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MESS-age to accusors of SLEEPle (aka Sheeple)

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posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 02:25 PM
We shouldn't let our egos spin so wildly out of control. All of us were "sleeple" at one point or another. Others just haven't had experiences to shatter the themes of the matrix yet. If you are judging them while trying to force them to wake up (or even while trying to bribe them with info to wake them up), then you are probably failing to get a more favorable response due to your audience being personally offended at your gestures.

If you judge someone else, you are defining yourselves... not them.

Even if you sugar coat it, if you think in these terms, the lack of consciousness of the mind may not identify you as obviously judgmental, but something suggests to me that they will know you are pointing a hypothetical finger at them and that they will be affected on some level of sensory or awareness.

Do you really want to help them or are you just trying to accomplish your own political goals? If you really care about them, then why call them names and degrade them? Mean what you say and say what you mean. At one point or another, you will likely be challenged by your claims and beliefs and will need to make a choice if you actually will practice what you preach. Why wait, just know if you believe the words that spew from your mouth now and do us all a favor. If you don't love those that you are trying to "help", then go help yourselves.

My "point".... name calling will not likely result in fruition of your goals. It might even be counter productive to a universal awakening.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 03:41 PM
I agree that some of us can be a little pushy when it comes to trying to make some people aware. I think it all comes down to personally feeling responsible for the safety and well being of the ones we love.

I feel this way especially about people with children. You as an adult if I cant help you there is no reason why I cant at least make you aware about what is going on with your child. Sometimes thats even worse, but thats my own decision to let you know that this is hurting your child or the future of your child.

Waking up is scary, but it makes me feel better when I know that at least one person has done something to make them selves aware of the dangerous times that we are living in.

If you decide to change your tactics on how you tell others of the obvious dangers of this world, then IMO, you are giving up on them, because they cant understand what you understand.

I will not give up, but I don't push so hard that you wont want to learn about anything. Amazingly enough those who I tread lightly with, don't listen at all, but those who I try to keep up with, those are the ones that will look into it.

If they can be bombarded with danger, then they can be bombarded with truths. You know who you can confront and who not to it. I think that its a personal decision.

Peace to you...

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:28 PM
Waking up is more than seeing what is happening in the physical world,
it also includes growing up emotionally.

Humanity is leaving childhood behind..

Name calling is a childish action...that in it self negates the claim of

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

Hi NoRegretsEver, thank you for your feedback. I wrote this when I realized that being pushy seldom if ever works when trying to help others become more aware. In my experience, it just adds fuel to the fire. I try to always question my intent for attempting adjustment now. I need to be sure that it does not stem from egoic involvement. It must be intelligent by nature. I'm working on it ^_^

As far as when one changes tactics and the second party being abandoned... i'm not quite sure this is so. It would seem that changing tactics (or rather, vibration) for optimal flow of communication is important for a successful handshake of understanding between the modems (the two beings communicating). This all seems to be a natural function in the adjustment of communication. Sometimes, people just have not had enough experiences or have not yet made their ego transparent enough to be able to "handle the truth" (strike truth for facts, simply what is). Actually, I suspect that everyone knows everything already. They're just not aware of it yet. Ego is like a firewall to the real. If you force the minds of people who are not ready, you can cause them a lot of unnecessary suffering and in some occurrences, possibly drive them insane.

Everyone is here to have their own experiences. Sometimes, that is all undeveloped beings need. Ask yourself, why do you tread lightly with some? Was it because you were performing a social experiment or just winging it? Maybe it was because those folks were going to have a shock at what you wanted to reveal. Maybe, on some level you were aware of this and decided to adjust your output intelligently to assure that you did not cause excessive disturbance. Very graceful this can be. I agree that it is a personal decision (another parameter in the game), and discernment is essential.

It is good to be aware of the status of one's listeners, and to that who one listens.
Peace and light be with you.

posted on Aug, 21 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Originally posted by jean59
Waking up is more than seeing what is happening in the physical world,
it also includes growing up emotionally.

Humanity is leaving childhood behind..

Name calling is a childish action...that in it self negates the claim of

Totally agree that there are layers (or spheres if you're out of flatland) of reality out of reach from this five sense atomic reality that most beings are perceiving. I suspect that "waking up" is remembering. Your take on name calling is favorable. Name calling seems to be very egoic (and even fearful) by nature. It most certainly is not intelligent, and offers nothing but continued manipulation... hence, more "fuel on the fire".

"Sometimes you've gotta fight fire with fire!" - One of the greatest mor-OFF statements ever.

[edit on 21-8-2010 by deadruby2006]

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