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Being Gay - permanent or temporary?

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posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:26 AM
when i was in high school, it was pretty obvious who was gay. which means they were gay from WAY early on.

i think most of the people are born gay.

then you got your 'adventurers' who go out, get blasted, have fun, and whoever is around at the end of the night, well, they just continue the party together.

i was a bouncer at a few new york city clubs. i can tell you first hand i saw many guys and girls who were just out for the good time and went bi for the evening.

a TON of girls i know have played around. and i talked to a bunch of my gay friends, and they tell me 'you would be surprised.' even in small college bar towns, 'you would be surprised.'

so my theory is.
85% of the homosexuals are born gay.
15% of the bisexuals are doing it cause they are free spirits.

but that is just my theory! who knows for sure.
if anyone saw that adam sandler movie where he married a guy for insurance, there was a gay kid in that. if they can find a kid that young gay, its from birth.

and i was raised catholic, but i am not stupid. i have even confronted elitist priests who condemned homosexuals! the priest was so hypnotized, he said, 'its my sermon, i can say what i want.'

at that point i just walked out. i tried to reach the guy, but he was lost to the old men in robes.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Maybe your time would be better spend accepting you are gay (or at least Bi) rather than messing with your own head believing stuff that might cleanse your true identity to reflect the moral standards of those whom you call society.

Just live your life and let these questions that need no answer be. Perhaps you can one day look yourself in the eyes again.
I sense a deeply troubled young mind struggling with his past and his surroundings.

Sad to see from this topic that there's so much obviously disturbed people reading these hateful mind altering scriptures. The kabbala guy was kinda scary hope you get help soon.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:24 AM
I haven't read the whole thread, so forgive me if I repeat some things, but here's my opinion.

You relay an experience from YOUR life and then automatically assume that, because you had this particular experience, it means that everyone will have that same experience if they just do what you did. That is extremely flawed thinking.

Secondly, you assume that gay people would WANT to change if they could. Another incorrect assumption. There's nothing wrong with being gay. Why should they want to change any more than straight people would want to become gay?

I believe that everyone's sexuality lies somewhere on a continuum, one end being strict heterosexuality and the other end being strict homosexuality, with bisexuality being right in the center. Most of us lie somewhere in between the two extremes. So, you got bored with women because of the constant porn stimulation and got interested in men for a little while. So what? It doesn't mean anything other than you're not totally heterosexual. Most of us aren't.

Your experience wasn't some great scientific discovery that you can use to apply to everyone OR make silly assumptions like 'homosexuality can be healed' or anything. It was just your experience. Many of us straight people have experiences with same sex relationships, or would if there weren't so much negative dogma around it. You haven't proven anything, other than the fact that you have been open to gay experiences at one point, but you're probably closer to the heterosexual end of the continuum...

Please don't apply your experiences to everyone. Everyone is different.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by dontreally
Well if you looked at the subject from a NATURAL

implying quite obviously that those who disagree with you have an 'unnatural' view...

philosophical perspective, as i do, you would appreciate that the creator of reality reveals himself through nature.

you mean like those bisexual monkeys I saw that documentary about...?

who wont accept to the contrary, male and female go together because male is half of a whole, and only a female can fill that other half.

so again, are those bisexual monkeys and your own scripture trying to tell you something there buddy?

Also, dont tell me that homosexuality exists in nature so god is telling us its ok. No.

each to their own I say as long as they aren't directly hurting anyone..

Regardless of whether you think this is true or not, you have to at least admit

I do not have to admit anything and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
See different people have different perspectives,
we don't all see things the same way or experience things the same way and your perspective is not automatically the correct one just because it is yours. Theres no such thing as 'the correct perspective' anyway.
so when you say "you gotta admit...blah" its like the difference between saying "that IS crap"
or "i THINK that is crap",
see what I mean?

intelligent creatures which have the power to know "one thing from another, and reflect upon its deeper meaning" understand that a certain behavior is wrong, and shameful, and below our dignity.

hmm thats a good point,
makes me think that addressing your arguments at all may have been wrong,
shameful and below my dignity...

I'm just glad I'm Agnostic...

edit on 15/11/10 by B.Morrison because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket

Now, I simplify. And yes, there are cases in which a homosexual choosing to abstain from sex may be of benefit. And yes, the "psychic release" from homsexual sex may have impact on the surrounding environment. But I'm not convinced that telling people to weld closed their release valves is the best solution.

edit on 15-11-2010 by LordBucket because: (no reason given)

Theres a big difference between repression, as youve described it, and intellingently managing strong emotional urges.

