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Prescription Drug Stats a Bitter Pill to Swallow

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posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 08:20 PM
That's freedom - as long as we are talking about adults. I do not take medications, but so what if someone else wants to take a pill to help them with stress? Why does that effect any of you people? Just because someone takes a medication does not make them an addict and it certainly does not you better than them. Everybody has a poison. Everybody consumes something that someone else is going to say is "bad" for them. I know many people who benefit psychically and psychologically from taking some kind of medication.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

I agree with what you say, i'm English and here we seem to be slowly catching the american love for pills. Don't get me wrong pills have their place, i have had to start taking some heavy painkillers for my rather damaged back, but americans seem to think pills are a cure all. Overweight, pop a pill, feeling slightly down, pop a pill, can't sleep pop a pill!

It's really scary. Most people in the UK i think still try natural proven remedies first, like if you can't sleep, take a walk, but increasingly we are turning to pills. The two biggest areas for this i believe are obesity and badly behaved children. Parents don't want to have to put up with badly behaving kids anymore and instead of sorting them out like parents used to, they just drug them. It's the easier route.

The same for obesity. Doctors for the most part are still trying to get people to exercise but people are lazy and greedy. Recently a new diet pill became available and it sold out in less than a week, every bottle in the country went. These people are mostly pathetic, lazy, greedy individuals. If they just got off of their arses, did some exercise and ate less rubbish they could easily drop the weight, they would naturally be happier (good diet and exercise raises feel good hormones) and generally life would improve. But no they pop a pill instead, a pill which can have side effects and most certainly won't have the positive benefits of exercise.

Sorry i get angry over this issue.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:12 PM
~personal disclosure~
I was addicted to painpills and anti anxiety meds for many years. It all started off innocently enough, broken bones, car accidents, oral surgery, etc. I took the pain meds as prescribed and never had a problem with them. The last time I was in the hospital it was for complications after having my gall bladder removed. I experienced the worst pain of my life. It was as if there was one of the little chest bursters from the Alien movies in my chest trying to tear its way out. The drs. tried several different painkillers, very potent painkillers. They finally found one that worked, it happens to be 100x stronger mg for mg than morphine. Its called dilaudid. My pain was so intense my blood pressure was so high it was way beyond stroke level it had reached 190/200+ the nurses and drs. thought their equipment was malfunctioning. After several readings of about the same they finally gave me the dilaudid, and a LOT of it. They were giving me 15 mcg iv pushes every 3 hours and it would just ease the pain enough so that I wasn't literally praying for death. I made it through the night alive, and was wide awake when my gi dr arrived the next morning. He was surprised, he exclaimed that looking at what I had been given the night before would have been enough to put an elephant into a coma. The body and brain has ways of utilizing different chemicals differently when they are needed. After that first night I didn't experience pain anywhere near those levels. But I still had pain, the dr never wrote an order to lower my pain med level, so when I requested something for pain they would come with the shot of "elephant tranquilizer". It was good, the only way I can describe it is like FIRE running through your veins and then exploding in a nice warm comfy blanket in your brain. They kept me there for a week. Several pain shots a day, cuz hey I'm in the hospital and may as well enjoy it right?
I could honestly understand why a heroin junkie would shoot up after that hospital stay. I'm released from the hospital after a week, they send me home with some painpills, and after what I'd been getting in the hospital the pills wouldn't relieve my pain, so I would take more, and more, and more. Long story short, they became an everyday part of my life, I'd wake up in the morning have a cup of coffee n 2 pills, have a few more bout 10am, have a cpl more after lunch, in the afternoon, after dinner, before bedtime, at bedtime. You get the picture. This went on for about 2 years. About 2 years ago I decide that I'm tired of living like that, I try n quit and wow do I get sick, use a lil more n try to quit, SICK! I finally kick cold turkey, that lasts for about 2 weeks and I realize I'm goin to need some help, so I go to a local rehab clinic and start outpatient therapy, that really helped. After a few months of the treatment I have to see the rehab dr so they can "diagnose" me and get payment etc. I walk into the drs office and sit down. No joke, the dr grabs his prescription pad sits down looks at me and says, "what can I get for you?" I'm flabbergasted, my mouth literally drops open, I asked him, have you read my chart? do you know what I'm in rehab for? We talk for a little while and he says, sounds like your depressed and could use something to help you sleep. I tell him I'm actually liking having feelings again after years of being numb. He says are you sure? I said yah, I'm ok doc. We finish up and I get up to leave his office and he says, are you sure u don't wanna try an antidepressent or a sleeping pill? I told him I'm all done with your pills, walked out laughing an shaking my head.
Meds are a necessary evil, but they do help some people in many cases. I'm just not one of them.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
That's freedom - as long as we are talking about adults. I do not take medications, but so what if someone else wants to take a pill to help them with stress? Why does that effect any of you people? Just because someone takes a medication does not make them an addict and it certainly does not you better than them. Everybody has a poison. Everybody consumes something that someone else is going to say is "bad" for them. I know many people who benefit psychically and psychologically from taking some kind of medication.

