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Project Bluebeam, the 2012 PSYOP

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posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:28 PM

from “William”s great 2003 ATS thread : OH JEEZUS! Conversation with a cab driver

The cab driver was a really nice guy from India, Raj, who became a citizen 6 years ago... we got to talking and he was complaining that he wasn't making any money because of the traffic. Then... he mentioned this... He picked up a fare yesterday near the UN, he was seriously suited up as a high-end businessman. His limo never made it, and he had to get downtown to the Federal Reserve. It turns out he was a chief Counsel on world affairs for the FR, finishing some meetings at the UN. Raj said he seemed more agitated and pissed that should be normal for missing his limo... then he blurted out, "Do you know what they're doing in there? Nothing that's what." Raj asked what does he mean. "This is all a shell game, they really don't have any control and are desperately trying to keep the world in one piece until 2012." Raj asked what happens in 2012, he responded, "You don't want to know."

Many economic forecasts and trends say that the global financial collapse will occur in 2012. Of course, this is by design. World govts and economies are run by the extension of credit. A global govt is merely the stripping away of the lies that say our world is run otherwise. Simple enough, right? But how do you get citizens to accept this notion of global governance/ worldwide feudalism?

Project Bluebeam exists to socially engineer the citizenry to accept this. A quick recap of Project Bluebeam :

-faked archaeological evidence that disproves the understanding of major religions
-faked appearance of God
-faked alien invasion and appearance of good aliens
-faked/ holographic rapture -

The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.

Many questions arise. When and how do these events unfold? How does the fake/ holographic rapture “get rid of all significant opposition to the N.W.O.?”

Under the cover story of psuedo-mysticism explaining the man-made disasters and diseases, 2012 is when Bluebeam will be enacted. The notion of 12-21-2012 ending the Mayan long count came from University of Chicago professor Jose Arguelles’ book, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology in which he argues that after that date, the world will dispel all evil and usher in a virtuous New Age. In August 1987, he initiated the “Harmonic Convergence” event in which people from all around the world (called “light-bearers”) celebrated the 25 year countdown to the 2012 change-over date. (Remember the “Harmonica Virgins” card from the Illuminati card game?)

But this plan for the N.W.O. and its religion, the New Age movement, has been in the works for almost a century, probably more. Ever wonder what the (1917) 3rd secret of Fatima really is? Of course, it’s the “fact” that Jesus Christ is an alien. But this is getting ahead of ourselves…

After the 1st round of bird/ swine flu (the 2nd round initiates in-house quarantine for everyone in the 4th quarter), after the “solar storms” that bring about massive storms, flooding, and major earthquakes
After the June 4, World Invocation Day (day of reciting the Great Invocation by Luciferian Alice Bailey, disciple of Madam Blavatsky, every 15 minutes)
After the London 2012 summer Olympics

In the 4th quarter of 2012,

-the Large Hadron Collider will kick off the major PSYOP events. The LHC will explode upon the “invasion of demonic extra-dimensional aliens”. The much-mocked “black hole disaster” that it is reputed to potentially create, creates the "black hole that allows these beings access to our world". This fake alien invasion will include “psychic shockwaves” that fulfills the description of “supernatural attacks via electronics that will drive people to the edge of suicide”. This will be implemented via VEIL interactive and other types of backdoor programs.

- Nibiru/ Planet X/ planet killing comet approaches. All major religions come together to pray for God to save us. Govt’s “think” it is a planet killing comet and use nukes to nudge it out of the way, EMP’ing major portions of society in the process (the US has protected its own infrastructure under the cover of protection from solar storms). Instead of destroying us, it is the “Annunaki/ Talls/ Blonds/ good angelic aliens” that arrive to do battle with the demonic aliens.

