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U.S. Military Officers for 9/11 Truth.

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posted on Mar, 21 2016 @ 07:00 PM
Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp
*US Airforce Pilot (retired 2009)
*3,000 flying hours
*31 years’ service in US Airforce
*Qualified & Experienced Aircraft Accident Investigator
*Former President of Aircract Accident Board
*Chief of Air Force’s Theatre Security Cooperation programs for all Central and South America

KEY POINTS (from speech above) Aviation Improbabilities

1.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots voluntarily giving up control of their aircraft to individuals stating they have box cutters and have or will kill passengers; this is not the established protocol to give up control of aircraft and responsibility of safety for your passengers and crew.

2.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots being killed without a deliberate violent flight control reaction that would upend any cockpit invasion.

3.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots not entering the Hijack or Emergency Code into the transponder, alerting ATC of a serious problem.

4.) Improbability IF the above occurred that the marginally-trained hijackers would be able to operate the navigational systems and fly to specific points in airspace using Instrument Flight Rules

5.) Improbability of maneuvering the airliners above 400 kts airspeed (considered high speed) and precisely striking the comparatively small WTC 1 & 2 (Professional pilots in simulators have about a one in three chance of accomplishing this maneuver.)

6.) Improbability of maneuvering AA Flight 77 from 35,000 feet descending to hit the Pentagon, as stated by USG in an analysis of the Flight Data Recorder (FDR); specifically a 330 degree turn from 7000’, descending at a controlled airspeed of 290-300 kts, to precisely strike the Pentagon at ground level by a minimally-trained, unqualified hijacker.

In the video the guy also brings up other key points to do with the Pentagon.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:03 PM
Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Latas
*Former combat fighter pilot.
*Aerospace engineer.
*Currently Captain at a major airline.
*Combat experience includes Desert Storm and four tours of duty in Northern and Southern Watch. Aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle and General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter/bomber. Former President, U.S. Air Force Accident Investigation Board.
*served as Pentagon Weapons Requirement Officer and as a member of the Pentagon's Quadrennial Defense Review.
*Awarded Distinguish Flying Cross for Heroism
*4 Air Medals
*4 Meritorious Service Medals
*9 Aerial Achievement Medals.
* 20-year Air Force career.


"The things that really got my attention were the amount of descent rate that you had to have at the end of the flight, of Flight 77, that would have made it practically impossible to hit the light poles. Essentially it would have been too high at that point to the point of impact where the main body of the airplane was hitting between the first and second floor of the Pentagon. ...

You know, I'd ride my bike to the Pentagon. So, you know I'm a little bit familiar with that area. But, you know, that kind of descent rate it would have been impossible essentially for the results that we see physically from what the flight data recorder was recording. Like I say, that's an area that I think deserves explanation.

Lieutenant Colonel Guy S. Razer, MS Aeronautical Science, U.S. Air Force (ret)

*Retired U.S. Air Force command fighter pilot (served 20 years)
*Former instructor; U.S. Air Force Fighter Weapons School.
*As an Air Force weapons effects expert was responsible for wartime tasking of most appropriate aircraft/munition for target destruction to include steel and concrete superstructures.
*Former aeronautical structures flight test engineer with McDonnell Douglas, working on advanced DC-9 autopilot systems and DC-10 flight envelope expansion stress and flutter analysis.
*Tactical aircraft flown: General Dynamics F-111 Aardvark fighter/bomber, McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle, General Dynamics / Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon, McDonnell Douglas F-18 Hornet, Boeing B-1 Bomber, MiG-29 (Russian fighter), and Su-22 (Russian fighter/bomber).
*3,000+ fighter hours.
*Iraq war combat veteran.
*Operation Northern Watch
*USAF Fighter Weapons School Instructor
*NATO Tactical Leadership Program Instructor/Mission Coordinator
*USAF Material Command Weapons Development Test Pilot
*Combat Support Coordination Team 2 Airpower Coordinator, South Korea
*All Service Combat Identification Evaluation Team Operations Officer
*Boeing F-22 Pilot Instructor
*MS Aeronautical Studies, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Interview about 9/11 starts at 5.00

After 4+ years of research since retirement in 2002, I am 100% convinced that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were planned, organized, and committed by treasonous perpetrators that have infiltrated the highest levels of our government. It is now time to take our country back.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:25 PM
Captain Russ Wittenberg
*Former US Airforce Pilot (20 years’ service)
*Over 100 Combat Missions
*Commercial Pilot for PanAM and United Airlines for 35 years
*Flown both airplanes that were ‘hijacked’ on 9/11

Excellent September 2015 interview

"The truth is always the truth no matter how many people believe it.
A lie is always a lie no matter how many people believe it.
The official 9/11 story is a lie."

edit on 22 3 2016 by Debunkology because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 03:26 PM
Continuing with Russ Wittenberg

Bearing in mind the guy has flown 30,000 plus hours. The Aircraft’s he has flown is extensive militarily, but also commercially. He has flown a Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777.

