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DREAM Act Will Equal Nightmare For American Taxpayers

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posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:03 AM
Link to story

The United States of America is being threatened---and this may be your last chance to stop it.

I'm not talking about terrorist threats, which of course still exist. We are being threatened today, right at this moment, from WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS.

ILLEGAL ALIEN advocates are pressuring the government to grant them amnesty, and Liberals are happily going along with their request! Harry Reid is putting the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors) Act up for vote in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi wants the House to vote on it the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I'll get to the nuts and bolts of this legislation in a second---you really need to read exactly what is in the bill. But take a look at what Hispanic activists are saying will happen if they can't get what they want:

"We will go into the field like the civil rights movement and the suffragists did." Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)

"We will escalate to civil disobedience." Gustavo Torres of Casa de Maryland

Please read that last line again---We will escalate to civil disobedience. Doesn't that sound like a THREAT to you?

Take a look at what's really in the bill:

IT IS NOT JUST FOR CHILDREN---Illegals under the age of 35 are eligible; so this is clearly not designed to target only high school and college-age immigrants; it sounds like amnesty, not education.YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT---The DREAM Act requires that all applications be processed, with no increased fees. That means Congress is going to have to appropriate more money to handle the extra work---and you the taxpayer are going to pay for that. Also, DREAM Act recipients will immediately become eligible for federal student loans, work study programs and other forms of financial aid---all on your dime.CRIMINALS ARE WELCOME---Criminals are welcome to apply, and once they do, they can't be deported. This includes gang members, those who have received a DUI, and illegals who have engaged in voter fraud.THEY WILL QUALIFY FOR IN-STATE TUITION---The DREAM Act will allow illegal aliens to qualify for in-state tuition, even when it is not being offered to U.S. citizens. A few states allow this travesty of justice now, such as California, who just recently joined in. If the DREAM Act passes, every state will be told to do the same.THEY DON'T HAVE TO COMPLETE SCHOOL---Again, this bill is about amnesty, not education. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien finish any type of degree in order to become a citizen.CHAIN MIGRATION IS ENCOURAGED---Illegal aliens who receive amnesty under the DREAM Act will have the right to immigrate their family members---including the parents who sent for or brought them to the U.S. illegally in the first place---in unlimited numbers as soon as they become U.S. citizens. They can also petition for their adult siblings living abroad---and once that adult sibling is allowed into the U.S., their spouse and children are granted a pass, as well.

Personally I see this as being the biggest mistake the American Government has perpetrated since the The Indian Removal Act of 1830...
edit on 21-11-2010 by DaddyBare because: Fixed an opps

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:22 AM
Just to add
the official summary of this "DREAM Act" can be found here

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 08:54 AM
When Canada does something similar in the near future....will you then believe that they are merging the three nations slowly and surely with these combined legislative chipping away at the barriers to amalgamation?
The plan is for one nation between the arctic and the panama canal.....They are building the major highway already.....
The Canadian investment in the US totals about 24% of their GDP. the US owns 75% of Canadas businesses.....
Mexico is the new detroit of the future etc etc...
They will have cheap labour pool for years before the whole bulk of the people are educated, perhaps a century....
But we are sure gonna be a huge social engineering project for sometime to come......

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:41 AM
Natually our criminal government wants to create a larger constituency for themselves by legalizing criminals. This would bring the Democrats a huge loyal block of voters initially (10 - 20 million) but when they can bring in their families it would perhaps double the numbers (20 - 40 million).

How the government can consistently stand up and defend illegal immigrants is simply beyond reason. There are so many talented legal citizens who cannot find work while central american illegals do the work for cheaper, especially in the construction trades.

Our Congress no longer serves We the People and needs to be replaced.
When enough Americans can no longer afford food and shelter the SWHTF, and I pray the fan blows towards those responsible for the demise of America.

Congress may pass not only the DREAM act but other heinous legislation that will hurry our country on the path of destruction. There is nothing more dangerous than a lame duck Congress around the holidays.

Santa's sleigh may be short a few reindeer to pull his sled this year.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by DaddyBare

Read my location.

I don't know about you, but my property taxes just went up $1,175 this year from last year. Now, coupled with my job being outsourced to "Team India" (job loss of $40,000+) and my husband should be able to retire at 66 but can't...........and we, my husband and I have been classified, according to statistics as upper middle class.

I do consider my situation as fair to good, at least we have a roof over our heads that we are close to "owning" but taxes continue to rise and for older Americans that is not good, because older people are usually on fixed incomes.

