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Political Currency : Secret Societies, Those They Blackmail, and the Corrupt Currency...

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posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 06:51 AM
Politicians are not that different from the rest of us. Power can make you feel like you can get to your ego, and make you feel like you can get away anything.

So, what happens if you had immoral urges which you were afraid to or unable to act on before? When you achieve power, you are more likely to act on immoral desires. Furthermore, in the process of achieving power it is easy to make enemies, or encounter thorny situations. o you take shortcuts in dealing with these things, and not act properly? Are you able to take the pressure of being in the public spotlight?

Once you start doing immoral things, other people are going to find out. If you start being blackmailed, are you going to change? At this point, you are probably in too deep.

I think it would be very hard for most Americans to gain power and not be corrupted by it. Some may be able. We need more good people to run for public office.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Spartan i think the answer to the corruption and blackmail/leverage problem is going to be a generational thing, one generation drops out, the next drifts aimlessly, the next gets restless and disenfranchised, the next gets angry and gets elected and cleans house.
I think we are close to the end of that little sequence and so will begin anew.
Don't fight the power...Be the power....kick some ass!!
And then offer the hand of reconciliation to those who thought they never had a choice/chance to be forthright.
I feel from your statement that although you have the ability to lead you would rather educate, the only answer then for you is to become a journalist, but i would urge you to reconsider, you don't have to run for president.
Mayors, Governors, Congressmen and Senators can all make huge differences to peoples lives and that is the measure by which we judge each-other.
That's my two-pence stirling.
The same thing is occurring all over the Anglosphere, people are now at the so fed-up i'll do it myself stage.
Your thoughts?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 07:21 AM
The extent of corruption and greed in the political and civilian world alike saddens me

I appreciate hearing about this kind of thing but to be honest i also get sick of it at times.

How have we as a human race allowed ourselves to be controlled by these demons?

I feel sick.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 08:28 AM
Good post S&F .....There is a parable in the old testament Judges 9:8 to 9:15
8 “The trees once went forth to anoint a king over them.
And they said to the olive tree,
‘Reign over us!’ 9 But the olive tree said to them,
‘ Should I cease giving my oil, With which they honor God and men,
And go to sway over trees?’ 10 “Then the trees said to the fig tree,
‘You come and reign over us!’ 11 But the fig tree said to them,
‘ Should I cease my sweetness and my good fruit,
And go to sway over trees?’ 12 “Then the trees said to the vine,
‘You come and reign over us!’ 13 But the vine said to them,
‘ Should I cease my new wine, Which cheers both God and men,
And go to sway over trees?’ 14 “Then all the trees said to the bramble,
‘You come and reign over us!’ 15 And the bramble said to the trees,
‘If in truth you anoint me as king over you,
Then come and take shelter in my shade;
But if not, let fire come out of the bramble
And devour the cedars of Lebanon!
Some of the early Native tribes chose their Chiefs buy observing the individual from early age .
Today the Indian Act dictates how this is done ,and what most end up with is
partisan corrupt political leader . The system is corrupt because it can be.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:43 AM
As George Carlin says " Its a big club and you and I aint in it !"

The entire powers of the PTB is a system of control.

Remember when GW Bush joined skull and bones. He had to reveal his biggest sexual secrets.

THis is what they use to control you. If You play by their rules then you are rewarded with all of the benefits, money and power.

But If You go against them then they use the dirt that they have on you to ruin your political career.

A Case in point.

Bill Clinton's near Impeachment for a supposed blow job.
It was really more so about him pushing for peace talks between the Palestinans and Israelis.

The Dirt was....
Clinton it was well known couldn't keep it in his pants. In fact he had actually raped a woman while attending Oxford U in England and promised to never return to England vs being prosecuted for it in court.

Which is also why he never graduated from Oxford , very rare for a Rhodes Scholar.

Monica Lewinsky was an Israeli plant used to set Clinton up, capitalizing on his weakness for women.