I don't have a problem with anyone deciding what they want to put into their own bodies. In fact, I think it is complete BS that we have to have a doctor prescribe us medications and that they have to get permission to do so. No, what I have a problem with, is doctors over eager to pump harmful chemicals into us, especially when their are less harmful alternatives that the government won't allow us to use, either because it's illegal or because the doctor would rather push a particular kind of drug for a particular pharmaceutical company. I have a problem with doctors pushing harmful chemicals on us and there not being anything we can do about it.

For instance, when I was prescribed a whole bunch of pain-killers and anti-anxiety medications, I could have been consuming marijuana that probably would have worked much better with less side effects and non-addicting, not to mention how much healthier it would have been. I don't smoke or otherwise consume marijuana because it's illegal but I should be able to do so if I feel that it is warranted. I don't see how the government can allow me to put all of these harmful chemicals into my body, chemicals that only semi-work and are extremely addictive, yet a natural plant that would do a much better job, is much cheaper, healthier and which wouldn't require me to see a doctor, is completely forbidden. Why? Because the pharmaceutical companies have the government by the balls which allows them to push drugs on the public and there is nothing the public can do about it.

Here's the thing, I'm forced to see a doctor for my health and the doctor himself is forced to get approval from the government. Because we are forced to go to the government approved agents for our health-care NEEDS, I think it is complete BS that they can act as drug pushers for the pharmaceutical companies, completely depriving the people of much better and much healthier alternatives. We should be allowed to treat ourselves, if that's what we feel is best or necessary, to include medicating ourselves with whatever we feel is needed. Life is a basic human right, given to us by god (regardless of who you believe he or it is or isn't) and the government should not force us to go to their approved agents to keep or improve our life/health.

During the health care debate, I would always get angry when I would hear people stubbornly say that health-care is a privilege, not a right and that people should have to pony up their own cash if they want treatment. Well, this line of thinking is wrong, at least from a stand point of liberty. I'm not saying that we shouldn't have to pay for medical service if we use a service from another person or institution, only that we shouldn't be forced to use the services of another person or institution. Healthcare is a right, health care service isn't. I should have the right to do everything in my power to ensure the health of myself and my family. I should not be forced to pay someone else to provide me with healthcare. So, if you can't afford to pay for your healthcare, you do not have the right to life, therefore the government is depriving us of the most basic right handed down by god, life. That is the strongest and most blatant form of tyranny

Unfortunately, we are forced to pay others for our right to life, and they are forced to get approval - constant approval - from the government to provide us with the services necessary for the right to life. Because of this, they should not be allowed to push drugs for drug companies and that is exactly what they do. People don't have any other choice but to accept the level of healthcare by these government approved doctors and therefore we have no choice in the drugs and chemicals that they push on us. Sure, you can go see another doctor, but every legal doctor in America is essentially an agent of the government, as they all have to get approval to perform their services. Ultimately, you have no choice but to see a government approved doctor so in essence, you have no choice but to accept the treatments dictated by the government, which all too often includes harmful chemicals that we don't need. It's all about the initiation of force by medical professionals and the government, not the application of force by the people.


posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Makes me wonder how many people who advocate drug-testing for welfare and unemployment, job apps, etc., are actually high as kites on legal drugs pushed by their friendly corporate doctor.

Could that be why they lack any empathy? Are legally-fuzzed brains the reason why idiots think that the unemployed should just stop be lazy leeches and "get a job" that doesn't exist and hasn't for years?