I agree that there is no such urge like the sexual inclination. So, i can imagine that keeping yourself from acting can be hard. There are alternatives though to anal sex. Like, masturbation; that right there releases the valve and returns you to a state of relaxation (although that aswell contributes to the spiritual dross in the atmoshpere).

But again, the above only applies to someone who sees his urges as a problem. What i dont understand are those who have the urges, dont like them, and still engage in sexual behavior with other gay men/women. I was reading a particular story about a gay orthodox Jewish teen who would meet up with a gay friend, they would kiss, hug, masturbate in front of each other, perform fallatio, do everything but anal because its prohibited in the Torah (it in fact says you shall not lay with a man as one does with a woman. I would imagine that means more than simply, do not have anal sex, but rather, do not engage in ANY sexual practices with members of the same sex)

So, masturbation is definitely an outlet for people with that urge, and being a man with similar urges, i can understand the need to do that once in awhile if you find yourself tense or nervous. But you have to do so much more to go to anal. I know that sometimes your sexual desire can possess you, and have you do a series of actions that leads to the ultimate fullfilment of that desire. I know; ive experienced it. To someone who doesnt know how to manage these things in a healthy and constructive way, simple repression wont work very well. What i ussually do is i focus that energy towards other practices which i convince myself will provide me with the satisfaction that im seeking in sex; or other times i somehow strip away the image content itself and see it for what it actually is, a delusion, a complete and utter false 'wrapping' that has me completely possessed by it. This is particularly magical because when it happens i know longer see the purpose in sex. But other times, i dont 'want' to do that, because im bored and want to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from an orgasm,fantasy etc.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:09 PM
Well, the OP knows how to open a can of worms.

As someone said earlier (too lazy to quote) if nature is the expression of creation then why is homosexuality found in nature? Is it because homosexuality is natural? Possibly, one would have to ask if it is genetic. Evidence has suggested as such. Would there even be a use for homosexuality in nature? Yes, but only among species with a social structure. Even if we consider for a moment that the genetic expression of this trait is an error of some sort,whether spiritually, physically, mentally, whatever, it would appear as though the trait is self-destructive, upon first glance. Obviously natural selection dictates that their sexual fitness would be 0 or close to 0, but when this trait arises in a socially structured species, their fitness could be measured much the same way as a salamander "steals" it's fitness from another male.(One male convinces the female to breed then while he's "mounting up" the second male will slip inbetween them and mate with the female instead, thereby stealing the original male's fitness.)

Now, obviously, or at least I hope, there's not a bunch of homos waiting in your closet to pop out at just the right time to muck up your "fitness"

You may be thinking "Well that salamander isn't a homo, he's just opportunistic." (maybe he's bi... *rimshot*)

The underlying concept is the passing of the genetic material (Fitness if you haven't been keeping up.)

What happens in certain african frog species when there is an over abundance of one sex? Some portions of the population spontaneously change sex. (yeah jurassic park sh#t, i know) This is an effort to prolong the life span of the species, as a whole. These frogs aren't choosing to change sex, they just do. As a result their numbers begin to swell when they approach the optimum mating ratio. Again, they're not a social animal though.... but humans are....

So what do we make of all this gender bending, and sexual confusion... there must be an underlying concept.... might it be propogation of the species?

Now, regardless of your feelings on the behavior of homosexuals, what are your regards to them as people. Bedroom desires aside? Most people know a gay person or two, most people would say they have no problem with gay people, they're just people. Now I ask the question to those of you with gay relatives, gay uncles and aunts for your children. Do you feel as though your children are safe with them, do you feel that your genetic legacy, our species future in essence, is in jeopardy when you let Uncle Ted and Dan watch little Billy for the night? Probably not, because Uncle Ted is your brother, you love him, trust him. Infact Uncle Ted is helping you sustain your genetic legacy, he's protecting it and allowing it to reach the age of productive sexual fitness.

Don't forget though... Uncle Ted is your brother, half of him, is half of you... by ensuring your sexual fitness, he's also gaining half of it just by ensuring your child attains sexually maturity and a fitness of >0.

Now I don't suppose to know the exact workings of our universe, life, psychology, meta physics, or god.

