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Finland Suspends H1N1 Vaccine

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posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 12:53 PM

Finland Suspends H1N1 Vaccine

H1N1 vaccine suspended due to suspected links to increased narcolepsy in children and adolescents

Six cases of narcolepsy, a chronic disorder causing excessive daytime sleepiness and extreme fatigue, have been reported after patients had been receiving the Pandemrix vaccine.

all of these patients were affected after being vaccinated, and there are nine additional cases that have not yet been confirmed
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 12:53 PM
The Fins have had a pretty cautious attitude regarding vaccines in general, but the outright suspension as we roll into the fall and flu season is telling about their likely posture throughout the year.

The signs are already cropping out regarding "2010" vaccine in drug stores, doctor's offices and I just received a flyer from my healthcare provider telling me that I should get mine now to avoid lines and potential shortages.

This is going to be another large push from the feds to get everyone vaccinated, they still have millions of doses on the shelves they need to get rid of and they will need to pay back pharma to compensate for their campaign cash given out this election cycle and to prime the big pharma pump for 2012.

Be nice if the politicians could get narcolepsy. They might do less damage to the country.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Hi there! I live in Finland and I actually had the swine flu, last year. It wasn't as bad as they want you to think. Anyways my wife was PG at the time and the doctors were really pushing for her to get the vaccine, but we decided not to since we know how these "new vaccines" can actually cause more harm than protect us. Also after the baby was born they really pushed the swine flu vaccine but we decided not to and now I'm really glad that we didn't. Lotta PG mothers had miscarriages after taking the vaccine. IMO these guys didn't even try the vaccine out long enough time before giving it to people. But thanks for posting buddy. S&F for ya!!!

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 01:24 PM
S & F

I am not at all surprised. I am sure that in the coming years (yes, years) we will hear more and more about the adverse reactions, or as I like to call it, harmful affects of this 'vaccine'. I work in an ER and I personally saw numerous reactions just among staff members. I refused the vaccine and had to sign a waiver and was warned I might be required to wear a mask or not be able to work. THAT never happened, because the pandemic never really happened.

What I am confused about now is the new, recent push for vaccinating. A couple of days ago I saw several signs outside pharmacies pushing the flu vaccine. What I would like to know is HOW they could be offering this now when they can't know yet WHICH flu strain is strongest this coming season?

I believe the only answer is what the OP referred to. Their plan last year didn't quite go as well as they had hoped so now they need to get rid of their left-overs. This is BULL.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:55 PM
At last. It's sooo good to see common sense prevail.

Well done Finland.

Finland has also banned the use of mercury in fillings.

posted on Aug, 26 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by westcoast

Lol, because the vaccine has nothing to do with protecting people, it's about killing them! They don't need to know which strain of 'flu is most prevalent this winter to do that!

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