We will do okay and hopefully survive this coming financial nightmare, because we did not over extend ourselves in credit (We share 1, 10 year old small car that has been paid for eight years ago / no car payments), our house and townhouse are almost paid off, we haven't had a real vacation in over 10 years, rarely eat out and have watched our money very carefully. In addition, we have pension plans, 401k's and Social Security (if the Republicans don't steal what we have been putting into for the last 40 years)................but now with the taxing, how far is this going to go?

In my opinion, it is the companies insourcing and outsourcing that should be taxed up the wazoo, but that will never happen as they have been allowed to buy out Washington DC.

There should be no "campaign contributions" (bribes), allowed by corporations for campaigns. Once companies are allowed to "buy" our democracy, they than are free to make our laws (not the people).

If you disagree with that last statement, please ask yourself, if a person contributes $300. towards your campaign and then a company contributes $3m towards your campaign, who are you going to be beholden to?

Money talks and the extent of corruption within all governments is rampant now. This is on a global scale and not just here in America.

Get use to it and get over it.

Again, read my location. I did not pick this location name lightly three years ago when I joined ATS. This country and now globally has become a corporate owned planet.

Look at the papers and read the number of foreclosures, we are lucky our house is almost paid for but how high are taxes going to go?

Most of you out there are over extended in debt and under the false illusion that rising taxes coupled with job loss, "will never happen to me, so I don't care".

Those with that attitude just don't want to see the big picture, yes my sorry friend, you are next. Only a handful of the elite will get out of this mess in halfway decent shape. The rest of us, through our apathy and compliance are facing a dismal future.

I won't even get into "taxation without representation" or the fact that - that was why most American patriots left Europe.

The American People haven't been calling the shots for a long time in this country.

Insourcing and outsourcing are becoming common place here because corporations have bought out the government with their campaign (bribe) money, lobbyists and rigged elections.

Large corporations have been giving our jobs away to non-Americans for awhile now, it's more "profitable".

People in India and China will work for $5.00 per day vs $20/00+ per hour the average low level office worker makes.

We won't even get into the salary differential between CEO's that make anywhere from 1m to 20m + per year, because most of you have flamed me in the past with the attitude of "I don't care, so what and this doesn't affect me".

Well, keep the apathetic attitude up and see what another five years will bring you.

What affects one of us, affects all of us. The only exception are the handful of the ruling elite.

Most people think, if I work long and hard enough, I too will "get there".

Get real, it's like Las Vegas, the tables are rigged in favor of the house and most of us are not part of "the house".

TPTB let everyone think they have a chance, but the game is rigged and most people are too stupid to see it.

Now, for people blasting Obama, yes he is also a puppet, just like Bush Jr. was, no denying it, however keep in mind it usually takes at least five years for a President's economic policies to take full affect and Obama, while he is just carrying on the same old same old, didn't start this mess.

"Something needs to change".

Get use to this state of affairs: rising taxation without representation (where have we heard this before), high unemployment, outsourcing and insourcing of American jobs, more imprisonment for the masses, more wars, more budgeting our our tax dollars to the war machine and secret black ops we're not even aware of, surveillance of your every move and governing of your private issues............our one world, big brother government is here and personally I think the time to stop this has long since past.

Adapt and survive that is all one can do at this point.

How did this happen?

Freedom comes with a price tag, and that price tag meant for each and everyone one of us to remain vigilent and on top of what these clowns in Washington were doing and demand them be held accountable.

But the majority of Americans chose to remain distracted and dumbed down.

All civilzations have three periods, growth, dominance and decay.

I leave it to each reader to decide at which point our current government is at.

Our government continues to bail out the big banks, pour endless funds into the military budget, tax us to the point of insanity (with no real representatation) and our entire country is slowly becoming one massive police state.

But most people remain distracted, over worked, apathetic and compliant.

Where will this all end? How far will this insanity be permitted to continue?

Only time will tell.

edit on 21-11-2010 by ofhumandescent because: Added a couple sentences/ideas.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

NOBODY is allowed to retire. NOBODY is allowed to NOT give production to the government. NOBODY is allowed to NOT be a producer for the collective.

I HATE to say this, the Nazi Regime was produced in the US. Think about it, think about it.

Where is the call coming from the globalists? Where is the complete control call coming from?

Sometimes I am afraid to actually discuss my thoughts, is this NOT the purpose of the control mechanisms?

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Very good post and I totally agree with Jim Marr's "Rise of the Fourth Reich".

At the end of WWII - IT APPEARED - America won the war, however in bringing over the German scientists that worked for and under Hitler, we also brought over their ideology...........a whole nother conspiracy linking up to what is actually going on.

Jim Marrs, in my own humble opinon, is a sharp individual, he's done his research and has been trying to warn the public for decades on what the global elite are planning for us.

