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Edwards and Kerry are honored by Whoopi's filth.

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posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:05 PM
"July 9, 2004 -- Whoopi Goldberg delivered an X-rated rant full of sexual innuendoes against President Bush last night at a Radio City gala that raised $7.5 million for the newly minted Democratic ticket of John Kerry and John Edwards.
Waving a bottle of wine, she fired off a stream of vulgar sexual wordplays on Bush's name in a riff about female genitalia, and boasted that she'd refused to let Team Kerry clear her material."

This shows how degenerate some are, doesn't it? The days of class and civility seem to be just about done, and the fine folks from Hollywood are leading the way, it seems.
We can rest assured, however, that this fine duo of Democratic executive hopefuls would set the record straight on what is decency, and won't simply revel in the filth and accept whatever may come for money, right?

"Kerry could be seen laughing uproariously during part of Goldberg's tirade - and neither he nor Edwards voiced a single objection to its tone when they spoke to the crowd."

What a let-down!! Did you see that coming? Wow! I would have thought that these two guys would have wanted to try and out-class thir opponents and would have taken offense to such actions.

As a matter of fact, it seems that the doomatic duo are really confused about what America is about - especially Robin......

"Edwards said it was "a great honor" to be there and insisted, "This campaign will be a celebration of real American values." "

Well, so much for class and dignity. Some of you might not see this as scandalous political behavior. That, too, is sad.

The rest of the story can be found at the New York Post, here:

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:28 PM
Yea, like this has never happened before. The only reason we know about this is because the media is conservative, and they are more determined to destroy Kerry & Edwards then they are Bush & Cheney. You saw what they did to Howard Dean, they can destroy anyones integrity in only a week of coverage. Class and civility huh, there was never such a thing, those words are but illusions to make people think that life is good and we are not mere animals.

What a let-down!! Did you see that coming? Wow! I would have thought that these two guys would have wanted to try and out-class thir opponents and would have taken offense to such actions.

I'm glad Kerry and Edwards didnt object, doing so would be denying free speech.

Was it not a celebration of real American values, being able to speak your mind, free speech and opinion, having no fear that the authorites that be might smite you for audibly dissenting in public? Oh no the democrats are so bad, spare me please, Cheney himself told somebody to go "f*ck himself" on the senate floor. Kerry and Edward's just let Goldberg express herself.

In response to Cheney, Leahy reminded Cheney that the vice president had once accused him of being a bad Catholic, to which Cheney replied either "f--- off" or "go f--- yourself."


Unfortunately reallity isn't sugar coated. And Whoopi Goldberg isn't Kerry and Edward's, but Cheney is Cheney. Humans are only human.


[edit on 11-7-2004 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:28 PM
I find that I have to agree with you, at least in part. Kerry/Edwards owe it to thier supporters to take the high ground. Someone should!

Expecting better of our politicians is probably nieve, we get what we put out there. As a registered Democrat, I didn't vote for Kerry, and I certainly expect more from Edwards. They should have distanced themselves from the personal attacks.

Still, I can't blame either for laughing out-loud. I think Whoopi can be funny, if a bit acerbic.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:08 AM
So, let me get this straight, Attero. You actually think that the Founding Fathers risked all so that idiots could be a vulgar as they want to be? It would be a disappointment for you if you actually knew something, and knew that the first laws against vulgarity were placed there by those same people. That would go against your belief that profanity is a protected right, wouldn't it? As I said in the opening post, some won't understand, and that would be sad. You couldn't help but point out the fact that you are one of the ignorant ones that makes it all sad.

Sure, Cheney opened his mouth and shown what was inside his heart, but you can't see the difference between a gut reaction, not meant for TV, and some idiot spewing filth on purpose, and these two twits wallowing in her filth? Don't bother answering, that question is rhetorical as I already see what you are and that you see nothing wrong with filth.

John FLIPFLOP Kerry and John Edwards (You know him, the trial lawyer who made himself rich by suing doctors, and the same guy that even Kerry said isn't qualified to be president?) revealed more of their colors by wallowing in that crap and then saying their campaign was a celebration of "American Values", and you see no problem. Scary. Looks like we should go back to the original days when one only got to vote when one was able to prove they had a real stake in the outcome. You know, the way the Founding Fathers intended?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:30 AM
Don't you think that you got a bit of a double standard going on here? Its ok for Cheney to verbally attack someone with filthy language, its ok for Bush to stomp off stage and refuse to continue when a reporter asked him about his buddy Kenneth Lay, its also been reported by some that Bush curses about liberals and you expect the world to cave in because Whoopi Goldberg made a few dirty jokes about your candidates and Kerry and Edwards laughed at the jokes. The jokes were funny.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:13 AM

So, let me get this straight, Attero. You actually think that the Founding Fathers risked all so that idiots could be a vulgar as they want to be?