- For the “significant opposition to the New World Order”, they are given these angelic aliens/ heavenly host so as to fulfill the legend the Rapture. The Pre- Tribulation Rapture lie that has been promoted through stories like Left Behind is intended to get rid of the “significant opposition to the N.W.O.” The Rapture will be voluntary because the elites do not have the power to get rid of so much opposition. The holographic depiction of the Rapture that Monast describes is not intended to confuse or dishearten real Christians. It is an advertisement for Christians to get on a specially approved bus or train that will take them to an alien transportation “Rapture Center”! Of course these “rapture centers” will turn out to be the infamous FEMA camps. Lord only knows what will become of them there. This explains the roles that Alex Jones and David Icke perform in this scheme. At the assigned moment, Jones (because he doesn’t advocate violence and will know “that the N.W.O. has won”) and Icke (ever wonder why he was so obsessed with aliens?) will weigh in and advise people to go with the good aliens (and to their untimely deaths at the FEMA camps)!

- the God hologram will usher in the new age and appoint his new Christ/ global dictator. The new Christ will give two choices, saying follow me and you’ll get peace, or don’t follow me and get war and destruction.

-- From the stay-behind people’s point of view, “if you are not for our new leader, then why didn’t you go with your angel aliens to find God. Since you stayed behind, don’t complain, you were given a choice.”

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by jcrash

The holographic depiction of the Rapture that Monast describes is not intended to confuse or dishearten real Christians. It is an advertisement for Christians to get on a specially approved bus or train that will take them to an alien transportation “Rapture Center”! Of course these “rapture centers” will turn out to be the infamous FEMA camps.

Well, this would be great - we would witness the much needed removal of religious zealots and actually get to see FEMA do some good for once.

2 birds 1 stone.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 01:56 PM
true or not

I thought you did a great job of explaining the timeline
and events of Bluebeam so I S&F just for that.

The way we're going, we may not make it to 2012
in our current economic state. Maybe they ought to push
forward the agenda.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:04 PM
I feel like too many people already know about Project Bluebeam and other conspiracies for this to work. Many Christians will be suspicious...I just don't see how this can go down as planned.

Then again, I tend to believe that the general population is more intelligent than we give them credit for.

I'm not going to lie though, I wouldn't mind seeing a cool light show in the sky...

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:13 PM
This is great. I've never seen Bluebeam so prioritized before. They actually have the machinery to cause earthquakes at will now, ad I assume the same with volcanoes, hurricanes etc. And I recall watching a video somewhere about a "giant sky projector" if you will, as if to guarentee which religion is "right."

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by jcrash
Many economic forecasts and trends say that the global financial collapse will occur in 2012. Of course, this is by design.

More like by ineptitude and partisanism, and it'll likely happen before 2012.

Project Bluebeam exists to socially engineer the citizenry to accept this.

How do you spell that raspberry sound you make when someone's being serious about something silly? Pfft?

-faked archaeological evidence that disproves the understanding of major religions
-faked appearance of God
-faked alien invasion and appearance of good aliens
-faked/ holographic rapture -

There is no such thing as a free-standing holographic image outside "Star Trek" or "Star Wars". That's a babble-meme that's the heart of "Project Bluebeam", sadly, there's no such thing, or we'd have cashed in on it big time last time we tried it. We used to take your tax money to work on that - it goes around the RFQ circuit about once a year. The requirements are beyond ridiculous. "Demonstrate a free standing holographic image projected in air, with back face culling, background obscuration and appropriate luminance that can display in any weather or lighting condition". Right.

Mind you, there was a really effective way found to make a big open-air laser speaker, if you didn't mind Rayleigh-Taylor instability hiss and a bit of odd distortion.

The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.

This sounds like the plot from an Ed Wood movie.

...2012 is when Bluebeam will be enacted. The notion of 12-21-2012 ending the Mayan long count came from University of Chicago professor Jose Arguelles’ book, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology in which he argues that after that date, the world will dispel all evil and usher in a virtuous New Age.

