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Was Computer Science built by saitanists?

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posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:49 PM
I currently been learning about computer hardware programming and 3d game engine creation.

In the books plus talking to a guy in cali that has a phd in computer science and mathematics both said that alot of words and terms are taken from a satanic religion.

For instants for 2d game development they use the terms as sprites. This in wicka is the same word meaning an orb ball of light usually indicating spirits. Yet same word uses in game development termology but it means that it's a 2d character.

Another termology is the matrix. We all have seen the movie matrix. Yet computer programmers know it as nothing but streaming of data that changes constanlty or gets manipulated. You can really just generally just say it's part of mathematics.

Yet in satanic groups it is the same term but means different. It's defined as a another dimension dosen't say streams of data. I was told that when computer science came about and got advanced to a point they had to makes terms in that profession so each professional person in that profession understand each other. They used the matrix term from the satanic groups to describe the inner workings of a computer since the software inner workings of a computer is another dimension that we can't see or touch. They took that word but redefined it to the profession needs.

I am no expert in the history of computer science but thought why not post it here and hear what others heard. It this true the computer science was built by groups of satanists? Not saying that the computer is satanic but notice alot of terms were taking from such groups.

Like cyber space and a web developer known as a cyber sorcerer the person that adds on to or makes apps for the web .

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:55 PM
I took compute science back when 2d gaming was the industry norm, and from what I've gathered those terms were put in place by developpers an such in reference to D&D and LARPING.

Not specifically those ofcourse but a lot in that sort of RPG/fantasy and roleplaying terms were mixed in such as sprites and matrix etc..

I could be completely wrong, but IMO it's just nerds being nerds...


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
For instants for 2d game development they use the terms as sprites. This in wicka is the same word meaning an orb ball of light usually indicating spirits. Yet same word uses in game development termology but it means that it's a 2d character.

That's as far as I got, then quit reading, You need to read up on Wicca (its proper spelling) as it has NOTHING to do with Satanism.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by computerwiz32


I can't really see a bunch of Revenge of the Nerd type people having a massive orgy for the dark lord.

There would be to big of a risk for the inhalers to get mixed up.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Indeed, as has been said, Wicca is not Satanism. In fact, Sprites is not Wiccan in origin, it derived from the old french word esprit and the old latin word spiritus meaning spirit.

Matrix is actually a math term which derived from the latin root matris meaning mother or womb and implies a containing structure or source of something. A matrix in math and computer terminology is a logic structure containing many subelements.

As for "cyber sorcerer", that is not a professional term by any means, but I am certain that the slang origination of that comes from the fact that a lot of what we do as programmers seems like magic to the untrained. Wiz kids are not evil satanic magicians, after all.. just smart kids.

[edit on 7-20-2010 by rogerstigers]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:09 PM
We chose to bite the fruit of the tree of knowlede

Our love of technology means we destroy the beautifull bountiful garden of a planet. The malevolent reptillians consider themselves karma free if they tell us what they are doing, albeit through vauge symbolism.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by polarwarrior]

[edit on 20-7-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by computerwiz32

I am no expert in the history of computer science.....

You are no expert in Satanism, or Wicca either, but that in itself didn't stop you from posting. Do you have questions?
I too am quite adept at computers, and yes there are some names for files and programs that are a little weird, for instance, in Linux there is one file that is my given name, and another is my wife's, while yet another is my son's name. That does not make Linux mine, nor did it come from my name. Satanism is an offshoot of Christianity, rather the reverse of it, and is neither big, or powerful. They mostly deal with pleasing self, and the hell with everyone else.
Anton Le Vay made a great deal of money from the idea, as did Crowley. Both died broke, I believe.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:22 PM
why is it that any technology (aka invention) that hasn't been around for 100+ years is labeled "satanic"

"I dont fully understand this, ITS THE DEVIL"

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Misfit

Well I was taught differently in college. I took a history class on the beginnings of civilizational. The professor told us that Satan wan't first called satan but has many names but it originated as a god in egypt and Egyptians created wicca and satanic worshiping.

I am not saying that todays computer science majors are satanist. I am just saying was the start of computer science inspired by satanic groups?

I was told wicca is grouped with satanic groups not saying it's satanic directly but is associated with them.

I am talking in terms of the beginnning of computer science. Not talking about todays or 10 years ago and I am not calling computer scientist as satanist.

I am just saying was satanic groups a influence on the creation of computer science.

Like I said I am asking this because in the books I read it gives detail history on computer science on how it got started yet in college currently I asked IT majors if they had to take a history class about computer science and they said no. The only history they are taught in computer classes are old technology that was used back in the day and how it developed over time.

The person with the Phd That wrote the buck claims that cyber source is the name of a web app developer. Today it's not used at all in the profession they are flat out called web developers.

I don't know how true this is but thought to open a discussion about it here. Just trying to learn how computer science got started. I can't find any other books that talks about the subject and just stumbled over one book by accident and the books is about engineering computer hardware. I first talks about history of computer science and then goes into the start of computer hardware engineering and takes you up to todays methods.

