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Ships or Creatures from the Stars?

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posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Ships or Creatures from the Stars?

When you read reports of certain UFOs they do not seem to have the same metallic characteristics as others, but rather seem to have this unknown organic quality to them that suggests the vessels roaming through the heavens are not constructed ships for alien visitors to occupy, but rather are creatures in themselves. Is it possible some UFO sightings involve not only an object, but a living creature as well?

To me this has always been a possibility and i see no reason in why it cant happen.

It seems obvious enough that humans are not intended to be subjected to the vacuum of space. Without an advanced system protecting us from the elements we quickly would die not only from the vacuum and the cold, but from various forms of radiation as well. But what if we were to discover a creature that did not perish in the vacuum of space, instead enjoying complete isolation from the elements through a form of energetic radiation, a chitinous shell, or even an internal system that thrived on the cosmic radiation of space rather than fighting against the hazards present?

Very plausible and i'm sure that thier are beings of pure energy somewere out thier and they would surely survive in the vacuum of space.

It's an interesting question, but immediately we are struck by limitations to our imagination. Since we have spent the majority of our existence on a planetary body, our entire method of thinking surrounds these bodies working in relation to them even when we attempt to think off-world. And our conception of the universe works within this infinitesimal portion of the universe's space and energy. And of course this is where the first problem arises, likely not by coincidence.


I think this concept is Amazing and its totally plausible for beings to survive in the vacuum of space, that is if thier form is can survive. energy based life-form i would say like a large space whale.

This concept just gets me so excited, Cant wait to hear what everyone else thinks.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by True-seer

in the scifi TV show "Farscape" our heroes travelled about in a ship that was a sentient, cosmos traversing being. Moya (the ship) even gave birth in later episodes.

i mention this because scifi has often portrayed theories/tech that have come to pass. the authors are not constrained by the limits of modern science and are free to use their imaginations to explore the potentialities of the universe.

and i am sure we can all agree that there are a great many mysteries still left in the universe.

as Einstein says: "imagination is more important than knowledge."

here are a few pages that talk about this:

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:23 PM
The concept is entirely feasible - and even likely if we are to believe that life is rampant throughout the universe.

It would be interesting to speculate that at some point across the aeons, a lifeform has managed to detach itself from its planetary base and is now currently wandering the galaxy.

Good to see you back. By the way "Thier" is actually spelt "Their" - its been doing my head in!

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:32 PM
There are an awful lot of 'possibles,' 'ifs' and 'coulds' in that article. Speculation and imagination are engines of discovery, but they still need to refer to processes and systems that are grounded in evidence and facts.

Plasma life-forms have been investigated under laboratory conditions and have a suggestion of plausibility. I've probably read too much sci-fi over the years, but I like to imagine there's a variety of almost incomprehensible reflections of life (sentient or not) in environments we are only beginning to dream of.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky


And I'll tell you this right now:

If in the next decade, we discover microbial life on Enceladus, Titan, Europa, or Mars/Venus (cloudtops) I'll come back to this topic and tell you the possibilities are endless.

Interesting stuff, though. S&F.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by mythos

They touched on this on an episode of Star Trek TNG once (Tin Man, I believe). The ship was a living host.

Also, I believe the Shadow vessels in Babylon 5 were also essentially space creatures, with hosts driving them. Not so much the Vorlons....I believe their technology was organic, but not sure the ship itself was living or not.

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:02 PM

i sae something when i was younger and it just didnt seem to be metal but it was intelligent why is it that i always thought it had to be a ship what if they didnt need one at all!!!!!

very cool and thanks for adding a new train of thought to something that has always bothered me!

only stupid humans are in need of metal crafts

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by True-seer


You might find the work of Trevor James Constable interesting.

Constable is one the very first advocates of the existence of “plasma lifeforms”

Here is his website:

Here is a photo of Constable & 2 of his well known photos from the 1950’s:


Here is another website regarding Constable:

Here is a YT interview with Constable.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Thankyou for that.

I'll get right on it now

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Personally, I have always thought that if you can think of it then it probably does exist, or will exist or what have you. Someone thought we could walk on the moon and wrote a "sci fi" book, now it is reality. I used to wish we could make pcs smaller so we could take them with us, now we have cell phones with internet.... the list goes on and on... so why not living beings as light sources etc.?

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by True-seer
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Thankyou for that.
I'll get right on it now


You are very welcome.


If you look through the many threads of Zorgon, you should be able to find a thread he started some time back about a video he believes shows the "birth" of "plasma critter".

