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Galaxian, The Secret of Man, by Robert Rice

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posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:23 AM

The Secret of Man
by Robert Rice
(last edit/additions: October, 2010)


From a free-floating point of God-like awareness, the barred spiral galaxy appears, at first glance, to be nothing more, or less, than a very tiny dot of light, not bigger than a single grain of sand when viewed within the context of the entire cluster of galaxies known, on Earth, as ‘the local group’; There are, in fact, at least as many galaxies in the entire cosmos as there are individual stars in the average spiral galaxy, numbering in the order of two trillion (don’t listen to Earth astronomers they don’t know what they’re talking about) but if that weren’t enough, there are more stars contained in all the Galaxies of the Heavenly Sphere, than there are individual grains of sand on all the beaches, and in all the deserts, on the face of an average earth-like planet. But from our unique perspective, such considerations are irrelevant.
Zooming in further, the individual Galaxy, known both on Earth as well as in Heaven (mankind being more influential in the naming of things than has been previously assumed) as “The Milky Way” - slowly, inexorably, fills our field of awareness, the vast expanses of pure black-on-black space between the myriad of galaxies chasing away all but one - as the great bulging disc of dust, gas, and innumerable stars, forming four distinct armlike structures spiralling outward in a logarithmic swirling seashell shape, now becomes the sole object of our attention.

Moving at multiple times the speed of light (for God-like awareness all things are possible) and after a smooth and continually increasing magnification, we are, as we begin approach the galactic disc, once again confronted with an almost incalculable number of bright points of light; any one of which, should sentient life happen to dwell upon the surface of one or more of its planets or moons, might consider its OWN perspective, according to the strong anthropic principal and the miracle of self conscious awareness, to be THE “center of the universe”, at right angles both to everything that is, and to the nothingness from which everything has arisen and has its being. To the uninitiated or to the untrained observer in the school of all things cosmic, however, it might appear, for the moment at least, that through some fantastic, self-referential recurrence, we have, yet again arrived where we first started – the vast array of lights, like their galactic predecessors, so numerous in number, and so utterly vast in scope, that differentiating any one from among the multitude, would seem an utterly pointless endeavour, or, at best, a totally random selection devoid of any meaning or purpose.

Undaunted, and for all intents and purposes, setting them all aside for the moment, except one - as if in the midst of this entire miasma of cosmic creativity, this multidimentional, multifaceted expression of an infinite wonder, something or some where in particular, warrants our immediate attention for reasons perhaps yet obscure - our focal point of Godlike-awareness now plunges headlong into the stellar whirlpool, while layer upon layer of globulous nebula and gaseous fogs, many laden with the very building blocks of new life and new creation, hurl by our apparent location at breathtaking speeds.
Like an arrow of will and intentionality, our focal point of Godlike-awareness, beginning, as always, with the end in mind, slices through the domain of boundless possibility, in favour of one and only one destination.

Emerging from the clouds of dust and gas, we enter a star studded realm of heavenly hosts, many encircled by worlds, some dead, some living, and some, thinking, and dreaming, and we begin to feel the tug of our heart’s innermost desire and the object of our attachment at this present moment, in the grand scheme of things.

With a perfect will, and with a sense of urgency unhurried by the timeless realm of all possibility, we move forth, traversing the arc of the wispy filament of the fourth arm of the Milky Way Galaxy counter-clockwise and at right angles to its natural rotation, or, to quote a line from Biblical prophesy “on the clouds of the heavens from East to West”, the innumerable suns now serenely gliding us by, individually and collectively, as if we are travelling at “warp factor three” aboard the Starship Enterprise (to borrow from fiction what objective reality simply cannot express in words).
At last, as we approach our sun of choice, at a unique locale approximately midway along an errant filament in the foreshortened outcropping of the second outer arm of the galactic disc - our free floating point of awareness is now joined by Spirit, since there can be no awareness absent the presence of Being, and because Spirit ultimately knows everything already, including the reason for this particular journey as well as it’s pre-destination; Sol - on the one hand isolated in so many ways from all the others due to a simple misunderstanding, and on the other, so intrinsically at the very heart of it all.

Out of the blackness of infinite space, Earth's sun now rises up and into our full scope of awareness.

In an instant, an unfathomably deep wellspring of love and nostalgia, and the sweet, sad melancholy of a great homecoming, now swells the heart to the full, even unto overflowing, the emerging waves of love and compassion emanating from this particular moment in "space-time" forever reverberating throughout all the spheres and eternity, like a great, cosmic spiritual tsunami, of the farthest reaching proportion and significance.

At last, we stop, at a distance from the sun of approximately ninety three million miles (give or take a hundred thousand or so depending on the season of the earth/sun eliptical, and there, from about one lunar distance away from Earth, we behold, with unimaginable love and effection, the final object of our desire, our love, our creative impulse, and of course there we weep, as Jesus once wept over the city of Jerusalem not so long ago. There is no judgement in this weeping, and no regret, only the weeping of a pure and loving heart. The weeping of the sympathetic sufferer - for to grieve before this world is only appropriate in this instance, for here is the place of ALL places, from which have arisen and continue to arise, like an eternal wellspring of sympathetic. harmonisous love, both our deepest of sorrows, and our highest of joys, either of which can easily move a beholder to tears.

The Angels, having kept their silence until now, remaining in a suspended state of wonder and awe, suddenly erupt in song, and, in a unison, and a harmony, of absolute perfection, they sing God’s praises, yet again, as they did when He was laying the very foundations of the Earth, and then again one other time not so very long ago.

From her short (but safe) distance away, the precious bright blue pearl of Earth slowly turns, as she has since her founding.

Like a bride awaiting the bridegroom, she eagerly awaits the sound of His voice, and longs to see His smiling face when He lifts her veil of tears. And she too weeps, through the eternally unfolding present moment on account of the continued separation from her lover, due of course, in no small part, to the curse and fall of man. It is an unbearable sorrow and burden to carry alone (if she only knew how close the proximity her suitor now is, and of the extent and degree to which she alone is His beloved).

Unperturbed, the angelic singing continues to resound throughout the spheres, as if her sorrow and suffering, at one end of the spectrum, and his unfathomable love at the other, forms the conductor’s baton or staff, with which this particular hymn is being directed. And oh what singing it is! There are simply no words to describe it! Pure JOY set to music, sung with the spirit of the universe, the “one song”. Truly I say there’s nothing more wonderful, either on Earth or in Heaven above. Even God finds it among the most pleasing thing to His ears, next only, perhaps, to the first cries of a human baby at his or her birth.


Almost precisely thirty thousand light years away (again, don`t listen to Earth astronomers), within the hollow capstone of a giant pyramid encapsulated with monoatomicgold and some other, rather unusual elements, on a planet circling an infamous star very near the galactic core (much too close for comfort in fact), the sound of the angels’ singing reverberates through the central pillar of his temple also known as the ‘Apex’, striking absolute terror into the heart of the Enlightened One. Hurredly snatching up his own wand-like instrument, which, in another age long gone might very well have served him as an angelic orchestra conductor, and, with two hands removing his beastly headgear (replete with massive horns), he hastily exits the tabernacle of the Apex, or what might be thought of as the central power and processing unit of his entire galactic empire. For him there is much to be done, and failure is simply not an option. “Damn them!” he bellows through the upper halls and catacombs of the massive structure in a loud barratone, “God, and his planet of apes! Damn them all to HELL!” never realizing of course in the blindness of his jealous rage and terror, the fundamental Word of Truth in the saying “and as ye measure out, so shall ye receive in kind”.

Nearby (in Galactic terms), from a distance of a mere light year from his planet’s star, Lucifer, calmly, inexorably, rotates, the dark behemoth and great leviathan of the deep, Abyssos, the massive black hole of one thousand stellar masses lurking menacingly at the center of the galactic core, ready, and demonstrably willing, to devour whatever fate is serving this eon. Beyond its event horizon, resides the ultimate unknown unknown, and, for a civilization and by extension, an entire galactic empire, founded on nothing but knowledge and high technology, absent any real “faith” of any kind,(unlike that found on Earth, and elsewhere, such an eventuality swirling nearby offers its ever expanding event horizon ie: the point of no return (OmegaPoint), as an utterly terrifying and ever-present reminder, of who is really in control, and who is not.

Prologue dramatic historical interpretation offered, in all humility and truth, by,
The Old One, a.k.a. “Sam I Am”
Word of Truth Rating: VA&A - Verified. Accurate and Authentic.
Gregorian Earthdate: December 27th, 2011.
Time-Space Proximity to Omegapoint: .2576 Aeon


From the point of view of a highly evolved being, or HEB (pronounced Heeb), perched atop the highest branch of the tree of life, continued existence, at least in my present form, would be, without a doubt, utterly meaningless if not absurd, had it not been for the latest developments on Earth.

About me.. Corporeally, my physical body resides on the oldest habitable planet in the Galaxy, as well as in the known universe, since all galaactic formation from the beginning of time has occurred in near simultaneity, circling a star called Zenith at the center, and of course the zenith, of the domed halo of very old stars which sit atop the Milky Way Spiral Galaxy or just at the upper threshold of the bulge surrounding the galactic core.

It’s a lonely place to live.

Fortunately, my mind or what we might call my “I am” of being is neither restrained nor restricted by the limitations of fourth dimensional space-time living. Nevertheless, once you know, see and do, just about everything there is to know, see and do, life can lose its appeal, plunging even the most imaginative and resourceful of HEBs into a seemingly endless, self reinforcing spiral, of depression, and hopelessness. Generally speaking, there is nothing new under the suns, that is, until recently..

