Please let me inform those not in the know, now this is not really a conspiracy theory more like a conspiracy fact.
What we know:
The earth is basically a large salt water capacitor (salty oceans and iron, etc...) storing a charge of around 96,000 volts at present (expect this to
change soon).
Now we use some basic electrical knowledge, what happens when you put capacitors in series?
Now according to electric universe theory, (There should be a forum for the electric universe subject as its a massive cover up, the biggest of all
time). it has been proven that electricy moves from planet to planet, solar system to solar system, galaxy to galaxy. So when the alignment occurs in
2012 it is going to be the same as lining up a series of capacitors, the earth is going to get charged, big time.
This is why the russians are building the 5000 underground bunkers for 2012.
Watch "Thunderbolts of the Gods" on google ot youtube and you should be able to work the rest out for yourselves as you are all quite bright on this
My predictions (well not really predictions, just logical thinking according to the electric universe theory)
1. The charge of the earth (currently 96,000 volts) will rise, (I expect this is happening at present)
2. Changes to the magnetosphere (this is to be expected as alignment takes place)
3. Pole Shifts (this may happen more than once), this is a proven fact, the magnetic poles are directly a result of the earths current electrical
charge (you can't have magnetic fields without ELECTRICTY!!)
4. More lightening (a lot more as charges build up in the earths core due to the capacitor alignment)
5. More unstable weather (not global warming due to man kind) but due to the electrical sun theory, a direct result of electric universe theory.
6. Larger solar flares as more electrical charge flows into the sun.
7. More EM radiation from the sun.
8. More earthquakes as the earths core charge builds up
9. More volcanoes as the earths core charge builds up
Hope that clears everything up for everyone, oh and by the way, I hope you all realise that TPTB knew this years ago, but still refuse to tell anyone
to prepare themselves and their families.