reply to post by YouAreDreaming
Somewhere within the quotes I think, was said that those who've had no experience of precognition find it difficult if not impossible to accept it
occurs. There are other reasons too, for people rejecting claims of precognition
Most cultures though, are more accepting of precognition. And many cultures accept it without question
'Science' appears to have created the scepticism and rejection as occurs re: the topic within Western cultures
So nice to see old Ian Wilson taking up the baton again and explaining how Western 'science' may in fact be used to substantiate precognition :
For many, precognition is part of their lives and the rejection of sceptics bounces right off them. I fall into this category and under the ' You
can lead horses to water but cannot make them drink'
For several years, after I'd been introduced to internet and fora/message boards, etc., I earnestly recounted precognition as experienced by myself
and other members of my family. And as many do, I recounted in detail and strict honesty, in the belief the detail supplied would interest &
convince. Some need no convincing, having experienced precognition themselves or witnessed its proof in trusted family members, friends, etc. Others
simply are open-minded and generally accepting of other people's claimed experiences. And there are those who can and will only accept what they can
see and touch or what they've personally experienced OR what they've been told is 'real and possible'
Over the years, I read everything I could find about precognition. Honesty compels me to add that if I had not experienced it myself, I would very
probably be amongst the sceptics - at least as pertains to purely anecdotal accounts. When an account comes complete with proof, however, I'm far
more comfortable and this would be the same for many, no doubt
For the average person, precognition isn't something which can be accomplished at will. It strikes out of the blue, for most people. Different with
dream-laboratories and stricly maintained protocols of course, but then the public has reason to be suspicious of the possibility of vested interests
(as in the case of 'mind-labs which promise results, for example) in the same way the public suspects the results (which may confirm precognition) of
formal research are being withheld from the public, i.e., 'knowledge is power'
So, it's nice to learn (via the OP) that investigation and research are continuing and being released to the public by people such as Ian Wilson for
example, who has a long track record of books pertaining to topics which lie outside the mainstream
I've no doubt whatesoever about the reality of precognition, in the same way as millions of unknown people out there who've experienced it and seen
the fortold events unfold in reality. Once you've experienced it, you have no choice but to accept it. And after the first few attempts to recount
the experience to others and depending upon their response, it really doesn't matter too much what others do or or do not believe. It's enough to
know from personal experience that the future (so-called) has been preordained. It's been decided.
That gives the experiencer an entirely new slant on 'life'
Interestingly, precognition doesn't always present itself in the same manner, even to the same experiencer. For example (speaking here from personal
experience) some precognition arrives in the form of dreams. The bulk of my own experiences have occurred this way. And it's been 'literal',
i.e., what I 'saw' is what later happened, albeit sometimes it's mirror-imaged/reversed.
At other times, precognition has occurred in an instant and shortly before the actual event. On these occasions, the precognition arrives as a
conviction, a 'certainty' about something. It's an 'out of the blue' thing on those occasions. It's very strong. These precognitive
experiences are often referred to as 'hunches'. But it's more than a hunch or guess, at least for me: it's an instantaneous 'knowing'. It hits
like a brick. It's not open to interpretation. It just is. For example, a popular example is that of someone suddenly and for no logical reason,
refusing to board a bus or plane, etc. They were fine until the 'conviction' hit them out of nowhere, that the bus or plane would not reach its
destination safely. It's such an irrational moment that many tell themselves they're 'being silly' and override it, often to their later regret,
if they survive
I've had one veru out-of-the-ordinary experience of precognition. It was very creative and inventive and I feel privileged to have experienced it.
It also serves to illustrate how varied precognition may be. Precognition in that instance arrived over a period of a couple of weeks. Imagine a
'living photo' if you can, i.e., something that appears like a standard photo, except within it things are not static/frozen. Then imagine taking a
completed jig-saw of perhaps a couple of hundred pieces. Glue the living-photo over the completed jig-saw. Then separate all the pieces again. What
you'd have would be a few hundred jig-saw pieces, each bearing a piece of a black and white photo. Ok ? Next, scatter the pieces in the box. And
send them to someone's mind. What they would receive, to their astonishment each day as they vacuumed the floor (which is how this extraordinary
precognition was conveyed to me) would be flashes in their mind of pieces of such a jig-saw
Our minds are filled with 'chatter', even when we're asleep and most certainly while we're awake. So as I vacuumed the floor each day, my mind
was filled with humdrum thoughts: how to get out of a dinner-invitation; should the dog be taken to the vet; the lawns need mowing; a visit to the
dentist can't be avoided any longer, etc. And in the middle of this - suddenly - would arrive dozens of images of what looked like pieces of a black
and whilte jig-saw puzzle ! A bit of a mind-blip, in that for a second or two, things didn't seem quite normal. And then ... gone. Things back to
Well, this continued each day, and each time it was slightly different. For a start, the jig-saw pieces began joining-up, a bit at a time, just
enough to get a glimse of what the overall picture was. Then a bit of background sound -- voices -- was introduced. Still moving along with this
each day, the black and white turned sepia-coloured. Next, instead of jig-saw pieces joining together -- flashes of
moving images began
appearing. Just flashes at first, almost like subliminals. This evolved into longer snippets of the moving picture -- like very short film-clips.
The voices began to form partial sentences. It was a man and a woman. Soon, images of a room and a curtain blowing in the breeze arrived complete -
but very fast. As the days passed, the room was shown in more detail and now I was shown a section of a kitchen with dishes in the sink, etc.
As the days continued to pass, the man's and woman's voices could be heard in more detail: snippets of laughter, of heated argument, ordinary
conversation and love-making. Then colour was introduced. Finally, as I awoke one morning some two weeks after all this had begun, I 'knew' with
certainty just who the man and woman were and what this extraordinary procession of precognitive images had wished to convey. Utter certainty. The
precognition had been 'finished off, completed, during the dream from which I'd just awoken
However, what I'd been shown contradicted everything I knew in real-lfe to be impossible. In 'real life' I knew the man and woman I'd seen
loathed each other. Furthermore, they lived on opposite sides of the globe and intended to remain there. They'd both stated to several people on
numerous occasions that they would never reside in the town which had been revealed to me via the images. I had not been in contact with either for
well over a year and even then, our contact had been brief and had never at any time borne any possible relationship to what I'd been shown via the
lengthy episode of precognition
Almost immediately, I contacted people known to both the man and the woman. Again, I had not been in contact with any of these people for a long
time and again, our relationship was not close. I recounted what I now 'knew' about the man and woman I'd 'seen' in the images. I asked the
people I contacted to make a note of the date and of what I was relaying to them -- which was that the man and woman in question would live together,
would have a tempestuous relationship in a particular town
Without exception, each of those I contacted dismissed what I said.
'Rubbish' they said,
'Ridiculous. Totally out of the question.
He's in Singapore and still has 3 years of his contract to run. And she only left for the US two weeks ago and won't be back for a year. They
can't stand each other and there's nothing in that town (the one I specified) to attract either of them. They both consider it a hole
Those whom I'd contacted treated me very dismissingly too - it showed in their voices. I'd never before contacted them in this manner. Nor did I
make a big deal about precognition. In fact all I'd asked them to do was make a note of the date upon which I'd called them, and of what I had to
say about the man and woman,
If what I'm saying doesn't transpire, then all it will have cost you will be the two minutes it will take you to jot
this down. That's all I ask. That you make an independent record. I won't take your time by explaining. All I ask is that you make a note of this
Continued next post