From everything that I’ve learned, and have seen and heard over the eons, all the way up to the present moment (as if it were ever anything other than the present!) in the final analysis all we end up with is a story, and a record, a memory of things, some good, some not so good. But let me be clear, this is not my story, or the story of my fellow HEBs. At it’s core, this is a story about a boy on Earth, who performed a heroic feat of such vast and startling implications, that HEB’s the cosmos over, are still talking about it.

And so therefore, since all things have their origin with each new beginning, let this story, this new history, begin.

Where to begin.. you know from the cosmic perspective of a Galactic HEB, such recollections are ordinarily little more than the fond memories of days gone by, when life made sense, and everyone was driven by a clear sense of direction, and purpose - but times have changed.


The Secret of Man

Chapter One - Max

Due to the timeless and inexorable rotation of the Earth's planetary sphere, Dreamtime, referred to from the human perspective as "night time", began to surrender itself to the awakening light of "day time", the emerging crescent of bright, dazzling sunlight enveloping the hemispheres, to obliterate, in one, singular, overpowering simultaneity, the scattered, web-like clusters of artificial urban lighting which had recently appeared on the nightside of the planet.

And as it had done so since time immemorial, those first rays of sunlight now dawned over the Eastern sealine of the continent called North America, chasing away the darkness of night at the steady speed of Earth's rotation in space.

Beaming, with ever-radiant glory over the capital city of a country called the United States of America, the glorious sunlight of the dawning of the day, at about the very moment it illuminated an esoteric occult inscription stamped upon the platinum capped tip of a massive obelisk known as the Washington Monument, now came streaming into Max's bedroom - as he opened his eyes to the dancing spectrum of rainbow colors on his ceiling, the exceptionally vivid dream still swirling through his partial-waking awareness.

As he'd learned from his mentor Carl, Max was very careful, on first waking, not to so much, as move a muscle.

Closing his eyes again slowly, with absolute calm, while retaining a certain degree of "I am" conscious awareness, he now made yet another attempt to achieve the Lucid Dream state via a process Carl had taught him called WILD or "Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming".

As with every other time when he had made this conscious, and rather diffficult, effort, to attain the highly cherished state of Lucidity that he'd been told, by Carl, the families go-to man and all around friend and mentor (not to mention that Carl also served, in order of priority, as the kitchen chef, limosine driver, and Dad's most trusted confidante and personal advisor) - "represents, quite literally, nothing less than, the "Holy Grail" (said with Carl's highly refined and ever persistent British accent) in man's great quest to, ``know thyself" - Max's entire night's dreams, one, by one, now slowy began to present themselves to his mind`s eye, and therefore his recollection.

In spite of being in a state of complete, disembodied sleep paralysis, Max began to assume a rather unique state of awareness, both consciously, and unconsciously, as he began, for the first time ("just wait til I tell Carl about THIS one, Max thought for an instant") to at last enter the "holy of holies" and perhaps, if Carl was to be believed, the most mysterious realm of human experience accessible to man, Lucid Dreaming.

Images and scenes, of everything from mountains, oceans, rivers, and cities, to strange animals and insects, began flashing through his memory, except more vividly than he might have experienced in normal every day waking daydreams or recollections, and as before, he noted the scenes, objects, scenarios, and interactions, unto the very last detail, in effect moving back and forth through the nights dreams as if they were recorded in vivid 3D holographic detail, systematically recognizing each and every aspect for the now conscious memories they were becoming under the close scrutiny of Max's own "I am aware" state of awareness. And, just like Carl had taught him to do, Max now concentrated, with the full force of his awareness, not only on the intricate details of his entire night's dreams, but also on the fact that it was "he himself" who was doing this, the one who had just moments ago opened his eyes to see all those rainbow prisms of light dancing on the ceiling, and for the first time, he began to experience a very very strange sensation.

His bed was shaking!

Something was definitely happening, or was about to happen, and so, just like Carl had suggested (with that mischievious twinkle in his eye) during their evening talks, Max cleared his mind, and tried to remain completely calm, and still, in preparation for whatever was about to ensue, or, again if Carl was to be believed, and Max had no reason to doubt him, wherever it was that he was about to go.

As soon as the shaking faded away (how long it lasted he could not say), there were some brief, momentary flashes, like lightening, and then, there was THE light! It was a a light, although extremely intense, that did not hurt his dream eyes, at all. It was in truth, the purest, whitest light Max had ever seen, and like most kids, he'd looked directly at the sun a couple times, the orange-yellow dots wandering around on his eyeballs for a good five minutes afterwards (mother was right I guess about not staring directly into the sun, he'd concluded after the experiment). But this was TOTALLY different. This light was ALIVE, seething with understanding and awareness, and a Great Love, which was, well, which was simply beyond words (he was even at a loss to explain it when he outlined his experience to Carl that evening). This was all light and awareness combined, and it felt absolutely incredible to be emersed within it's sphere.

After what might have been seconds, or hours, or no time at all, Max bacame filled with a fast-rising sense of excitment, wonderment, anticipation, and sheer AWE, and for a moment he was afraid, and thought to himself, "oh no, oh #!, NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!", but the predominant thought that went through his mind was "Oh my God! - WOW, THIS IS IT!". These feelings and impressions then began to BUILD (if such a thing were possible), in a rising crescendo of intensity with which he had absolutely nothing to compare in his rather limited 14 years of existance (on Earth). This was NUTS, this was RIGHT OFF THE CHARTS!, Max thought, and for a moment he almost opened his eyes in an last ditch effort, however feeble, to try to re-gain a grasp on reality, but, remembering his strict instructions from Carl, he again tried with all his concentration and awareness, to remain calm, while being entirely open to whatever might happen, in a state of "complete non-resistence" (said like Carl with British accent), by simply allowing without limitation, the experience itself to take his consciousness in whatever direction the spirit may lead. After all, "anything is possible!" as Carl always liked to exclaim, and when Carl said it, is was always in the exclamatory, never as a mere statement of belief, born of an unbridled unthusiasm and eternal optimism rather unusual for a man of his age. For Carl, this really WAS the "Holy Grail" or what he sometimes fondly referred to as "the philosopher's stone".
If only Carl was here with me to share in my experience, Max thought, just before he left his own body and accelerated, seemingly at tremendus speed, the whole universe exploding through his consciousness

To even begin to appreciate let alone come to fully grasp the complete and farthest-reaching historical implications of what took place at that moment, and thereafter, the following email, written by Max Bauer himself, outlines his astounding experience of that morning. The said email was written to his best friend and school roomate Andrew Waters, the incorrigible genius with whom he shared a dormroom and just about every advanced class, at Upper Columbia College, the little known but highly exclusive private school for the priviledged children of the very rich, and the very powerful (and in most cases, both). Like Max, Andrew was the "prized", high-IQ, super-gifted-genius child (oh how they loathed such labels) of one of America's wealthiest ruling families.

The two shared an enthusiastic passion for anything and everything mysterious, from UFO's to global conspiracy theories, to altered states of consciousness. For obvious reasons, like the disapproval of their doting and often controlling and manipulative parents, many if not most of their teenage pursuits were held in strict confidence (or so they thought) between themselves and their small "inner circle" at school, a group they refered to, with self-deprecating humour as "The Spoiled Brats Club" or SBC for short. If anything, they were certianly well aware of the unique and rather priviledged position they held in the world, a "status" which they considered to be both a blessing as well as a curse, and one that, as "rebels with a cause", they were fiercely determined to somehow overthrow, so as to assert their own unique individuality, their own freedom of conscience and above all, and especially as teenagers, their own personal power (after all, what is power if not the power to choose?). Therefore, busting OUT of the mould they watched so many of their compatriots willingly pour themselves into, was, for them, an absolutely manditory prerequisit, and after all, the only possible way that anything of any lasting value was to be realized, would HAVE to be (in the final analysis) accomplished only by breaking free from, and out of "the sysem". It didn't even take a genius to figure THAT out. Thus it could be said that their's was a divided loyalty, on the one hand to a family they loved and from whom they recieved much love in kind, and on the other, to maintaining a mutually shared complete disregrard and utter distain for the very system upon which their family wealth was built and it's immense influence, wielded. It was an ever impending hypocritical doom from which they continually sought escape via any channel or intellectual pursuit which might permit them the freedom of being, authentically themselves, and so if it was outside of the "norm" they were generally into it, and the more far-out the better.

After waking, which involved in this instance, simply opening his eyes, as he'd been fully awake and aware throughout the experience, Max arose. Slippered and pajamaclad, he looked out the large "sunburst" many-paned bay window of his fourth story bedroom (the room was more like a Gymnasium than any bedroom, let alone that of a 14 year old teenager), and he just stood there, in absolute silence, and simply watched, as the trees swayed in the distance before the rising sun.

Sitting down at his desk (a desk any Wall Street Banker would have coveted dearly) Max swivelled around and around, and while smiling in the afterglow of his profound experience, he again noticed how the light of the sun redirected itself through the expensive bevelled glass in the window, to cast flickering rainbow prisms on the ceiling, and now the walls, as the rainbows became increasingly elongated in increasing alignment with the rays of the sun, as well as steadier and more solidified - as the rising orb of fire and light traversed the tops of the trees in the distance, to shed it's light, and life-giving energy, upon the Earth. It was a new day. A new dawn.

Stopping the idle rotation at his keyboard, Max Bauer proceeded to type the following email to his friend Andrew Waters.

From: Max Bauer
To: Andrew Waters
Sent: Sat, August 10, 2010 9:11:51 AM
Subject: Something happened to me.

Although you might not believe everything i'm about to tell you, I thought it would be a good idea to share with you the experience I've just had as result of those bedtime meditations and morning Lucid Dreaming excercises Carl got me into.

