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One Conspiracy to Rule them All

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

Well as you can see I too believe in a free way of life. A way of life where everyone is free to choose for themselves what it is they wish to spend their time doing. Where you and I differ is in your idea that we should wait until the end of 2012 to start living our lives. We already have the choice to live the life we choose, it's just that we are threatened into living it a certain way. We can choose for ourselves to quit supporting the aristocracy now. Anyone can make the choice to be free at any time. Like I said, I choose almost four years ago to stop supporting the aristocracy and you can too. For now it's just myself and my girlfriend, but I'm anxiously awaiting the time when others make the choice to be free.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
Those that choose to leave the 'system' do so and form free communities, those that choose to stay do so. It is my belief that over time those that have chosen to stay will see that those in free communities life longer, healthier, happier lives. Over time more and more people will leave the 'system' joining and forming free communities all over the globe until at some point in time there is simply not enough people left to sustain the 'system' and it collapses. My idea is that of choice, I myself have chosen, just under four years ago, to stop working for the aristocracy. My girlfriend is with me and I hope that someday others will come too.

My friend,

What you are talking about are known as intentional communities. I have been researching them for some time. There are many out there and many forming. I wish you the best of luck, and may even see you at one one day.

If it will help you in your search for like minded individuals, here is a link whcih has a directory of intentional communities around the world.

If you have plans to set one up, let me know if you need a hand.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Symbiot
reply to post by IAMIAM

Well as you can see I too believe in a free way of life. A way of life where everyone is free to choose for themselves what it is they wish to spend their time doing. Where you and I differ is in your idea that we should wait until the end of 2012 to start living our lives. We already have the choice to live the life we choose, it's just that we are threatened into living it a certain way. We can choose for ourselves to quit supporting the aristocracy now. Anyone can make the choice to be free at any time. Like I said, I choose almost four years ago to stop supporting the aristocracy and you can too. For now it's just myself and my girlfriend, but I'm anxiously awaiting the time when others make the choice to be free.

My friend,

We are of exact like mind. I have already left the system. I know many who have. I am only serving to let others know it is possible and how. That date on the "Plan" is a relative date to give those who cannot leave because they are dependant on the system, a day that they can all stand to take the system down.

I admire you for already having done so. You have been in heaven longer than I so all I can say is, it is a pleasure meeting you.

It is refreshing to see another free face.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 28-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM

It is refreshing to see another free face.

edit on 28-9-2010 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

True that.

I skimmed your link and it looks a bit like a directory of various types of communities, some of which are for profit apparently. At first glance I wouldn't say that what I speak of is an Intentional Community, but it is a community that would probably make that list. I'll take a moment to look a bit deeper into that website.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Symbiot

I do hope that you are right and I am wrong, regarding human nature.

But I don't think greed and hate and everything else are modern inventions. Whether or not you believe the bible, the evidence is there that men are wicked and greedy. Granted, we never know for sure who wrote this or why. For all we know it may have been a work of fiction. But even if it is, where would the writers get inspiration for wickedness other than all around them?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by peterpansgirl

That is part of what I am saying. The wickedness you speak of has been all around us since the beginning, not because we were born that way, but because we were born into that way and learned it. Even the Bible says that fear is the beginning of knowledge, or maybe it says wisdom I don't know, but the point is that fear is the BEGINNING of knowledge. In the beginning, when humans first became intelligent there was much around us to learn, there were so many unknowns and thus so many things to fear. To the untrained eye it would seem that greed and taking advantage of others to supposedly benefit yourself is the most advantageous way to live. Once the unknowns start to become knowns there is much less to fear. Once the untrained become the trained one realizes that hurting others to benefit yourself is actually of no benefit to yourself at all because it is most advantageous to have those people around as healthy individuals so they can contribute their works to everybody. If everyone is happy and healthy then they will be able to put forth greater effort into their works, they will be able to put greater quality into their works and that benefits everybody.

