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True black pride

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posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 04:41 AM
This is a shning example of true black pride from a man who has lived, survived and thrived through some of the darkest times in recent American history. They are the words of a man who loves his country and his people enough to speak the truth even if its unflattering or hard to hear. They are the words of man who knows his people are being mislead and lied to by those who claim to support them. They are words of wsdom and I applaud them and the man who spake them.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:58 AM
Watching his comments on CNN now. Well what do you want to talk about mwm? His actual comments or your anti-democrat interpretation?

Originally posted by mwm1331
They are the words of man who knows his people are being mislead and lied to by those who claim to support them.

The main issue that keeps coming up regarding Cosby's tirades from his audience are: Why are you doing this in public? We know what you mean. But all you're doing here is giving CNN and Fox something anti-black to run and people who are against minorities something to take out of context.

To which of course Cosby says:

He shot back Thursday, saying his detractors were trying in vain to hide the black community's "dirty laundry."

"Let me tell you something, your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other n------ as they're walking up and down the street"

It's fine if Republicans want to quote him, claim him, use his words to support whatever anti-affirmative action initiatives they seek. Use Cosby's words to eliminate minority scholarships. Whatever.

But when the Klan starts quoting him, it'll be a sad, sad day. :shk:

And aren't we pretty much proving Cosby's critics right mwm? Two white guys (probably) using Cosby's words to talk about black people over coffee. Or are we really discussing politics (as you allude) and just using a dialogue that wasn't meant for us for our own agendas?

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 06:20 AM
First of all I'm not anti-minority I am however anti-excuse, Anti-bull# and anti-ingnorance. The fact is that while 20-30 years ago the opportunities for blacks were severly limited I dont think thats still true. A lot of people seem to think that if you say that the black community has gone downhill that your anti-black but when you compare much of the black youth today to those who fought and died for thier rights in the 60s its knda sad. 40 years ago Young black men fought for the right to go to good schools and today black children have one of, if not the, highest drop out and illerteracy rates in america.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 06:33 AM
Amen I think Cosby is doing great things for his community. Is it so bad that he wants to see black children go up and have good lives? I don't think so. You can tell that he cares, and he's trying to make people aware. He's one of the most successful black men ever, and he's trying to get the point across that the kids growing up in the ghetto can be too. I see nothing wrong with him talking harshly to the black community, perhaps they need a slap in the ass to get them going in the right direction.

I, like mwm, am "anti-excuse." I think there should be someone who does the same thing Cosby does for the white community. Try kick white kids into the right direction. Kids are so caught up in what's cool and what's hip that they (forthe most part, mind you) no longer care about doing good in school to get a good education and do well in their lives. Kids look at things one day at a time, and basically only care about what other people think about them. It doesn't matter if they're white, black, red, blue, purple, most of America's youth are like this and it's time some people got up and started doing something about it.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Faisca
Amen I think Cosby is doing great things for his community.

I do too.
But it's not like he cares what you or I think. That was my point.

Somehow I don't think any of us are qualified to define "true black pride."

What's the point of this discussion? Praise Cosby as "a credit to his race?" :shk:

Oh, he'd love that.

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 05:41 PM
HIS community? they arent human beings? christ.

sorry i just dont see the difference here. he's a person, you're a person i'm a person. i think PART of the problem this country faces is this seperatist notion than blacks are their own community. in fact i find the very concept to be racist. this applies to those who feel they have their own community and those who they have their own community. they're part of THE community, not A community all unto themselves.

its just another part of the "us Vs them" situation this nation faces. its easy to refer to them as "them" when we view them as them, not "us" which is what they are, a part of "us", humanity, human beings.