[edit on 20-7-2010 by computerwiz32]

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by Alaskan Man

No, I am not saying that computer science is the devil.

I am a computer professional. I am a programmer. Currently learning how to engineer my own cpu and my own chips.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:41 PM
if god exists, he will delete this thread

come on man, is this for real?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by computerwiz32

Sprite can refer to spirits but remember that the word animation also comes from the latin for spirit/life: Animus. So suggesting that because computer programmers use sprites they might be Satanic is like suggesting because cartoons use animation they might be satanic.

Maybe if computer information units were called Baphomets or human sacrifices or inverted pentagrams your theory would make sense.

The word matrix existed WAY WAY WAY before the movie primarily in the form of mathematics. Matrix

but notice alot of terms were taking from such groups.

Your OP failed to provide any proof of a link between Satanism and computers, care to try again?

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by computerwiz32

Ah, I see where you are coming from and how you might have gotten confused and mislead about things. Well, ATS is a good resource for getting things straightened out, that's for sure.

I am a big fan of hidden histories and sorting "official" history out of traditional history to try to glean differant points of viewof what happened. Given that everything can be viewed from differant points of view, there is no true "history".

In terms of computer history,while some could say that it starts with Charles Babbage, I would say that true "computer science" (btw, I do not consider myself a computer scientist anymore than a building architect considers themselves a structural scientist), began in the 1940s principly in England with Alan Turing and his quest to decipher the German Enigma machine. This led to advances in the field of automatic calculation and thus to the dawn of the computer age -- furthered by the growth of IBM, Bell Labs, and the Space Race.

In actuality, the history surrounding the transistor, arguably the greatest contributor to the growth of computers, is rather intruiging, starting with Lee DeForest in 1906 and moving through to the trio at Bell Labs who invented what we would call the modern transistor in 1947.

If you are interested in the etymology of certain terms used in the programming languages, the road gets much murkier, though. Programming languages have been around since before digital computers. A lot of the terms come from the developers who created the constructs -- a lot of times after too many nights of little sleep and too much coffee.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:52 PM
a lot of geeks make jokes about the 'devil' and etc.... even if you were on to something how can you be sure it wasn't just made by nerds with a sense of humor or thought it was "cool" or what have you?

evidence of genuine satanic worship? not even close, sorry

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 04:56 PM
perhaps you shouldnt be studying ka ptu ptah sciences. if you follow the progression of time; "computer science" is a valid field at the forefront of all sciences and thought "paradigms"[null and void].what your friend said may be true; in regards to sprites: but if you fall back on prior instances of mind development you will fail to grasp the essence of the "science"[false and true].the only satanic part, if any, is the use of living essence to accomplish a goal by means of a ka is not generic and the comprehension of what is inputted and sent through ptu to ptah; ptah not being the output, but being the output.without proper self study any undergraduate work in the field of "computer science" will not meet you in the destination of communication to "machine" to output from ptah via compilation of information.the sad thing, that is related, is that people are guilty of crimes pertaining withholding scripture and mandating other scriptures as non-canon; because of this your own mind/body development and interaction with something that is/could be a high science will have direct implications on how simple/complex some term or method you have devised to use as a tool will be.

it is more satanic to deny a ka its rightful title by means of complacency by negating this "science" as mere technology/tools of implementation.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Ausar

uhhhhh. *blink*


posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by computerwiz32

Seriously, stop right now.

No its not related to satananism, seriously go get some air

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by computerwiz32
reply to post by Misfit

Well I was taught differently in college. I took a history class on the beginnings of civilizational. The professor told us that Satan wan't first called satan but has many names but it originated as a god in egypt and Egyptians created wicca and satanic worshiping.

I was told wicca is grouped with satanic groups not saying it's satanic directly but is associated with them.

You were told wrong. VERY wrong.

I am telling you right, as a practicing Wiccan. We have no association whatsoever with "Satan". We don't even believe in the entity known as Satan, Devil, Lucifer, whatever label you put on it.

So you were/are in college? Not being mean, but jeebuz, you wholly failed spelling and punctuation!

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:35 PM
This may not be QUITE on topic, but hear me out. I spent a decade as a customer of a company that provided software inventory systems for libraries. They were called "Dynix" and were headquartered in Provo, Utah which, of course, is prime Mormon country. Their software source code was littered with Mormon religious terms. Names of variables, procedures, sub-routines, all had these religious overtones.

I do not think the satan invented IT argument holds any water at all, but these sorts of things do happen.

posted on Jul, 20 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Computers and the programming behind them are tools, used for whatever intents and purposes they are directed to. I`m certain they have been used for every purpose under the sun. I will attest that Satanists most likely had a part to play in designing several languages ... VB is sprawling and voluminous, Cobol is backwards and endless frustration, and C has those pointers. How much of that high-level language organization is designed with humans in mind I don`t know!

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