posted on Jul, 4 2010 @ 07:43 AM
David is OK, he means well, Ive met him and been to one of his seminars, read a couple of his books and been on his news letter, he knows a lot, but
its too much to transfer into books and tell people. Too much information can overload us, and too much negative energy is what David gives too much
of his time, books and talks to. I'd had enough of him after receiving his news letters via email, its was all negative stuff doing my head in, but
someone has to tell people the truth and that's all hes doing.
His information ruined his career in football commentary, and any chances his son had of following in his dads footsteps as a professional goal
keeper, it also ruined his marriage, but he seems happy with his life while showing us all awful stuff. People need to find a balance with the truth,
when u get to a point of knowing about it all you don't wanna know anymore, and start blocking the awful out then look to the good of humanity
instead of just the bad.
David means well but there's loads of negative energy in his recent words, in a way of creating awful emotions in people when they learn of this
stuff. Its not all doom and gloom on this planet but that's what David gives much of his energy to. He is only reporting what he knows, but for me
balance needs to be addressed between learning of all the good stuff as well as the bad stuff.