Yes I do. But they risked their necks for a lot more than just free speech/expression.

It would be a disappointment for you if you actually knew something, and knew that the first laws against vulgarity were placed there by those same people.

Yea it is dissapointing, maybe they should have just left the basic laws alone instead of screwing up the system.

As I said in the opening post, some won't understand, and that would be sad.

Yea it's sad, we must put limits on everything until there is no freedom left.

You couldn't help but point out the fact that you are one of the ignorant ones that makes it all sad.

Yea I don't know anything, but please do forgive me for giving my rational opinion.

Sure, Cheney opened his mouth and shown what was inside his heart, but you can't see the difference between a gut reaction, not meant for TV, and some idiot spewing filth on purpose, and these two twits wallowing in her filth? Don't bother answering, that question is rhetorical as I already see what you are and that you see nothing wrong with filth.

Filth is filth, senate floor by the vice president or democratic fundraiser by a drunk and beligerant Whoopi.

Yawn, please continue the personal attack.


P.S. You should really look into working for FOX News.

[edit on 12-7-2004 by Attero Auctorita]

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita
Yawn, please continue the personal attack.


P.S. You should really look into working for FOX News.
[edit on 12-7-2004 by Attero Auctorita]

Good stuff

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
You actually think that the Founding Fathers risked all so that idiots could be a vulgar as they want to be?

Apparently Bush and Cheney thought they (founding fathers) did, with the gutter talk they've used behind closed doors to others , allowing the "prisoner abuse" to take place with their blessings, and thinking they can add to/take away from the constitution of the U.S. . Bush and Cheney have tried to bring Kerry and Edwards DOWN to their level of playing "dirty politics". I wished I'd been there, right next to Kerry and Edwards,.... I would have been "busting-a-gut" right along with them, Whoopi is one of my favorites, would love to see her in-person doing what she does best,..... making people laugh
If the shoe would have been on the other foot and it was Kerry/Edwards that she was bashing, I'd almost would bet your post would of taken on a different perspective.
To each their own,..... as the saying goes.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 04:35 AM
I think its funny that people think either the Demos or Repubs are innocent of the same thing. The Demos did this, and Bush IMPLIED Kerry was a Nazi by showing the hateful speech of Hitler. The Hitler footage came from some random person. The Bush campaign takes it and says that Hitler is representative of the Kerry campaign.

I wonder if anyone knows what the Demos or Repubs stand for these days. Or are both sides just content with fighting with one another? Please neither side is innocent and neither side will change anything for the better. We all know what Bush did in office, expand the fed gov, which is against the Repub platform. The Demos will do the same thing.

And guess what, things will still be bad for a lot of you. WHy? Because neither party cares, and its futile to think a large fed gov can make all 250 million happy.

If you want things to change, vote for more communal governments or personal responsibility. The only party I see like that are the Libertarians.

Stop jumping on the band wagon and vote for change, not the constant increase in government power that each party will deliver to your doorstep.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:05 AM
The general public would be doing all of us a favor if they could pull their heads out of their collective arses just long enough to come up for some fresh air and realize that ALL politicians are out for themselves and their respective parties. A government of the people, for the people, and by the people ended decades ago. Now it's simply a government of a few rich people, for a few rich people and by a few rich people... not really representative of the American public... more of an oligarchy really. And to think that we as citizens will be voting for these morons. When are we going to get a REAL condidate to vote for!?!?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:24 AM
People all this prove one thing, thank god our leaders are human after all, I am really tired of trying to use the founder father as idols of purity, excuse me they were men and bound to the same type of human error, vices of the flesh and anything that came with it.

And for bush and Whoopi sexual innuendos of the female genitalia, good to go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Somebody has to tell this women hater president with his entourage of religious women haters appointees no to mess around with women issues and reproductive organs.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:45 AM
Already mentioned & covered:

The real problem is the great divide, the extreme chasm between left and right that encourages such horrible behavior and rabid dogs on taught leashes.