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 5 2010 @ 05:49 PM
That is how I feel about the NASA footage of the "doughnuts". Even the way it moves so fluid and pulses makes me think of a living thing.

I also came to think that now that our Sun is nearing a spiritual or physical restart with the help of the center of the Galaxy, that these living things are gathering now more and more. It is like a spawning! (another NASA shot comes to mind where the movement of the anomalies are like tadpoles or streamers).

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by Greensage


I have looked at that STS75 “tether incident” video for many years.

I recall sitting in my office with my wife years ago, during which time we both watched this video…..gob smacked…..both of us!

And then…..doubts started to creep in as I worked my way through lengthy analysis & commentary.

I guess that by the time I discovered ATS, I was still in a state of some “hope” regarding that video.

So, I worked my way through dozens of threads, thousands of posts & associated linked material until all doubt was removed from my mind.

There are no alien spaceships in that STS 75 “tether incident” video.

Rather than try to explain all this to you myself, I refer you to the excellent thread by DepthOfField:

STS75 Tether Incident: Analysis By DepthOfField

DepthOfField covers this subject really well.

The only thing he didn’t cover was the spiraling coloured lines displayed on that very conspicuous large UFO. I believe that was caused by a bokeh distortion of the video scan lines.

Kind regards
Maybe…maybe not

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 05:06 AM
I think that the possibilities where the idea of living beings scudding around the cosmos is a lot more compelling than the sparse available fact can currently support.
We are in a time in our investigation of the universe where the possibilities are begining to weigh heavier than the impossibilities. With new exo planets being discovered of every stripe, by the hundreds I might add, the routes for further and ever stranger thought on life as we know it, and life as we may come to know it are opening wider almost every day.I would go one step further than living craft, or beings which travel the stars exposed to the void. I was speculating one day about the complexity of planetary structure, and also the diversity of structure one can witness just within the confines of this solar system. During that thought process a staggering idea came to me. Our earth has a crust, mantle, outer core, and an inner core... Our skin has epidermis , dermis, subcutaneous layer,with muscle below, and bone beneath that... now obvious differences occur to anyone of reasonable knowlege of either anatomy, or indeed geology, but it seems that nature has the basic layer system nailed down for most naturaly occuring things. I believe that it is not improbable that somewhere there is a planet, or planet sized structure which is in fact a massive life form. Devils in the details with such an insane proposition of course, but bare with me.
As we know , rock has strata and veins of mineral deposits in it. But consider the possibilities. If a planet was covered with a liquid capable of supporting the birth of simple organisms, organisms which quickly grew to fill that world sea with thier brethren then they might adapt to be able to consume the mineral veins in rock, replacing them with links to other locations in the world... later the now singular lifeform discovers membranes and tissue, growing its self a nervous system, skin, and cirulatory systems from the soup it once was. In order to keep the cycle of life alive, it reprocesses the chemical elements in the atmosphere, given off by its birth cries, sucking them down from the atmosphere, to percolate through its layers, feeding itself along the way, before preasurising the remains, alongside the waste product given off by the entity , deep in the planet/creatures core, before blasting the remainder out back into the atmosphere, like a volcanic fart ... Its pretty far fetched of course... but just thinking about the way it could work is fascinating.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Plasma life-forms have been investigated under laboratory conditions and have a suggestion of plausibility.

Ok, time to put my "stupid" hat on...

I'm not too sure where I heard about this, I've got a feeling it was actually the X-Files, but what are the possibilities for Silicone life-forms?


posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by jokei

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Plasma life-forms have been investigated under laboratory conditions and have a suggestion of plausibility.

Ok, time to put my "stupid" hat on...
I'm not too sure where I heard about this, I've got a feeling it was actually the X-Files, but what are the possibilities for Silicone life-forms? Anybody?


I can confirm the existence of silicon lifeforms!


Maybe...maybe not

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 07:27 AM
Actually, with a simple google search I found quite a lot of stuff to back the theory up

The last one seems to dispute the idea though.

The X-Files episode I was thinking of (yes I have too much time on my hands).

A pretty good collection of examples in the media.

reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

Wooah - aliens might really be quite fugly.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Maybe...maybe not
reply to post by Greensage


I have looked at that STS75 “tether incident” video for many years.

I recall sitting in my office with my wife years ago, during which time we both watched this video…..gob smacked…..both of us!

And then…..doubts started to creep in as I worked my way through lengthy analysis & commentary.

I guess that by the time I discovered ATS, I was still in a state of some “hope” regarding that video.