You can tell that Arguelles is a humanities prof right off, can't you? Nothing like a doctorate in art history to qualify one for interpreting Mayan legend in some neo-apocalypse that oddly reflects his New Agey beliefs. Oddly, it looks like New Age eschatology follows the same patterns as all the others before it. Bla bla, big event, world changes, all the believers in the writer's screed will enjoy the new world in which all evil has been cleaned away. Nothing new.

By the way, if the Mayans were such visionaries, why did they overbreed until they caused an eco-collapse, and then fall to the Spanish? You'd think they'd have looked at their own calendars.

In August 1987, he initiated the “Harmonic Convergence” event in which people from all around the world (called “light-bearers”) celebrated the 25 year countdown to the 2012 change-over date.

Nothing like an art major using words he doesn't properly understand. Nothing converged, there weren't any harmonics. Bet he made some bank off of it, though.

Ever wonder what the (1917) 3rd secret of Fatima really is? Of course, it’s the “fact” that Jesus Christ is an alien. But this is getting ahead of ourselves…

Actually, no, I'll have to say it never crossed my mind other than to briefly assume it'll be banal and/or ridiculous.

...after the “solar storms” that bring about massive storms, flooding, and major earthquakes

Solar storms don't do this, though.

-the Large Hadron Collider will kick off the major PSYOP events. The LHC will explode upon the “invasion of demonic extra-dimensional aliens”. The much-mocked “black hole disaster” that it is reputed to potentially create, creates the "black hole that allows these beings access to our world". This fake alien invasion will include “psychic shockwaves” that fulfills the description of “supernatural attacks via electronics that will drive people to the edge of suicide”. This will be implemented via VEIL interactive and other types of backdoor programs.

Only if physics stops working altogether, in which case, you'll probably have more on your mind than the LHC.

- Nibiru/ Planet X/ planet killing comet approaches. All major religions come together to pray for God to save us. Govt’s “think” it is a planet killing comet and use nukes to nudge it out of the way, EMP’ing major portions of society in the process (the US has protected its own infrastructure under the cover of protection from solar storms). Instead of destroying us, it is the “Annunaki/ Talls/ Blonds/ good angelic aliens” that arrive to do battle with the demonic aliens.

First off, no amount of nuclear weaponry could obliterate a planet, "Star Wars" aside. Most people have a sort of scale-visualization issue with this, though.

Next, in order to cause an EMP, you have to detonate the weapon either in a ground burst or in low earth orbit. Do it any distance away, as you'd have to do to "deflect a comet", and no EMP.

Oh, and there is no Nibiru.

(lots of detail) ...of course these “rapture centers” will turn out to be the infamous FEMA camps.

This is one of those Dr No laser beam death ray/Batman dangling from a rope over a pit of gaboon vipers with a replica Big Ben slowly cutting through the rope overdone plots isn't it? Why not just drive around and shoot them? So much cheaper and to the point, and there's no-one to take care of later. Cost containment is going to be a really big issue, since as you say the economy will have been destroyed. I can't see going to super dramatic movie villain plot devices when there's no economy. A 3 cent rifle cartridge is so much cheaper than holobeam mind control fake asteroids.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:23 PM
well, in 2012 when the world doesnt get destroyed by natural events, asteroids, GOD or whatever you want to call it

people will come here and say, well, a ( _put_your_word_here ) SHIFT happened ...

yes I had a vision and I saw people doing that@lol

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 02:30 PM
Ive always wonderd...

Would a One world goverment really be that bad?

Or is it peoples fear of 'change'?

What dose a global goverment entail?
Would we all get a equal slice of pie..?
Or just something thats plain avarage?

You really think we'd (the whole Earth) all worship/be ruled by one leader? (i.e. North Korea style?)

Even if we see a fake Alien war, they wont be able to cover all aspects of the invashion.
Plus there'd have to be repeated attacks to keep up the facade of some Alien-race war.

