That is amazing, I seen it before(not on here), and there is some story about the guy that made it, but I can't remember, but if you can find out
that be cool. Funny you posted it, because I was looking for the video again not too long ago :p
I've never seen them before. Thank you so much for posting them! I found the visuals and the music uplifting and in this day, and time and
especially on ATS, that is a rare experience.
Alright! Thank you soi much for those additions. Very cool indeed.
I was hoping for some approvals. I just felt drenched in oil and I remembered my partner showed that to me the other day. I did look for some back
ground, still looking and I will post if I come across any.
For those who havn't seen this yet enjoy.
Conc ,if you come up with something on your twanger I want to hear it.