This breaking news eliminated the peace talks when Clinton then had to defend himself from being impeached which were the retributions by the Powers That Be.

This is exactly How they operate.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:27 PM
Many/most of the so-called 'leaders' of the world are free-masons, and probably belong to more than one secret society - Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, etc.

Most, if not all of hose who reach the higher positions in government are 33 degree masons or above.

33 degree masons have been masons for years and have gone up through the ranks. They are deeply embedded. So, let us be VERY clear about what that means.

33 degree masons take an oath that their PRIMARY allegiance is to the Supreme Council of the 33 degree masons, above all other oaths - including oath to country, religion, family etc

Extract from Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney's book, the Deadly Deception:


"We then swore true allegiance to the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree, above all other allegiances, and swore never to recognize any other brother as being a member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry unless he also recognizes the supreme authority of 'this Supreme Council.' . . . There were some extremely prominent men there that day, including a Scandinavian King, two former presidents of the United States, an internationally prominent evangelist, two other internationally prominent clergymen, and a very high official of the federal government, the one who actually presented me with the certificate of the 33rd Degree." (Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney, "The Deadly Deception,"


After swearing this allegiance, they then take an oath:


"One of the Conductors then handed the 'candidate' [the man who represented all of the candidates] a human skull, upside down, with wine in it.

"With all of us candidates repeating after him, he sealed the oath, 'May this wine I now drink become a deadly poison to me, as the Hemlock juice drunk by Socrates, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate the same' (the oath).


It seems that Masons are explicitly required to lie to protect a fellow Mason.


Masons are required to tell lies and even perjure themselves to protect other Masons. They are also required to obey even orders which they know to be immoral:

"You must conceal all the crimes of your brother Masons, except murder and treason, and these only at your own option, and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother Mason be always sure to shield him. Prevaricate [falsify], don't tell the whole truth in his case, keep his secrets, forget the most important points. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you're keeping your obligations, and remember if you live up to your obligation strictly, you'll be free from sin." (Edmond Ronayne, "Masonic Handbook," page 183)

"Right or wrong his very existence as a Mason hangs upon obedience to the powers immediately set above him. The one unpardonable crime in a Mason is contumacy [insubordination] or disobedience." (Robert Morris, "Webb's Monitor of Freemasonry," page 169)


On the basis of the above oaths, it would seem to me that membership of the Masons, especially 33 degree and above, is inimical to holding a position in government, the judiciary, the police, the military.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Thank for those links.

The first one I haven't seen since 2005.

David Icke, however, does nothing for me.

Those who have temptation dangled before them who cannot turn it down are weak-willed.

And those who do not know themselves and are tempted are surely going to go astray.

The biggest problem I see with blackmail being a political currency is so many people try to have their cake, and eat it too, instead of just being honest.

If you're inclined towards deviance do it.

If you're not inclined towards deviance do not do it.

If someone thinks they can profit off of the nature of your inclination because you say one thing, while doing another, this itself is a falsehood unless you allow it.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

The thing with intent is if it is not honest, meaning an ulterior motive, it stinks to high Heaven.

I can sense intent whether in person, online, or over the phone.

A very handy skill to have honed.

I have studied Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, warfare, Government, Military, Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies, the Art of War, which I have now turned all into what I see as the Art of Peace.

While I certainly detest leadership, it is because I am usually the one seeing the problems.

People are loathe to follow someone who suggests they go against human nature.

Human nature is selfish on so many levels.

Petty, spiteful, insane at times, instead of rising to higher standards, people lower themselves.

And this is when those who would manipulate, blackmail, or prey upon you will strike.

I detest drug use, not because of some morality, although that is sure in there, but because of the nature of those people who use drugs, and duplicitous policy.

Drug use is one of the easiest ways for the wrong people to get connected to criminals.

Yet look at the history of Washington D.C. and drugs.

Marion Barry : I've Been Set-Up Again !!!

