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A Psychics Plee for Help. A Moral & Ethical Conundrum

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posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 02:56 PM
Paid Psychics? People who make money from knowing the future?

How do other psychics reconcile the moral and ethical contrast between knowing the future and serving institutions that are a global economy … money?

Is it wrong to know AND make money off the collective consciousnesses of other peoples thoughts while having intimate knowledge of future events?

Does Money And Knowing The Future Mix Well?

Is there a moral and ethical contradiction between depending upon institutions that promote and support economic models and money while knowing the future?

If one knows the future, how much money is too much money when betting on a future you already know is going to happen?

If I already know all possible outcomes, and I am subjugated by laws and servant to a system that is economically based, would I be wrong for making personal profit based upon the collective unconscious minds’ thoughts I am either raping or using or benefitting from?

For instance … how much money would be too much money if I bet someone in 1979 that an actor by the name of Patrick Stewart would play a Star Trek Capt. On TV in the future? Would one dollar be too much profit? Would 700 billion dollars be too much profit? Where is the line between the two?

Would you want to know how I knew he would be playing a Star Trek Capt.?
Or would laugh at me and think I was just another “crazy” person?

Here is how I knew he would become a Star Trek Capt:
Patrick Stewart
* - if I had enough will power to turn that “w” upside down into a “m” …
* - If I had enough free will power to re-arrange the same letters …
* - If amongst all the laws I could still choose to add a “ ‘ “ and a “ . “ ….

The name Patrick Stewart becomes:
I’m Star Trek Capt.

How evil would I be to make money off of knowing the truth about the future, or would it depend on how much money I made, or the side effects of utilizing other peoples brain power (unconscious super-ego) against them be what would make me evil?

Or are those who try to force me to adhere to a system dependant upon money evil for making me make money off knowing their own future just because such a phenomenon is outside the scope of their current capacity to imagine it because too much of their subconscious collective is busy and distracted from reality because they are contributing to it?

If I were to bet that in the future a man named Usama Bin Laden would Abuse a Mainland, and I made any amount of money whatsoever, or benefitted whatsoever in any possible way … would there constitute an illegal action or would I have done something wrong by applying what I learned in school to simply re-arrange the letters and see the future before it happened? ….

two phrases, same ingredients:
Usama Bin Laden
Would I be wrong to have benefitted from betting that he would abuse a mainland?
Does exercising my free will in order to exert just enough energy to re-arrange the letters …..
Mainland Abuse
Would I be wrong or evil for betting on something when I know the future of it is encrypted and encoded into the words? Without the money what life would there be for me?

Would I be wrong if I were to bet that the owner and founder simongray would have something to do with “forums that deny ignorance”? If I made money off it, how much money would be too much money?
two phrases, same ingredients

simongray owner and founder
Deny Ignore and a Forum Sworn

If I were to bet that Clint Eastwood would be an actor who was in a lot of “old west action” movies, before he acted in one western would I be wrong for making a personal profit off of knowing the future???

Clint Eastwood
Old West Action
Three Phrases, identical ingredients:

Morons, A Superconductive Solutions!
Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordos Seclorum
On Apes' Code: Voluminous Instructors

how do other psychics reconcile the moral and ethical conundrum of making money off of what they know is going to happen, while making other souls stupider in the process of contributing to the side effects that burden life?

If I were to bet in 1970 that Christopher Reeves would be both a reporter and a hero in any fashion, would I be wrong for making money off of such a bet?

Two phrases, each with the same identical ingredients (same exact letters):

Christopher D'Olier Reeve
Hero / reporter hide Clevis

(Christopher Reeve was the actor who played a hero:Superman.
Christopher Reeve was the actor who played a reporter:
Clark Kent.)
*(Clevic means to split, be two)

If I were to bet in 1950 that Rodman “Rod” Edward Serling would have a future involved in Dreamland …

Rodman "Rod" Edward Serling
Dreamland Disorder Wrong

*( Rod was the Twilight Zone TV Show Host)

How do other psychics reconcile having to mandatorily abide by laws that want them to be subservient to the demands of the current economic model, while profiting from betting on a future they already know?

If I had never seen the great pyramid, and only knew of it’s name, would I know that it’s shape was a tetrahedron??? ….