All I suppose is that he designed a system that's a little bit Deeper than which hole you like to play with.
edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing
I have been reading much into neuroplasticity, and I use to be of the thought that Homosexuality is an inbuilt irreversible "condition" like heterosexuality. It seems that this is wrong now. You can activate and inactivate genes through mental conditioning and environment. You can change people that are labeled "retarded" such as autistic and individuals with cognitive deficiencies, into "normal" functioning human beings.

It seems that if someone really wants to, he can become heterosexual through strict conditiong long enough for the gene or brain-region to re-wire itself in the manner of a heterosexual.

I know of a man who got into a serious car accident, which left him with a gaping hole in his back. The pain was excruciating. The above man was a Orthodox Jew and so his rabbi came to him and told him to cultivate his faith and pray atleast 4 hours a day (a very long period of time for someone is such intense pain). He did this over a period of 2 or 3 months to the amazement of his doctors, his back had completely healed itself. Tissue grew and covered the hole.

The above is a case of a very serious physical injury. Homosexuality is a much easier problem top manage as youre not needing to grow new physical tissue, but simply reorient an attitude which in itself is emotional in nature, even if it manifests as a chemical imbalance on the physical level.
edit on 15-11-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by ThinkOutsideTheBox

Now I don't suppose to know the exact workings of our universe, life, psychology, meta physics, or god.

All I suppose is that he designed a system that's a little bit Deeper than which hole you like to play with.

Im not sure how you define deep.

To see every aspect of this world as a projection of a spiritual concept or idea, to me, is deep and highly meaningful (this is the metaphysical world percieved by kabbalah).

The ancient egyptians for instance had their holy of holies in the mouth portion of the "temple of man". In mystical thought, the 'mouth' is the source of separation, in that words become separated after you speak them (and we all know the power words can have, even after we speak them). In Hebrew, the word for egypt, Mitzrayim, is from the root for 'limitation'. This root provides words that describe some sort of limitation. As pain, to withhold, a strait, etc. Im only mentioning this because ancient languages like Hebrew look at reality in this very way; physical things are in themselves merely parallels or representations of ideas, crystalized in physical form.

So, what could be deeper than this? Honestly? The above idea doesnt preclude a universe of science; it infact encompasses it (look at how Newton, Einstein, both studied kabbalah to find their inspiration).

The rectum is the part of the body that releases physical waste. Physicality in the greater scheme, in the dualistic universe, corresponds with evil. Not that it is evil, just its flux is towards evil, while spirituality is towards good. The physicality that we ingest which contains sparks of 'holiness' is integrated and used by the body, while the dross and waste is processed and eventually released. To stick ones member, a symbol for ones essence (as one can pass his entire being through the phallus and create another person) into the nether region, the ass, one is spiritually defiling himself in a very serious and damaging way. This is why occultists engage in this behavior to contact demonic powers.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I will merely speak words that have been spoken before: The wisest man is the one who realizes they know nothing.

Like I said, I don't claim to know how the system works, some people do. On a personal level I put the act of coppulation at one of the highest emotional, psychological, and spiritual acts. A lot of people may have the belief that coppulation is merely for reproduction only, seemingly lack of any higher attachement than that of "spewing DNA at each other."

As for the "depth" to which you were refferring, it could be said to amount to little more than occult or ancient symbolism. I firmly believe that there is a knowledge that modern man is lacking in our society, but I also believe we have made great strides of our own. To accept that ancient man is always right and modern man wrong, is the same trap as believing everything modern man has accomplished is right. No matter what, it's all shades of grey, and most likely far beyond our comprehension. Lofted as our ideas are, they merely scratch the surface of the mysteries of the universe.

When the subject of homosexuality comes into play, you're talking about something deeper than which hole we're playing with. Why do you think homosexuality is a "hot button" issue? It's strange, it's different, it's part of the human experience, which all religions basically agree, boils down to love. There's more to consider than which hole and which half of the brain is involved in this decision. It's emoitional, psychologicial,social, spiritual, hell the "decision" is even economical.

How deep does the rabbit hole REALLY go? How much can one claim to know about another person, better yet, a group of people, even all people?
edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: missing word, lol

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Sounds like you are just experiencing HOCD

Look it up.

A lot of straight blokes suffer it.

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by ThinkOutsideTheBox
reply to post by dontreally

I will merely speak words that have been spoken before: The wisest man is the one who realizes they know nothing.

