posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 09:16 PM
You are posting sane solutions, but unfortunately , no one is going to persuade the Rich who make money for Jam , to give up the flow of loot into
their bank vaults.
If wind power and solar becomes commonplace we will be handing over effectively the wind and the sun into the present oil producers hands, because
they will buy the companies and charge us ever increasing prices.
Electric cars are now 100% feasible ,so oil is slowly becoming redundant(a fossil) but the oil companies would start a world war to make loot, rather
than voluntarily give up their cash cow.
Only the peasants worry about oil spils all the gnashing is for the peasants.
BP and its execs probably get to meet obama regularly?
Your thread is sane , but sane aint what the rich want to hear.
Err the uFO stuff is insane so they might listen to you
[edit on 11-6-2010 by Dr Expired]