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CNN Host calls Uganda terrorist bombing 'Helpful.'

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posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 07:40 AM
A couple of hours ago I watched the newsclip of CNN host Rick Sanchez, in which he describes the Uganda 'terrorist' bombings as follows:

Speaking with a former CIA agent, Sanchez stated, “You know what’s interesting about this, in a strange way the event is helpful to the cause of those of us who know how sadistic these fundamental radical Islamic terrorists are and if it helps get the message out there that these are not the good guys then so be it”.


I've copied the transcript of the comment into this post because since watching the video earlier, I have now found that many of the links are no longer working, so it may not be available later.

This is totally insane. They really are trying to brainwash us into thinking that madness is normal, decent behaviour and, conversely that normal, decent behaviour is madness.

I was dumfounded and horrified at this guy's blatant condoning of evil(incidentally, if you speak out in support of terrorism isn't that an offence?).

When listening to the video again I also became interested in why this was being aired, and what 'mind manipulation' techniques were being used.

First of all I was struck by just how contrived it sounded. The guy's script not only sounds like a second rate movie script, but at the beginning of the piece especially, it is delivered with exactly the same voice quality as a hollywood movie.

That could be because it is, clearly, the case. The guy has been given a script to deliver, as convincingly as he can. However, I suspect there may be something more 'subtle' going in - by using the same kind of voice as a movie or tv series actor, subliminally it introduces the 'willing suspension of disbelief' often required for wathing theatre - whet her on stage, in movies or on TV. Thus critical analysis by the critical mind is suspended.

The Cabal have clearly written the script, so why do they want us to hear this?

My thinking so far: They need people to believe in their own engineered fake terrorists. Awareness of their lies is growing. They are trying to shore up people's beliefs and support for their own world wide terrorism.

The phrase: 'Those of us who know' subliminally creates the sense that if you don't believe in the terrorists and how they need to be smashed, you aren't one of the smart ones, you aren't part of the superior grou of 'those of who know' - thus encouraging people to feel embarrassed to think otherwise.

Also, if I were trying to translate this into ordinary language from 'doublespeak' I would say that 'those of us who know' = 'NWO' (and it rhymes!) - strategy for getting people to subliminally accept the NWO?

I spotted a couple more things, but don't have the time right now to write more.

I am finding it fascinating and salutory to spot the NLP and other mind manipulation techniques being used. I think it's vital that we start to see and understand how they are manipulationg people - because it helps to a) keep our own critical thinking going (which has now become a vital survival technique), and b) it is a good and effective, on-going ant-government-programming exercise. A way to fight back against their manipulation and keep my mind healthy.

If anyone spots any more it would be great to hear what you see.

[edit on 14-7-2010 by wcitizen]

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posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 07:46 AM
His face and energy is a complete give away to his nature as well. That anyone listens to such a person, doesnt have recognition of others and the face of a "wolf" and predator I dont get it.

On messages or video like this where it is so obviously NLP attempt or a scripted twilight zone programming the matrix message, has anyone put it through audacity or other programs to see if there was subliminal on this?

That he is even on air speaking in support of violence and bombings is repugnant and should be a crime in itself. If it is then submitting this to the police and demanding charges be laid could be done.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 07:47 AM
I don't even know what to say to this...This is absolutely INSANE!! How could any bombing that kills people and destroys the lives of the survivors be "helpful". Just goes to show you where they stand. And what makes me even sicker is knowing that many people in this country listen to morons like this and nod their heads as he says crazy *snip* like this. Pathetic and infuriating.

I am so sick of living in a world where people like this are seen as people who are telling the truth. On the other hand I guess if your agenda is to perpetuate even further an abstract war the world over then in many ways it is "helpful".

Sick sad world we live really is......

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 07:54 AM
Can't let a good tragedy go to waste.

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

This is totally insane. They really are trying to brainwash us into thinking that madness is normal, decent behaviour and, conversely that normal, decent behaviour is madness.

I was dumfounded and horrified at this guy's blatant condoning of evil(incidentally, if you speak out in support of terrorism isn't that an offence?).

I have to disagree with your conclusion. Nowhere does he condone evil, or say that madness is normality.

Imo, he is saying that, if there is a silver lining to this tragedy, it is that the incident helps us to identify the perps and to destroy any claims of innocence or any justification on religious grounds that they might make.

He is saying: "There is a another cockroach in the spotlight! Quick, squash it!".

And, by the way.... why did you single quote the word 'terrorist' in the first paragraph? That implies that you don't think the word applies?

posted on Jul, 14 2010 @ 08:45 AM
Keep in mind that, there was a period of time (about a month ago) where Rick Sanchez was 'replaced' for about 2 weeks by a blatant BP and Israel apologist.

(I don't know if he was on vacation, or if he was 'excused' and forced to slant reports in favor of TPTB)

This was around when the flotilla was heading towards Gaza and the Israeli military intercepted it and attacked those on board.
(Thats when that guy took over 'Ricks list')

And now it seems that as Rick Sanchez (Who I've seen as one of the most honest and critical reporters on CNN) is acting more like a puppet.
Taking orders on what to say and how to say it by either the Government or 'them'.

I'm not quite sure if he was threatened with his job, or his life. But something changed with Rick, and its blatantly obvious.

CNN has always been propaganda central, but Rick's List?

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