posted on Dec, 7 2010 @ 04:39 PM
I guess it all really comes down to perspective...
Like the rest of the interweb world, I view message board forums primarily as a social gathering with implimented theme(s). ATS being a place where
social commentary hovering on the abnormal and conspirital medium being the norm. But make no mistake, it's a social gathering first and foremost.
It's a place where like minded person(s), despite the side of the coin they reside, can come and 'mingle'. Sure, there are many more 'I feel...',
'I predict...', 'Look at me...' posts than theere are tangable issues to disect, but thats not a detraction, thats a bonus. A bonus that we all
get to know each other, our opinions, our base of refrence(s), our apparent intelligence, ect.. So that when 'real' topics come along, we can
understand each others offerings better.
Anyway, If your simply looking for 'proof', might I suggest sticking to google and do your own research. However, if your looking for some enjoyable
reading, possibly learn a thing or two, and want to offer what you can, when you can, your obviously more than welcome to stay with this social