He has flown the two United Airlines aircraft that were ‘hijacked’ on 9/11. Flight 175, the second airplane to hit the World Trade Center, and Flight 98 which impacted in Pennsylvania.

Key Statements:
***I don’t believe it’s possible for a so-called terrorist to train on a [Cessna] 172, then jump in a cockpit of a 757-767 class cockpit, and vertical navigate the aircraft, lateral navigate the aircraft, and fly the airplane at speeds exceeding it’s design limit speed by well over 100 knots, make high-speed high-banked turns, exceeding — pulling probably 5, 6, 7 G’s. And the aircraft would literally fall out of the sky. I couldn’t do it and I’m absolutely positive they couldn’t do it."

***“For a guy to just jump into the cockpit and fly like an ace is impossible – there is not one chance in a thousand,” (recalling that when he made the jump from Boeing 727’s to the highly sophisticated computerized characteristics of the 737’s through 767’s it took him considerable time to feel comfortable flying.)

***“The government story they handed us about 9/11 is total Bullsh1t plain and simple.” (Wittenberg convincingly argued there was absolutely no possibility that Flight 77 could have “descended 7,000 feet in two minutes, all the while performing a steep 280 degree banked turn before crashing into the Pentagon’s first floor wall without touching the lawn.”)…

***“Regarding Flight 77, which allegedly hit the Pentagon. “The airplane could not have flown at those speeds which they said it did without going into what they call a high speed stall. The airplane won’t go that fast if you start pulling those high G manoeuvres at those bank angles. … To expect this alleged airplane to run these manoeuvres with a total amateur at the controls is simply ludicrous…”

edit on 22 3 2016 by Debunkology because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

found some military officers giving their opinion of the conspiracy .....


posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

1.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots voluntarily giving up control of their aircraft to individuals stating they have box cutters and have or will kill passengers; this is not the established protocol to give up control of aircraft and responsibility of safety for your passengers and crew.

2.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots being killed without a deliberate violent flight control reaction that would upend any cockpit invasion.

3.) Improbability of ALL 8 Airline Pilots not entering the Hijack or Emergency Code into the transponder, alerting ATC of a serious problem.

4.) Improbability IF the above occurred that the marginally-trained hijackers would be able to operate the navigational systems and fly to specific points in airspace using Instrument Flight Rules

5.) Improbability of maneuvering the airliners above 400 kts airspeed (considered high speed) and precisely striking the comparatively small WTC 1 & 2 (Professional pilots in simulators have about a one in three chance of accomplishing this maneuver.)

6.) Improbability of maneuvering AA Flight 77 from 35,000 feet descending to hit the Pentagon, as stated by USG in an analysis of the Flight Data Recorder (FDR); specifically a 330 degree turn from 7000’, descending at a controlled airspeed of 290-300 kts, to precisely strike the Pentagon at ground level by a minimally-trained, unqualified hijacker.

Lets see here.
1. He's a trained military pilot. He's not in charge with the safety of hundreds of passengers. Forget the box cutters, they said they had a bomb. It was heard on the radio. If the bad guy says get out of the seat you get out. period.

2.Why would there be violent control changes if you are not in the pilots seat ?
3.Since they trained in the simulator and had manuals they knew where the transponder controls were. Simply say don't touch the transponder.
4.It was a clear day IFR was not needed. Just set the VOR for 115.9 and fly the heading. It's stupidly simple. Just do a youtube search. Once you get close to NYC head for the two tallest buildings.
5.A straight in shot is not that hard. I doubt many professional pilots asked for permission to aim for WTC during their simulator check rides. That's just asking to be fired. Oh and the second plane to hit almost missed the building. Look at the bank angle and where he hit.
6.According to the FDR the plane descended 2600 feet in the last 50 seconds. A typical airline decent rate is anywhere from 2000 to 5000 feet per minute.
Now a 'standard rate' turn requires a plane (any plane) to do a 360 in two minutes.
Any moron can do a standard rate turn especially when you allow the plane to descend.
This guy is just spouting off about nothing.

Here is a standard rate turn. It's not dramatic at all.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:05 AM
Joel M. Skousen
* U.S. Marine Corps.
*Former Captain and Fighter Pilot Military aircraft flown: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom, Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Grumman F-9 Cougar, North American T-2C Buckeye.
*FAA licensed Commercial Pilot.
*Member, Experimental Aircraft Association.
*Member, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
*Former Chairman of the Conservative National Committee in Washington DC and Executive Editor of Conservative Digest.
*Vietnam Veteran

There is significant evidence that the aircraft impacts did not cause the collapse [of the Twin Towers] ...

The issues of the penetration hole [at the Pentagon] and the lack of large pieces of debris simply do not jive with the official story, but they are explainable if you include the parking lot video evidence that shows a huge white explosion at impact. This cannot happen with an aircraft laden only with fuel. It can only happen in the presence of high explosives."

