posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 06:55 PM
Respect to the man...
I'm not normally impressed by yanks but this one tells it as it is and his actions back his words. More power to him and all those who support a
fair and balanced Palestinian/Israeli solution.
To a degree, I empathise with him regarding his citizenship, however, I believe each of us were born in our home countries for a reason and therefore
we should work from within to implement any necessary changes.
Israel (or should we call it Rotschildsland?) is clearly at present in a state of insanity, and by that, I equate insanity with hyper tension (or
How do we chill out the Rotschildlandi's (Israeli's)?
Who knows. Maybe a mass vaccination of a dose of MDMA may just teach them how to love their enemies.
In the early 90's it worked with English football hooligans, why wouldn't work with those crazed Russian migrants?
Love and peas to you all.