If you haven't gotten this book, I highly suggest it, interesting reading.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

Not necessary to read the book. For those that cannot see the relevance, it would be beneficial.

Thanks for the reference, only problem is, the end justifies their means. Typical in my eyes.

Just another layer to the subversion. I witnessed it, if people with a keen eye will see the truth. I hope sooner or later those of us with the knowledge will overcome those without.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
Link to story

The United States of America is being threatened---and this may be your last chance to stop it.

I'm not talking about terrorist threats, which of course still exist. We are being threatened today, right at this moment, from WITHIN OUR OWN BORDERS.

ILLEGAL ALIEN advocates are pressuring the government to grant them amnesty, and Liberals are happily going along with their request! Harry Reid is putting the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors) Act up for vote in the Senate, and Nancy Pelosi wants the House to vote on it the Monday after Thanksgiving.

I'll get to the nuts and bolts of this legislation in a second---you really need to read exactly what is in the bill. But take a look at what Hispanic activists are saying will happen if they can't get what they want:

"We will go into the field like the civil rights movement and the suffragists did." Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL)

"We will escalate to civil disobedience." Gustavo Torres of Casa de Maryland

Please read that last line again---We will escalate to civil disobedience. Doesn't that sound like a THREAT to you?

Take a look at what's really in the bill:

IT IS NOT JUST FOR CHILDREN---Illegals under the age of 35 are eligible; so this is clearly not designed to target only high school and college-age immigrants; it sounds like amnesty, not education.YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT---The DREAM Act requires that all applications be processed, with no increased fees. That means Congress is going to have to appropriate more money to handle the extra work---and you the taxpayer are going to pay for that. Also, DREAM Act recipients will immediately become eligible for federal student loans, work study programs and other forms of financial aid---all on your dime.CRIMINALS ARE WELCOME---Criminals are welcome to apply, and once they do, they can't be deported. This includes gang members, those who have received a DUI, and illegals who have engaged in voter fraud.THEY WILL QUALIFY FOR IN-STATE TUITION---The DREAM Act will allow illegal aliens to qualify for in-state tuition, even when it is not being offered to U.S. citizens. A few states allow this travesty of justice now, such as California, who just recently joined in. If the DREAM Act passes, every state will be told to do the same.THEY DON'T HAVE TO COMPLETE SCHOOL---Again, this bill is about amnesty, not education. The DREAM Act does not require that an illegal alien finish any type of degree in order to become a citizen.CHAIN MIGRATION IS ENCOURAGED---Illegal aliens who receive amnesty under the DREAM Act will have the right to immigrate their family members---including the parents who sent for or brought them to the U.S. illegally in the first place---in unlimited numbers as soon as they become U.S. citizens. They can also petition for their adult siblings living abroad---and once that adult sibling is allowed into the U.S., their spouse and children are granted a pass, as well.

Personally I see this as being the biggest mistake the American Government has perpetrated since the The Indian Removal Act of 1830...
edit on 21-11-2010 by DaddyBare because: Fixed an opps

Sorry, no S&F from me. This thread sounds like a bunch of misinformation and fear mongering to me. Although, it does fit in quite well with the republican/tea party platform of "wait & bitch." Like the way they kept their mouths shut the entire time that Bush lied us into war and destroyed our economy just to wait for a democratic president and congress to blame it on.

The "Dream Act" is actually a "Republican" bill that was first introduced as S.1291 to the U.S. senate on August 1, 2001 during the 107th congress. It was originally sponsored by Sen. Orin Hatch (R) of Utah and it enjoyed the support of 18 cosponsors including some very prominent republicans like Sen. Chuck Grassley(R) from Iowa, Sen. Larry Craig(R) from Idaho, Sen. Sam Brownback(R) from Kansas, Sen. Michael DeWine(R) from Ohio, Sen. Pete Domenici(R) from New Mexico and Sen. Richard Lugar(R) from Indiana.

I don't know about you, but I didn't hear a damn word about how Orin Hatch was trying to destroy our country in 2001 when he first introduced this bill. But now that it's being reintroduced by democrats, the topic of discussion is all about how Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are destroying America. It's becoming fairly apparent that one of the new republican strategies is to repeatedly introduce legislation only to abandon it as soon as democrats show signs of supporting it, go figure.

Reminds me of "Cap & Trade." Wasn't Lindsey Graham(R) from S. Carolina, one of the original sponsors and longtime supporters of this legislation as well.

Regarding you quote, "We will escalate to civil disobedience," well it doesn't sound anywhere near as threatening as "taking 2nd Amendment remedies," if you ask me. I think that "civil disobedience" is more akin to Rosa Parks refusing to sit in the back of the bus, if you know what I mean.