Yes, I think I might know that it was …

The Great Pyramid
Tetrahedra Gym Pi

*Tetrahedra = tetrahedron = the name of the geometrical/physical shape of the pyramids.

Which one of these sources do you believe is more reliable, more trustworthy …

or do you prefer the intelligence of FOX news?

“Psychics” …

How do you personally find peace charging people money … betting on a future you already know is going to happen?

Once you know the future, are there any ethical and or moral concerns that interfere or deter your true potentials from knowing the future more accurately ….
Or are there any ethical and or moral concerns that interfere or deter you from your true potentials from making any real profits in a world where money seems to be in charge?

Or are we stuck inbetween … the twilight zone …. Knowing the future and being forced into situations by everyone around us …. To depend on $$$$$ ….

Options for such a moral and ethical conundrum???

Pay more taxes, maybe your “leaders” have all the answers …

What do you think?

Thanks in advance for your ridicule of the facts presented and not the character of the OP author,...

Thanks in advance for your time and contributions concerning this delicate problem,



Does anyone here want anyone who knows the future to start playhing in the stock markets ???

edited to re-arrange some of the post substance and fix three typos and add...

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Insider trading is supposed to be illegal but it happens all the time.

"O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!"

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Is there a moral and ethical contradiction between depending upon
institutions that promote and support economic models and money
while knowing the future?

Ethics and morals are artificial, self-imposed constructs. If a person perceives wrongness in a behavior, it will "be wrong" for them.

Why is having psychic abillity any different from having any other ability? Why is suggesting that it's immoral to financially benefit from psychic powers any different from suggesting that it's immoral for somebody really strong to make money as a rock hauler?

Different people have different skills. Why should one set of skills arbitrarily be "not ok" to use?

If one knows the future, how much money is too much money when betting on a future you already know is going to happen?

If one is good with numbers, how much money is too much money to be made as an accountant? if one is a really fast runner, how much is too much money to be made from winning races? If one is good at anything, or has any unusual skill, how much money is "too much" to be made from using it?



Clint Eastwood also rearranges to "A Colon Twisted." Shall we predict that he will have colon problems? It also rearranges to "Lost Townie Cad." Shall we predict that he will go missing? "A Clown Dittoes." Shall we predict that his father was a clown and he'llbe one too? What about "Dance Toil Twos?" Shall we predict a grueling life of unpleasant dance partners? How about "Ascend Wit Loot?" Will he be buried in a pyramid amidst golden treasure? "Cadet Wino Lost?" He'll be a military drunkard lost at sea?

Anagrams are fun. But using them to predict the future might not be so simple as it may appear with the benefit of hindsight.

How do you personally find peace charging people money …
betting on a future you already know is going to happen?

So far I've not demonstrated much skill for knowing the future. But if I had it, yes I would use it. And no I wouldn't feel bad for doing so.

Begrudging others for their talents is unlikely to benefit you.

[edit on 20-6-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Doctor G
Insider trading is supposed to be illegal but it happens all the time.

exactly on par with my thoughts. same case scenario, but now imagine, or accept as fact,... some of those "insider trading" things going on are not gambling or betting... just making more money on what they know is going to happen.

it does present a conflict of interests, and it certainly may not fall into the category of "FREE MARKET".... unless they mean the money for them is free???

"O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!"

This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Farewell, my blessing season this in thee!

i do like poetry, too ... wrote some, here ya go:

we done battle in the darkest of places
we have stood in rankh with angelic faces

to learn a lesson on how we need no weapon to wield
to prove beyond proof we require absolutley no shield
to plant the seed of a deed.. we are akin to "unified field"?

forgive us, please, if it is your soul we coax
but, um, we think death maybe just a hoax

thank you for sharing,

[edit on 20-6-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:30 PM
You are pay for their time and energy use to see the future.

They are making a living out of it.

If you don't like it, than don't ask them for a reading.

There is no such thing as free lunch.

It has to be a balance.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:51 PM
...hey, esoteric teacher, did you run your screenname through an anagram generator?... i did, lmao... you got a boatload... i only got one - and - i thought it said "skank why"
- but - i blinked a few times and realized it said "swank why" - and - thats kind of interesting but being called a skank by a machine was funnier...

