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My UFO experience - eyewitness account PDX, OR

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:51 PM
First off, this is a personal experience and I am sharing it here for those who are actually interested in hearing a witness account of a real encounter. I wrote a short description not long after the event while it was fresh in my memory, and although I can vividly recall it all, I am posting my first recount.
Say what you will and share what you like, although "I know what I saw" and have my perspective and opinion as does my friend who was with me (but I did not write this together with him, this is purely my recount)
And there are aspects of such an experience that go deeper than words..

Since this experience I have had multiple experiences that are just as amazing to me and even more so. Including some experiences I've had up at the ECETI in Trout Lake WA, in fact the day this happened I had planned to go to the ranch for a workshop. The 'contact experiences' are an ongoing process and its a part of spiritual growth & a personal experience as well as shared with many others.. I'd love to answer questions but please keep them on topic and legitimate. Thanks

I might edit this thread to add notes and thoughts after responses on the thread.. I kind of rushed this post so please excuse details I might have overlooked posting.

It happened April 28, 2010 @ 5:30 AM PST. It was pitch dark outside when it started, it lasted through the sunrise into full daylight. The sun rise was at 6:03 that day, so it lasted for quite a while. As you will read, it disappeared when the sunlight came up, we went inside for a minute talking about it excitedly, and came back out to the porch when it again appeared right before our eyes for a few more minutes moving north and disappearing into thin air.
From the spot that we were standing, this was the Lat-Lng: 45.486952, -122.67737
The Lat-Lng of the spot on the river bank the lights appeared was: 45.48442, -122.65334 (click to go to map marker)
The lights never reached more than 50-100 feet above the surface of the river on the East bank. It must have been more like 1 mile between us and the lights, now that I measure the distance on the map. They never rose into the sky or anything. But they hovered, pulsated, twinkled, powered-up and disappeared erratically and organically. Because my friend's porch sits high atop a hill, in perfect view of Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, you can see over the treeline of the Ross Isle. and you can see the water on the east shore. There was no sound mind you, and the only nearest road is a bicycle route through the refuge, but trust me.. these were no 'bicycle lights, boats, ships, emergency sirens, or vehicles'! What we saw was not man-made and I believe it was Multi-Dimensional in nature, and it was Conscious and responding to our reactions and thoughts.

My Report as Filed @ NUFORC
Occurred : 4/28/2010 05:30 (Entered as : 04/28/10 5:30)
Reported: 5/12/2010 1:31:01 PM 13:31
Posted: 5/12/2010
Location: Portland, OR
Shape: Light
Duration:30 minutes +/-
On the morning of Wednesday April 28, I was staying at a friend's house in SW portland and we had been up all night having a conversation. We were standing in his kitchen looking out the sliding glass door to the upper balcony. His deck looks east over the Willamette, and his house sits very high up, near John's Landing and Macadam. Because his house sits at the top of the viewpoint it offers a full view of Ross Island and directly parallel from the deck is the north end of Oaks Bottom Natural Reservation. This is where the whole incident took place it did not happen in the sky. The objects appeared about a half mile away from us, from the opposite bank, the east side, of the river.

Before we noticed the lights, we were having a good conversation talking about the state of the world, spirituality, and sharing personal experiences. I had gotten to the subject of recent UFO sighting I've had, and I was explaining to him that I really feel that we can be making efforts to reach out and contact off world visitors, as individuals, and as communities or small groups. I was telling him about a sighting I had near Lake Cushman in Washington, where I was staying at a friends cabin. This particular sighting happened one night a few months prior, when I went out to the deck of the cabin overlooking the lake. Strangely enough, when I went out there the sky was clear but nothing unusual was visible. I closed my eyes and began to envision a light rising up out of the lake, and I put out my thoughts that I wish to have a contact and I want to see something, then when I opened my eyes out in the distance on one of the hills was a white light which had appeared while my! eyes were closed! It pulsed irregularly with no apparent pattern, and the brightness of the pulses also were changing. This is a sighting in Washington months ago so I won't go into detail here. But it's important to describe this because it is interconnected with all of my sightings I've had recently, which all seem to be the same 'type of craft'.

SO, while I was describing this to my friend, I had been looking out his window at lights which were flashing and changing colors, but I hadn't noticed consciously. My friend interrupted me from my descriptions and said, "What are those lights out there?" I then noticed we were looking at something unusual. I started to list things off and I thought at first we were looking at a traffic intersection, was there an accident? Were we looking at ambulance lights or was there construction going on out there? But my friend pointed out the lights were not coming from our side of the river, they weren't that close. These lights were coming from across the river! We went out to the balcony and our eyes adjusted to the darkness, it was just before sun rise so it was pretty dark out. We could clearly see the outline of the river and Ross Island, and the tree line and bank of the east side where Oaks Bottom sits.

The lights were all very close together, I would say there was an area of 100-200 feet which these lights stuck together and hovered around very close to ground level. The lights didn't rise up above the tree line so they stayed about 50-100 feet above the ground and the river. They moved slightly at first from side to side, and then towards the end of the sighting they did move north about a quarter mile before disappearing right before our eyes.