Thered be a common question as to why a ''blonde friendly nordic race'' cant get on with the ''demonic stereo-type, multi-dimensional alien'' despite being peacefull and loving etc..

Surely with the way most people think on here, we have more in common with the demonic aliens than some "Scandinavian stereotype Blonde alien."

If there was a plan for population control in this event then I guess that the evil aliens would wipe a-lot of us out first, before we're saved by 'Abba' then we'd thank them (for the music) more for saving us against our oppression.

My thoughts are that this wont happen.

Its too 'grand' and I believe that a WW3 scenario is more realistic than some fake Alien invashion, just to make new friends/slaves.
Also, the new order would have to release any Alien tech, so they'd lose what ever advantage they have on us in that aspect.

Just my thoughts.


posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

There is no such thing as a free-standing holographic image outside "Star Trek" or "Star Wars". That's a babble-meme that's the heart of "Project Bluebeam", sadly, there's no such thing, or we'd have cashed in on it big time last time we tried it. We used to take your tax money to work on that - it goes around the RFQ circuit about once a year. The requirements are beyond ridiculous. "Demonstrate a free standing holographic image projected in air, with back face culling, background obscuration and appropriate luminance that can display in any weather or lighting condition". Right. Mind you, there was a really effective way found to make a big open-air laser speaker, if you didn't mind Rayleigh-Taylor instability hiss and a bit of odd distortion.

I guess we'll find out... And I guess you think the Norway Spiral was a Russian missle, right? Right before Obama is scheduled to show up in Norway to pick up his "Peace" Prize from the "wise men" that followed the star to find the "saviour". In your opinion, we sure did narrowly dodge WWIII there!

The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.

This sounds like the plot from an Ed Wood movie.

So what? I'm just describing the lie they're selling. Sorry if TPTB are not more original.

...2012 is when Bluebeam will be enacted. The notion of 12-21-2012 ending the Mayan long count came from University of Chicago professor Jose Arguelles’ book, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology in which he argues that after that date, the world will dispel all evil and usher in a virtuous New Age.

You can tell that Arguelles is a humanities prof right off, can't you? Nothing like a doctorate in art history to qualify one for interpreting Mayan legend in some neo-apocalypse that oddly reflects his New Agey beliefs. Oddly, it looks like New Age eschatology follows the same patterns as all the others before it. Bla bla, big event, world changes, all the believers in the writer's screed will enjoy the new world in which all evil has been cleaned away. Nothing new. By the way, if the Mayans were such visionaries, why did they overbreed until they caused an eco-collapse, and then fall to the Spanish? You'd think they'd have looked at their own calendars.

This is my point about Arguelles. He isn't qualified to spout off about Mayan legends, and yet he does and MSM listens for "some reason".

...after the “solar storms” that bring about massive storms, flooding, and major earthquakes

Solar storms don't do this, though.

That's the story they're selling.

Oh, and there is no Nibiru.

That's my point, friend. There is no Nibiru. I'm glad you got something out of my post.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by jcrash
I guess we'll find out... And I guess you think the Norway Spiral was a Russian missle, right? Right before Obama is scheduled to show up in Norway to pick up his "Peace" Prize from the "wise men" that followed the star to find the "saviour". In your opinion, we sure did narrowly dodge WWIII there!

You might have to fill me in more on my opinion, not sure how any of that "dodged WWIII".

And yep, I don't think it was a hologram or HAARP or UFOs or whatnot, got me on that one.

This is my point about Arguelles. He isn't qualified to spout off about Mayan legends, and yet he does and MSM listens for "some reason".

I'm baffled by the interest/belief in any Mayan prediction other than as an interesting bit of cultural mythos, if it exists at all and isn't simply a pretty picture on a bit of rock.

That's the story they're selling.

I haven't really heard Them® sell it other than at "alternative news sites" though, not so much the MSM. Not that I buy much the MSM says either.