Like I said, I don't claim to know how the system works, some people do. On a personal level I put the act of coppulation at one of the highest emotional, psychological, and spiritual acts. A lot of people may have the belief that coppulation is merely for reproduction only, seemingly lack of any higher attachement than that of "spewing DNA at each other."

As for the "depth" to which you were refferring, it could be said to amount to little more than occult or ancient symbolism. I firmly believe that there is a knowledge that modern man is lacking in our society, but I also believe we have made great strides of our own. To accept that ancient man is always right and modern man wrong, is the same trap as believing everything modern man has accomplished is right. No matter what, it's all shades of grey, and most likely far beyond our comprehension. Lofted as our ideas are, they merely scratch the surface of the mysteries of the universe.

When the subject of homosexuality comes into play, you're talking about something deeper than which hole we're playing with. Why do you think homosexuality is a "hot button" issue? It's strange, it's different, it's part of the human experience, which all religions basically agree, boils down to love. There's more to consider than which hole and which half of the brain is involved in this decision. It's emoitional, psychologicial,social, spiritual, hell the "decision" is even economical.

How deep does the rabbit hole REALLY go? How much can one claim to know about another person, better yet, a group of people, even all people?
edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-11-2010 by ThinkOutsideTheBox because: missing word, lol

This is why i was reticent to make a thread about the morality of homosexuality. People like me are clearly on the decline, and the popular, ancient pagan view that all experiences are valid, is ascendant. Its like a flea trying to beat up a rhino. At most i can 'irritate' it, but not enough to effect any change. The clout is simply to great.

Like i wrote in an earlier post to lordbucket, certain actions affect a unification with the upper, divine reality, while others sever man from that connection. In essence, this is about mans responsibility. Response - being the key word in responsibility. We perceive a natural world that displays before us an interplay between masculine and feminine energies. The masculine is active and gives, while the femine recieves and gives expression. Hence, G-d seen as a 'male' and nature as a female. The unseen force, G-d acts upon the seen force, nature.

The fact that, as i just attempted to explain, the rectum is associated with waste and thus evil, we should realize thats its not befitting a creature capable of infering such relationships to engage in sodomy. If we find it in nature, as some say, thats nature. The one thing about other creatures that we humans do not share, is an immutability in its behavior. A duck cant reflect on itself and stop being a duck. A duck is a duck. A cat a cat and a dog, a dog. A human, however, CAN, in his essential, intrinic nature, change himself. The fact that he percieves a metaphysical correspondence in his physical body to a greater concept, that is, good and evil, should inform him that he should live in union with this metaphysical reality. Just as our body takes and integrates the good, and expels the 'evil' wasteful matter, so to should we take the good, and reject the evil we percieve in reality. Actions which affirm a unity, like love, kindness, charity, friendship, empathy, anything that unites us with the essential reality, which is undifferentiated, binds us to that reality because the action itself was connective. Conversely, actions of the opposite nature, hate, slander, theft etc have the opposite effect. they are a refutation of unity, and create a disunity, between creatures, and thus between the revealed 'feminine' creation, ie us, and everything else, and the unknowable source of reality, G-d.

Also, there are other forms of excision from the divine. Selfishness, gluttony, egotism, all separate people from the divine unity. What am i in the larger pciture? as you said, the beginning of wisdom is taht none of us know anything (yet paradoxically, there are things to be known, both in a metaphysical and physical sense). So why pretend that our desires are the most important thing? Why entertain delusions of personal power? We all die and eventually become nothing, So, why not merge with the collective reality by having the wisdom to know that the only 'something' is not you, but that above reality. We are in truth, nothing. Yet paradoxically, we become something when we merge with that unified reality.

So, immoral sexual practices that are done for the pleasure of the experience itself, are self absorbed, and thus sever yourself and reality in general from a complete union with the divine presence. Anal sex is particularly bad because of the above metaphysical significance i explained that the act has. Actual occultists (and you can find this in the writings of Crowley) since ancient times have known this and so have engaged in this behavior to enter that state of consciousness needed to commune with demonic powers. It is the ultimate 'separation' from divinity. And, i know a few gay people, and even though they can be nice many of them have serious emotional problems and are completely absorbed in sexuality/promiscuity, hence, the high occurence of aids in their communities. They lack self control.

