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Rand Paul ABDUCTED Female Student While In College, Tried To Force Her To

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posted on Aug, 10 2010 @ 06:17 PM
Rand Paul Responds:

Well there you go!

How long have people rightfully so criticized Fox News for using non-proof as news reporting?

Now look at the liberal media doing just that and running with it like magnetic train...

If this really happened then provide something more than an anonymous posting on a pro-obama site.

This is journalism?
I always thought that bad journalism was biased news, but this isn't even biased news, it's just complete stupidity based on nothing!!!!

[edit on 10-8-2010 by ModernAcademia]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
If this really happened then provide something more than an anonymous posting on a pro-obama site.

I really hate to nit pick here but where do you get that it is an anonymous post on a website? The source is an interview in GQ magazine. What are you reading? I have no problem believing this did indeed happen, I just believe at the time she was more of a willing participant and this was more of a prank and not really anything that involved force or kidnapping.

I just see no reason to bring up Obama or keep trying to distract people from the actual source.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by nik1halo
As for this kidnapping report, I'd say it's utter tosh and political bashing. As previously mentioned, who would run for office with a kidnapping in their background?

Who would run for office with a known coc aine problem and a wife that got away with killing an old lover?

Who would run for office and then pay a prostitute with a check?

Who would run for office and smoke crack in a hotel room with a hooker?

It happens.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Like all things.

Where is the proof?

Why are you asking me? I did not make the claim. I thought it was a kooky story. It has politics, crime, secret societies, coverups, all the goods for ATS. Yeah, I thought it was a little silly too but it totally fit. It sounded like a batboy version of watergate or whitewater or something. when I heard it so I could not resist posting it here. I am sorry if that confused you but I am not the woman making the claim, sorry.

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Adevoc Satanae]

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Have to love how the word ABDUCTED stands out on the headline. I think reporters do that so their readers will assume it's true right off the bat.

In this day and age it doesn't really matter if the story is true as long as the story gets out there.

The left is in full desperation mode and it's kinda sad to watch.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:35 PM
I'm not seeing where she says she was forcibly kidnapped or abducted here. Sounds to me like they knew her well, and she willingly was blindfolded and went with them. Anybody who didn't participate in some sort of blindfolded shenanigans while in college did not enjoy the full college experience.

The rest of the "story"... wow... college kids in the early 80's smoked pot. Knock me down with a feather!

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 01:52 PM
I think the real point should be the hypocrisy from MSM - if this had been a democrat, it would be fodder for Fox News 24/7. The party of the "Moral Majority" crammed their views down everyone's throat, and now they have a representative that appears to be decidedly "amoral".

Besides, I don't think Rand Paul's drug-fueled college hijinks are his biggest problems.

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posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
I'm not seeing where she says she was forcibly kidnapped or abducted here.

Is it because she did not use the word "forcibly?"

and then they blindfolded me, tied me up, and put me in their car. They took me to their apartment and tried to force me to take bong hits

I see "tied up" "put" and "took" Those are forceful actions, no?

Sounds to me like they knew her well, and she willingly was blindfolded and went with them. Anybody who didn't participate in some sort of blindfolded shenanigans while in college did not enjoy the full college experience.

I agree.

The rest of the "story"... wow... college kids in the early 80's smoked pot. Knock me down with a feather!

See, I thought it was interesting because the rest of the story was actually that first Rand was seeking legal options in response and now denies the event took place. smoking pot in college is not the rest of the story. It never happened at all. Right?

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Update: The GQ claims the story has not been refuted... However spokesman for the campaign says:

"National Enquirer type stories about Dr. Paul's teenage years should be left to the tabloids where they belong."

"We are investigating all our options - including Legal ones," Paul aide Jesse Benton emailed Smith. "We will not tolerate drive by Journalism by a writer with a leftist agenda."

And they are threatening the to sue. If that is not a refutation I don't know what is.

[edit on 10-8-2010 by hawkiye]

I have no horse in the race, but I have to say no, that is not a refutation.

That is a careful statement by his campaign.

In an interview with Fox News, Paul did not directly answer when asked about another detail in the article attributed to the woman — that he and his friend drove her to a creek, where they told her their god was "Aqua Buddha" and she should bow down to him.

"To produce someone anonymously, and then I'm supposed to somehow respond to an anonymous person from 27 years ago, who in the end says — whoever this person was, says — we didn't do any harm to them and it was all in fun and we didn't do anything wrong — and yet it's being characterized as kidnapping, it's kind of a craziness," Paul said.

that isn't exactly a refutation either.

I think it was not an actual kidnapping, and to some extent goofing around, but it sure is a strange story.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:41 PM
MSM and the Establishment are so fearful of Rand Paul.

This type of a report only shows how scared and WEAK the TPTB are.

Unbelievable story on any level.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by brokedown
MSM and the Establishment are so fearful of Rand Paul.