I don't know where to start, and I have to warn you that this might be a very long email. Of course you don't have to read the whole thing in one shot if you're busy with something else, and btw, how's hockey camp? I hope they're not working you too hard. Tell Mark and Peter Max says hello, and that I'm very much looking forward to reconvening the SBC in September. Anyway, right now I just need to make a detailed record of my experience, and share it with someone who gives a #, and I just know, from all your research, that it's the kind of thing you of all people Andrew would appreciate, and find immensely fascinating, so here goes:

Unsure how to proceed, where to begin, or how precisely to convey in mere words what he had just experienced not ten minutes prior, Max reclined in his high-backed Obus Form desk chair, the small spunge pillow-like bulge comfortably nestled into his neck and lower cranium, basked in the warm afterglow and reflected on the entire experience, replaying it through his mind in fine detail.

The Email, Cont'd

A little background..

Ok, you of course know about the extensive talks I've been having with Carl Broughton aka "The Butler". Heck you've been there more than once yourself, so I don't need to bore you with the story of how that came about.

Anyway, about a month ago, when we were doing our nightly "man to man" thing, expounding on a vareity of the usual "mundane" topics like the holographic universe, quantum entanglement, and the socio-political impact of Eastern philsophy on Western Civilization, yadayadayada, Carl then went off on this new tangent involving what he referred to as "the metaphysical and moral mplications of monistic idealism in a self aware universe" (said with Carl's British accent), and of course your research Andrew immediately jumped to mind. You should have been there, and on that note, we'll have to have you over again soon for the evening's "discussion", and i have to say that Carl was very impressed with you and your research the last time when you came over. We'll do it again come fall for sure for sure.

I know - cut to the chase!

Anyway, Carl then went on to indicate that if consciousness was primary, within the contextual frame of reference of a self aware universe, then the "philosophers stone" (you know how he so loves that metaphor) the very "fulcrum" (said like Carl) of "all transformation for the human being, can only and must always and forever exclusively arise (to be harnessed with intent of the will), by the physical and metaphysical transformation, of human consciousness itself." (and you thought that >I< was longwinded!)

That got me to thinking..

And so of course I asked him how this might be realized or accomplished, after all, the ancient alchemists never did manage to turn base metals into gold..

To which he replied,simply, get this - Lucid Dreaming!

Of course I knew what that was as if that's a topic we haven't covered ourselves before during one of our "Brat" sessions. But I was really taken aback that Carl, who's "every truth ends in paradox", would offer something so tangible, so simple, so straightforward and so achievable, as "the ultimate tool for the highest pursuit of mankind throughout history, the quest for self realization, for enlightenment, the quest for God-consciousness (to risk using the G-word)".

Carl talked it up like it was the "wisdom of the ages". The "alchemy of human consciousness". "The philosophers stone".

So I immediately shot back, with a sarcastic smile "You gotta be kidding me Carl, Lucid Dreaming?!" but I could see from the look on his face, and in his eyes, that he was quite serious, and for a Brit like him that's like really serious.

I know I know - cut to the CHASE! lol - hey i just figured you'd need to first get part of the context and background (after all, context and framing is everything..) to understand better what I was into and why, and to better appreciate what I actually experienced myself just this morning on first waking - heh, "first waking" now there's the understatement of all ages! LOL. You have no IDEA Andrew, but you soon will. Andrew, it's absolutely extraordinary, what just happened to me! It's everything we've always talked about and more, much much more.

One thing is for sure, it was no mere "Lucid Dream". Not this, no that's not the only thing that was happening. In fact most of what I experienced I'm not even sure I can communicate to you in words, you have to have the experience yourself to "get it", to fully "grok it" (to borrow from Heinlein), and if I can do it, you can do it too. In fact, when the summer break is over, I'll teach you how just like Carl taught me, and maybe you'll have the experience too, and then you'll understand completely, and I really think, check that I KNOW, that it will shed a LOT of light on what you've been working on this past year. The truth does not always end in paradox, but it always ends in synchronicity, as you'll soon find out my friend.

..getting there (hang in there with me..) - so, during my subsequent talks with Carl about this notion of human transformation via the transformation of conscious awareness and in particular, self-conscious awareness, to bring about the highest state of human being possible, aka "GOD consciousness" - he began to teach me how Lucid Dreaming and the OBE state in particular can operate and be used with "intent of the will" as an actaul portal, or a gateway, for entering or getting "initated into" what Carl liked to call the "Holy of Holies", to use his Temple metaphor, and it's a pretty good one, as metaphors go.

And OMG, what a TRIP it WAS!!! Unbelievable! Let me tell you Andrew. Let me try to express it in words.. what happened to me just this morning just a little while ago.

"Finally, he get's to the point" (I knew what you were thinking buddy, I can read your mind I know you so well, so save the eyerolls and the impatient, forrowed brow k?) : )

Ok, this was my experience, although words hardly do it justice.

On waking in the morning, I immediately closed my eyes again and kept my body perfectly still, so as to achieve the mind awake/body asleep state, and then after reviewing the night's dream history in detail, I relaxed and prepared to re-enter the dream state while maintaining complete lucidity, and then the bed shook, or at least that's what it felt like, there was a shaking sensation. After a bit, the shaking stopped, and then I percieved flashes of light, like lightening, and then I encountered a clear white light like nothing I'd ever seen before. The light was alive Andrew, and it seemed to contain all knowledge, all awareness, and I'm not sure how to describe it, but it was filled with a ruthless love, which was almost frightening. It was how shall I put it, an inconquorable love, and it was eminating from the light. But that's not the half of it.

After getting to "know" this light for a bit, I then experienced a rapid acceleration, as if I'd left my physical body, and was being rocketed faster than the speed of light to the other side of the universe or something like that, during which time I discovered that I was being accompanied by an entity or a being, who reassured me that everything was ok, and that I had nothing to fear. I asked this being "Who are you?" to which "he" replied, "I am that I am, the same as you". "Where are you?" I asked, and he replied, "I am in the sphere within a sphere, at right angles to everything, everywhere". "What is your name?" "I am the Old One, the same I am". "Same as who?" "The same as you, I am the same I am, I am the "Old One". "Can I call you Sam I am, is that ok?" "It is."

Next thing I know, me and this Sam I Am dude, are walking ON the universe, there's no other way to describe it, the ground was made of infinite stars, and it was like glass, and we were just walking along like two pals just shooting the #! I couldn't believe it, and it was so vivid, and such a powerful experience that I just knew it was no dream, but that I'd been somehow transported into another dimension of existence, and if Sam wasn't there to keep me calm, I would have totally freaked out and completely lost my mind.

As we walked, we talked, in our minds, and for every and ANY question I asked him, he answered with the information itself, which was instantly downloaded straight into my mind, provided all at once, in chunks, 3 dimensional, holographic chunks of information, which required zero time to take in and grasp and experience. The only problem with this part, is that all that knowledge is in the light, and as me in "ego self", on awakening, I can't quite seem to retrieve it, like it's just a hair beyond my grasp, like when something you think is really important that you want desperately to communicate, and although it's right on the tip of your tongue you just can't remember it for the life of you. If I can get to this realm again, I will try harder to retain the knowledge. In this place, this realm, and in the light, all knowledge and information is there, on anything that you could possibly want to know, and it takes no time to recieve it. It's just the kind of thing you'd want to have access to Andrew as the information and knowledge junkie you are.

Aside from Sam I Am aka "The Old One":

I should point out, at this point in the story, that each and every human being on planet Earth has their own personal HEB, or what many people, from the human perspective, might refer to as a "Guardian Angel", and I just happen to be, by the miracle of cosmic design and according to the higher will of "The One Above All", the universal HEB assigned to Max Bauer.

And of course when he achieved release from the Earth plane, some one had to provide him with the necessary aid and comfort, assure him that there was nothing to fear, and allow him access to whatever information he may have required, so as to uphold and maintain his own personal universal frame of reference (UFR), that some one being yours truly, praise The One Above All!

That said, you may presume, that mine will be a biased account, but I can assure you that as a servant HEB to humanity, I am bound to my oath of integrity, which is circumscribed by the word of truth.

Furthermore, while ours is a strict non-interventionist policy in matters of the psycho-spiritual evolution of the human being, I am permitted, from time to time, in accordance with my WOTAR (word of truth authenticity rating) which has been painstakingly established over the eons through a continual process of mutual verification - to provide, as needed, any meaningful clarity and/or contextual frame of reference (context and framing is everything), as may be required and, as is only appropriate, to maintain and uphold the truth and reality at all cost, except at the cost of truth and reality itself.

In fact, it is our very committment to the word of truth as the manifest governing principal of love, which dillineates our sphere of influence, and differentiates our modus operandi, from that of "the others" aka "the dark ones" who lie without end or simply as needed, to achieve their sinister and purely self-interested agenda who's sole object is their own materialist, temporal power and dominion over the all.

Sam I am
WOTAR: A&A - Accurate & Authentic.
Gregorian Earthdate: August 10, 2010 9:11:50 AM
Time-Space Proximity to Omegapoint: .2567 Aeon

The Email Cont'd

Next, with Sam as my guide, I relived all my life experiences in an instant. My whole life flashed before me with a single wave of his hand. Then, all the people I've known and loved, including you Andrew surrounded me. It was like I became a part of them and them, me, as I began to experience yet ANOTHER expansion of consciousness as if being ushered into..a final realization.

Do not be afraid, was the message. We are an ocean of love.

And everyone, as a collective, they all seemed very happy and excited. Andrew, it was a cosmic PARTY, and I'd not only recieved my invitation, but had been ushered in, as if I was an expected guest! There was a keen sense of humour and mirthfulness accompanying the fact that the great question and answer period had passed, leaving only love, and joy, in it's wake. The multitude who formed the ocean of love, enveloping me, seemed to be laughing and silently saying to me, over and over again "You knew it all along! We knew it all along! It's all right, it's ok, it was here all the time, within and without, a sphere within a sphere. You exist! This is real! This is IT! Relax, have fun, enjoy, and just... be.