"black pride"? ugh, dont get me started, at this poiint i'm ashamed to be a human.

i do admire cosby for speaking out on some of the problems that do make most blacks become stereotyped and only serve to make them look bad in general by those who only want to continue to view them as them.

i certainly dont see white people calling each other honkey this and whitey that and if i did i'd have to think it was a joke or some has some serious self esteem issues.

what race is cosby? not color, race, as in species. and for everyone to be in this "race" it doesnt look like anyone is winning it. we're all losing it.

rant i dont see any republicans using cosby or what he's said to further their own agenda. then again i dont bother to keep up with what republicans do (not that you're refering to REAL republicans), they're a waste of time IMO however what cosby says, regardless who quotes him speaks the truth. there IS a certain segment of the black population that does the things he says and i cant say i blame him with being fed up with it. christ there are segment of all kinds of people that do things that give "their people" a bad name. hell the fact we continue to refer to each other as white black brown is embarassing enough as it is. he's just talking about a group of people, a very vocal bunch that are prevelent through out society that do things that make themselves look like bad ignorant unedcuated. and this doesnt mean JUST those he's refering to. in my own experiences i've seen a varitable rainbow of people who do this, male female, all colors. the nuances might be different but the concept is the same and so is the end result.

he's refering to a larger problem than the one he's adressed as far as i'm concerned. i think we need to get out of the "his community" "my community" mentality and think in terms of "our community".

posted on Jul, 2 2004 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by mwm1331
First of all I'm not anti-minority I am however anti-excuse, Anti-bull# and anti-ingnorance. The fact is that while 20-30 years ago the opportunities for blacks were severly limited I dont think thats still true. A lot of people seem to think that if you say that the black community has gone downhill that your anti-black but when you compare much of the black youth today to those who fought and died for thier rights in the 60s its knda sad. 40 years ago Young black men fought for the right to go to good schools and today black children have one of, if not the, highest drop out and illerteracy rates in america.

It is so easy for you to say this like it's true. Hopefully we can agree that numbers are, let's look at some numbers--for you and Mr. Cosby:

Vital Statistics

� Percentage of African-American adults in 1960 who had completed high school: 20.1%

� Percentage of African-American adults in 2002 who had completed high school: 78.7% (U.S. Department of Education)

� Number of black elected officials in the United States in 1970: 1,469

� Number of black elected officials in the United States in 2000: 9,040 (Joint Center for Political Studies)

� Number of black judges in the United States in 1970: 209

� Number of black judges in the United States in 2000: 686 (Joint Center for Political Studies)

� Percentage of all white households with incomes of $50,000 who own stock or stock mutual funds: 79%

� Percentage of all black households with incomes of $50,000 who own stock or stock mutual funds: 61% (Ariel Mutual Funds/Charles Schwab)

Further, in 1940 60% of employed black women were domestics (maids). In 1999 60% of employed black women held white collar jobs.

The problem as I see it--if there is one--is that poor black folk overshadow the rest of us. I don't appreciate being talked down to by Cosby or anyone else. The fact that black folk have made huge strides in the last 40 years--since Brown v. Board gets trumped by activist looking for a payday and womanizing comdians looking for a lil pub. The black folk that want to are doing just fine thank you very much...just like white folk--isn't that what we all wanted? So, how the hell are be degrading the folk that died to give us freedom?

I don't see white comedians running around telling white folk what to do and how to talk and how to raise their kinds...IMO, Cosby should stick to jokes and worry bout his own damn kids the ones he claim and the ones he don't.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:32 AM

CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Bill Cosby went off on another tirade against the black community Thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere."


Its not just black kids who are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere." ... its everyone !!! ... and why is this happening ?

Here's Pisky's opinion ...

The Governments (My own experiences are of the US and UK Govts) just don't give a crap about education. They seem to want badly educated kids, because they're easier to manipulate.
Want a war ? - draft the uneducated. If you're in college you're exempt.
Want the Corporations to own the kids ? - educate them badly so they can't do anything other than work in Wal_mart or McDogturds.

Cosby - don't blame the black kids. Don't blame the white kids. Don't blame the mexican kids - blame the fecking Government !!!

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey
i think PART of the problem this country faces is this seperatist notion than blacks are their own community. in fact i find the very concept to be racist. this applies to those who feel they have their own community and those who they have their own community. they're part of THE community, not A community all unto themselves.
It was proposed that the teachers in Oakland California learn "Ebonics" as to better understand the community of black students they could no longer understand . It was shot down , and rightly so . Teachers need to teach proper grammar , and insist on its use (at least in the classroom) .