Marion Barry, you were stupid enough to do the drugs, while in power.

If you were set up, like you state, it was because of your inclinations, nothing else.

And you are responsible for your own idiocy.

I have never supported drugs use but neither have I ever supported the fallacious, and farcical, through duplicitous policy, the War on Drugs.

In warfare, if you have a major problem, an enemy, you go after the enemies source.

The next thing that comes to mind with a politician being blackmailed is sex.

Senator Larry Craig Busted Soliciting Gay Sex

Yes, Senator Craig, was an intended target of blackmail.

If you're gay, be proud of it, accept it and be open.

If you're heterosexual, be proud of it, accept it and be open.

If you're a closet homosexual within the halls of power it is a weapon.

For those who would blackmail the man to keep his secrets.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

That is just it, endisnighe, there is no "Utopia", no perfect world.

Just as there is no perfect politician, that is as real as a unicorn, in a candy forest.

No such animal.

You brought up a good resource, the horrendous movie, "Battlefield Earth".

I've never read the book, I'm not a follower of Scientology, I will leave my thoughts out.

So as not to offend any potential followers.

We cannot expect a perfect world, that is a pipe-dream, so is a perfect political candidate.

But, we can expect a better world, and accountable politicians.

I am just tired of the lies throughout Washington D.C.

They are so easy to see through just as the veil of hypocrisy.

If I ever saw a politician not lie I might have a heart attack.

My heart might not be able to take a miracle like that.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by zzombie

Thank you for the video.

I have no doubts about why J.F.K. was killed.

And I know who it was and Oswald had nothing to do with it.

Except as a sideshow for a three-ring circus.

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

when doesn't a conservative get caught with a hooker?


That comment was used as a mere example of politics.

Not as a divisive point to smear one side over another.

I do not see Liberal's any better than Conservative's.

Both sides have their faults, both sides use partisan propaganda, both sides have agendas.

Thank you.

Originally posted by wcitizen
The problem with the political system as a whole is that it is so corrupt, so sordid, so much a real snake pit....that any good person, with honesty and integrity would not survive the system long enough to obtain a position of influence.

You are correct.

The status-quo does not like the boat being rocked.

This is so their corruption stays in place and no one steals what they're stealing.

Our country.

Originally posted by wcitizen
To make it in politics you have to play their evil, sordid game. If not, you either won't make it or they will get you out or they will set you up and then blackmail you.

I do not play games, especially not political games, I see it as a waste of time.

People who try to play games with me find out quickly I go for the jugular.

Life is not a game.

Neither is politics although the elite use it as one.

Unfortunately, there are those who do play games, who do see politics as a game.

Life is not about who wins or loses but because of people being stupid it turns into that.

Originally posted by wcitizen
Hence, anyone who reaches the level of the 'political mafia' has to be one of them. It's like there's an invisible 'selection process' in place.
[edit on 3-8-2010 by wcitizen]

Of course.

They have to make sure no one can stop them from theft, crime, and fraud.

Hence the ignorant and false two-party system.

If you have only two choices, you have no choices, you have been told to pick.

One side or another.

The lesser of two evil's is still evil.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:31 PM
It is merely someone trying to use something they pertain as a weakness.

Against someone else who becomes the victim.

By gaining power through leverage over the ignorant.

Yes, the honey-trap, is a great example.

Quote from : Wikipedia : Honey-Trap

Honeypot or honeytrap may refer to:

* Espionage recruitment involving sexual seduction in

o reality or
o fiction.

* A type of sting operation such as a
o bait car or
o honeypot (computing) , a trap to help fight unauthorized computer access.

In other words, entrapment, based around someone's proclivities.

Usually, it is used by foreign or domestic Intelligence Agencies, usually.

I can see you like reading about espionage and politics and I suggest this book.