Everything that ever came before this moment simply led up to this point. There was nothing else. Time ceased to have any meaning whatsoever. I began splitting, growing, and moving outwardly, like a wave generated by a stone dropped in prestine, still waters. I was pervading and interconnecting with the entire universe from within my very being. As I continued to expand out and integrate with the happy multitudes and the universe beyond, my own ego identity began to dissolve completely, as the realization dawns, like the clear white light of a brand new universal sunrise, that I am now returning to the Source from which everything has arisen, and continues to arise, like an eternal wellspring of everlasting life and existence.

There is nothing to fear

Looking around, I suddenly recognize, in both my highest mind, and in my innermost being, both within and without (there was no longer any distinction between the "inner" and the "outer") that every THING and every ONE, is One. One, as the very embodiment of all those things I love most dearly. And then the grand realization explodes in my mind and being, that there is no distinction between One, and Love. "It is love" I might have said aloud, "I am love", "this is love".

Then, there was a sound, and I know you'll find this interesting Andrew, given your research on the primordial waveform of the Akashic Field. It was a single, but all encompassing note. It was transcendent of time, and space. It transcended all creation. It was Angelic. It was absolute perfection. It was the primordial note Andrew. I heard it. It was the logos, the first divine word, the original sound of creation.

As I increasingly trust the almost infinite miriad of ah supporters or the ah oneness of the ... love (as I said, it's hard to put into words and mere words cannot adequately convey the depths and richness of the experience) I willingly allow the dissolution of my ego-self or who I THOUGHT I was as an individual entity, to continue, and "I" then dissolve completely into an omniscient state of pure Oneness. It is a "place" where there is no difference between God, the physical universe, and "me". All is one, all is love. Everything resonantes with the logos, with the word, the sound, that contains, embedded within it an absolute assurance of the knowledge that love is the source, the first cause, the alpha and omega of existence itself. The love is in everything, and it IS everything, and so much more, since it is the very rock upon which everything depends and is built upon. It's inconquorable, immovable, and completely uncompromising, a "ruthless love", against which nothing could ever even hope to oppose, overthrow, or usurp. It is also a conscious love, and and infinitely intelligent Love, so great, that it defies the need for a physical form and yet, paradoxically, realizes itself through form and through the creative process, as if limiting itself by intentional and willful subtraction, in order to experience itself in every variation of form imaginable.

I have now ceased to exist. There is no longer any knowledge, recognition or awareness of having a separate self. I have been liberated!

"How did this happen? How have I come so far?" was "my" first thought..

Who am I? Where am I? What's happening? Fear crept in. I needed a frame of reference. I must exist!

Next thing I knew, I was falling, falling through a vaccum, while desperately seeking to relocate my SELF, wherever that might be...

Do not be afraid

After that I don't remember anything in particular, I was BACK, just laying there in my bed, and so I opened my eyes, and now, about twenty minutes later, here I am typing this long winded whacky email to you Andrew!

So uh, that's my story, that's what just happened to me.

What do you think? It CANNOT have been just a "dream", or just a lucid dream. I can't PROVE that to you. Trust me ok. It WAS real. You of ALL people ought to believe me I think, after all, isn't this just the kind of experience, the kind of "resonant harmonious connecting principal", that you've been searching for all along?

Write me back - let me know what you think. I'm very interested to get your take on this. Thanks man, I appreciate your input.

Best Regards,


Having clicked the send button (with a little trepidation), Max then proceeded to get up from his desk and walk over to the small dining/kitchen area in the corner of his "room", and got busy grinding some exquisitly odiferous Hawiian coffee beans for his morning coffee.

After what he'd just been through, he needed a good hot cup of joe.

Outside of the Bauer mansion, the sun continued it's rise, as the twittering of the birds proclaimed their joy.

With coffee mug in hand, Max stood again at the Bay window of his small apartment (no use even calling it a room any more) looking out on the day.

Standing there, he experienced a peace and tranquility that he had never felt before, except maybe before he had any memories that he could recall, like maybe when he was an infant or something. He breathed. He took a sip of his coffee, and he just stood there, aware, with nothing on his mind. But of course his waking mind, his seeking mind, just like everyone's, could not allow the space of nothing to remain without adding something to it, and so he had the following train of thought.

Everything WAS one! And how could it be any other way?, he mused philosophically. Everyting is just a manifestation of one indivisible whole, Andrew was right! But the PERFECTION! My God! Everything is perfect, Max suddently realized, as the sun shone, as the trees swayed, and as the birds chirped and twittered away, in joyful expressions of the bird-like equivalent of laughter, mutual expression, communication, admiration, happiness etc.

But I have felt this before, at some point in the past, Max thought. This is my true state of being! It was a way of being, he concluded, that resulted from having absolutely no concern, whatsoever, about anything, at all. For how could one be concerned about an ongoing creative process of life, which was both all one, and utterly eternal, at the same time?
With this, he sighed. His shoulders dropped a bit, as he released from all tension, and then he smiled.

Oh my God, everything is unfolding precisely as it should; it's all under control, but flowing freely, liberated to seek out a path and a way by the compulsion of universal perfection, Max thought.

OUR REALITY IS FALSE, he also realized, in a sudden, penetrating insight.

It's all a lie! It's not reality - all the bull# on TV, on CNN, the whole Mainstream Media, and all the dumbed-down chatter and the endless stream of competing opinions on the Internet and in the blogosphere, almost every bit of it, is all absolute, ridiculous BULL#! Max laughed aloud, and thought, this is so frick'n COOL! "Max Bauers epiphany" he'd call it. And at that very moment, Max Bauer was standing in one of those rare moments in the existence of a human being on Earth, as if standing in the gateway threshold of a realm or a domain, out of which eminates the rest of one's life, forever, as well as their whole constitution and way of being.

He felt renewed, revitalized, re-energized. Resurrected.
"Everything's going to be ok" he said in a faint whisper. Everything IS ok, he thought.

And even if there's suffering in the world (which there is), and God knows he had had his share in spite of the outward trappings (trappings was the right word for it that's for sure) of being the son of what might have been THE most powerful international banking family or "House" (Max always cringed when he heard or read the term "the House of Bauer") in the world - what can possibly be made wrong, about the sheer fact of existence itself?! Who could make it wrong, by saying it would be better if there was nothing at all? That's absurd! No, Gratitude (with a capital G) is the only possible response to the reality of existence, Max concluded, and rightly so. As for the problems of the world, those are challenges, put to the haves in the relation to the have nots, to the wise and knowledgable, to teach the ignorant, and the foolish.

"We've all forgotten" he whispered (he had a habit of talking to himself).

Taking another sip of his coffee, he again let go of all thought, and just stood there, relishing the moment, the eternally unfolding present moment.

If viewing Max outside his window from the perspective of a passing bird, flying without any bird-minded agenda of any kind, in other words, just flying because flying is what you do, what you're really really GOOD at, and therefore what you enjoy the most in life - turning your head for a moment (as birds tend to do) you would have seen with your own eyes, a boy, a teenager, on the verge of becoming a man, standing at the 4th story bay window of a massive, bricked, v-shaped mansion, looking out, and, seeing you fly by, smile. And at that very moment, in acknowledgement and mutual appreciattion, you would have applied a little extra swoop to your very best swooping maneuver, pulling a measureable g-force you could actually feel resonate through your bones and feathers, as your own unique bird version, of a smile returned in kind.

"plink plonk" Max's computer indicated receipt of an email message from behind him, rousing him from his reverie, and knocking him out his state of grace.
edit on 24-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: editing

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 06:48 AM

An excellent piece of work encompassing the universal understanding of the attainment of conscious states.

The lucid dreaming theme is by far the most attractive to the creative mind and you have captured it beautifully.

A tantalizing snippet of a veritable masterpiece of thought.


Do you intend to add further chapters?


On the side.. Lucid dreaming is something I have been striving for within myself for some time.. I cannot yet grasp it in full awareness, alas, they are fleeting moments of being aware of complete conscious understanding and experience, yet, being unable to interact through self initiated thought...

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Eflactem

Thank you SOO much Eflactem, for your feedback. Writing isn't so easy, and I'm been having a hard time continuing with this in the vacuum of communication with the reader, and your post has inspired me to keep going with it.

And yes, it's intended to be a book, and even a whole series of them. Chapter Two will introduce Max's "inner circle" of friends from Uppoer Columbia College, the SBC, and of course there will be a hot girl included among them who will serve as his muse and a large chunk of his innermost heart's desire (hey the kid's 14 years old after all! lol).

In a nutshell, they are going to be unravelling a mystery that has plaugued humanity throughout human history, and one which comprises a type of galactic, and by extension, a cosmic conspiracy, of far reaching proportions whereby the Earth is at center stage due to a non-local, holographic understanding of cosmic evolution, and has been "bad mouthed" via the high technology, including dream technology of a Satanic Empire (a schitzophrenic's worst nightmare!), who is bent on seeing the Earth destroyed by the unwitting hand of man himself (even Satan has to abide by certain laws), so as to avoid having his own world slip past the event horizon at the center of the galaxy, while retaining the position of "top predator" in the galaxy.

Max is the masonic "man of destiny" or so it is hoped by his father, and Carl isn't neccessarily his friend.

The story is told from the perspective of Sam I Am the Old One, who as it will turn out is really Yaweh of the Old Testament ie: Max is like a new Moses in many ways.

