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Paying for the TRUTH

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:24 PM
Every now and then I'll come upon a thread where people debate about not "charging for the truth". The reality is we as humans must have money to live, eat, survive, and "pursue happiness". And if you've ever been to a UFO convention or visited any number of UFO/conspiracy/religious sites you'll find that they ALL either write books, make films/documentaries, or sell some form of recorded programming, for either entertainment, informative, enlightening, or various other purposes.

I have many times been on the side of those that believe that "truth" should be given freely to the world if it is important enough, and concerns the human population to the extent that there could be numerous consequences, repercussions, and/or benefits to said people. Then again, I too have bills to pay, and must eat to live. We as a species have been enslaved to the monetary systems for so long now that it impossible to exist in this particular reality without money. So...

That being said, I was curious as to the thoughts of others here on whether or not people should charge other people for information, and by information I mean the above mentioned media, is it immoral? Is it wrong to make money from the UFO/Conspiracy/Religious communities? Is it wrong to have to pay for certain "truths", whether it be for entertainment, or other various purposes?

Thanks in advance for all your opinions and advice!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:46 AM
Thanks for bringing this topic up, All of the New Age researchers have physical bodies and are in physical realm and they need to take care of them, so they need money for it. So In my view it is totally justifiable to sell truth, but they should decrease the amount that they charge.

OFF Topic: You posted some scanned pages of an old freemasonry book, I liked those pages so I used one of your Image on my thread on freemasonry, I think it will be okay with you.
edit on 7/2/11 by vinay86 because: Thanks for posting those pics.


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