Today we learn greed, we learn war from our role models. The role models in society today are in the upper class, but they are not humble, they are not peaceful, they are greedy, they make war and so the children learn this. They learn that only the greedy, only the con artists make it to the top.

The point is that just because we have been that way does not mean we always will be that way. Our race was greedy and hurtful out of fear. Afraid that if they didn't kill they would be killed. Our intelligence evolves every moment, fear can fade away and with it greed as well.

Think of how much faster we could research and invent if we worked together rather than against each other. For instance today you might have America and Russia working separately to invent cold fusion, they don't share their research with each other because they are afraid the other might use it against them. If they put their researchers together the technology would be discovered twice as fast, doesn't that seem like the smart thing to do?

I suppose it could be said that the pyramid style society we have created benefits greed and liars, but this does not have to be the style of society we live in. It would be of benefit to every one of us to let go of the mistakes of our past, to relinquish the fear we hold of leaving the pyramid style society behind us. This pyramid style society was invented long ago by ancestors of ours that had no clue where they were or who they were. Should we really be living our lives according to the styles of people that thought the world was flat? We are smarter now, we can tear it down and build it anew, stronger, healthier, smarter.

Our race as a whole is not unlike a person as an individual. We must crawl before we can walk and we have been on our knees for so very long. I can not wait to see us enter into a brave new world, to see my friends and compatriots get up off of their knees and take their first steps on their own two feet. Does this not sound like the prophesied age of Aquarius? An age of intelligence, brotherhood and peace.

Just felt like saying this... There is such a thing as good and evil, but words that are best used to describe them would be healthy and unhealthy. What's good is healthy, what's evil is unhealthy.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Symbiot because: A few additionals

edit on 29-9-2010 by Symbiot because: Good and Evil

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 06:49 PM
Here's a post listing out a few tips on how to mitigate the problem outlined here:

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 09:31 PM
The interesting thing about Egypt is the slaves that built the pyramids truly believed that they were 'better' than the rest of the slaves. They believed they were smarter, faster, stronger and more important than the rest. In truth they were slaves just like all the others.

Today is little different. Those in the lower upper and upper middle class believe themselves to be more useful than the other slaves. In truth they are just slaves, no more and no less.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by Symbiot
The interesting thing about Egypt is the slaves that built the pyramids truly believed that they were 'better' than the rest of the slaves. They believed they were smarter, faster, stronger and more important than the rest. In truth they were slaves just like all the others.

Today is little different. Those in the lower upper and upper middle class believe themselves to be more useful than the other slaves. In truth they are just slaves, no more and no less.

They could be more... They could be human, but they don't seem to care much for the gift of life that was given to them. They decided to sell it to someone else.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

ive never been to this website yet, it said something on the home page about threads, i dont even know what that means, anyways, im not to sure where to turn or how to tell about this other stuff that couldbe happening right now.
you know how they've genetically altered certain plants/foods with the capability to kill itself after only one season? i think they refer to it as the 'suicide gene' .... and i suppose, at times, it could BE the hot topic.But those behind the scenes would want to keep your focus on the so called 'hot topic'.Of course this is one of Their constructs., the altered plants/foods with the 'suicide gene' isnt that only a preview of things to come.
the more your focus is elsewhere, the more time they buy themselves (geneticaly) to find such a way as to do it to humans. could be when they do figure it out, there will (purposefully) be some kind of gross terrible sickness that somehow just "shows up" again RE-directing your focus for them to be able to come in with Their life saving 'serum'. which of course will simultaneously become the introduction of a human-capable genetically altered 'suicide gene' its a world scale population control/adjust oh what are the possibilities ? PAY someone to have children is it reversible preventable?will it be used to kill off certain races of people?weapons potential?

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by allergictolightning

Who is 'They?'

They is us, we are them and they are us. Humanity as a whole are the people genetically modifying food, starting wars and profiting off of lies. Where do the people modifying crops get the ability to do so? From us. We are the ones working out in the field, we do what we are paid to do and if we are paid to genetically modify crops then we genetically modify crops.