In the end, Max and his friends will learn how to utilize the dream portal to hack into Satan's information network and get the word out that Mankind and Earth are NOT the source of all evil in the galaxy, but that instead we've been manipulated into making that kind of projection as part of a galactic psychological war and disinfo campaign by Satan.

Thus, at the very end of this first book, Satan will be flushed down the drain, the Earth will rise supreme by the love of God, and Max (along with his friends) will become The Galaxian, or a full fledged bonified Citizen of the Galaxy, and that will complete book one.

We'll have the elite bloodlines, a dark form of old boys masonic symbolism (part of Satan's ruse) tracing back to ancient Biblical and Egyptian times, there'll be UFO's, CIA conspiracies, high technology, the works!

What will make this story really good is the "world" within which it will be taking place, which will be our world, our galaxy, in the "end times", and I hope to reveal that imagination is everything and with it, nothing will be impossible, and so it's primary purpose will be as a teaching mechanism. I have a very bold frame of refernece in mind here.

Writing is for me a type of love relationship with an unknown reader, and it's damn hard without the feedback, since the meaning of communication is the response you get, so thanks again, and hey if you really liked it, feel free to give it a star! Thanks again.


posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 10:24 PM
Saw a reply to a post you made in another OP (starred it) and followed your sig. There is definitely some fantastic writing going on here. I didn't read it all, but only because I'm newly focusing on "milk" as far as spiritual matters goes and a fictional account--albeit a seemingly excellent one--of some obviously closely held real-life beliefs might make my brain drool & go gaga.

Maybe, I'll stop back by...or better yet: Sign me up for a copy of the finished product! Peace.

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by The GUT
Saw a reply to a post you made in another OP (starred it) and followed your sig. There is definitely some fantastic writing going on here. I didn't read it all, but only because I'm newly focusing on "milk" as far as spiritual matters goes and a fictional account--albeit a seemingly excellent one--of some obviously closely held real-life beliefs might make my brain drool & go gaga.

Maybe, I'll stop back by...or better yet: Sign me up for a copy of the finished product! Peace.

Perhaps I should post a warning at the outset, above the Milky Way pic

Read only at your own spiritual risk.
May contain Biblical distortions.
Those suffering from mental health issues, or,
Those who have come to believe, or who suspect, either rationally or irrationally, that they are involved in a cosmic conspiracy, should not read this book.
Side effects may include:
The gaining of or the loss of faith in God, as presently concieved.
Sudden flashes of insight, or knowledge, which may contradict one's presently held spiritual or religious views.
Sudden and complete brainoverload...

Heh, just kidding around with you.

It's pretty trippy isn't it I just read it for fun, for the 100th time probably in one form or another, and it's pretty damn good if only I could keep up THAT style of writing, so I'm so nervous to write any more, and, I don't have the characters the teenagers mostly, as well as some of the teachers, etc all worked out. But I won't give up so soon as people seem to like it or like it alot.

I really do LOVE the process though, and the degree of communication possible, heck anything's possible, and that's what I really like about it, that someone is reading it because they find it to be a "good read", something that drew them in..

Thanks again.

I don't need any more accolades - will write more soon, but if you DO like it alot feel free to give me a star if you want as that's an interactive thing you could do to give it a "thumbs up"

edit on 28-10-2010 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2010 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

What an egotistical, spiritually deceiving--and I might add--ego-bruised response to my charming, literate, encouraging...blah-blah heheh back at ya.

Seriously again, the characterization you have so far is great. It's kind of like Keillor meets Vonnegut & that can only be a good thing if the muse chooseth to stay on thy shoulder. That flag & star WERE from me btw. At least the flag was, I'll punch the star thingy again and make sure. Peaceness

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:01 AM
I agree with you about how few stars astronomers estimate the universe to hold. Even with the estimate not being small by far, it still dwarfs in the comparison to what I think the amount really is. Just recently the number has been increased up to three times the amount originally estimated in our galaxy alone.
Your story seemed like a good one, but... the amount of commas used prevented it from flowing; making the story unreadable. You're not the only one on ATS who has comma over-kill. It's everywhere!

Edit: if you used a word processor to write it before sharing it on ATS, can you check the amount of commas actually used? I really do keep trying to read your story, but it's the commas, man! Sorry for being a dipsh-t about it.
edit on 18-12-2010 by Yellow Ledbetter because: more feedback added

posted on Dec, 31 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Yellow Ledbetter

Commas! Doh! (said like Homer)

Try reading it faster, and just plow through them..

Anyway, thanks for visiting. Less commas in the future, I promise, and,...

posted on Jan, 7 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Well, this completely freaked me the hell out, serious, this is just too weird. Because...

His bed was shaking! Something was definitely happening, or was about to happen, and so, just like Carl had suggested (with that mischievious twinkle in his eye) during their evening talks, Max cleared his mind, and tried to remain completely calm, and still, in preparation for whatever was about to ensue, or, again if Carl was to be believed, and Max had no reason to doubt him, wherever it was that he was about to go. As soon as the shaking faded away (how long it lasted he could not say), there were some brief, momentary flashes, like lightening, and then, there was THE light! It was a a light, although extremely intense, that did not hurt his dream eyes, at all. It was in truth, the purest, whitest light Max had ever seen, and like most kids, he'd looked directly at the sun a couple times, the orange-yellow dots wandering around on his eyeballs for a good five minutes afterwards (mother was right I guess about not staring directly into the sun, he'd concluded after the experiment). But this was TOTALLY different. This light was ALIVE, seething with understanding and awareness, and a Great Love, which was, well, which was simply beyond words (he was even at a loss to explain it when he outlined his experience to Carl that evening). This was all light and awareness combined, and it felt absolutely incredible to be emersed within it's sphere. After what might have been seconds, or hours, or no time at all, Max bacame filled with a fast-rising sense of excitment, wonderment, anticipation, and sheer AWE, and for a moment he was afraid, and thought to himself, "oh no, oh #!, NOW YOU'VE DONE IT!", but the predominant thought that went through his mind was "Oh my God! - WOW, THIS IS IT!". These feelings and impressions then began to BUILD (if such a thing were possible), in a rising crescendo of intensity with which he had absolutely nothing to compare in his rather limited 14 years of existance (on Earth). This was NUTS, this was RIGHT OFF THE CHARTS!, Max thought, and for a moment he almost opened his eyes in an last ditch effort, however feeble, to try to re-gain a grasp on reality, but, remembering his strict instructions from Carl, he again tried with all his concentration and awareness, to remain calm, while being entirely open to whatever might happen, in a state of "complete non-resistence" (said like Carl with British accent), by simply allowing without limitation, the experience itself to take his consciousness in whatever direction the spirit may lead. After all, "anything is possible!" as Carl always liked to exclaim, and when Carl said it, is was always in the exclamatory, never as a mere statement of belief, born of an unbridled unthusiasm and eternal optimism rather unusual for a man of his age. For Carl, this really WAS the "Holy Grail" or what he sometimes fondly referred to as "the philosopher's stone". If only Carl was here with me to share in my experience, Max thought, just before he left his own body and accelerated, seemingly at tremendus speed, the whole universe exploding through his consciousness

The light was alive Andrew, and it seemed to contain all knowledge, all awareness, and I'm not sure how to describe it, but it was filled with a ruthless love, which was almost frightening. It was how shall I put it, an inconquorable love, and it was eminating from the light. But that's not the half of it.

As we walked, we talked, in our minds, and for every and ANY question I asked him, he answered with the information itself, which was instantly downloaded straight into my mind, provided all at once, in chunks, 3 dimensional, holographic chunks of information, which required zero time to take in and grasp and experience. The only problem with this part, is that all that knowledge is in the light, and as me in "ego self", on awakening, I can't quite seem to retrieve it, like it's just a hair beyond my grasp, like when something you think is really important that you want desperately to communicate, and although it's right on the tip of your tongue you just can't remember it for the life of you. If I can get to this realm again, I will try harder to retain the knowledge. In this place, this realm, and in the light, all knowledge and information is there, on anything that you could possibly want to know, and it takes no time to recieve it. It's just the kind of thing you'd want to have access to Andrew as the information and knowledge junkie you are.

The multitude who formed the ocean of love, enveloping me, seemed to be laughing and silently saying to me, over and over again "You knew it all along! We knew it all along! It's all right, it's ok, it was here all the time, within and without, a sphere within a sphere. You exist! This is real! This is IT! Relax, have fun, enjoy, and just... be. Everything that ever came before this moment simply led up to this point. There was nothing else. Time ceased to have any meaning whatsoever. I began splitting, growing, and moving outwardly, like a wave generated by a stone dropped in prestine, still waters. I was pervading and interconnecting with the entire universe from within my very being. As I continued to expand out and integrate with the happy multitudes and the universe beyond, my own ego identity began to dissolve completely, as the realization dawns, like the clear white light of a brand new universal sunrise, that I am now returning to the Source from which everything has arisen, and continues to arise, like an eternal wellspring of everlasting life and existence. There is nothing to fear Looking around, I suddenly recognize, in both my highest mind, and in my innermost being, both within and without (there was no longer any distinction between the "inner" and the "outer") that every THING and every ONE, is One. One, as the very embodiment of all those things I love most dearly. And then the grand realization explodes in my mind and being, that there is no distinction between One, and Love. "It is love" I might have said aloud, "I am love", "this is love".

Everything WAS one! And how could it be any other way?, he mused philosophically. Everyting is just a manifestation of one indivisible whole, Andrew was right! But the PERFECTION! My God! Everything is perfect, Max suddently realized, as the sun shone, as the trees swayed, and as the birds chirped and twittered away, in joyful expressions of the bird-like equivalent of laughter, mutual expression, communication, admiration, happiness etc. But I have felt this before, at some point in the past, Max thought. This is my true state of being! It was a way of being, he concluded, that resulted from having absolutely no concern, whatsoever, about anything, at all. For how could one be concerned about an ongoing creative process of life, which was both all one, and utterly eternal, at the same time?

