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Orange Oil on the moon

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:02 PM
I am half watching a show on the Science channel called "Moon for Sale" at the moment. There were a couple of things i have never heard before.

In one clip an astronaut gets all exited when he sees what he said is orange oil coming out of the surface. Anyone know what this could be?

The other thing they said is that moon soil is 40% oxygen in the form of metal oxides? They showed a scientist taking moon dust and turning it into drinkable water by heating it.

This info is new to me and haven't seen the orange oil thing referenced on this site. Anyone have any more info?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

You were "half"-watching......

No, not "orange oil" soil:

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Sorry. Guess I was half listening as well.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Nice pics on that link . Good collection easy to check ou . I found osme intresting ones .

What is the reflection of in his pic ?

The ONLY light source! all shadows seem to be in check

Sun Dog?

great collection there .

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 12:28 AM

These orange glass spheres and fragments are the finest particles ever brought back from the Moon. The particles range in size from 20 to 45 microns. The orange soil was brought back from the Taurus-Littrow landing site by the Apollo 17 crewmen. Scientist-Astronaut Harrison J. Schmitt discovered the orange soil at Shorty Crater. The orange particles, which are intermixed with black and black-speckled grains, are about the same size as the particles that compose silt on Earth. Chemical analysis of the orange soil material has show the sample to be similar to some of the samples brought back from the Apollo 11 (Sea of Tranquility) site several hundred miles to the southwest. Like those samples, it is rich in titanium (8%) and iron oxide (22%). But unlike the Apollo 11 samples, the orange soil is unexplainably rich in zinc. The orange soil is probably of volcanic origin and not the product of meteorite impact.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 12:34 AM
Iron Oxide distribution FeO - Iron for building

Thorium Oxide Deposits - Nuclear fuel

Titanium Oxide Deposits - Great for spacecraft and habitat walls


get a solar furnace... heat the oxides to smelt the metal and use the released oxygen for breathing, making water or rocket fuel

Also lots of Silicon Oxide up there... same process of heating and use it to make glass... then make fiberglass to make structures. Glass made on the moon is stronger than steel according to NASA

edit on 8-2-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:39 AM
Holy crap, the potenials are huge..what else did they find that they would not mention...if there is that much up there on the near side...could some of it be remanents of previous structures built there? If i was planning a site/city on the moon that is where I would build it, or is that perhaps from exposure to the sun making more deposits...heck can we spin it around and cook the darkside? lol

I think China was making a stink about the moon too....hmmmm

And on a final note...where can I buy an acre?

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by Drala
Holy crap, the potenials are huge..what else did they find that they would not mention...if there is that much up there on the near side...could some of it be remanents of previous structures built there? If i was planning a site/city on the moon that is where I would build it, or is that perhaps from exposure to the sun making more deposits...heck can we spin it around and cook the darkside? lol

I think China was making a stink about the moon too....hmmmm

And on a final note...where can I buy an acre?

The dark side of the moon is commonly mistaken to really be dark. In reality, it always faces away from the Earth, making it dark in the sense that it is the quietest place in the known universe, because radio waves and other noise emanating from the Earth is blocked by the moon. The best use found for the Dark Side of the Moon has been theorized to be research laboratories and the best site for telescopes, while realized to be one of the best album titles in human history.

Also, there was talk of creating robots that would super heat the surface of the moon creating very thin, thousands of times more efficient, solar cells on the surface that could power the entire moon and have tons of excess beamed back using microwaves. Completely feasible and accomplishable with todays technology. If anyone needs a link, search for it because I am on a 56k connection and bandwith issues are enough without wasting it validating a mundane story.

Edit: The Dark Side of the Moon routinely faces the sun as much as any other side of the moon. Added for clarity.
edit on 2011/2/8 by sbctinfantry because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:31 AM
that is very interesting ....

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