How many corporate types are drugged to the gills legally?

Me, I don't even take aspirin, but I'll cop to caffeine being my drug of choice.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

I couldn't agree more, big pharma and the mainstream media have most people where they want them, doped up, dependant and paranoid.
The sitation in the UK is pretty dire.
The vast majority are contained inside "safe" little bubbles, they are given everything they need inside the bubble, state of the art tech, like tv's, all the mind numbing shows to keep you glued to them (more people in the UK vote for the x factor han vote in general elections), games consoles, etc, etc,. Most people in the UK don't even know their neighbours names!
On the back of that, the mainstream media constantly tell us how unsafe it is to go outside, (out of working hours of course) if the youth don't get you, the islamic terrorists will get you, or the immigrant population will get you, etc etc, but it's ok, cos the cctv will look after you, and all the extra police.
And if you still feel frightened, depressed or concerned, it's ok, cos big pharma is there to numb the feelings.

[edit on 26/6/10 by NonKonphormist]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:36 AM
You mentioned M&M's. M&M's themselves are laced with prozac. The fluoride content of M&M's is quite high. If you eat too many M&M's too often you could end up with fluorisis, besides the usual thyroid damage, hair falling out, IQ reduction, etc.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by LiveForever8

Good thing I stopped taking any pills a while back, and instead did exercise and work my own problems out.

What's that body? You've had excellent blood sugar, cholesterol, eye sight, lung strength, depression control AND blood pressure? and you don't take vitamins everyday like the organic industry demands? Oh my! How do you do it body?!

OH RIGHT! I don't give a crap about any of this. When I feel bad, I run. When I feel sick, I run. When I feel depressed, I sunbathe a bit, then I run. When anything and everything is wrong with me, I sleep, sunbathe, and run. Problem solved.


posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:51 AM
This is a topic that doesn't get enough attention and I'm glad you brought it up. There are MANY doctors out there who should lose their medical license because they throw out drugs like they are candy. Why? Well for more $$$$ of course. Big Pharms give Drs "kickbacks"; quarterly or yearly bonuses depending on how many times they prescribed their drug to their patients. Also, too many doctors have no issues with getting their patients hooked on pain pills, regardless of age. I had doctors who got me hooked on oxycontins at the ripe ol age of 24!!!! Instead of trying to figure out the reason I was having pain, they instead treat the pain itself with pills. Why? Big Pharm kickbacks. The more people's lives they destroy with opiates, the more money they get on the side. It's disgusting.

Big Pharmacies donate billions of dollars to political campaigns as well as political contributions that "aren't recorded". They are a piece of the conglomerate which pulls the strings of our government. The people with the most money get their way, and believe me, they have just as much money as the oil tycoons, so they get their way. LOL, why do you think marijuana is still illegal federally and still categorized as a schedule 1 narcotic!!!?????????????? Because it's dangerous for us???!!!! How about because if every doctor in this country started prescribing marijuana for pain and other ailments Big Pharms would lose BILLIONS!!!!! I haven't found one yet but I wonder if there's a statistic as to how much money Big Pharms have lost in the 15 states that have medical marijuana. I would bet they are not happy.

Again, I'm glad this topic has been brought up and it needs much more attention. Too many kids and young adults are killing themselves with opiate addictions because these pills are WAY to easy to come by. It is the epidemic that is killing us slowly day by day.

People who are on anti-depressants, you don't need these poisons. Go to the gym, eat better, take some over the counter natural herbals and just wait and see how much better you will feel without the need to Lexapro or Xanex. We are allowing these monsters to profit off of our sorrow and misery, and it's just plain disgusting.

P.S. A little off topic but for all you religious, bible thumping folk out there who chose what to believe and chose what to disregard based on how you feel a certain day, doesn't the bible, I believe in GENESIS, have a line that reads " I give you all seed bearing plants". Just an FYI, marijuana is a seed bearing plant. HYPOCRITES

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:56 AM
St. Johns Wort-Depression (Just like Anti-deppresants, you must take it for a few weeks to feel the effects)
Valerian-Sleep Aid/Anxiety (Really knocks you out, but wake up easily and refreshed)
Devils Claw- Pain, more powerful than Hydro-codone, not addictive, no effect on liver
Chammomile, Lemon Balm or Mint-Anxiety (among many other things!)
Lavender Oil, for sleep and stress
Clary Sage Oil, for stress, can stimulate feelings of Euphoria