...about your question, well, lord bucket purty much said it all ("a colon twisted", too funny, lmao)...

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher



Clint Eastwood also rearranges ...
Anagrams are fun. But using them to predict the future might not be so simple as it may appear with the benefit of hindsight.

thanks for sharing your thoughts on this, star &

i liked what you had to say concerning the op.

um, i utilized anagrams to demonstrate with words (the languages available) that knowledge of the future in the words exists and is eminating from your lips, keyboard, hands...

hindsight granted, yes ..

but by re-arranging william one sacks' name and title i could have been able to predict he would have cancer later in life...

the odds might be 1 out of 60,000 from the available options ...
but if you had enough money already to bet enough money on the right outcome, aren't the odds still in one's favor? ...

same with Christopher Reeves, hindsight yes, but i could have been able to predict utilizing anagrams that he would have an encounter with a Horse perhaps near a River and that he may have a Helicoptered ride ...

River Horse Helicoptered
a label of the same identical letters/ingredients as:
Christopher O'Deil Reeve

an individual who was riding a horse named "Eastern Star" near a River and afterwards had to get Helicoptered away due to being paralized.

you may find more truisms in the mainstream media than i find in psychic abilities or in intimate knowledge of communications ...

Begrudging others for their talents is unlikely to benefit you.

interesting statement. but others do begrudge me for my talents. case and point: too many laws to learn in one lifetime, too many laws for any one person to memorize in one lifetime ....

might as well pay taxes to have people rule over me and force me to calcvulate the highest number.... then maybe life on earth will feel more welcome and more at "home".

thanks again for sharing your thoughts on this subject matter,
it is much appreciated,

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks
...hey, esoteric teacher, did you run your screenname through an anagram generator?... i did, lmao... you got a boatload... i only got one - and - i thought it said "skank why"
- but - i blinked a few times and realized it said "swank why" - and - thats kind of interesting but being called a skank by a machine was funnier...

oh yes i, and you would be suprised to see how some peoples posts and choices of forums sometimes coincide with each other on some levels..

one of the one's i like for my screen name is:
"i tore each secret"

but, again it may just be subconscious opinion, noticable patterns and algarythms(sp?) .... anagrams may just be opinions from different varying iq's

not necessarily absolute fact all the time, however ... i don't think this is always the case

thanks sharing yours,

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:07 PM
Well it is all fake fiat money anyway, all based on debt. and has no real worth as it is created out of nothing.

Business success is based on what you know and how you can apply it.

Obtaining information by psychic means, is not insider trading, and is still considered akin to gambling. As it cannot be proven.

I say collect as many paper notes as you can, while you can and put it into gold and silver.

By the way. Yes I want to know.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Say you, the psychic, knew `future x` will be bad to a good folk. You have a choice to decide to reveal or not to reveal the `bad news` to a dear friend.

Your conscience bothers you so much that you cannot sleep. You try to justify that you have no time or energy to get involved with someone else's problem.

Or that you were told not to interfere with the knowledge of future events or you might end up altering that particular `time line`, karma, path, whatever.

Or that there are others who can make money to `predict` that friend's particular future event.

Or that the inquirer has too much selfish ego, who wants said `psychic` to reveal whatever `bad news` or unknown future event.

Now the moral and ethical part remains with the `psychic`: To help or not to help; even if it means for one's survival based on the dependency of the current monetary system.

But many psychics (who would not dare mention this truth) do make millions. Do they deserve it? Yes - only if NO HARM came upon those involved or how the money was received.

Take another example in which a psychic claimed to know how levitation works but was prevented from revealing the `secret` by a ghost. Again the choice would have been to `squeal` anyway and make lots of money.

An old soul once said:

At least you tried your best.

Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should anyone (i.e. psychics) be forced to do anything under duress.


Although I do NOT want to know but would like and NEED to know about investment deals, what's in it for me?

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:29 PM
People who know the future aren't just psychic however.

The ethical implications of charging for an ability I can do that others will not do is.. well based on he fact I have a powerful need to eat sometime this month.

