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Okaloosa County isn’t taking oil spill orders any more knowing they could go to jail

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posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:44 AM
I hope Bay County does the same thing, or we'll be in trouble

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:48 AM
well done, looks like someone found their courage, should be more of it if things are going to happen.

Power to the people

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by skischoow
I hope Bay County does the same thing, or we'll be in trouble

Why not start an action group rather than waiting for someone else to do it

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

There is nothing to say that hasn't been mentioned above...


S&F to keep this on top!

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 07:58 AM
If they have the will and means to protect their beaches and water then-more power to them- and let BP pick up the tab when all is said and done. Its nice to see a local governing body take responsible action because here in IL it seems that 95% of all local goverment is "Good old boys" who do nothing but protect their own powerbase.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I'm from Pensacola, which is in Escambia County as most of you know, and my father-in law and brothers-in law all work for disaster management for the county. They keep me in the loop on a regular basis.

When the oil spill first began the County Commisioners met in Pensacola to discuss what the best course of action would be, and all agreed that they would boom the oil away from Pensacola Bay, the Escambia River, and estuaries and take the hit on the beaches if it came to that. However, when they approached Central Command in Mobile, AL, about getting the resources to engage their plan, red tape got in the way and they were given the run around. There was discussion amony the Commisioners as to whether or not to simply 'go ahead' with the plan and risk the ire of the federal goverment. Unfortunately, as Escambia County is having economic issues already, they decided to continue to play the game...

I applaud Okaloosa County for doing what they have done, and I can only hope Escambia and Santa Rosa counties do the same. I know the beach where I first kissed my wife is gone for the forseeable future, but maybe the rivers and estuaries can be spared. As always, keep the information rolling, and I'll do the same. Good to be back on ATS.


[edit on 16-6-2010 by GuiltyByDesign]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Its about time that citizens have stepped to the plate. This isn't going to get solved by counting on our "leadership." They've sold themselves out to the highest bidder, therefore, they have absolutely no reason to take action. Its more profitable to just let it ride.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

MAAAN! I have never been more happy and proud of my county leaders before. I live in okaloosa county florida and this makes me happy!

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:37 AM
The Federal Government is not incapable or incompetent - the truth is there is no intention of fixing the situation which has been created purposely for their own esoteric and nefarious reasons.

I suspect this is a direct attack on the food supply: when the fish are gone and the crops are destroyed by poisoned rain what will you eat? I'm not sure what the menu is in FEMA camps but I doubt many will like it....

It warms my heart to read news like this: commitment, leadership and true American values - finally! Unfortunately in the overall scheme of things it is much too late already, but at least some are seeing the light and have decided to go down fighting.

God bless them!

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 09:44 AM
What is really happening on Grand Isle Louisiana.
Gut wrenching stuff.

From What Really Happened.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:00 AM
Too bad we cannot vote "no confidence" in this government.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Logestar
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

MAAAN! I have never been more happy and proud of my county leaders before. I live in okaloosa county florida and this makes me happy!

Heh... Be careful someone will use that statement against you like they did Michelle Obama :-)

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:44 AM
Best news I've heard in a while! Thanks OP! S&F

Anyone know if that means BP is not responsible for reimbursing them?

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:49 AM

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Thanks for this one , it opened my eyes but i think we always knew in the back of our minds that things are just not right
star and flag

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by GuiltyByDesign

As our hometown hero Roy Jones would say "Pensacola in the house!!"
I grew up in P-cola. To be more exact, I grew up on a surfboard right next to the casino beach pier. Yes I was raised by sharks.

I hope its not too late to circumvent the gov. and save ourselves. But Okaloosa took action early. "We" in Escambia county didn't even get our booms out to Pensacola pass before oil reached the bay.

Baldwin county Alabama also said F-you and acted on their own. They put barges in front of their booms to stop waves from washing the oil over. They said, we will deal with punishment, fines, arrest later.

O.K. this is far fetched but as this is a conspiracy site I'll just throw it out there.......Just to our west Baldwin county acts on their own, just to our east Okaloosa county does the same. Did we keep playing the game because Obama was to stop in Pensacola and what good would a clean beach be for a photo op? I hope not.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by GuiltyByDesign
I'm from Pensacola, which is in Escambia County as most of you know, and my father-in law and brothers-in law all work for disaster management for the county. They keep me in the loop on a regular basis.