I think that just about covers every pill an that chart. NOTE!!! All this stuff grows like weeds and is easily obtainable for a couple of dollars, put it in the ground and it will grow prolifically for years to come. F*** BIG PHARMA and their Industry of Illness. Remember, they have a legal obligation to make profits, which supercedes any other obligation.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:03 AM
I took the red pill

[edit on 26-6-2010 by Zeta Reticulan]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 08:42 AM
Well what do you expect? The american population is a slave population. Slaves working for big industry. What actually is incredible is that they manage to sell you the poison that keeps you in control and makes you to submit your life day after day to slave labour.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:16 AM
One aspect that is frequently overlooked is the sleeping habits of Americans. We have internet, cable, nightclubs, DVDs, and all kinds of other things that keep people up when they should be sleeping.

Many of the neurotransmitters that keep certain parts of the brain functiioning properly, especially the limbic system, have a large proportion of their manufacturing while we sleep. But if we don't sleep properly, those neurotransmitters get their levels all screwed up.

One of the standard questions I ask all of my new patients with depression symptoms is: How well are you sleeping? The answer is usually that they are not sleeping well.

Another problem is that hypothyroidism. Even the sub-clinical hypothyroidism that can occur with levels that are "technically" normal, but not as good as they should be, can be a key factor properly diagnosing WHY a patient has depression symptoms.

It isn't always as easy as it seems to deal with depressed patients. And one problem I see is that as medical care becomes increasingly the "cookbook medicine" that is driven my Medicare and insurance companies, doctors are not as interested in doing thorough work-ups on patients, like we used to do. It isn't "cost effective" and you don't have to worry about complaints from insurance companies for why you did all those lab tests instead of simply prescribing cheap generic drugs.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Truth1000

I used to pop sleeping pills before. Then doctors tried to get me switch over to anti-anxiety medication that cost 10 times more than the sleeping pill, because they thought sleep problems cannot continue for long if you are not depressed.

I changed doctors and continued my regime of popping sleeping pills, since i had seen and heard what anxiety medication does to you.

Nowadays i don't need sleeping pills anymore, since i have opted out of the normal slave society. I sleep when i feel tired, i am awake when i feel like it. Pretty soon after i stopped to worry about the fact that i got to bed at 5am and woke up at 3 pm, my problems were gone.

After the problems were gone, i normalized my sleeping pattern and surprise surprise, i get sleepy and go to bed at 2am nowadays.

It is totally unnatural and pure propaganda that you should sleep at evening/night and be awake at day. Propaganda to make the society work in a certain way. The only way to know when to sleep and when to be awake is to listen to your body. period.

[edit on 6/26/2010 by above]

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 10:11 AM
Keep in mind that these prescriptions are across the board.

That means people in:

- Government
- Rescue Services
- Banks
- Rating Agencies

You look at the decisions recently, and it is easy to see how could persuade someone on happy pills that everything is still alright.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 07:04 PM
Since I have had experience with both medicinal herbal remedies as well as conventional medicines, Ihave a few things to say on the subject.

Yes, many people are indeed over-medicated, I can't argue that. I just want people to be aware that just because an herb is a natural plant, it does not mean that it is without side affects. You must study and be very careful of what you are taking and the amounts and combinations. As for anxiety/depression and prescription drugs...If it makes you feel high or you feel nothing at all, it is because it is not the right medicine for you, or the right dose. It is very much trial and error with both herbal remedies and prescription drugs. And be careful if you are taking a combination of both as that could mess you up too.

That's all folks. Do what works best and is safe. Find the kind of doctor who will work with you and respect your wishes.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by ReluctantShaman

Originally posted by ReluctantShaman
Keep in mind that these prescriptions are across the board.

That means people in:

- Government
- Rescue Services
- Banks
- Rating Agencies

You look at the decisions recently, and it is easy to see how could persuade someone on happy pills that everything is still alright.

I never thought of it that way, these people could be under alot of pressure, Poltiicians, CEO's, Police etc...could be taking phsycotropic drugs. Probably not the best thing to be on when making really important decisions. I would rather see them making decisions baked or drunk than on a combination of uppers and downers!

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