Where is Bin Laden? Why haven't we found a much taller than average Arab who needs constant medical attention?

Where are the weapons?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:04 AM
I question the actual depth of this alledged "divide." I assert that it is the Party extremes that are vastly opposed, the "People," are much closer to the Center. It is the machinations of party politics that have attempted to drive this wedge between normally, right-thinking centrists, to divide the electorate. Though it certainly appears to have worked, vis a vi; members of this board, I still have some faith in the electorate's ability to screen-out the spoon-fed B.S. of the pundits, etc.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by Attero Auctorita
I'm glad Kerry and Edwards didnt object, doing so would be denying free speech.

Free speech is a privilege, not a right. Privileges need to be tempered with common sense. I think intent also plays a part in what is and is not vulgar.

The candidates set the wrong tone, IMHO.
I do NOT see Bush etal as women haters. And, I know all about that other thread a few days back.
I could just as easily say the Kerry Klan don't respect human life because the dems are in favor of abortion.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:08 AM
I question the actual depth of this alledged "divide." I assert that it is the Party extremes that are vastly opposed, the "People," are much closer to the Center. It is the machinations of party politics that have attempted to drive this wedge between normally, right-thinking centrists, to divide the electorate. Though it certainly appears to have worked, vis a vi; members of this board, I still have some faith in the electorate's ability to screen-out the spoon-fed B.S. of the pundits, etc.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:16 AM
What? Politicians not getting upset when people make jokes about their opponents? I've never heard of such nonsense.

Edit: Even worse, people make jokes about their opponents and make the politicians money while doing it? Incredibly hard to believe.

[edit on 12-7-2004 by Kano]

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:46 AM
NY Post = Rupert Murdoch paper mainly used as hobo toilet paper.

I actually liked Cheney for the only time when he said " go F*** yourself.

We understand that delivery of another's intent is less important than the intent itself.

Someone smacks you in the mouth, sends your kids to die, steals your wealth, ruins your environment and mortgages your surviving kids future.....all these warrant an outside-of-the-Duke-of-Queensbury-rules response.

This administration never had the Moral Highground, they've sullied the office and are the furthest from deserving any respect that's been my displeasure to expereince. They should be thankful that they get any respect at all.


posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:53 AM
Apparently your founding fathers are named Stalin, Lenin and Trotsky, as obviously they could not be american. "American Values" are determined by individual americans and not some slimey criminals in the white house, fundamentalist christians in cheap polyester suits or even intimidating thugs in black leather with attack dogs. America has changed and we will not be going back to your dark ages.

Originally posted by Thomas CrowneSure, Cheney opened his mouth and shown what was inside his heart, but you can't see the difference between a gut reaction, not meant for TV, and some idiot spewing filth on purpose, and these two twits wallowing in her filth? Don't bother answering, that question is rhetorical as I already see what you are and that you see nothing wrong with filth.

It amazing that you do not expect honor and decorum from the vice president while on he is on duty, but are quick to chastize a stand-up comedian and people that are laughing and having fun. Ribald humor has been around for ages and is certainly protected as constitutional freedom of speech, regardless of your representations to the contrary. Despite the republican politics of fear, americans are still smiling and laughing which I am sure sends chills down the spines of the demagogs in the white house.

Scary. Looks like we should go back to the original days when one only got to vote when one was able to prove they had a real stake in the outcome. You know, the way the Founding Fathers intended?

Wake up, america has changed for the better and we arent going to back to when only land owners had a right to vote, blacks counted as 3/5 of a person and women had no rights. Your views are indeed scary.

I am sure you would like to go back still farther to salem for a witch hunt, but its not going happen. Give your puppy a tranquilizer and get use to it, the moron is going back to crawford permanently.

[edit on 12-7-2004 by df1]

[edit on 12-7-2004 by df1]

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:06 PM

TextIt amazing that you do not expect honor and decorum from the vice president while on he his on duty, but are quick to chastize a stand-up comedian and people that are laughing and having fun. Ribald humor has been around for ages and is certainly protected as constitutional freedom of speech, regardless of your representations to the contrary. Despite the republican politics of fear, americans are still smiling and laughing which I am sure sends chills down the spines of the demagogs in the white house.

I really like you,

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:15 PM
df1 says

the moron is going back to crawford permanently.

From your lips to God's ears.

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