Oh my God, everything is unfolding precisely as it should; it's all under control, but flowing freely, liberated to seek out a path and a way by the compulsion of universal perfection, Max thought. OUR REALITY IS FALSE, he also realized, in a sudden, penetrating insight. It's all a lie! It's not reality - all the bull# on TV, on CNN, the whole Mainstream Media, and all the dumbed-down chatter and the endless stream of competing opinions on the Internet and in the blogosphere, almost every bit of it, is all absolute, ridiculous BULL#! Max laughed aloud, and thought, this is so frick'n COOL! "Max Bauers epiphany" he'd call it. And at that very moment, Max Bauer was standing in one of those rare moments in the existence of a human being on Earth, as if standing in the gateway threshold of a realm or a domain, out of which eminates the rest of one's life, forever, as well as their whole constitution and way of being. He felt renewed, revitalized, re-energized. Resurrected. "Everything's going to be ok" he said in a faint whisper. Everything IS ok, he thought.

Those quotes above described an experience I had basically PERFECTLY, like seriously. I started reading and it just freaked me out, like I still can believe how similar it is. Although I love lucid dreaming, the experience I had was while under the influence of a psychedelic, it was certainly a very real experience though, one Ill never forget, it changed the way I looked at things(this happen a little over a year ago, but I still think about it a lot). I am in the process of writing an experience report for for the experience I had, I'll post it if it gets published on there.

Thanks for posting this thread OP, star n flag

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by CREAM

Well, perhaps the reason is because I extrapolated that from the experience of James Oroc as outlined in a book called "Tryptamine Palace", where the ah "mechanism" was the "cousin" of the thing Terrance McKenna has described but with much less in the way of visual hallucinations, and more in the way of complete and utter ego dissolution and, for many, full on contact with the big G, or universal consciousness. It's the result of a neurological Bose-Einstein condensate, and emmersion within the Akashic Field or the Zero Point Field. So no, I'm not a psychic prophet of some kind who was able to perform some miraculous feat relative to your own experience.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by CREAM

Well, perhaps the reason is because I extrapolated that from the experience of James Oroc as outlined in a book called "Tryptamine Palace", where the ah "mechanism" was the "cousin" of the thing Terrance McKenna has described but with much less in the way of visual hallucinations, and more in the way of complete and utter ego dissolution and, for many, full on contact with the big G, or universal consciousness. It's the result of a neurological Bose-Einstein condensate, and emmersion within the Akashic Field or the Zero Point Field. So no, I'm not a psychic prophet of some kind who was able to perform some miraculous feat relative to your own experience.

The book sounds epic, Im gonna have to get it

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by CREAM

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 07:23 PM
i love it.
thank you so so much!!!!!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by rudeboyrave

You've inspired me to keep going with this. Thanks.

I'm look forward to developing the "world" and the plot, setting, charcters, and above all, the dialogues, which are to function as the core cumminication "channel". The purpose of the book will be to generate a cosmogenesis of newfound possibility and wonderment in the reader, leading inexorably to epiphany after epiphany unto a drug free "release"... : ) Something, a work of art that would make Terrance Mckenna proud let's put it that way.

Thanks again, i'll write you into the story impressions are already stirring.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:43 AM
interesting. i found snippets of christ like wisdom interspersed through out it which you eventually overshadow with your current view of people who don't share all your opinions on the topic at any given moment in time. like you said, it was "max bauer's epiphany." even if max bauer believes he's one with everyone and everything else in the universe, max bauer's brain is not allowed to think for maxine bauer or joe blow down the street. they have to have their own epiphanies and their epiphanies may not resemble yours.

further, i don't know why you would start off our conversation on these related subjects, by yelling at me when i was simply revealing what i knew about some other religion, that was not even my own. it's not like you were greasing the wheel for a positive response to your thread. i'm rather frustrated that these two things are functioning in your brain at the same time, while simultaneously yelling at other people about their differences. it's okay to be different. just thought i'd toss that into your "everything is going to be okay," epiphany

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by undo

This is a completely fictional story, and while it borrows from various sources and ideas, it's not intended to be an expoisition of "the truth", just fun stuff, some of which might cause some people to ponder and evaluate things in new ways, some of which they might not have ever considered before. Feel free to start a thread over in Metaphysics or Theology, and we can toss some things back and forth, debate, disagree, whatever, but this sure isn't the right place for that kind of discussion.

P.S. I sorry if I ever "YELLED" at you, I don't recall doing that anywhere in these forums. Have patience, I too am growing and evolving.

Unity in Variety!

Best Regards,


P.S. I LOVE your avatar! Looks like Lake Louis in Banff Alberta, but that lake is green.

edit on 9-9-2011 by NewAgeMan because: P.S. added

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 12:24 PM
next installment - coming soon...

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:10 PM
Chapter Two

Love and Destiny

Returning to his computer console, and setting his coffee cup down on a coaster with a stylized "B" on it, Max eagerly turned his attention to the screen, and lo and behold Andrew had replied already! Who can read that fast, Max thought, forgetting momentarily that Andrew could speed read at ( ) words per minute, although his intuition was confirmed when he clicked open the message, to read, above his own thousand word essay on his Lucid Dreaming experience of that morning, "This is an automated reponse from Andrew Waters. I'm away at hockey camp until the labor day weekend, and they've taken away our computers and handhelds and all such "distractions" (eyeroll). I'll get back to you ASAP. On behalf of the PTB, please accept my sincere apologies."

"Poor bastard", Max whispered to no one in particular. For someone like Andrew, it must be a nightmare to be without all his cherished technowizardry. "The PTB" ha! Poor Andrew, always at odds with the PTB or powers that be, even if in this case it's Wayne Gretzky and Mario Lemieux! So he just typed back to Andrew's autoreply "LOL, good for them. They understand that you can't be both a jock and a nerd at the same time. Good luck in the tournament. Go UCC! Remember, three points/game ave. if you want to catch the scouts' eye. Catch you on the rebound, Max."

Still pumped and exhillerated over his experience of the morning, Max felt a strong and powerful urge to share with someone, someone close to him, this, this experience, this grand realization of his, and so his thoughts, and his feelings, quickly turned to Vickey Smith or Victoria as everyone except her inner circle of friends at Upper Columbia College called her, and with the image of her sweet sweet smile, twinkling, mischevious eyes, and her flowing river of shiney, auburn hair, now dancing in his mind, and now full bloom in his mind and body, Max's heart fluttered momentarily, and then at the thought of actually callling her his hands broke out into a sweat. He knew her number by heart 803-568-6325, having called her enough times during last year's SBC-related activities, and although he shared two classes with her at UCC, always sitting in close proximity whenever possible, without of course trying to (how does one "try" not to DO something?) draw attention to his obvious infatuation with her, and that's what it was, truth be told, it was more than a mere "crush", he knew he'd lost it and had fallen head over heals from the very first moment he'd set eyes on her, nevertheless the very idea of calling her now, with this, felt entirely compelling and totally nerve wracking both at the same time. From time to time, whether at school or SBC, she'd caught him staring at her, lost in his starry-eyed contemplation and wonderlust, and she'd ask him "where he was", and he'd always reply with some inane comment like "oh nowhere, just daydreaming", but she knew, and he knew that she knew he knew she knew ad infinitum, that he was madly in love with her, but they just made a game of it, for the most part. There was that one time, however, when they were doing that "being with" excercise together in that workshop retreat at the Eselen Institute near San Francisco last year. It was part of the school committee's latest attempt to reform it's image as an ultra-conservative institution of the future "ruling elite class", by introducing a variety of extracurricular programs designed to enhance the student's spiritual and psychological growth under the guise of exposing them to more liberal and progressive outlooks, the irony being that any "normal" high school would never fly their kids by corporate jet to a private seminar featuring Depak Chopra, and that such kids, being the "future elite ruling class" weren't likely to become the hippies their parents once might have been before taking over the very system they opposed as "revolutionaries"! Since then, any time Max so much as heard the NAME "Depak Chopra", he felt like laughing out loud at the utter absurdity of it all, of being a spoiled rich kid, while being treated like some sort of animal in training, "quantum mind" or not!

In the "being with" excercise, they had to pick a partner, and Max was gratified when Vickey turned to him instinctually (although he did notice Andrew flick a glance her way), and so they paired up. Chopra, as their seminar leader, then instructed them, with Indian accent in his slowly and precisely annunciated manner, as if still struggling over some sort of speech impediment he might have suffered at a young age "O K, now, I would like, for you, and your partner, to sit facing, one another, with both your toes and your knees touching, hands resting peas-fully (that's how it sounded to Max) upon your lap, back erect, and staring directly into your partners eyes, without saying or doing anything, just looking, there is no need to make of it a prolonged staring contest, if you need to move your eyes, that's fine, just keep bringing them back to your partners eyes, and if you find yourself perhaps growing a little bit uncomfortable, do no worry, just al-LOW whatever is, to be what it is (whatever that meant), and I will tell you when the excercise has ended. Remember, as you continue with this, that the very GROUND of all being, and be-com-ing, is one QUANTUM reality (Chopra just loved to emphasis the word quantum it seemed to Max, which he pronounded quANtumm), and that any distinction or illusion of separation is but an arbitrary judgement, and has no objective REALITY (another word he loved to say, hitting each syllable with Indian precision) of it's own. Go ahead now, then, and let us begin, now. I will ring a bell when the excercise is over."

