reply to post by catwhoknows
I've been thinking hard on this for several years. Whatever occurs, it must be peaceful. This entire Universe is a Hologram and each day is a test
for us, by our Higher Self/Family of Light/Creator. Even Sungazing withing a short period of time, if you are aware that all energy/light is
consciousness, and thank the Energy, seek inner help and strength and direction, will be very surprised at the connections formed. So, whatever we
do it must be with the highest light and principles, while at the very same time it has to get to the heart of the issues and Denounce/Renounce all
the brutal abuses here and slavery, and stand firm.
Its very hard to come up with such a thing, but lately an idea has been coming. People are not aware, they truly don't see the real world before
them, this was driven home by a recent memorial and family gathering.
In our home town areas, waking people up with websites, finding a way to encourage others to do some research on topics, perhaps, recruiting essays,
on topics that require research, I don't know for sure. But if we could get enough people together and treat whole areas as if it were a eco farm,
with people pooling resources, and take back our power by starting essential businesses and boycotting all monopolies so the recession/depression only
affects their false psuedo economy, but the grass roots one is going strong, and hopefully doing as more and more without money, but modeling how
people could live in a Venus project way
Working with the poor, finding those in need and safe houses with meals even. I'm not sure, I've been toying with ideas.
I think the middle class, brainwashed group is the hardest to reach and it would be better to target the poor and those struggling, for they are often
far more aware and get something going to work for awareness and change and lead the way to the others.
Wisdom looks up from the bottom of the well.
I want the entire world taken back into the hands of the people, and see money, banks, corporate slavery all as Crimes against humanity. Want to do
away with everything by working, creating a new system underneath it, from the bottom up, empowering those in need. Nor is such a thing time related,
it can take its own time, for as people work together, the Holographic Universe, which is merely a school adjusts. Like in a message I recieved in a
dream, a day can take 9 days to complete, for what is "time" anyway? The point is finding the right way to move forward, and local communities,
grass root it!!!! find those in need and network, and work at a variety of angles, encourage awareness research in others, local forums, videos, etc,
work at replacing the big businesses/monopolies, and buying from each other, and getting a local newspaper going that goes door to door free, paid for
by advertising.
[edit on 21-6-2010 by Unity_99]