An awful lot of the stuff I do is relationship related.. People are just afraid of the future and quite frankly.. so much of whats bad and good about the whole "industry" is giving someone a semblance of stability and assurance whether the psychic is right or not.

Thats is the true ethical problem.

Security, Real or imagined. Using it as something to sell thats the darkest thing about it.

un Ethical? Dont know if the word describes it correctly. too weightless of a word for the deception entailed.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Frankly i see nothing wrong with it. You arnt betting on a future. Your charging them to enjoy the benifit of a gift they dont have.
Its the same thing as a weather man. only instead of knowing wheether itll rain you know whatever outcome your getting a reading for.

I say let the market control the price of the future.What ever price someone is willing to pay to know is the price they should be charged. Hopefully there isnt even haggling, you already know where youll agree on before hand.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by pikypiky.

An old soul once said:

At least you tried your best.

Disclaimer: Under no circumstances should anyone (i.e. psychics) be forced to do anything under duress.

yes, i would like to agree ...
and part of me does, while another part of me sees the amount of distress being caused by money. environmental damages, psychi damages, wars..
--- maybe not caused by money, but certainly opportunists may be making money off all the confusion...

can anyone tell me where 1/4th the worlds economy went to in the last ten years????

someone is having difficulties in being straight foreward and i have problems adhering to living up to the expectations of other peoples lies.

Although I do NOT want to know but would like and NEED to know about investment deals, what's in it for me?

more knowledge between cause and effects?

thanks for your post and sharing,

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Huggiesunrise

Security, Real or imagined. Using it as something to sell thats the darkest thing about it.

un Ethical? Dont know if the word describes it correctly. too weightless of a word for the deception entailed.

deception entailed referring to making money off of selling imagined securities?

seems your logic sounds fair on this thread, but those who share 99.7% of the same dna as you do seem to put the same logic into poor practice in the "real" world.

at any point does the ability to forecast future events accuratley become a threat to national security, or is it what has provided for national security before any nation existed?

probably a rhetorical question and up to the individuals perceptions, but then again ... is the individual in control of their own perceptions, or is some pyschi energies adverse to the individual (free will).

can you think of any institutions that support economical institutions who demonstrate anti-ego rhetoric , ie: "hate thyself" ??

any religions, or mainstream press ...

i think i can imagine such institutions, based upon the perceptions i'm supplied with from such institutions..

thanks for sharing and making me think,

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:05 AM
Everybody has to eat and keep a roof over their head.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 10:35 AM
fortunetellers are a profession, people with psychic ability tend to do works that are people oriented...
a famous 'Psychic' has to have overcome many social tests & stigmas,

a priest gets paid to hear & forgive sins (through pennance)
whats wrong or amoral about a person sharing intimate info with a seeker and receiving compensation for their own struggle in the effort to delve into that persons frequency/aura/psyche/astral retrieve that information, whether it be trivial or life changing & crucial...

why would you even have a deliberation about this issue...??

charlatans go about covering up things which would disclose their nakedness

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by St Udio

because i would be making money while capitolizing on the truth that they seek when the truth of what they seek is encrypted and encoded in the words from their lips.

am i to believe it is morally and ethically right to make money off of a future from a source when i am charging the source of the future i am making money off of?

how is this not cannibulism (sp?)

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 07:00 PM
I'm not a psychic but the way I see it is that we're all paid to do what we can do. Right? I'm paid for the services I provide, so I don't see any difference in psychics being paid for their services either. That is, of course, if they are truly psychic to begin with, as for those that aren't and charge for it, THAT is morally wrong.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 04:45 PM
yes, i know there are literally tens of thousands of "anagrams" for the following two phrases, but i think if you look closely at these two phrases you will find they containt the same identical ingredients themselves, two phrases with the same letters:

what is Our Rulings on Blagojevich Trials
Jail illinois governor cash thug, But Wars

is this a possible future, or a lame attempt to predict the future without having to wait for the outcome of how our tax dollars are spent:

money verses the truisms?

what do you guys think of the above stated "anagram"??

do you think this may prove to be some level of truth in the near future?

thanks for sharing,

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 04:50 PM
I think if your truly into knowing stuff, money would not matter to you.

Life and the world is fecked, so you would say so what.

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