The room went completely quiet, aside from a cough, and the sound of a plane far away on a distant trajectory. Max felt Vickey's touch at the knees and toes. He looked into her eyes. She looked into his. They both smiled, then let their faces fall, a staring contest ensued, he then took in her whole oval face, her beauty, and she blushed for a moment, and then seemed to repay him the compliment with a look of adoration of her own. He was in love, and she was it's beginning and end. In this moment of "being with" (said like Deepak Chopra), his loneliness, his sense of separateness faded, replaced by some sort of overlapping connection with her, no longer merely an object of his desire, but now, in mutual appreciation for her fellow humanity, her being, her personhood, she herself became his focal point, and for a moment he wasn't entirely sure of himself and had to break eye contact, his self-consciousness kicking back in, but she was like a rock, and remained focused on him, unperturbed, in a completely non-judgementalist way, even with unconditional love and acceptance. Now he became flushed, and his eyes started to water, but he didn't care, and what could he do about it anyway. Losing concern now with himself and his own appearance, in her eyes, something else started to surface for him, and he could sense intuitively that the shift was also occuring for her as well amid this complete loss of concern in terms of self-consciousness, which was suddenly replaced by...

Love. Here it was again, the same thing, the same theme, from his Lucid Dream! Endless love, as a type of unity or unifying force or principal which honors and celebrates the unique individual personal experience of each and every human being. Unity in diversity, that would be it's motto Max decided, if it were to have one. This went way beyond any sort of selfish desire for possession of the other, or some sort of sexually driven lust, but felt instead to be totally liberating within the sacred space of mutual unconditional acceptance of the other person, but in Max's case, Vickey was truly his beloved other, and he knew right then and there, and he certainly hoped that she also knew, that they were meant for each other, maybe even from another life or something, their destiny intertwined from a realm or domain outside of time and space, yet one which to BE an expression of love, must surely be made manifest in physical reality. In looking back on it in hindsight, he was at a loss to bring to mind any one particular moment that he was more content or more satisfied, more at peace, than then, staring into each other's eyes, knee to knee, toe to toe, with the love of his life, Vickey Smith, like a dance of oneness and unity between a beloved and beloved other. There was nothing like it. It was totally, absolutely awesome.. Some of the others actually started to weep from the experience, but he and Vickey had fallen in love, and it was nothing to cry about! They remained in this state for another ten minutes, but in a place or space where time had no meaning, until Chopra rang a small bell, tingggggg, to indicate that the excercise was over, if only it could have continued a moment longer..

Phone in hand, her phone number already dialed as if he wasn't even there when the digits were pressed, his heart pounding vigorously, Max suddenly experienced one of those deja vu moments, as if this whole thing had already played itself out in a parallel universe, and at the third ring it was as if reality itself had suddenly rebooted, the eternal fate and destiny of a young man and woman now hanging in the balance, should a fourth ring turn into an endless series, as Max would wait forever if need be to hear her smiling voice once again. The fourth ring was abruptly terminated in a partial ring on answer, ding, to the resonant baritone of Vickey's dad, Walter Smith III, "Esquire". The very fact that he gave himself the title of "Esquire" said more about the man than anything, but in Max's experience, he was more hard-ass than inauthentic gentleman, and the sound of his voice reverberating through Max's eardrum and into his scull, gave him the chills, as the beating of his heart went in an instant from love, to the fight or flight thudding panic, of a trapped animal. "Ah, hello Sir, Mr. Smith, this is Max Bauer, is Vickey home and if so may I speak with her please?". He thought he must sound like Eddy Haskell in those old "Leave it to Beaver" shows he'd once seen on the Vintage Channel, and indeed Mr. Smith, "Esquire" seemed to appreciate, with a wry grin, both Max's obsequiousness, and the fearful quaver in his voice, along with the fact that Max, as a potential future suitor for his beautiful daughter, bore the last name of this man's God-on-Earth, Max's Father, Nathaniel Bauer. "Well hello Max, I'm sorry but Vickey isn't in at the moment, one of the horses has returned from pasture with a bad limp and she's out at the stables right now. I'll be sure to let her know you called. By the way, when does your father return from Europe, as there is a pressing matter I would like to discuss with him?" Thrust into the role now as secretary for his father, Max consulted the schedule on his computer screen and provided Mr. Smith with the date, and even his arrival time at the airport, in reponse to which Mr. Smith, having satisfactorily obtained something of value in service to his own self interest, dismissed Max with a thank you Max, I'll let Vickey know you called, and hung up, leaving Max alone and in silence, his hope for sharing his epiphany with Vickey while still relatively fresh in his mind and heart, now dashed, his expectation thwarted by the "limp" of a frigging horse? Hanging up the phone, he sighed, downed his coffee, and then went about his morning routine to prepare for the day, unaware that something had occured this day, that was not only life changing for Max Bauer, but that contained embedded within itself, like a seed of formative potentiality, the farthest reaching of historical significance and implication, germinated in, through and by, a series of events and circumstances set in motion by seen, and unseen forces BOTH on Earth AND in heaven above.

It was fundamental, the likes of which no observing HEB could not have expected or anticipated, and when the time came, it moved a whole mountain of historical causation, right across the entire breadth of all being and becoming.

From his large wood panneled enclave, in a suite of offices he called "The West Wing" in recognition of the fact that from this West Wing of the basement level of the Bauer mansion, the White House itself often fell under thier command and control, Carl Broughton aka "The Butler" finished reading the intercepted email Max had submitted to his friend Andrew Waters. Smiling to himself, he picked up the secure phone and dailed Zurich where his friend and colleague, and his boss, Max's father, the one and only Nathaniel Bauer, was conducting the business of international banking, what "Nat" in privacy and only after a few drinks, jokingly referred to as a "shell game at the carnival". Nat, a name only Carl and his wife got to call him, picked up after the first ring "hello Carl, what's new?"
"He's done it, it happened Nat. Just this morning, the boy traversed the seventh threshold, achieved release from the Earth plane, and entered the domain of Akasha. I am beginning to think that you're right, that he's our man of destiny!" There was a long pause as Nathaniel contemplated the meaning and significance of such an event, however much anticipated. How long had they been waiting now, how long sharpening and honing the arrow of progress in anticipation of this very moment in human history? His boy? Max Bauer, the Freemasonic Man of Destiny, could it be? "How do you know for sure?"
"He sent an email to Andrew Waters outlining his experience in great depth. Nat, he encountered The Old One, who escorted him into the Akashic Domain. None but the high priest can access the sacred space of the holy of holies. It's him. He is the one."
"Thank you Carl, you've done me, our organization, and the history of human civilization a great service. Good work! I'll fire up the jet this afternoon, will be home late morning your time, the pilot will contact you with our ETA. See you at the airport. This is cause for celebration! Oh and please increase our security measures, to the nth degree and you know what I mean by that. My good boy has just become more prescious than all the gold in the world." With that he hung up, elated.
With a beaming smile, Carl fastoned on his apron and began the long walk to the kitchen, for his was now the great honor to prepare for Max Bauer a breakfast truly fit for a king!

After showering and getting dressed, Max was in a hurry. He could not wait to see Carl and tell him what had happened. At the top of the spiral staircase, he mounted the bannister and slid all the way down to the ground floor landing at a run. After walking briskly through the foyer, the waiting room, and the library, which was dominated by the stoic painting of his father who's eyes seemed to follow you as you passed, he then slid across the polished hardwood flooring of the outer hall, to plung through the swinging doors of the kitchen, the pleasant aroma of Carl's cooking making his stomach grumble. "Hey Carl! Oh my God, you won't believe it! It happened. Just this morning it happened Carl. I achieved Lucid OBE and entered the ""holy of holies"! It was unbelievable, but it happened. It's real!"
"Well well, look at you" Carl replied, after turning from his coulinary activities to face Max. "Behold the man! Here, have a seat, your breakfast is almost ready. Tell me about it. I'm all ears."
Outside the kitchen window, even the chirping of the birds suddendly went silent as if a hundred tiny ears now listened in, conspiratorily.

Chapter Three

Big Heart

Victoria, the dear child, was in distress. What was I to do? Refrain? Withhold my undying love for her?

The horse, her pride and joy, and her first love, Lightening, or on the racetrack, Black Lightening, was simply going to have to be put down. The gopher hole had done it's job, and rendered to the horse, a death sentence. The girl wept, her hand caressing the fallen creature's muscular neck.

How was I to constrain my love for her in this her moment of need?

And so the puffy clouds floating above the Smith Ranch parted, and I came to her on a beam of sunlight, as a light breeze like spirit flowing freely, gently opened one of the haydoors who's latch, according to the akashic record, had willingly, even accomodatingly, loosened itself during a thunderstorm not three days prior.

The girl needed me. And I was there for her in her time of need.

The horse himself was of course the first to sense my presence. To the dear girl, I came to her as the spirit of love in the knowing glint of his eye as he gazed back at her grief-stricken face..

An oversight: Please forgive me my unexpected intrusion here at this point in the story, perhaps I ought to have introduced myself at the outset. My name is Alisha. I am the "HEB" (highly evolved being) assigned, by the divine providence and the infinite wisdom of the one above all (OMG I'm starting to sound just like Sam, note to self) - to the loving and tender-hearted care, of Victoria Smith. Ordinarily, and in almost all circumstances my love circumscribes or in my case, envelopes Victoria from afar, as my coporeal "body" (if you could call it that) inhabits a flowering of worlds in a distant galaxy at the opposite end of the entire spectrum of galactic clusters known on earth, as well as in heaven, as "The Great Wall". Of course it is never ever lonely where I live, but love to be love as a first/last cause forever compells us to reach out, in the words of the good son "in pursuit of the one lost sheep" and thus, my (our) attention was of course naturally drawn to the plight of Earth and the crown of God's creation; the human being. Victoria, my dear dear girl God bless her little heart, whether by fate or destiny, calling or by chosenness, represents and is the embodiment on Earth, at least to me (to us), of the very best of the best in terms of what humanity and the human heart has to offer. In truth she's the apple of my (our) eye.