The dificulty they face , is that the african american students(at least in Oakland and San Francisco) have seperated themselves from the larger part of the community , and behave as if it were a contest to see who can say "ni88er" " bit(h" or " who yo' baby daddy" the most amount of times .

I've been on the bus when school gets out and these kids segregate themselves (ironicaly in the back seats) and cause much discomfort to ANYONE who is civil minded , regardless of race . It is a scary scene when a dad walks back there and asks them not to swear around his young kids . It usually gets much worse .

Certainly it starts at home , and I think Bill is fortunate enough to be able to say these things to the parents (whitey would have been capped) because he is black.

Pisky says: "Cosby - don't blame the black kids. Don't blame the white kids. Don't blame the mexican kids - blame the fecking Government !!!"

He should ! He is just able to voice his contempt to the black community because he is a member . A wake up call from a familiar face .

[Edited on 3-7-2004 by oddtodd]

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:18 AM
Truthfully, we are talking in wide sweeping generalities. Because 24% of the black population live in poverty...that means 76% do not. There are only 36 million black people in a country of 280 million and a little less than 9 million of those people are poor blacks--these folk are the ones that are being addressed by Cosby. It's crazy and it needs to stop...poor black people are not Americas biggest problem anymore. When we talk in averages compared to whites we are comparing 12% of blacks to 70+% whites...its not a fair standard. Folk blow these numbers up for their own ends. An overwhelming majority of black folk are "making it" in America. Now, if ur beef is that we don't pull our pants up and walk and talk like you want--then, its obvious you have issues of you own at that point that you need to address.

In a way I agree with Prank because the same issues poor blacks face...poor whites face in larger numbers but they are overlooked. It should all be addressed the same--not by colour.

Threads like these really make me miss Colonel--am I even allowed to say his name....

Anyway...the thing that bugs me the most is that white folk are praising Cosby but they didn't praise Malcolm X when he said it and they don't praise Louis Farrakhan when he says it. The Nation of Islam has been teaching these things since 1931. So why is it "true black pride" when its done by someone like Cosby and but hate when it comes from someone like Farrahkan.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:36 AM
Bill is passionate about education. He wasn't speaking to the WHOLE black community, just those not taking advantage of the opportunities that past activism gave to them.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 11:38 AM
I think the black community should adopt Nat X as their spokesperson

Down with whitey!

Live, from Compton, California, BET TV - that's Black Entertainment Television - presents "The Dark Side with Nat X". The only show on TV written by a brother, produced by a brother, and strictly for the brothers. Now, get ready for a man who's so black, his shadow still can't find him. Step back, 'cause here comes Nat!

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Bill is passionate about education. He wasn't speaking to the WHOLE black community, just those not taking advantage of the opportunities that past activism gave to them.

You know, I get that intrepid--but it is the reality that no matter what is handed out or fought for (you choose) some folk are never going to succeed. You are never going to have a fully operational black community or white community for that matter -- 9% of the white folks in the country live in poverty that's nearly double the number of black folk in real value but when we talk about black poverty and black ill-education its SUCH a huge problem. Why shouldn't it be since there are coalitions that raise money to "address" it?

Tis america's problem that many of our people are poor and ill-educated for numerous reasons none of which have much to do with colour--tis a personal struggle--so why are we still addressing it that way. Some black folk will never succeed because they made bad choices just like some white folk. Its about personal ambition and your upbringing. This black poverty business is a mythological beast of burden to all our people. That's why numbers are imporant because this thread isn't about all poor people its about 9 million poor people in a country of 280 million.

It angers me when white folk say this or that about black folk as a whole when its not the whole--its not even the many--I would hardly call it the few because its not even close to the majority.

posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 12:17 PM
I totally agree, and I think that Bill would like to speak to all children that make those bad decisions, but you know then there are those that would pull out the "racist" ploy. It's already been said here but I would like to echo it, There should be no black com., white com., asian com., latino com., it is all ONE community. The fact that we are taking the time to discuss this proves that we are moving in the right direction. Just have to get the gov't online.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 10:46 AM
Farrakhan was a racist, the nation of Islam is racist, they try and say they are a regular plain religion and they're not. Do a search on Farrakhan and you'll see.