So, I worked my way through dozens of threads, thousands of posts & associated linked material until all doubt was removed from my mind.

There are no alien spaceships in that STS 75 “tether incident” video...

I have also looked at the Tether Incident since I discovered it & it shows a real sequence of NASA flight day video showing objects swarming the tether. This has been confirmed by more than an ATS 'thread' & the debunked UFO Hunters flawed analysis.

Trevor James Constable is a good friend of mine & if all ATS members wish to see his NEW STS-75 analysis...then check out his 2009 RE-ISSUE of his classic.."The Cosmic Pulse of life"..which is newly revised & he adds a chapter on the STS-75 tether Incident! He explains the video in great detail with full analysis. He told me that he was motivated to revise it because he feels that the STS-75 Tether Incident is the best proof of UFOs he has ever seen.

Trevor Constable also hosted the segment on the Tether break in the movie..UFO:The Greatest Story Ever Denied..because he believes it is a game changer! He asked me if he could. I considered it an honor.
A great many scientists & UFO researchers have privately studied the Tether video & I have been contacted by government 'spooks' & NASA personal as well as other people with info to pass on.

I am told that no 'Photo analysis' as "Maybe-G'day" goes on about, is relevant as any proof of anything! Even the NASA HQ letter states that they have determined that the 'Space debris' on tape is an ongoing concern! A former US Intelligence 'chief' who phones me (my 'handler"???!) said...
- Oberg is a diversion
-He (my spook) helped censor UFO "gun camera' video in Vietnam & they showed UFOs regularily
-The tether video release was a MISTAKE..& he never ever thought the US government would let video showing UFOs from their own cameras get into the public domain
-He detailed the Tether UFOs on the video..their movement,,etc.. and gave me the specific objects to pay close attention to...

This endless...& deliberate diss of the STS-75..every single time ANYONE mentions it in any ATS CRAZY!

Not even scientists think the ATS thread that the Skeptical movement keeps peddling is credible, based just on photo analysis.
The Tether Incident video was "grabbed" from space by me...ALL other & data RE: this break are in NASA lock-down & under Embargo.

Nobody has ever got it..not even Oberg. He sometimes muses that he has it...but when asked to prove through a post...he backs away????

So here at ATS, we can only do fuzzy photo guessing. We are not able to reflect the multiple angles this UFO incident requires for full understanding. The 'sppoks' & other researchers work with me in confidence. The letters from NASA are private..the work put into analysis by so many UFO researchers can not be 'POSTED' on an ATS.

JPLs very own Dr. Nuth has stated that "NASA" should release all the videos they have to prove their point (put up or shut up!).....AND
'near field' objects are ruled out by not only him, but also Dr. Louise Frank via E mail (he discovered NASA 'small comets') & NASA HQ (by 1976 letter) well as the Canadian Space Agency (& so many others). 'Florida Today' had photo analysis done for them when their writer, (Cox)..wrote about the Tether Incident. He told me that the "go" on that article was based on a photo analysis that also ruled out 'near field' ice!

Bottom line on all this ATS photo analysis is all based on multiple generation dubs & M4 video...AND

this ATS analysis which is always sold to members as the 'final' word' by the skeptics... is only (& can only ever be) a tiny bit of the "TRUTH" of the STS-75 UFO swarming by UFOs.

The master tape is needed...The DATA under Embargo is needed..the multiple camera shots..both photos & video must be released...the use of a "used" tether from the 1st. "failed" tether mission (STS-46) must be explained....& the real goals of the STS-75 mission must be fully disclosed.

So debunkers & deniers & skeptics... give up this stupid "CASE CLOSED" nonsense ...
It is so small minded & pathetic. Face it, you are fronting for all these NASA & Government agencies who are still stunned that this video ever got out in the first place.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 09:37 AM
It makes sense to have your ship powered by radiation. With that said an absorbent membrane shell around it and or you would be ideal for space travel.

I wonder if our jellyfish are early prototypes of a living shell that have just evolved over eons.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 09:58 AM
The point that Trevor James Constable is making is that there are 2 different Space UFOs. One type is organic & is a living creature. The other is a construct, made in an alien dimension & uses the same operating principals as the space 'fauna'.

He believes that the 'Tether Incident' video does indeed show both types of UFOs together.

After John Glenn saw his so called "fireflies" ... and after S. Carpenter (on the following mission) also saw them, Carpenter said on a TV doc. that NASA believed that there might be living "critters" in outer space!

I believe this is worth considering & in fact it is on the mind of many "STS-75" Tether Incident researchers who contact me.

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