posted on Jun, 11 2010 @ 03:31 PM
Amazing how spending a little time studying the real history of the U.S. completely wakes you up to just how corrupt the world is, and how the history
you are taught is completely watered down and bias. Every war we have ever been in is a direct result from our government not getting what they want
so they create a conflict to destabilize other countries so we can exploit their resources.
You can argue that this is good for the American people and helps our nation prosper, but this so called “democracy” established in other
countries without the will of the people does not help them. It is not democracy, if it was not the people’s choice. We kill some many innocent
citizens because they are in the way and disposable to our society fueled by greed. Our foreign policy strategies screw every nation by keeping them
a third world country all while we devastate their country for their natural resources. Too many innocent people are dead because of our corruption
and greed, that needs to stop.
However, would anyone living on this planet like it better if Communist Russia, Communist China, or Nazi Germany was in control of the world?
If you don’t want the U.S. to control the world, who should be in control?
I honestly think the U.S. is the best option for freedom, safety, and the pursuit of happiness in the world. We are stuck with what we have at the
moment, but we may be able to end the corruption , which could possibly save the lives of innocent people that are stuck in the hell hole of third
world country we created for them.