posted on Jul, 9 2010 @ 12:08 AM
When are numbers in population go down from wars or plagues our creative conscience within each part of our soul increases an it distributes to the
now larger pieces of our soul making the greater as a whole. After the plague some so 50 % of Europe had died after the epidemic (something that can
happen believing in the material would) there ways an unusually high number of births. Then soon after came the Renaissance a creative boom some say
from necessity but for whose necessity the Human Ego’s using our creative energy for its doing. By increasing our intellect use our newly a choired
creative spark of ingenuity for Art, Medicines (needed for the material way of thinking if we fall short) beautiful buildings and machines some say
the end is near maybe for the Ego that’s a good thing, I’m ready for another acceleration but will still be here and I want it perfectly clear
that were not only Human, were part sprit we could be all sprit if we were not attached to the functioning Ego. The Human Ego would be dammed if we
ever do start to begin to transform and our Soul will keep being dammed if we don’t it’s a Yin and Yang dilemma.
You could say Plato is the Yin up holding ethics striving for perfection for our soul’s sake when our soul parts were larger. Plato said learning
knowledge is primarily to learn about the soul. They were at a cross road trying to understand the soul and finding ways to organize individuals parts
of our soul. So soul searching meditating learning worldly knowledge this is what religion’s was all about in the early part of our history. And
Aristotle a student of Plato as being Yang thinking of only happiness of the here and now and gave order to his concepts and to see what one could
get away with , his concepts still plague our consciousness’ and also help explain why it’s taking so long to reconnect. And Alexander the Great
was Aristotle’s student balancing the ideals of both Plato’s and Aristotle’s works.
Gathering knowledge scrolls, setting a standard once again for our soul in religion. Thomas Aquinas thought Angles that were identified by there
function the way they were formed was the kind of function they were. Angles would intercede by moving us back to our path away from the Human Ego.
Our free will mixed with illusion makes saving us a hit and miss reality to our enlighten path. Only the Human Ego thinks it will hurt us to know who
and what we are .One soul many pieces. Back to the scrolls The Acts of Peter, Peter is portrayed like much of the Bible bold and God calls upon him
to deal with the evil doers. And so did Jesus after his crucifixion because there were and still are profound differences that need corrected, and
this can be found in all major religions, and the Monks of the world our my Hero’s there spiritual generators sending love an knowledge to the world
while the Ego thinks killing them will stop the ancient truth from the antiquities time from our beginning, from what they have been able to gather
and teach an share for the higher good of our soul. In the Acts of Peter 23 and 24 Peter was preaching celibacy in Rome the women went along with it
this makes me think of the woman’s right to choose there unconsciously righting a wrong for reasons they don’t fully understand. For one thing it
keeps the Human growth population down so our soul’s birth rate can’t fall short in numbers. So there’s ways and there’s ways. In the 2nd and
3rd century’s mandatory celibacy was frowned upon less then, then now of course so Rome was going to crucify Peter his friends convince Peter to
leave Rome so he does and on his way out Acts of Peter xxxv he sees Jesus 3 decades after his crucifixion and Jesus ask him were he’s going he
said North, Jesus said I’m going into town to get crucified Peter said crucified again Jesus said yea crucified again .Peter understands and walks
back into town and takes Jesus place and Jesus returns to sprit. [SNIP]
Mod Edit: Removed ad for personal website.
[edit on 18-7-2010 by Gemwolf]