When the oil spill first began the County Commisioners met in Pensacola to discuss what the best course of action would be, and all agreed that they would boom the oil away from Pensacola Bay, the Escambia River, and estuaries and take the hit on the beaches if it came to that. However, when they approached Central Command in Mobile, AL, about getting the resources to engage their plan, red tape got in the way and they were given the run around. There was discussion amony the Commisioners as to whether or not to simply 'go ahead' with the plan and risk the ire of the federal goverment. Unfortunately, as Escambia County is having economic issues already, they decided to continue to play the game...

I applaud Okaloosa County for doing what they have done, and I can only hope Escambia and Santa Rosa counties do the same. I know the beach where I first kissed my wife is gone for the forseeable future, but maybe the rivers and estuaries can be spared. As always, keep the information rolling, and I'll do the same. Good to be back on ATS.


[edit on 16-6-2010 by GuiltyByDesign]

I'm from Mobile,AL and even though the one of the "command centers"
is here our boom we had for Mobile bay was taken from us and given to Louisiana.
Now we have some oil that has been spotted in the bay.....

the boom that was taken was used in Obama's first photo op trip to Louisiana
and can be seen in the background !
Or so I'm told

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Okaloosa...don't know where it is, but i think i need to plan a trip there to give them my business.

Give me liberty or give me death!!!

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by EvolvedMinistry
reply to post by Iamonlyhuman

Its about time that citizens have stepped to the plate. This isn't going to get solved by counting on our "leadership." They've sold themselves out to the highest bidder, therefore, they have absolutely no reason to take action. Its more profitable to just let it ride.

You know...sorry if this is a little off topic but after reading the replies, as well as from reading/hearing other news as of late it got me thinking (whoa watch out! lol).

Looking at the news events as of late....lets try and put things in a "NWO/Globalist Agenda" perspective for a minute. To quote the words of our POS Chief of Staff Rom Emmanual or however his name is spelled:

"One should never let a good crisis go to waste" (paraphrasing there but he has been quoted as saying something to that effect). Now Oboooma has been accused (and his actions have pretty much clearly indicated) of being a Socialist/Fascist that seems hell bent on taking America down that path. And you know what! I say exactly...let us NOT let a "good crisis" go to waste!!

One of the MANY tools required to eventually implement such a state is to what? Get as MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN to be dependent on the government right? And how has he done that? Through stimulus after stimulus, extension and increasing government aid, putting out nation into deeper and deeper debt, healthcare fiasco, expanded government like never seen before...I could go on and on.

So...if one has plans, and has HAD IT PLANNED for decades to destroy/reorganize this great country...what is probably THE LAST THING that they want to ever see? States like ARIZONA TAKING OVER IMMIGRATION MATTERS INTO THEIR OWN HANDS, and the people of that small county in FLORIDA SAYING SCREW THE FED WE CAN DO THIS OURSELVES!!

I mean think about it!! WHY ELSE IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU HAVE WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR OWN FREAKING GOVERNMENT SUING THEIR OWN PEOPLE FOR DOING WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE DONE, OR DOING THE RIGHT THING?!?!? Why would they spend MORE TIME FIGHTING THEIR "FELLOW AMERICANS" for doing the right freaking thing, then they themselves should be doing to begin with!!

If this administrations actions/inactions have not already shown without a SHADOW OF A DOUBT that they HATE THIS COUNTRY AND WISH TO ULTIMATELY DISMANTLE IT...THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT WOULD BETTER SHOW!!! Watch people...once MORE AND MORE states begin to wake the hell up and start thinking for themselves and telling the fed to screw off...THEN WE WILL BE ON TRACK TO RESTORING THE REPUBLIC!!

We MUST stand by our fellow Americans and the individual states of the REPUBLIC and pitch in to give them a hand when they need it!! The more that we REFUSE the governments "help"...the sooner we will kick these SELL OUTS OUT OF OFFICE AND HOPEFULLY EXILED OUT OF THIS COUNTRY FOR GOOD!! I swear I think that is the key! States need to help states...and I think that it begins with Americans helping out fellow Americans first. That is why I had taken the time to google that FL county website and email them asking where I could send a donation to.

I just that I am really pissed and see us running out of options as each day passes I guess. Hopefully it isn't a bunch more wishful thinking on my part :-/

[edit on 16-6-2010 by Newbomb Turk]

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 11:08 PM
An old George S. Patton quote seems appropriate for this situation. We should hold this high as a banner for all Americans in this situation to follow:

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way." -GSP Jr.

The Government can NOT save you. Americans band together for the better!

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