posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 12:28 PM
Recently there have been lots of threads dedicated to how one would fight TPTB or the government, hypothetical or not!
People who answer the questions with honest intent are either ridiculed for being want-a-be's, terrorists or seeking the thrill of having there door
kicked in from their posts. Those that don't stay on topic either remind the others they are being watched by the government, theories do not apply
because anyone with any knowledge would not post or that it is not patriotic to conspire against the country that is conspiring against them. I am
truly confused by what I am reading and this has happened on several threads that I have either read or posted to.
I grew up and went to school from the late 70's to late 90's and not once was I ever afraid to speak my mind or share my views. Talking about fringe
topics such as these are not conspiracies, terrorism but prudent planning. Just because I know how to kill people in efficient ways doesn't make me a
killer, for some it makes them a doctor. I am an architect by trade I know how to build and take down buildings but if I share my knowledge of
demolition to someone that makes me a potential terrorist threat? Get real there is a big difference between thinking about doing something and acting
on that though, if there wasn't many people would be in jail for murder.
Is seems to me that most everyone is either brainwashed into thinking the TPTB are out to get them, too scared to admit this is how they feel also or
believes everyone else is crazy the world has not changed a bit. Well I am no terrorist, killer, assassin, thief or disinformation agent but at least
I am aware enough to know that time and the world changes people in profound ways. Either adapt or die, whatever the situation and in the mean time
learn as much as you can while you still can, even if it is all in vain.
Now I have a thread to send people who make stupid statements on how thinking critically is a dangerous thing.