund, with generous support of Laurance Rockefeller [the late UFO/Crop Circle investigations funder] and the Jackson Hole Preserve, devoted several years to extensive studies of Manitou’s mountain properties, culminating in the creation of the Manitou Habitat Conservation Plan (MHCP).”

WHO IS MAURICE STRONG ? .... Leading his New-Age flock to United Religions of the UN
...Strong is an advocate of world governance via the United Nations,
and Spiritual Governance via the Temple of Understanding in New York City ( next to UN )
and Environmental-governance via the Earth Charter and Gaia Covenant and the Ark of Hope...

The Crestone/Baca community of centers of the world's religious traditions is currently the largest intentional interfaith ecumenical community in North America. The Foundation has also instigated its own solitary retreat hermitage project, providing the opportunity for individuals to focus on their contemplative practices.

King Abdullah 2 of Jordan wants 3 major religions to unite -- Feb 2, 2006

Meet Maurice Strong:

Short Bio:

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