This is my particular view, which is based primarely on Judaism. But im sure there are others who would agree that this behavior is not good and should be avoided. Some spiritual traditions, it is true, advocate homosexual behavior. This is particularly true with Hinduism/Tantra. But, Hinduism in itself can be very 'demonic' and hellish with some of its beliefs, even if its sophisticated, they commit the great sin of severing this lower world, the feminine, from the divine source of reality. Hence, most of these illicit practices are associated with the goddess Kali (who lends her name to the state of california - lit. Kali - Fornia, "fornication with kali", and given the esoteric significance of cali, and the type of mentality gushing forth from hollywood, this doesnt seem to be coincidental, but deliberate).
edit on 15-11-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

That was a very well written reply. Though I do agree with most of what you said, I was simply replying to the question if homosexuality was permanent or temporary. Having said that, the idea that it is taboo is mostly a relic from the theocratic days when religion dominated the running of a civilisation. Even then, there were still moments of homosexuality that were tolerated and accepted, it all depended on the religion.

For example, in certian classical societies homosexual relations among infantry was encouraged to promote harder fighting in battle. I will be more specific and simply state that the idea of homosexuality being taboo and/or outright heretical stems from the abrahamaic religions,namely Christianity.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by KingDoey
Sounds like you are just experiencing HOCD

Look it up.

A lot of straight blokes suffer it.

Either that or he's simply bisexual.

Something which he considers as an insult

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
So it's not an argument about whether or not people can be made to change... The fact that they can be altered is already accepted fact. The issue, really, is how this forced change effects the persons who undergo it. And the answers seem to be that many do not undergo these changes without deep rooted emotional or psychological scars. Just spend a few hours getting to know a few combat vets at your local VFW and you can get a good idea of the residual effects of this conditioning.

Thats a very unfair comparison

Youre comparing people trained to murder - often innocent people, to people who reorient their sexual inclination to a more healthy one?

Not only do the people who manage to affect this change live relatively normal lives - and become much happier for it, but theyre able to fulfill a role and purpose in this world that all people at the root of their being want to fullfill; that is, perpetuate themselves on this earth through their children.

How can the above be compared at all to soldiers trained to ignore their conscience? And, also, there are no 'deep rooted psychological' consquences, if the person goes about his treatment in a intelligent matter. The idea that ones natural inclinations have to be heeded is a psychological fallacy, invented by the early psychologists and made dogma so people today wouldnt be able to challenge the academic establishment, and thus be forced to accept the 'status quo' or face being cast as a social 'outcast', or as people today term it, not "forward thinking". Everyones been trained this is whats good, mainly because their manner of education doesnt touch on the real, metaphysical truths of reality. You, for instance, consider looking at matters in a purely physical sense as equal to metaphysics. That is such a Greek idea. Well, in truth, whats more important, the cause or the effect? Should the effect ignore its cause and pretend it wasnt brought about from it? The way to unify the two is through recognizing and responding, so, the metaphysical truths of reality are much more important, and the 'physical perspective' must defer and humble itself before its cause.

An unhealthy, that is, unnatural sexual predilection that can be corrected through intensive repitition and therapy wont leave one with a repressed emotional monster seeking to come out, anymore than one who overcomes a depression or a phobia is 'repressing' that emotional complex because he no longer experiences it. Emotions are not commands, and ones sexual inclination is at the root of it, the consquence of emotional scars that occurred in childhood. Instead of trying to uncover those issues and reconcile the gender confusion the person is dealing with, were told thats its not 'morally' right to question someones sexual preferences. But really, its not right, neither in a physical sense, in that sodomy is clearly wrong and unhealthy, and its in the interest of the species for all of its members to propagate, but especially in a spiritual sense (ie; ones essential self yearns for fullfilment by uniting with its other half)

Anywho, i was merely pointing out that the condition can be corrected. Not in how you described it, which is a completely ridiculous comparison. Honestly, what you descrbied was a situation in where one abandons his conscience, his moral sense, whereas here one is honing, and exercising his conscience by realizing that his current desires are unhealthy, and certainly arent preferable to living a life in which he can meet his other half and have a family. Correcting the problem isnt any more unhealthy than one with a serious emotional disturbance, either from childhood or later on in life, which he eventually resolves. Not only is that perfectly possible, but its quite healthy and actually rounds your personality as a person. One who learns to overcome his emotional limitations is rewarded with an enormous sense of self empowerment.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by dontreally

It's an absolute fair comparison as you as skewing your position upon the notion that being gay is abhorrent or unnatural. Forcing anyone to betray their self-identity is tantamount to brainwashing. There is no two ways about it. And seeking to claim that you know what is best for them is ill advised as it's the thinking of all those who seek to be tyrants.


posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by dontreally

It's an absolute fair comparison as you as skewing your position upon the notion that being gay is abhorrent or unnatural. Forcing anyone to betray their self-identity is tantamount to brainwashing. There is no two ways about it. And seeking to claim that you know what is best for them is ill advised as it's the thinking of all those who seek to be tyrants.