IMO, the rest of your thread is skewing the truth at best but I have to say that Glenn Beck would be proud. "Illegals under the age of 35 are eligible?" You failed to mention the little part that states they must have been here in the U.S. since before the age of 16. What the Dream Act really says is that, provided the illegal immigrant has been in the U.S. prior to attaining the age of 16 and has not left the U.S. for any extended length of time, (180 days) during the 5 yr. period immediately preceding the enactment of this bill and providing that the illegal is still under the age of 35 at the time of enactment of the bill, he/she may still apply.

I searched and searched, but I couldn't find the "Criminals are Welcome" clause or the "they don't have to complete high school" clause. On the contrary, most of what I read seems to say just the opposite. I think it states that they must demonstrate good moral character and that even a dishonorable discharge from the military would be sufficient grounds to deny their application.

People who were brought here as minors, by no choice of their own, who are now attempting to become productive members of society are not destroying America. It's the distortion of the truth and fear mongering by organizations like Fox News and people like Beck who are the larger threat.

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by DaddyBare
Just to add
the official summary of this "DREAM Act" can be found here

that is the old version the new version that would be voted can be found here

S. 3827

the biggest difference that I can see is that the new version eliminates section 10, which would have eliminated the requirement of the applicant to pay any fees and be considered in an expedited basis, the new version does not include that.
edit on 21-11-2010 by BuckyC60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2010 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by DaddyBare

I would just like to correct some things that have been omitted or distorted, the DREAM Act is for applicants that came to the United States before the age of 16, it has also been in and out of the house since 2001, never passing, which means the beneficiaries from back then are going to be about 10 years older then they were, therefore, the person that was about to graduate high school back then at 18 will be turning 28, and the person that was about to finish college back then that was probably 22 will be 32, thus the reason why there is a cap of 35 years of age.

The elimination of section 10 as I mentioned above in the new bill means that the beneficiaries will be paying their way through the process, tax-payers will not be burdened with that cost anymore, a welcomed change I think.

The applicants will be able to apply for federal work-study, and loans, that is right, but read the bill carefully, it grants them those rights upon adjusting their status to permanent resident, they will have conditional status for 6 years by which time they would have to meet one of the requirements, at least that is what the bill states in black and white, furthermore, the applicants would be responsible for the cost if they get a loan and they would be working if they get a federal work-study opportunity.

There are a couple requirements in the bill, the beneficiaries need to pass criminal check and I am not talking about the simple criminal check you get from the local police department but most likely a background check that is more thorough in order to catch any felonies which could disqualify an applicant. Furthermore, there is a good moral character clause and the purpose for the 6 year conditional status and the subsequent 5 year period before applying for citizenship means that the applicant would go through an 11 year trial where if they commit certain crimes they would not be allowed for naturalization.

In-state tuition is really being bent out of proportion. First of all, it does not say that the state will have to grant in-state tuition, that will be up to the voters if they want to consider a conditional resident for in-state tuition charges, second of all, US citizens do not get in-state tuition for schools out side of their state, the same applies to undocumented immigrants, they would only get in-state tuition if the states decides to grant this to them in the state where they officially reside and right now the states that do grant in-state tuition to undocumented youth require that they have at least graduated from their high schools and have attended their public system for usually x-number of years.

We are not talking about just 2 years of college education or 2 years of military service, note bene there is a time stamp for this bill and 7 years after being enacted there will be a report stating its successes and failures, its section 11 the GAO report, essentially terminating the DREAM act unless its voted through if determined to be very successful. All this means that there are going to be applicants that have not finished high school that would be required to complete the requirements. The 2 year requirement is most likely going to be the 2 year associate degree from a community college or 2 years of a 4 year degree at an accredited university.

As for their ability to petition family members, they will attain naturalization 11 years after applying, no if and not but, they have the same 6 year conditional status period regardless of whether they apply early or late, and 5 years in permanent resident status before qualifying to apply for citizenship. If they came here illegally with their parents then the parents will have to leave the country to apply in the consulate located in their native country, automatically activating a 10-year ban before they can even consider entering legally. If they are petition for a non-immediate family member the process can be considerably lengthy in some cases as much as two decades,

I really feel this is just fear mongering at its worst intended to cause unnecessary panic by greatly distorting the truth so people feel they have to be against the DREAM Act or else they could be in grave danger. Just read the bill as I cited above, its not such a complicated read, took me about 7 minutes to read and understand, its in plain english no obscene use of complex terms or anything like that.
edit on 21-11-2010 by BuckyC60 because: added a couple words

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