To describe the lights without seeing them for yourself does not give justice to the intensity of what we saw! I could not stop saying, "This is so beautiful! Have you ever seen something so amazing and beautiful before!" I was touched by the sheer sight of it all. But also I was going through phases of many emotions and physical feelings during this sighting. At first I was skeptical, uncertain of the area we were viewing, that it could be something unexplainable. But as it got brighter out I could see my friend was right, it was an area where there are no buildings, no roads, and no public access. The lights we saw are unlike anything I've really seen before. Even in science fiction movies, these lights just were so unique I can't really describe it perfectly.

There were lots of colors, and the lights seemed to change rapidly in shape, size, color, and brightness. The lights would stay 'lit' for a split-second to a full few seconds. And the lights were not lights on an object - this is very important to understand - the UFO was a group of lights with no other objects associated. I could clearly see, for the entire duration, the larger lights would pulsate, glow, and vibrate for a few seconds. Then, upon shrinking and disappearing, it would be followed by dozens of colorful sparkles and twinkles and yet more bright white-blue or golden pulses. The number of individual pulses and appearances would number in the hundreds. Because for the whole duration these twinkling pulsating orbs of light would be constantly changing and it was hard to say whether we were observing a collective of dozens of individual objects, or if this was some kind of vortex which many objects were popping in and out of, or if maybe it was all one big transparent object which dozens of changing lights appearing all over it.

We were out there for a while and continued to watch these lights with much excitement and wonder, for the next 20-30 minutes I assume. The sun came up not long after we stepped outside, and the lights continued pulsing even though it was then light out and we could clearly see no vehicles, people, objects, or anything at all! The lights were appearing from out of nowhere, they were literally phasing into our visual perception either from another dimension, or from a band of light or vibration which we cannot visually see - or both.

I recall my friend describing that he felt very warm through the entire experience, I too did feel like I was having hot-flashes, but I at the peak of the experience, I felt as if electricity was surging through my body, and I felt like I was having a transmission of thought with these objects. So many feelings went through me. But not one tiny amount of fear was felt - I felt completely secure and in fact I felt very blissful and loving energy. I recall that there were tears streaming down my cheeks and I couldn't help but cry because the love and joy I was feeling was SO intense! I felt that these lights were supporting us, all of humanity, and they care dearly for our well-being and our planet too. We are not alone and we live in a vast universe. But we do not have anything to fear, if we feel fear and are in a negative place within, then we are going to attract such experiences perhaps unconsciously. We must remain grounded, centered, and composed.

We didn't get any pictures or footage at all unfortunately, but this sighting was more than a usual UFO sighting, to me it was a CE5 - a close encounter of the fifth kind characterized by close bilateral communication, and experiencing physical effects from the encounter. I can send a picture of where the sighting took place using an aerial of the area from google maps - if this is something that would be useful then let me know.

I can be contacted via phone or e-mail for further questions and details. I am an artist so I have been drawing what I saw but truly the whole incident was so dynamic a simple picture doesn't really show the incredible animation of these objects.

I am personally making efforts to pursue more contacts and I feel very confident now that things are just beginning and I am very excited for the near future events to come. I know I have my own personal perception of what happened and because i've experienced 'supernatural' or unusual events all my life, I am very confident in trusting my intuition on these matters. Contact with these higher dimensional beings requires an open heart, and pure intent. We must be raising our vibration as individuals, communities, and a planet - there is much hope for us here in our quest to heal and clean our home, these beings are here for multiple reasons, some may be a part of our earth too, some may be here to assist us or our planets or the sun. We will find out more as we open up and begin to shift into the new paradigm.

There is much more I could attribute to this sighting, as in the last 2 weeks I've had yet another sighting but of a smaller implication. I've seen ufos in the sky but my sightings are happening on ground level as well simultaneously in some cases. I am pursuing more contacts with an open heart and mind. Thought and meditation techniques are very helpful and I believe the way to go for pursuing a communication with dimensional beings. Please contact me if you feel compelled to, I feel there is much more to come very soon!
edit on 17-10-2010 by orazio because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 01:55 PM
Thank you very much for sharing this. It's detailed, interesting and non-hysterical. S&F for you. I would be glad to hear more. Please feel free to contact me via u2u.

Best regards,


posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by orazio

Thank you for the OP. I really want these sightings to be related to REAL Extraterrestials. I'm just hoping that all of this recent activity isn't Project Blue Beam, or Haarp. Something inside me is forcing me to question, if Aliens/Higher Dimensional beings wanted to show themselves, they would do so, not flash here or there, then increase activity as if all of this "contact" is waking up to some anticipated happening. The way that these lights are flashing, and the sightings appearing globally, here and there, it makes me say two things:

(1) We are being lied to, and set up by TPTB
(2) We are in for an alien invasion.

I believe there are good ones out there, I know there are, are they still alive though, that's the question. We are coming to something, no doubt about that, what is the topic of question.

