posted on Jun, 27 2010 @ 04:38 PM
For anyone being directly affected by the disaster, you can share in this thread your story or the story of someone you know. I'll read them whenever
I'm able to get back online.
The purpose is to give any ATS member directly affected by the disaster a chance to share a story. That's all. For anyone wishing to advance a
theory, argue, follow news items, or similar intent, go to ATS
Deepwater Disaster forum.
I want to read how you're all doing, how life there now is like, what you're all doing to cope, what do you see as the future for your area. What
are you hearing, seeing, smelling tasting, feeling. It can be about you or your pet or your boat or business or .... I want you to share your story,
free of any need to reply, or free to ask for a reply if you wish.
Let's begin.