The Tao Of Spycraft: Intelligence Theory And Practice In Traditional China


Partial Amazon Review :

In The Tao of Spycraft, for the first time anywhere Ralph Sawyer unfolds the long and venerable tradition of spycraft and intelligence work in traditional China, revealing a vast array of theoretical materials and astounding historical developments.

Encompassing extensive translations of relevant portions of theoretical military manuals previously unknown in the West (such as the T'ai-pai Yin-ching, Hu-ling Ching, and Ping-fa Pai-yen), the book spans centuries to trace the development and expansion of agent concepts, insertion and control methods, recruitment, and covert practices such as assassination, subversion, and sexual entrapment and exploitation, going on to explore counter-intelligence and all aspects of military intelligence, including objectives, analysis and interpretation.

Sometimes though it is not an Intelligence Agency.

It might even be domestic Law Enforcement getting too big for their britches.

Or an undercover operation trying to make a name for itself.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Many/most of the so-called 'leaders' of the world are free-masons, and probably belong to more than one secret society - Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, etc.
I would say "some", but not "most". Not any more. Masonry isn't as popular as it was 40 or 50 years ago...

Most, if not all of hose who reach the higher positions in government are 33 degree masons or above.
Not true. And there's no higher degree in the Scottish Rite than 33.

33 degree masons have been masons for years and have gone up through the ranks. They are deeply embedded. So, let us be VERY clear about what that means.
This is true.

33 degree masons take an oath that their PRIMARY allegiance is to the Supreme Council of the 33 degree masons, above all other oaths - including oath to country, religion, family etc
And this is false.

Maintain the honor of thy country! Be ready to die in defence of its rights! Labor to secure to the people their free voice in affairs, but do not flatter them, nor be afraid to tell them unwelcome truth. Endeavor to instruct and enlighten them, never seeking to mislead or use them.

Give countenance to no act of National dishonesty. Advocate no wrong, defend no error, suppress no truth, for the sake of part or of private interest. Feel that thou art a stockholder in the public morality. Regard the Tyrant and the Demagogue as equally the enemies of National Liberty…

Extract from Jim Shaw and Tom McKenney's book, the Deadly Deception:
The only deception here is that Jim Shaw never actually got the 33rd degree.

It seems that Masons are explicitly required to lie to protect a fellow Mason.
Again, not true.

There was a time when a Knight would die rather than utter a lie, or break his Knightly word. The Knight Commander of the Temple revives the old Knightly spirit; and devotes himself to the old Knightly worship of Truth. No profession of an opinion not his own, for expediency's sake or profit, Or through fear of the world's disfavor; no slander of even an enemy; no coloring or perversion of the sayings or acts of other men; no insincere speech and argument for any purpose, or under any pretext, must soil his fair escutcheon. Out of the Chapter, as well as in it, he must speak the Truth, and all the Truth, no more and no less; or else speak not at all.
Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma p579

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by crontab
Politicians are not that different from the rest of us. Power can make you feel like you can get to your ego, and make you feel like you can get away anything.

That is a problem if someone does not know how to control their ego.

Originally posted by crontab
So, what happens if you had immoral urges which you were afraid to or unable to act on before? When you achieve power, you are more likely to act on immoral desires. Furthermore, in the process of achieving power it is easy to make enemies, or encounter thorny situations. o you take shortcuts in dealing with these things, and not act properly? Are you able to take the pressure of being in the public spotlight?

I guess that depends upon each person individually.

I can answer for myself and no one else.

I have been tempted many times and I always controlled my urges.

Not everyone is tempted toward immoral actions when achieving power.

Originally posted by crontab
Once you start doing immoral things, other people are going to find out. If you start being blackmailed, are you going to change? At this point, you are probably in too deep.

I think it would be very hard for most Americans to gain power and not be corrupted by it. Some may be able. We need more good people to run for public office.

Yes, I agree here, most people see themselves as far too deep.

And past the point of no return when it begins happening.

Beware the bedfellows you share your sheets with.