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by leira7

I hope if you get a chance to, read ET_MAN's metaphysics descriptions. His Quantum Metaphysics was confirmed with much information downloaded when I reached to the infinity within. This is a school, duality but not the way the bloodlines think, not about choosing sides. Its a little different. The duality is more the questions on the tests, the tests each we have, the answers we're graded on, and going home behind the veil takes yearning for total equality, etuopian, not trying to control anyone, love, not reacting harshly to those who harm us, but beign the adult, the wide awake one, the mature one. Unconditional love.

Wherever there is a strong negative presence, including the Vrill that many of us experiencers have had experiences with, and I like you will be very cautious of any disclosure coming, there is an equally strong benevolent presence, since we're all Family and in school here, reform school for many. But we have many friends too.

Pay attention, disclosure shouldn't get us microchipped or lead to NWO, now should it, or a one world government with a new religion wedding Yeshua with a karmic, eye for an eye, middle eastern one. These aren't the positives.[

In the case, this craft was interactive like real sitings are, and its very likely this was ET, also, that the author of this thread should seek his memories, and take up lucid dreaming, because there are no coincidences, he's probably on their list for expereinces himself.
edit on 17-10-2010 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 07:30 PM
Thanks for this post!

I had a recent 'somewhat' ET experience about 75-80 miles north of Portland.

It's obvious you put a lot of time into this, thanks

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Great reply, thanks. I have had so many experiences since this event. Wow the last year has been just a rollercoaster. After this experience and the following few weeks, I had countless incidents and experiences
Things are getting really close

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by orazio

I want to see a UFO badly. Your experience sounds great. An interesting thing I also noticed is that this can tie into another thread posted not too long ago about this guy below, and he's "channeling." Now I don't know if I truly believe everything about channeling, yet when you watch all those videos it seems as if he is having a conversation with another species, which claims it's from sirius B. Whole point is, besides great advice, the "alien/spirt" was saying how their are many different groups of intellectual life, there is one specific group on our Earth and they are making sure everything goes according to plan, protecting us and pretty much making sure this Earth is still on the right track. The answerer also states about how not to view him, or them as "gods" but also not as the little green men we think of. Which leads me to believe, IF he really was contacting a human through some sort of telecommunication, than maybe some of these "aliens" could actually be somewhat an alien being and spiritual being, which would explain why you felt it somehow "knew" what you were thinking in a way, and your not the only one. Im still skeptical for we don't know the exact truth, but I believe in spirits, i've ecountered a few "spiritual" things before and somewhat recently. So if it's true that their are somesort of "alien/spirits" protecting us and the Earth as a whole and if it's true we have a spirit that lives after the body is dead, than anything could be possible. If we could prove right now (which I believe we pretty much have) that we have a spirit, and their is an afterlife realm then that would change everyone. Problem is many people who don't do research or haven't had anything happen to them think nothing of it. I have experienced spirits and spirtual things, I believe totally in UFO's so with those two things being real in my soul, who knows what the truth is. I guess the point is, is to find out on your own, make your own theories and even if this world never truly knows for hundreds of more years, forget about finding the true answers until they are ready to come to you. Either here, or after we're dead. Anyways interesting post.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 01:32 PM

edit on 15-12-2010 by orazio because: grrr.. double post. sry

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by FPB214

thanks, you've got a good mindset on these things. The importance is to not be 'carried away', positive or negative it is all equal in the eyes of the universal god-ess-ence.
I know for myself, that life is vast and diverse even here in our own galaxy. 'Life' by my definition is including all dimensions, not solely the physical. But our 'textbook' understanding of the physicality is infantile and we are emerging to a higher awareness.
Here in our solar system there are many types of beings who exist. In my perspective. Every celestial body is a form of life. We might not be able to relate to what we are so accustomed to calling 'lifeform' but honestly consciousness permeates all matter.
Matter -> Energy -> Light -> Consciousness

I think you will find this really informative it is in spanish with subtitle
On the evolution of spirit and the soul

Ever since I remember, I have perceived naturally that SPIRIT is in all. Like individual drops-or molecules even- of an ocean, 'We are all one' .. Within every atom is consciousness, spirit. When I look into the stars, see pictures of deep space, nebulae, galaxies, the beauty and fluidity of our universe. I feel familiarity, i sense. i know. All these details and 'proof' and evidence and stuff that people are soo bent on capturing (but often like water it falls through the cracks of your hands).. it doesn't matter most of it is distraction. Just BE and do what you are here to!
I 'channel' different energies into my creative processes of Art. Unconsciously or consciously. I know that channeling is very skeptical to many people, but all it means really is connecting via consciousness or working with communicating communing or bringing in energies. it can vary on what one is 'channeling'. Channeling their 'higher self', or maybe a conscious being from some level of realities.
When we meditate and are clear-minded and open-heart and feel our soul and passion and are what i feel to call "In the Flow of Divine Grace" it is like channeling our true self, through our zero-point if you will, channeling our god-ess-self (male or female, pos or neg, we are all equal) into this world. it can be applied to many ways.

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