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The 7th Cavalry and the Mexican Border

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by Night Star

i didnt say it was just the nice folks that are coming. but i havent seen anything about an illegal mexican immigrant getting into trouble about being a pedophile or anything yet but i agree i am sure they are out there but hell you have just as many of them people that are chesters and are legal in this country and there fam goes back for generations. as well as murderers. every illegal immigrant family i have met have been the nicest people i have ever been around to be quite honest. I lived with one family for a while because i was dating their daughter. but we broke up while i was living there. Their family was so nice that i continued to live there after we broke up and she was very kind to me even after we broke up. she was even gonna move out and take her kids with her and allow me to live in her own room and her mom even wanted me to stay but i ended up leaving i felt bad about intruiding on their life like that. another illegal immigrant family i know i have known since i was 12 and the also treated my much better than my own family. there are alot more nice mexican families out there than there are the bad the even help contribute to this economy despite what people actually think. i have never had a white american girlfriend all of my girlfriends have immigrated here legally and ilegally.i am not racist i dont dislike white people all of my friends are white honestly sorry to turn this into a big long stupid off topic post

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