Malcolm X was a drug dealer and pimp before he came what he was.
Do a search on him and don't forget to type in "lie" or "hate"...
That guy was a sham just like Farrakhan.

So the reason "white folk" don't pay any attention to them is because they are bull#ters whereas Cosby is different..

Funny how Chappelle can make jokes about black people but speak truths through his skits, but when Cosby does it without the "joking" then you guys get pissed...

I'm only going to assume you guys get pissed is because it's true and you feel embarrassed that he is singling your soft spots out. But Chappelle does it with humor and it's ok.

2/3 of crime statistics 16-40 yr old are imprisoned... look up the fbi statistics. oh wait, but then you'd say that "well the court system is racist"...

If you guys truly cared for your brothers and sisters then you fight against the hoard of them that are making you guys look immature, silly, racist, and criminal.

That's why Saphronia, and judging by your previous posts on the board, you walk around the streets with a chip on your shoulder and see the boogeyman everywhere...

HOw about you stop hallucinating and living like the rest of society does, the only people who promote racism are the people who believe it exists.

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 12:08 PM
The whole Black/White issue is way overblown. But to claim that racism only exists in the minds of those who promote it is blindly ignorant.

As an olive-skined Jew, while in the military, I got into several race related discussions with my White, Black, Latino, etc., room-mates and platoon-mates. More times than I can count, I was told that I wasn't White, so how could I argue from that perspective!? The latinos too thought I was one of thier brethren. My response was always that I felt myself to be everyone's brother. For some strange reason, most people accepted this in the spirit in which it was given. In fact, the only ones to deny my assertion were the racist White redneck types. They expressed a disdain for Jews at least as vehemently as for Blacks.

My point in bringing this up? Depending on the perspective one allows for him/herself,we are most certainly all brothers and sisters in the truest sense. We should celebrate our differences as well as our likeness. What kind of World would we have where everyone was the same dull grey color? I live in a rural resort town that is not especially diverse ethnically. Whenever my wife and I travel we each remark at how nice it is to see some different colors/faces.

Cosby was addressing the poor, the disenfranchised Blacks. His comments have value to all races when taken for face value. The continued success of the Jewish community should be proof enough that an emphasis on education is the pathway to economic fulfilment.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by scottsquared]

posted on Jul, 4 2004 @ 12:40 PM
That was an excellent post SS, you hit the nail on the head. Don't sweat those rednecks, they even hate their own if others don't agree with them. Btw, I 'm white, so don't say I'm being racist.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 08:49 AM
saphronia while I agree that things are much better for the black community as a whole than they were in the 60s what worries me is the rising dropout rates. I agree that the current focus on the black community as being "disadvantaged" is out of date which is why I oppose affirmitive action. I also believe that racial quotas breed rather than supress racism. The reason I posted this is because with so many activists today throwing around claims that the black community is being denied opportunities its refreshng to see a successful black man reminding people that thier behavior and attitudes are more important to thier childrens success than anything else. I agree that poverty among whites (in terms of gross numbers not percentages) is higher among than among blacks and that the only way to rectify this is a massive investment in this countries eductional system. Which incidentally would help children of all races.

[edit on 5-7-2004 by mwm1331]

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 09:17 AM

A conservative who supports public education!?! Get ready for your brother Repugnants to castrate you.
Really! Your support in this is essential, I applaud your stance!

Education is the pathway to fulfilment!

It is my assertion, which I share with many other members, that it behooves both Government and Corporations to keep "The Great Unwashed Masses," as "The Great Unwashed Uneducated Masses." I should refine this statement to say "minimally educated."

Education is the best returning investment a parent/taxpayer can make.

posted on Jul, 5 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Scottsquared I dont know any republicans who dont believe in education. The fact that America is not number 1 in education worldwide is an insult to us all(repugnant or dummycrap
) in my opinion. And while I'm not so sure about some corporations (MTV and Mcdonalds off the top of my head) I dont think the government wants people stupid, after all how is an uneducated moron gonna launce and guide a cruise missle

[edit on 5-7-2004 by mwm1331]

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