That's my point, friend. There is no Nibiru. I'm glad you got something out of my post.

I guess my sarcasmometer isn't calibrated for jcrash yet.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:17 PM
I remember when I first heard about Project Bluebeam, about 6 mo. ago, completely blew me away! Seemed so farfetched, and yet, clever as hell. Would make for a great movie, and perhaps that's why it may work, is because humans love these kinds of things. Considering if you feel this may never happen, or now that it is all over the internet, can't transpire, maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones who can help and alert your friends and families and neighbors when it does happen....oh wait, you can't they will all be brainwashed, they'll be looking at you like you're the crazy one.

Reminds me of a dream I had about 5 or 6 years ago. I, along with all of my neighbors went out into the middle of the street, got out some blankets and laid down on the ground looking to the sky, watching the stars fall from the sky. We knew it was coming but we didn't care, we were completely immersed in the show...

[edit on 7/8/2010 by The Endtime Warrior]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Will anyone ever get together to make a complete story gel? There are posts all over ATS and all over the internet confirming the "end" is near, yet there is no consensus of just what that is going to mean. Not the same time frame, protagonists, events, goals,'s like a buffet of conspiracy parts that you choose from to build your own end, told the way you want it. It does crap for the concept of credibility.

And for TPTB, "rapture camps" won't work. Those who believe it expect to disappear at the rapture, not gather at some place to await their appointed time. And then there are the rest of us who don't believe in any part of the whole rapture scenario. It will be seen as a total hoax [bifit happened.
It's amazing how people who poke fun at religious people will claim religious things that fit their story....Fatima predictions?

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:55 PM
When I first read about Project Bluebeam,I thought it was pretty ambitious of TPTB to fabricate such a lie,but after all,"Satan is the father of all lies",so I wouldn't put it outside the realm of possibility. This would be a grand finale,of sorts.

I'm afraid that there are indeed enough "Christians",in name only,who would go along with such a scheme,just because they don't read their Bibles and most of their churches embrace many forms of "new-agism",which leave them open to deception and manipulation on a grand scale. They are probably kept so busy with their "purpose-driven" doctrine that they are not focusing on studying the enemies ways.

That said,I can only imagine what this will hold for "non-believers",but I would be very wary of the mind-control technology that TPTB have at their disposal.

Christ said the greatest danger of the end-time would be deception,and those who profess to be Christians ought to be drawing closer to Him now than ever before and praying for discernment in these things.

As for the non-believers,I guess they should just go on scoffing and ridiculing those of us who are waiting for Christ's second coming,unless they are moved by the Spirit to do otherwise!

My encouragement and hope is this:
...."And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phillipians 4:7)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 07:58 PM
From the recent events of Mirages appearing of China, holographic planes being used, holographic music concerts, a completely realistic seeming cgi pop star in Japan who deceives a nation, weather changes by HARRP, and the overwhelming amount of alien conditioning forced on us through movies lately, I would take a guess that it's happening very, very soon.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:30 AM
Anyone else notice the disinfo agents flooding ATS now with the threads "archaeological wonders - possible alien involvement", "this spirit must be real" "Christians are evil"? Television with "Ancient Aliens" "Alien Attack".

I found a page from a supposed UN leak at

Scroll down the site, and there is supposedly a copy of the one page with a summary below.
Wow, if real it sure does tie EVERYTHING together for me. I know that it contains religious text on the page, so for those of you who are not religious, please read the alleged UN document.

I am telling everyone so that they are not caught up in this Satanic plan. Tell your friends "hey, I heard this crazy thing on the web.... Let me tell you about. They do not have to believe a word about it, but it will be remembered if snd when it's implemented.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:21 AM
I just came here to say, "Cool story bro".

How do we know this "Raj" character even exists? It's like me saying I got a friend of a friend of a friend who said that water is bad for your health and Obama is Osama.
edit on 7-7-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 08:26 AM

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