This type of a report only shows how scared and WEAK the TPTB are.

Unbelievable story on any level.

If these types of stories somehow annoint Rand Paul as a threat to the establishment, then by that measure TPTB must be completely out of thier mind terrified of President Obama.

Again...Rand Paul has only denied it's charachterization as a "kidnapping" but has been painfully hesitant to deny the details. I suspect he is in the inconvenient position of knowing there was another man involved in the scenario (as the woman stated) and he can't outright deny it and risk that person comming forward as least until he buttons down that college chum.

Likely just goofing off in college, barely news, but a strange account all the same.

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 09:32 PM

"Exclusive: Rand Paul's accuser clarifies "kidnapping"
The woman who sparked a national firestorm by recounting Rand Paul's
youthful indiscretions to GQ magazine is now clarifying her account: She says she was not kidnapped nor forced to do drugs by Paul.

But she reiterated other odd aspects of her earlier story, including her claim that Paul and another college friend blindfolded her, tied her up, and told her to smoke pot and worship the "Aqua Buddha," even if they didn't physically force her to do these things.

The woman -- who was made available to me for an interview by GQ reporter Jason Zengerle in response to the Paul campaign's denunciations of his article -- said she didn't mean to imply that she was kidnapped "in a legal sense."

"The whole thing has been blown out of proportion," she told me. "They didn't force me, they didn't make me. They were creating this drama: `We're messing with you.'"

posted on Aug, 11 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by lasertaglover

That does not really change much though, does it? She said nothing about pressing charges, no charges had been pressed, so "legal kidnapping" never even crossed my mind but I am sure it did some. She has to clarify she was not forced to smoke pot? The story says they "tried" to force her to smoke pot, not that they were successful. Just saying.

Mainly though, this still seems incongruous. I am more than willing to believe that it was some college fun with friends. Her "clarification" may go a long way to better characterize it as such. Unfortunately, Rand is still in full denial mode so we are left with a choice. Was this some college fun or is it all a lie?

[edit on 11-8-2010 by Adevoc Satanae]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

That was hilarious!!

Interviewer: "they made me bow down to Aqua Bhuda etc...but you don't even remember that? right"

Rand Paul: awkward pause, swallow. "well, I am not going to go back 27 years and try to remember..."

Can't anyone spot BS anymore or is it all about political leanings?

I could care less. It wasn't a kidnapping...but for folks to claim it didn't happen at all when he still refuses to deny it...I call BS.

But honestly don't care either way...It was college.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by maybereal11

I just find it entertaining and somehow very fitting to ATS that the end of this story is supposed to be 'It was not really a kidnapping, it happened slightly differently than that and besides it never happened at all either.' That just makes it fun.

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

I just think things like this are useful for introspection.

My God, if this story was about President Obama the very same posters would be screaming out of thier heads and quoting fictional blog posts how "Aqua Bhudda" is actually a 5th century alias for some obscure God of Terror who plotted to destroy America 500 years before it was founded! And the OP would include "PROOF" in it. It would run non-stop on FOX for a month and forged religious texts about "Aqua Bhudda" would be making the rounds on the internet already.

Just sayin.

As it stands this story has as much relevance as every other I hate Obama thread we see here daily.


[edit on 12-8-2010 by maybereal11]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Hey, I read somewhere that Obama is a closet pedophile.

It was written by an anonymous person, but I think we should investigate that.


Why don't you provide us proof that Obama is not a pedophile.

This kind of crap belongs in the HOAX bin. Or is he REALLY a pedophile?

edit to add-I think someone should call Child Protective Services on the president in pedophile. What about the children? Accusations is all it takes.

Sounds like a good idear.

Thread, OFFICIALLY killed by the Tyrannyispeace. LOL

[edit on 12-8-2010 by Tyrannyispeace]

posted on Aug, 12 2010 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Tyrannyispeace
reply to post by Adevoc Satanae

Hey, I read somewhere that Obama is a closet pedophile.

Have you given him the chance to respond to that allegation before writing it down here as I did with Paul before posting this story here?

It was written by an anonymous person, but I think we should investigate that.

Go for it but not wanting to be socialist, you will be funding that yourself.


Why don't you provide us proof that Obama is not a pedophile.

Why don't you provide us proof that your strawman has anything to do with this thread?

This kind of crap belongs in the HOAX bin. Or is he REALLY a pedophile?

Why so obsessed with pedophilia?

edit to add-I think someone should call Child Protective Services on the president in pedophile. What about the children? Accusations is all it takes.

Something seems broken inside you and I am really sorry for that but maybe you should make an attempt at addressing the topic of this thread. If you want to start a thread on your topic, I see no one stopping you.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:07 PM
Woman says she was NOT kidnapped or forced to do drugs

She said she was largely playing along with the prank.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:27 PM
i got to admit i clicked this link thinking it was some foreign guy meaning to type ron paul abducted some lady i was like what hahahah

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