reply to post by AwakeinNM
It's much more complicated than that. For instance, if we pulled back to our own borders (which I agree we should), then anyone can take out our
nuclear capabilities with a strike of their own. This is one of the reasons why we have a strategic empire, because this way, we have launch
capabilities from ships at sea, aircraft stationed all over the world and missile sites of every color, on every corner. If we pulled back to within
our own borders, our striking capabilities would only be from our homeland, to include ships that could only operate within a predetermined radius of
our own ports, thus not giving us the nuclear advantage.
With that being said, if we pulled back to within our own borders and stopped meddling in the affairs of others, then nobody would want to attack us
in the first place. We are only hated for sticking our noses in other's business, our support for Israel, our economic empire and our dictation to
Contrary to what we are told, nobody is jealous of our freedoms, angry that we are a christian nation or any of the other silly excuses they holler
down at us.
We have an economic empire that oppresses many people around the globe. It is because of us that the third world is the third world. It is because of
us that many countries are bankrupt. It is because of us that many oppressive dictators rule with an iron fist. We are the cause of most of the
world's ills and we are certainly the main aggressors in the world.
We do this so that we can maintain our economic empire, the same empire that only benefits the elite, corporate and special interests, at the expense
of the people. At the expense of us.
For instance, we install then back brutal dictators who commit human rights abuses because these dictators either sell our corporations their
resources very cheap or they allow our military bases to operate within their borders for strategic purposes. You see, if many of these people had
democratic systems, they wouldn't allow us to use them in such a way, therefore it behooves TPTB to install and back these dictators.
For reference, you can look up Batista of Cuba, the Shah of Iran and many other Middle Eastern, Asian and Latin American dictators. These dictators
ruled because of us. They reigned terror on their people all because of us, or should I say our corporate interests.
In many latin American countries, the populations finally had enough and so overthrew their respective dictators and through knee-jerk reactions,
installed socialist governments since the governments that the US backed were usually always right wing, as to give the most benefit to US
corporations. This happened in Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia and many other countries in Latin America.
As far as Iran, the people had a nice little democracy and this elected government demanded fair prices for their oil. Well, the the American and
British corporations weren't going to have any of that so they unleashed the CIA on that elected government, which ultimately overthrew the
democratically elected government, only to install the Shah, because the Shah would practically give away the oil and be obedient to the western
powers. In turn for his compassion of US interests, he was rewarded handsomely and back by the might of the western militaries and influence. This
Shah was so brutal that eventually, the people overthrew him. They stormed the US embassy because without having those hostages as a bargaining tool,
the US probably would have rushed to the Shah's aid. The rest is history as the Iranian revolution grew legs and their current democratically elected
and structured government is as a direct result.
This same scenario has played out in country after country, from Panama to Grenada, Cuba to Haiti and every country in between. In order to get
Congress to go along, they have to put the American people through a charade, so they basically spew out propaganda about "this country hates us for
our freedoms", "that country is communist" or even "this country is a huge threat and is acting belligerent".
Then, we move to terrorism. Islamic extremists usually tend to not like us solely because of our support to Israel. We supply Israel with their
weapons and we give them lots of money, money that in turn is being used to oppress the Palestinians.
At this point, you may ask how we bankrupt other countries. This we do through the World Bank and IMF. We basically go to these third world countries
and tell them that we can build their infrastructure so that their economies can grow. We promise them vivid dreams of growing to be just like America
and we send in American corporate consultants to promise the feasibility of these false dreams. Then, we lend them the money for this infrastructure,
things such as a new port, airports or high rise buildings. Maybe a new large hydro-electric power plant. This money goes directly to American
corporations who wind up starting and finishing the projects but when their economies don't grow because of these large and wild projects, they are
unable to pay back these loans. They then go in debt and as a condition of their debt, we demand things, things such as military bases, cheap minerals
or UN votes.
If a country has large reserves of natural resources, such as oil, nat-gas or even fruit or drugs, then we demand our corporations get the contracts
for these resources. If the country has a strategic location, then we demand they allow us to operate military bases. If they have neither, then we
demand they vote along with us in the UN or to simply boost our international political power.
Well, you may ask what happens when a country doesn't take the bait by purchasing the loan for new infrastructure? That's easy. We send people to
threaten these countries. If that still doesn't work, we either assassinate their political leaders, or stage a coup d'etat. If this also fails,
then we send in our troops, under the guise of fighting for freedom and world democracy.
How do we know this? Easy, their has been several whistle blowers who have blown the lid on this scheme to empower the economic empire, among many
other things that lead one to this conclusion. One such whistle blower is named John Perkins and he wrote several books, one titled
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man".
This really is a shame and once you learn of exactly how they do this and why, to include the details, it becomes pretty obvious and you hit yourself
on the head for not realizing this earlier.
Of course, there is much, much more to it than this, however this is it in a nut-shell.