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Debunkology

Joel M. Skousen

I see no qualifications for air crash investigation.
I see no qualifications for building collapse investigation.
I see no structural engineering qualifications.

Any first year law student would roast him on the stand.
This is what you find on conspiracy sites.
People talking beyond their field of expertise.

You might as well find someone who stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: samkent
I see no qualifications for air crash investigation.
I see no qualifications for building collapse investigation.
I see no structural engineering qualifications.

LMAO, but the dozens of times before you have totally dismissed them anyway.

For example the post above. Totally dismissing the fact that Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp is & Experienced Aircraft Accident Investigator & Former President of Aircraft Accident Board.

Heck you didn't even bother replying about captain Captain Russ Wittenberg. Who has flown a Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. And the two United Airlines aircraft that were ‘hijacked’ on 9/11. Flight 175, the second airplane to hit the World Trade Center, and Flight 98 which impacted in Pennsylvania.

But I knew this thread would turn into those who believe in the Official Conspiracy Theory trying to hijack the thread and dismiss these people.

I'll say again Good luck with that.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Debunkology

Totally dismissing the fact that Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp is & Experienced Aircraft Accident Investigator & Former President of Aircraft Accident Board.

The reasons for the crash are not in question.
Unless you believe the planes were holograms.

Heck you didn't even bother replying about captain Captain Russ Wittenberg. Who has flown a Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. And the two United Airlines aircraft that were ‘hijacked’ on 9/11. Flight 175, th......

I've already shown you do not have to be an expert pilot to crash a jet into a building.
I've already shown you that these guys were commercial pilots and more than qualified.

If these pilots are right, why do 99% of the worlds pilots disagree with them?
Why don't Iranian pilots stand behind them?
Why don't Russian pilots stand behind them?
What happened to that Earth shattering info Putin was going to release ?

Nothing ever comes from this truth movement.
All claims and promises. No substance.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: Debunkology

Totally dismissing the fact that Lieutenant Colonel David Gapp is & Experienced Aircraft Accident Investigator & Former President of Aircraft Accident Board.

The reasons for the crash are not in question.
Unless you believe the planes were holograms.

Very strange reply to my assertion that Colonel David Gapp who is an experienced aircraft accident investigaor and former president of the aircraft accident board and who questions the official story.

I've already shown you do not have to be an expert pilot to crash a jet into a building.
I've already shown you that these guys were commercial pilots and more than qualified.

Er, No. Maybe in your own mind.

If these pilots are right, why do 99% of the worlds pilots disagree with them?

Oohh, so you miraculously know the opinions of 99% of world pilots?

Fact is - NO YOU DON'T

So do not claim to do so.

You obviously have not bothered to watch the interview with captain Russ Wittenberg who adresses this point.

Nothing ever comes from this truth movement.
All claims and promises. No substance.

Which is your opinion. The "truth movement" involves WITNESSES. PROFFESIONAL WITNESSES.

However nothing ever comes of value from your posts apart from ridicule, being dismissive of proffesionals who have more experience than any of us in this forum.

All your posts are unfounded claims with NO substance.

So I'll advise again, it's probably best to leave this thread because the ONLY interest you have in it. Is to be dismissive and no doubt you will continue to do so.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Debunkology

Is to be dismissive and no doubt you will continue to do so.

The world is dismissive of the 911 conspiracy claims.
Why should I do otherwise ?

Besides all these pilot experts were not there that day nor did they examine the evidence first hand.
Hundreds of people saw the planes hit their target.
Therefore the planes did the maneuvers laid out in the OS.
They have never come up with an alternate explanation. Just claims.

Notice how pilots for truth follow the same tactics as a&e911 and others?
They only say it couldn't be the OS.
They never say it was this way and here's proof.
They always stop short of a fully freshed out theory. Never any evidence.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: samkent

You are only interested in character assassination, ridicule, or to discredit these professionals. You want witnesses.

What about the witness and Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department who was in Building 7 on 9/11 and witnessed explosions within the building?

What about the lawyer to the New York Mayor corroborating his story? Because he was with him.

What about the witness and New York Fire Marshall, considered an expert witness in court who said there was explosions and witnessed Building 7 come down in classical controlled demolition and saw molten steel.

What about the firefighters who said about secondary explosions? Believing that there could more bombs planted.

What about the witness and Pentagon Employee who said there was NO PLANE that hit the Pentagon?

Which brings me to my next Military Officer for 9/11 Truth and witness on 9/11.

Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) –
*Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.
*Also served on the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. 20-year Air Force career.

There was a dearth of visible debris on the relatively unmarked [Pentagon] lawn, where I stood only minutes after the impact. Beyond this strange absence of airliner debris, there was no sign of the kind of damage to the Pentagon structure one would expect from the impact of a large airliner. This visible evidence or lack thereof may also have been apparent to the secretary of defense [Donald Rumsfeld], who in an unfortunate slip of the tongue referred to the aircraft that slammed into the Pentagon as a "missile". ...


edit on 24 3 2016 by Debunkology because: (no reason given)

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