It is we who ask for it. Basically the more we want something the more it costs, there is more money to be had on things we want. Those who are in the business of making money do whatever needs to be done in order to make more money, it is their job. If there is more money to be had on crops that kill themselves then that is exactly what will be done. If you do not want something to be done, then do not offer money for it.

There is a system in place and has been for a great many years. A system where everything is done in the pursuit of money (perceived as happiness.) This system is our emperor, he rules our every decision. Do you want to go to the bar tonight? Do you have the money to go to the bar tonight? Do you want to take a vacation? Do you have the money for a vacation? Do you want to go to work today? Can you afford not to? Do you want a girl/boyfriend? Can you afford a girl/boyfriend?

We lie to ourselves, we oppress ourselves, we cheat ourselves. It would be nice to have a light bulb that never burns out, and it is possible, but there is no money to be made on light's that don't burn out. If we want light's that don't burn out why do we offer more money for lights that do burn out? We say we want a forever lasting light, but in action we ask for lights with a short lifespan because we offer more money for those.

The monetary system that we support with our ideology and our works dictates that a light bulb that burns out will make more money than a light bulb that does not. If we support that system then we support the ideology that one should produce short lived light bulbs instead of forever lasting light bulbs. The monetary system dictates that one can make money off of cheating people, even off of killing people. If you support this monetary system then you are cheating yourself and others. America, Germany, Russia, India, China, Japan, Italy, Guatemala, Nigeria, Mexico. All of these nations, indeed all nations, base their societies on the monetary system. If you support any nations then you support the monetary system.

Are you a soldier in the US Army or the Russian Army? Do you pay your taxes? You support the monetary system and thus you support the raping of the populace in the pursuit of money. Do you work for the pursuit of money? You support the monetary system and thus you support the ravaging of humanity in the pursuit of riches.

Even if you own your own small antique shop you support the monetary system. If you sell items then others might be tempted to purchase those items. In order to purchase those items they need to obtain money. In order to obtain money they'll need to perform certain actions. That action might be something such as making an inferior short lived light bulb, joining the army, selling their life to a corporation, genetically modifying food, etc... By selling items you encourage others to support the monetary system and thus you encourage others to support your own and their own suffering.

We as a whole race refuse to let people live unless they obtain money. Without money you cannot have a house, nor can you have food. In this country it is actually a crime to shoot a deer in the wild without paying taxes on that deer. Simply being a part of the collective voice that says you are a worthless bum if you are jobless then you support the system that beats you down. You encourage people to pursue money by threatening them with death if they do not.

Everything that is and has been done to harm humans, such as genetically modifying crops, has been done in the pursuit of money. You support the ideal that money is needed and that money is necessary. You encourage people to pursue money and in so doing you encourage people to modify your food, to strip you of decent lighting, to strip you of the things that don't break, to strike fear into your heart for the need of money making protection.

If you are looking for someone to blame then to the mirror I suggest you go. It is not their fault, nor is it my fault or your fault. It is OUR fault.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Symbiot

uhmm......that stuff at the end about who's blaming who?, i was not trying to blame anyone for anthing.
it would just be nice to be able to 'Dump the Bucket' out, with some form of a monkeywrench.
all because someone somewhere with all the power money and influence has an AGENDA and i bet saving my life isnt part of that. That being one of the underlying driving factors, could, inevitably cause some gen/sci's to breakthrough with a human developed 'suicide gene' for purposes of having a greater control/influence over world population.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by allergictolightning

If you don't want someone to have a human killing gene agenda then I would suggest you stop asking for it. If someone wants to make a human killing gene it is because they believe they can make money off of it. If you want that to not be the case then stop making it so people want to pursue money. Stop making it so people fear not having money.

It sounds very much like you do not want this human killing gene project to happen, but I was explaining how you are helping it to become a reality. People will do literally anything to obtain money, stop supporting their desire to obtain money and you stop supporting their desire to do the things that make them money such as genetically modifying crops and perhaps even people.
edit on 8-7-2011 by Symbiot because: Typo

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