posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 08:22 PM
There are racisit in all groups, and here is proof that the NAACP, a group who is suppose to be against racist comments where they are backing a case
of reverse discrimination, where the victim is white and the perpertator is black.
Has the country gone in full circle to where now the victims are now the people doing the exact same thing that a generation ago, their parents and
grandparents were the exact same victim of.
Justice needs to be blind and the law equal to all people, not ignored in favore of one group or the other. And it is an act of hypocrisy when a group
that is suppose to be against discrimination, to turn a blind eye when it the very group of people that they are suppose to be helping out. It is my
belief that comments and actions like this is what keeps the idea and acts of racism and discrimination continuing on, as the very groups who condone
such often are not taking a firm stance and looking at every one as equal. It damages their credibility and leads people to wonder if the organization
really represents the very ideas that it is sworn for such.
This is the second time where the NAACP has been shown that it speaks out against racism when it come to a white person doing such, but fails to step
up when it is an african american does such. That is just wrong and should not be allowed. I think that they should look at the country as if they
were justice and be blind, speaking out about such no matter who says it or what group they may or may not represent.
Racism, no matter who is doing it, is just wrong. And what is even worse is that this time it is someone who worked for a federal department in the US
government. It damages the credibility of the federal government, that can not afford any more issues like this.