Seeing the suddenly very wise and knowledgable look of love shining from her horses eye, VIctoria stopped crying, but her heart now grew to the point of bursting. "I love you" she told the horse before turning her face to me as I streamed into the stable amid the floating particulate, and, right then and there, precisely at that moment, no sooner and no later, in the twinkling of her tear filled eye, I gave her heart only the very lightest touch of light filled love, because that is precisely what she most needed at that very instant. It was at the time the right thing to do and by the word of truth it met the highest standard of God's wisdom and love and thus came with the blessing and the seal of the one above all, may his love endure forever.

Intuitively sensing the presence of God's love, Victoria decided to pray, and because the horse himself as a spiritual being in his own right, was not in need of prayer, her petition therefore extended itself by the Golden Ratio, to the many ears of angels, myself included first here among their ranks.

"Dear God, I just don't understand you or your ways". the girl lamented. "How can a mere gopher hole befall this noble creature of yours and why? Why take away from me now, at this moment in my life, the very thing I love most in this whole world? Why, why WHY?! I wish I knew. My heart hurts to the point of breaking!" she sobbed, "Please God, if you can, if you are there, if you can hear me, help me to understand the unfairness of it all. Oh God help me please, to better understand, and please, when the time comes, recieve the loving spirit of this horse into your eternal heart, amen."

It was a prayer that went directly from her lips to God's ear, and for but a moment Vickey swore she could almost hear a faint singing, like a choir of angels, or maybe it was just the wind playing games with her mind she couldn't be sure. Standing up from the striken animal, she met the eye of the veterinarian, and then ran from the barn as fast as she could to nowhere in particular, as the clouds covered the sun, and a cool autumn breeze made the trees all around blow to and fro as if, not without sympathy, they too were completely up in arms and in a terrible and agitated state of mourning over the whole affair.

Dramatic Historical Intrpretation offered, in all humility, by Alisha
WOTAR - VA&T (Verified, Accurate and True)
Gregorian Earthdate: Irrelevant (I refuse to use Sam's forms on principal)
TimeSpace Promiximity to OmegaPoint: Unconcerned.

Chapter Four

Breakfast of Champions

"Please Max, your table manners, my good man. What we're discussing here can surely wait a few more bites, no?" Carl Chuckled, as Max wolfed down the lavish breakfast consisting of: Belgium blueberry waffles, a full-on "Carl Special" smoked salmon and grilled pepper Omlette with melted cheeses, three slices of maple-smoked Canadian bacon, hashbrowns with fried onions, fresh oven baked multigrain bread with melting butter, and some sort of fruit salad yogurt delight the likes of which Max had never tasted in his young adult life, it was, the whole thing was, well, the best damned breakfast he'd ever eaten! Between yet another enthusiastic mouthful, while trying not to talk with his mouth too full or too open this time, Max looked directly at Carl, and exclaimed "What's with the breakfast Carl?"

Carl, who was about to turn away with his own dishes in hand, paused imperceptively (although nothing much escaped Max's field of awareness) and then continued to the dishwasher, addressing Max with his back turned, "your father is returning early tomorrow on urgent business matters and I fear I shant be seeing too much of thee (Carl sometimes lapsed into Shakespearian lingo for no particular reason at any given time) and with you going back to school next week, I regret we might not have this opportunity again until the Christmas break. Rather serendipitous however, or dare I say rather prescient of me to prepare a breakfast fit for a king, and lo and behold who bounds through the door but the king himself, fresh from a tour of a kingdom without end, no less! Max you've given us a cause to turn what might have been a rather somber occasion, into a celebration! My timing, once again, impeccable, is it not "Sir" Bauer, he said, turning with a fained bow of deference. (it worked, since the way to a boys heart is of course through his stomach).

Clearing Max's dishes away with the efficient expertise of someone accustomed to efficient performance in every area of life, unto mastery, Carl then took his chair, spun it around like a top for a rapid half spin, and reversing it, straddled it directly opposite Max, and, leaning in, as if to share a secret with a close buddy, he asked, as if begging "Tell me Max, what happened then, after you felt yourself leave your body and accelerate at the speed of light across the universe, as you put it, was there anyone else there, anyone other than yourself who's presence became known to you at some point?"

For some reason, Carl looked different to Max somehow, he'd seen this look before in the eyes of the men who had business dealings with his father, a deference, as if they were dealing not with a person, but with an idol of worship. It made him feel uncomfortable, like the tables had turned, and now he was the master and Carl the student, or was it something else, could it be now that he'd realized the ultimate prize they both sought so dilligently all these days and weeks and months, that the goal itself had come to obscure their friendship? Had he become some sort of "thing" or object to Carl? It couldn't be, not Carl. No. Max assured himself that it must simply be Carl's excitement, that his entire methodology was sound, and this "debriefing" was simply part of the "experiment", and therefore, within the framework of their present interaction, is it any wonder he felt a little more like a labrat, than friend? After all he valued Carl's friendship, and was absolutely convinced that Carl felt likewise (and indeed Carl loved the boy and would take a bullet for him as his job description demanded). Labrat syndrome, Max thought to himself, filing the thought away for future consideration, maybe even for an SBC "brat session". Nevertheless, seeing that look in Carl's eye, gave him pause, and to be honest, it hurt his feelings, because it was insulting to his person, even though he was only a "kid" (not anymore!).

Carl on the other hand, from his perspective, could not shake the strong impression that the boy had become a man overnight, and not just "a" man, but THE man. Could it be? Could he be this kid's "John the Baptist"? Did he somehow play a role, no matter how big or small in aiding the intiation into self realization of the "Man of Destiny", my God?! I just fed him breakfast, the first breakfast of the rest of his life, just LOOK at him! Checking himself, he smiled inwardly. C'mon Carl my man let's not get carried away here, he's just a boy, and you, you old british ( ) there's no need to let all this go to your head, since it's all just part of the Grand Design, get it together now! Plumb and level, plumb, and level. Steady as she goes.

"Well, Carl" (Max had a hard time hiding the slightly sarcastic and disrespectful way in which he said the man's name, Carl) "if you would, please just let me tell it my way, but in answer to your question, yes, there was someone there with me who seemed to come up along side me after I left my body, and I tested his spirit as you suggested, to make certain he was a "good guy" you know." Carl of course sensed the shift in Max's demeamor, and changed tact. "I'm sorry Max, I don't mean to prod you or lead you. I just want to be fully informed with respect to certain crucial details, while at the same time "calibrating" your experience within the larger context and framework from which it took shape. You must realize by now that I know what I'm doing. As I'm sure you can appreciate, especially now, there is as they say always more going on than meets the eye, so please, if you would, do me the honor of maintaining and open mind and giving me the benefit of the doubt, although that said, perhaps it's best that I just shut up and let you do the talking here, how does that soun?" he said with disarming charm, laying his hands open on the table with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Feeling a strong twing of guilt for thinking badly of Carl, Max smiled back and continued, "Ok, so, here's precisely what happened once I went out of body, and achieved release from the Earth plane."

After relaying, almost ver batim, the letter he'd typed to Andrew, there was silence, and then the birds outside the window, from Grampa's old oak tree suddenly started up a great chatter, before taking wing and flying off in a bustling of features, chirping excitedly to one another in a language only they understood, then moving off as a flock in unison, like a squadron of fighter jets, swooping upward and then turning, their wistles and chattering fading on the wind as if they were setting off to spread the good news, or to give warning - as Carl just sat there, also silent, absorbing and weighing every detail of what he'd just heard.

"Carl? Are you alright?" Max asked.

"My good son, I mean my boy, forgive me, my FRIEND - you did it!" Carl Exclaimed, reaching for Max's hand, and then pumping his arm and elbow to the shoulder. "The holies of holies, you were there. Do you realize Max what this means?"

"Actually no Carl, I don't exactly, what DOES it mean?" Max asked, aware that he'd just crossed his arms somewhat defensively when he asked it. Carl, noting Max's body language, got up, moved around the table to ruffle Max's hair, pat him on the back, and then hug him, as if he was a heroic athlete who'd just won the state championship. "Max! What this means is.....



If you like, please feel free to write the next section of this dialogue, between Carl and Max, wherein Carl will swear Max to an oath of absolute secrecy, and then fill him in on the greatest conspiracy of all ages, running through freemasonry, to ancient Egypt, even Ancient Astronauts, who originally passed the information to man, all of which contains a "Great Truth", but one which can only be aluded to, at this point in the story, to kick off Max's own investigation, with the support of his friends, into the very things that Carl is sharing with him now under the sworn oath of secrecy he just gave him, I might add, not entirely trusting Carl, who he's well aware is his Dad's most trusted confident, and he had no reason to believe that he wasn't being manipulated at some level, for reasons he was and is now, absolutely determined, to find out - setting up the great mystery to be solved by Max and friends of The Spoiled Brats Club (SBC) - which of course will cultimate, at the very end of book one, with Max becoming "The Galaxian", paving the way for a series of books.

Give it a go, if you like, and I'll incorporate it into the book in one form or another.

If not, I'll just keep going with it, as this is a vital chapter, setting the stage for the entire book, and the whole series of books if that's what it comes to, and help is always appreciated, as this process I've found is not easy, at all. But damn if it isn't worth it, and a blast, sharing with you dear reader who I love writing for.

Best Regards,


edit on 2-10-2011 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:15 PM
Damn bro, you're writing this? Nice!

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by graphuto

Thanks man.

What do you think of the latest installment..?

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