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France Demands Return of the Statue of Liberty

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posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 03:51 PM

France Demands Return of the Statue of Liberty
By Brian Briggs

Paris - France has invoked a long forgotten clause to demand that the Statue of Liberty be returned.

The people of France sent Lady Liberty as a gift to the people of the United States in 1886, but the recent row between the countries over Iraq has them rethinking their present. A graduate student in history, Jean Renault, at the �cole Centrale Paris uncovered a document which gives France the right to recall the gift under certain conditions.

"It says right here," said Renault pointing to the aged document, "that if America drops below a certain level on the Franklin Scale (an international measure of a country's liberty and freedoms) that France can demand the statue back."

Jacques Chirac glowed with excitement at the discovery. "Finally, the Americans will feel the wrath of the French. We plan on putting the statue in Eurodisney, or giving it to a more freedom-loving country like North Korea."

Chirac also warned that if the statue is not returned that France would "vigorously enforce its patent on French Fries, and send all its good red wine to Germany." Economists believe such moves would cripple an already weak American economy.

The news infuriated many Americans. Karl Cabot of Waukesha, Wisconsin said, "You know I sorta remember reading about a clause like that before, but I say screw the Frenchies. The statue should stay in Washington D.C. where it belongs!"

President Bush vehemently opposed the request. "America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. It says so in our constitution. God bless America."

A recent poll showed that Americans favored renaming the statue to the Statue of Quasi-Liberty, or The Torch Lady in order to keep the monument in New York harbor.

Tony Blair suggested a compromise in which the Statue of Liberty would be left exactly where it is and France would "bugger off."

[Edited on 15-3-2003 by Never Sleeps]

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 03:58 PM
The Statue of Liberty is staying right were it is. They'll have to come over here and fight for it before I and every other American see it go. Now I am absoulty disgusted with France. What are they going to do if we refuse?

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 04:00 PM
Must be a spoof.Very Funny.

To many quotes from world leaders.

How about "Statue of Freedom"to go with the Freedom Fries.

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 05:20 PM
OhI guess it helps to look over web pages very carefully!

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Never Sleeps

The news infuriated many Americans. Karl Cabot of Waukesha, Wisconsin said, "You know I sorta remember reading about a clause like that before, but I say screw the Frenchies. The statue should stay in Washington D.C. where it belongs!"

I hope it's a joke or this guy must live under a rock!!

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Sometimes it makes sense not to take yourself so seriously to put things in perspective.

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 09:00 PM
They should paint a tear under one of Lady Liberty's eyes to show our disappointment and sorry that we have for France right now. It would be a lot less costly then blasting it into the Hudson or shipping back to France on a ship.


posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 09:04 PM
I must say I've always been surprised that the statue of liberty wasn't one of the targets of 9/11....

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 09:04 PM

I was believing it until it got to the part about giving it to a more freedom loving country like North Korea.

posted on Mar, 15 2003 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by DangerProne
Sometimes it makes sense not to take yourself so seriously to put things in perspective.

Sometimes, the only sensible action is to use nonsense...
...Because it's the only thing that can be understood by those who've lost their sensibilities. In this particular case, I'm referring to the US government as having lost all sensibility...

posted on Mar, 16 2003 @ 09:22 AM
Midnight, I am not sure where you live, but living in Canada we have the great ability to laugh at ourselves when we need to. Satire is our strong suit.....We have a great show called this Hour has 22 minutes, check out this link..

Like I said its strictly humour...........

[Edited on 16-3-2003 by DangerProne]

posted on Mar, 17 2003 @ 10:48 PM
I wonder...If we refuse to return it, what are the French going to do?...Come over & take by military force?

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 07:03 PM
That 22 minute thing sux0r3d!!!

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

I was believing it until it got to the part about giving it to a more freedom loving country like North Korea.

Me too

posted on Mar, 18 2003 @ 08:31 PM
and send back in a giant wine glass, protected by a french fry filling. just the head mind you, we'll put a new one on. of who.......... the pope!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 02:59 AM
Before the French could ever display the Statue of Liberty in their country, They'd need to replace the torch with a white flag.


posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 03:14 AM
We still have a lady liberty replica...

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 03:36 AM
[Edited on 19-3-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 04:54 AM
(Leviathan, By Paul ASTER) that in america every important town have a replicaty if statue of liberty, that's why I used to say before the actual crisis that Paris was a euro-american town.

posted on Mar, 19 2003 @ 05:07 AM
I find the whole fiasco quite disturbing. This is not what our founding fathers would have wanted. Look at Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin's travel records, they lived in France at times, and sometimes for years. I think Franklin thought about staying their but didn't due to the fact that it might seem suspicous of an leading offical in all forms of civil affairs in America to be living in France. Can someone tell me why that this tradition of unity among French and American people is lost???

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