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Am I awake?

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posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:22 PM
Am I awake?

Today is Friday July 16, 2004 and I am sitting behind my computer punching these keys.
My wife is off to work and my child is with her grandmother, my dog is home sleeping and I am here at my store. The funny thing is after being on ATS for just about a week I am starting to question if I am actually awake or asleep? I have found out so much from reading everyone�s theories, posts and all those amazing threads but I still am having difficulty believing I am awake because I would of never dreamed that the world we live on could be in the possible state it is in as of now. Terrorist plotting to blow up the United States, Alien life forms walking amongst us and Martha Stewart getting only 5 months in jail for something that anyone of us would of done we�d be there for at least 10 years or more. I actually was sitting on my deck last night looking up into the sky when I realized, I cant actually be awake because if I was, everything would be normal, the most I would ever have to consider would be do I want to let my daughter go to her friends house or should I have them play here. The real question is: Does ATS and other informative websites make you more aware of what�s actually going in the world or do they just strip you of your �Reality�. Does the fact of knowing things of this nature make it any easier to live or does it soak up everything about the world you thought you new and spin it way out of control so you personally cannot recognize which way is up anymore. I am personally glad there is a board like this to challenge so many peoples beliefs and theories on topics most people would not dare to discuss but tell me this, If I ever wake up will I be able to find it? Just a thought from someone who is questioning what is real and If I actually am awake.


posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:33 PM
I guess you should have taken the "blue pill."

Knowledge is power, so you're in the right place.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:42 PM
Yes the "blue pill"... But then again the most important thing about life is that all mighty quest to find out what is REAL.. ask yourself this though, what do you think would actually happen to society if everyone on this planet new as much as we do now because of all the information we have gained through ATS? In all honesty do you think all the puppets would be questioning as I am or do you feel that an increase in the Mental Health field would increase? LOL

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:50 PM
Honestly, I think most people don't want to know. "Ignorance is bliss." That had to come from type of philosophy.

posted on Jul, 16 2004 @ 01:53 PM
This is an excellent post, Justmytype.

ATS is nothing but overwhelming at first. It sucks you in and makes you question everything about your life, your beliefs, everything.
Over time, your heart will tell you what you truly believe. Until it's all sorted out, just enjoy the ride.

posted on Jul, 17 2004 @ 03:55 AM
I think that you're just making this more than it is
. One of the great things about ATS is that people can just post random weird theories if they want to. Nothing can stop them. Nobody can honestly say whether or not they're telling the truth. Don' believe everything on this site. I believe aliens exist, but that doesn't mean I have to believe in everyones sighting and abductions. Maybe they've never really come to earth? Consider everything, even the possibility that EVERYTHING doesn't really exhist. Consider that maybe aliens and ghosts really don't exhist. That's not close minded, it's considering all possibilities.

posted on Jul, 18 2004 @ 10:31 PM
Blue Pill????

I took the dayquill, dude. And I've been awake ever since

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