It IS unnatural. What about a man and a women going together strikes you as being forced, or unnatural?

And again, how can you define yourself based on what sex your attracted to? Some people are into S@M, Beatiality, Pedophilia, and a host of other disturbed sexual behaviors because theyve opened themselves up to that experience, and therefore have cultivated the attitude. Do they become beastilists? Or S&Mer's?

If you bother studying subjects like Kabbalah, which goes much deeper than contemporary psychology is willing to go, you'll understand that ones sexual preference is conditioned by two separate behavior 'spheres', which in turn are ruled over by two inner emotional powers which are flanks to the self (tiferet in the tree of life diagram). Being gay, is not natural, and not only that, it deprives you of a reality that all people truly desire to experience. A Wife, Children.'

To someone depressed and suicidal, the prospect of happiness is lost to them. They think its 'impossible' for them to experience. Why? Because theyre trapped and possessed by the archetype of depression or whatever complex that controls their egoic consciousness. But once one begins to assert control and confidence over his emotional array, he moves out of its control and begins to exercise autonomy.

So how can you compare people trained to ignore the highest expression of who they are, that is, their consience (their ability to unify disparate realities) to someone with a confused gender attraction? Literally, the former become sociopaths. While the latter simply correct a sexual confusion.

How can anyone make that comparison. Its absolutely horrible.

If its the moral question that bothers you, fine, if you think like an existentialist - everything is ok, than thats one thing. But to lie and say one correcting a sexual confusion is tantamount to the evils committed by the military on their soldiers, is remarkably offensive, especially to those who not only manage to change their sexual 'inclination', but also despise the idea that theyre defined as a person by their homosexual tendencies. Its absurd. Its like saying someone depressed is 'depressed' and if he were to be experiencing happiness it would only be due to his 'repression' of his 'natural' depressive feelings.
edit on 16-11-2010 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by dontreally

I been meaning to make some comments on this thread and its been on my mind for days now. All I can really say is that no you dont' have to be gay all the way forever but maybe you might be. Its' up to you really. Just cause you have some funny ideas or are into some funny things dont' mean nothing-- thats' just what ya like, ya see?

If everybudy would keep their snouts outta other peoples business we could all do what we likes and not be judged (just ask me, I'm getting judged all the time for crap I don't even do

If ya are into guys in dresses so what? Maybe try lookin at broads dressed up as guys (same thing ya know). Somebuddy gives you a problem just tell em "Hey pal, mind your own business-- I'm not forcing you to look at muscle men-- that's just for me and my stuff!'
That'll tell them and they'll shut the heck up.

If ya wanna be gay its' no big whoop, pal, just be yourself and have fun

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by dontreally
It IS unnatural. What about a man and a women going together strikes you as being forced, or unnatural?

You seem to be an educated person, but yet to learn to pay attention as the proof that it IS natural was already presented in this very same thread. If you would bother sticking your nose out of that kabbalah of yours you could find male dogs jumping on each other in a park near you... (not gonna give you the other examples as they already were given)

Perhaps you can imagine an isolated tribe thousands of years ago .... What do you think that nature (or god if you like) decided to do to prevent a bunch of cavemen from killing each other when there was only one hottie left in their tribe ?

They became gay. Accept it. It's just a solution to a problem, get your facts straight or try to at least think a little further than just the act of making babies... doesn't do nature any good if those babies kill each other right? Hope that explanation makes sense to you, just a way of your god to make sure he has the final say and not nature

Seems to me that you haven't had the chance to explore mankind and are fixated on what "truths" your book holds.
Not sure either what book would classify human feces as evil, that's just silly. Does show why that book came from a place that's been a desert for over centuries.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 02:13 PM
Everything is possible in this world. I was born straight but became gay at 15.

I'm proud to be gay and ... you know, live life to the fullest.

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by dontreally

I am glad personally i never like females, or the thought of them. I never bothered pretending either as i could not be bothered and i am glad.

So the idea of pretending for a brief period to be straight, is something i thought off, but i never had any real feelings to pretend in the physical sense, and i am glad today.

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