They might not only corrupt you they might be the one compromising you.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Cosmic4life

I can concur with the generational issue to an extent.

I am not fighting the power.

That is an insane cause of idiocy.

Actually, I do not want to lead, nor do I want to teach.

However, I tend to speak, and people listen, and I tend to do it through teaching.

When I see someone spouting off without knowledge.

I really do not know what to think of your comment about journalism.

Journalist's tend to become the mouthpiece of the ignorant leading the blind.

And I realize I do not have to run as President.

I just want the people to actually have a choice who they elect.

Instead of the game of fraud that is portrayed as a chance for people to choose.

Always glad to hear other people's opinions especially on this topic.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 05:08 PM
I think that if there really is a few good men and women still out there, who really do want to ( at the risk of sounding cheesy ) 'make a change' in politics and in the corridors of power, regardless of which nation, then their best possible defence is to simply continue to be a decent and good person.

Dont be led astray by the wolves, continue to stick to your morals and ideals, those that would have taken you down the politics route to begin with.

A politician with absolutely nothing to hide is a politician that is untouchable, and one that does not have to answer to anyone but the people who voted for them.

I sincerly hope they exist.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 01:28 AM
To add to my contention that those in government think that we know nothing and that they will do ANYTHING they want to further their idealistic utopia, take a look at this *********.

Here, no moral relativism here-

These type of people make me sick to my stomach.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

You're not the only person it saddens.

I'm always sick of it because I see it daily throughout politics.

And I understand you're not wanting to hear about it.

I'm definitely tired of seeing it not because I see it but because it keeps happening.

Society has allowed it to happen because apathy has set in due to the overwhelming corruption.

People do not know how to stop it because corruption is winning by attrition.

And people forget that voting is not the end of their responsibility.

But the very beginning of it.

Being a part of their individual communities is a large part of changing it.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by the2ofusr1

Unfortunately, the system itself is not corrupt, the system is merely a box.

A box, or a house, is framed with a square and compass, carpenters built it.

Think of it as a house, framed, drywall, shingles, with a foundation.

It is who goes in the doors, out the doors, and who looks out the windows who are corrupt.

I'm glad you included that parable from Judges.

The system has a way of being manipulated by thieves who will sneak in.

If you know nothing of the boundaries of how it was built you do not know how to protect it.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by nh_ee

Carlin was funny but he was incorrect.

We are in it because we were born within this country.

Why else would we have been taught how this country is run?

In order to be a part of how it is run.

The problem stems from people's ignorance of letting other people do it for them.

Apathy, negligence, malfeasance, these are what the American people practice.

I do agree with you that the entire powers of the powers that be stems from the systems of control, but it is their willingness, to actually do something instead of sit on their duffs.

Yes, Bush, and his son laid their sexual secrets at the feet of Skull and Bones.

Their sexual deviance's and proclivities guaranteed their seat within power.

The problem with this is that the game is crooked to begin with, that of "secret" power.

Your case in point with Clinton just shows how sexual proclivities can be a control.


Who knows just how many interns he had sex with?

The man is a walking S.T.D. and poster-boy for finessing corruption into more corruption.

Just looking at him made my skin crawl because I saw the oozing corruption.

It rolled off of him like the oil from the Deepwater Horizon from B.P. PLC in the Gulf.

I see this level of corruption, blackmail, and power as evil.

[edit on 4-8-2010 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by wcitizen

I understand that this is how they have a stranglehold on the world.

I used to hate the Mason's because of that nonsense.

I realized I was wasting my time on the power base, those at the very bottom.

And that's exactly what I see is wrong with this country.

Those within Secret Societies think they have the right to keep America hostage.

Sorry, but I disagree, it is time America woke up from the Stockholm Syndrome.

And no oath is more important than that of the office they are taking to represent us.

Sorry, but I disagree, that's not right, this is America not the Mafia.

Yes, and I am sure blackmail is a part of the structure, as the rest you pointed out.

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