posted on Jun, 12 2010 @ 08:58 AM
I was reading different thread and I stumbled upon something I want to bring under your attention...
This morning when I checked ATS this headline jumped right at me:
ATS thread:
the source:
Kinda weird for a prince to bring out such a message for public viewing... but it might contain a valid warning.... who knows...
But in the afternoon another thread popped up and Some pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place for me. I wont go into detail but let the
readers draw their own conclusions... In my opinion this is just to much to be coincidence
ATS thread:
"Do not fool yourself by relying on the United States or Britain or Israel, because they will not survive the loss; the only door open is now
the exit door of no return. Let us go before it closes."
What is the loss being spoken of? Elite's have always had more intel available to them but this "loss" being spoken of.. could it result from the
attack Israel is planning?
Well I'm very curious as to the opinion of you posters
well cant seem to embed the video so here is the link for the video!
[edit on 12/6/2010 by faceoff85]