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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Oxygen56

This is the world we live in, this is the land we're given... plain and simple survive within the confines of the world you are born or STFU!!!!! Weakness was never rewarded in the past and now it's glorified. I don't have a grande mansion, If I want it, which I don't then I work for it, by the rules that are set up in this world that I have to follow, why is it okay to watch others break it???????

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:50 PM
...below is an interesting video... its long, a little old but still politically current... the description of the video (below in quotes) seems slanted to an agenda but what isnt nowadays?...

...the speakers (a phd and a cop) shine light on how the illegal immigration issue is being used by neo-nazis, aryan nation, skinheads, kkk and how the rhetoric used by these groups (and their supporters) has not changed in decades upon decades (a lot of which is currently being shamelessly posted on ats in immigration debate threads)...

...maybe the posters who have brazenly wished death on illegal immigrants (even to the extent of being surprised that no one had yet put out poisoned food and water) will be embarrassed to find themselves and their hateful rhetoric being a carbon copy of people who embrace hitler's mindset - but - i doubt it... i suspect that when folks hate to that level, its a genetic malfunction...

Improving the Immigration Debate, Arizona
House Democrat Caucus 3/13/2007

Recently, Arizona House Democrats held a "seminar" with the stated purpose of "Improving the tone of the Immigration Debate."

Speakers included representatives of the local and national Jewish Anti-Defamation League as well as Deterctive Matt Browning, an undercover officer from the Mesa Police Department.

The presentation made clear the intentions of Arizona's House Democrats to silence these citizens with threats of the "white supremacist" label and police harassment.

Arizona legislator Kirsten Sinema recently proposed a bill treating civilian border groups as "domestic terrorists," and a Mesa Police Department undercover officer enthrusiastically supports that assignment for the groups he calls "extremist:" tax-evaders, anti-government groups and constitutionalists.

Americans who oppose illegal migration have become increasingly vocal and strident in their demands that the federal government enforce immigration laws, deport illegal aliens, and punsih employers who hire illegal aliens.

These Americans have also succeeded in enacting local and state laws targeting illegal aliens and those who hire them, rent housing to them, and otherwise help illegal aliens to break into mainstream American life.

This video evidences the continuing mission of legislator Sinema and her open-border allies to marginalize anyone who opposes their mission.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:52 PM
There's no way in hell I would turn my back on a starving or thirsty human being.

That does not make me complicit on trying to help someone stay here illegally either. It's an act of a human being with a heart... and if you are actually going to sit behind your computer and say "let them die in the desert because they should'nt have tried to come here anyway" then you will get your karma too. Because we don't treat human beings that way. Period.

To let someone die in a desert because you hate where they came from makes you less than human, and when we start to become that we are lost forever...

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by daskakik

Well I am against outsourcing or using any other resources outside of our own, unfortunately sadly many companies do all this and then some, but not because of me or the rest of the public.

In my opinion, though just as I stated about us using our own resources and not stripping and bilking any other nation of theirs, the shoe also goes to the other foot. The survival of the fittest, if you can't live off of the land you are living in and can't cut it in the world/ situation that God gave you, then IMO what makes it your right to live at all

The creation of bannana republics is not the same as outsourcing and it had everything to do with you and the public.

Wouldn't having the balls to treck through a desert, enter a country where you don't speak the language while facing deportation every moment of every day be cutting in the world/the situation God gave you?

Personally, no I wouldn't come through the back door because I have principles, I would do it the LEGAL way and only if I was in the worst absolute worse possible desperation, it would take me a lot to actually even go through the process of immigrating. I would suffer all those same things first on my own soil until I found it was impossible to do so, ie there were absolutely NO resources to live off of. But that's just me, I am strong a fighter and I have strong morals.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:56 PM
I helped out a immigrant from America once. He was white, twenty something. He joined the army, and then left. Had to come to Canada Illegally to save his own life, just as the Mexicans are doing.

I gladly helped him, as I'm sure any American would gladly help a Mexican immigrant.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by Oxygen56

by the rules that are set up in this world that I have to follow, why is it okay to watch others break it???????

Exactly, thank you for making my point once again. The laws of which you speak of are designed to confine you and your thoughts.

Listen, I understand your stance on this matter and respect it. Just ask yourself one thing.... why are we made to PAY to live on the planet of which you were born? Just think about that.

That fact leads to almost everything else including someones situation that would make them want to go someplace where there is more work...

Peace = )

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

if these people want to help, let them take them home and they can pay for them. they don't have a right to help illegal aliens and expect the citizens of this country to be forced to pay for them. if things are so bad in Mexico let them fix it just like we have to fix our own problems. I would love to give them all a million dollars, but I would love it more if I could give it to my own and paying for illegals is something we just can't afford. whether their intention are good or bad. they are causing problems for the rest of the nation.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Aiding and Abetting/Accessory: A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support.

They should be prosecuted also.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

Originally posted by Oozii
Yeah, in some places where I live there's even signs suggesting to leave water if possible. Signs made just like "Construction Ahead" and whatnot.

And its the right thing todo if you ask me. Little do the people know, by leaving 1 bottle of water, they are saving lives.

By leaving one bottle of water you are encouraging and condoning illegal activity.

I suppose next you'll want to set up a free McDonalds and say, " Come on in, taste American Freedom"

Let me tell you something.

If you have a really bad cockroach problem in your home, and you don't want them there, you Do Not Feed Them !

( I'm not calling illegal Mexicans cockroaches, just using an analogy.)

[edit on 5-6-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

Let me tell you something.
Nobody is illegally living on this planet.

Peace, One Love.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Shark VA84

I have come to understand that Americans are by far the most fearful, ignorant and lazy people on the planet

Personally, I plan on becoming a permanent resident of Central/South America by the time I'm 35.

Only 25 years to wait, be sure and send us a postcard.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Oxygen56

I totally agree with your stance, and as I mentioned money isn't going to be around forever and it does pertain to gevernment any government and monetary system has run those courses, those steps I've listed, granted some lasted longer than others, but if you study history those things can definately be applied to governmental/economical courses. Anyway you are right we shouldn't have to, but, that will come to an end as well. When it does, then there will be people also trying to get around the new system, but that will cause decay again... the only way to end it is everybody has to conform to whatever system it is and work together not against each other by entering illegally they are, in essence working against our system as it stands, now, if you say, incorporate mexico as part f the US, then set them up as citizens that must make at least minimum wages, must pay taxes, must follow driving laws, so they must have a license, insurance( except if they move to states where not required), and registration, and follow all the other laws given here, plus how much easier it would be to gain control and dismantle the cartels, then this would work in favor of both american citizens and mexican citizens, but a lot of people, especially the companies are against this, I am not, I think it would be favorable, but I think the Mexican government would be opposed...I may be wrong though. And I have no doubt that when they become legal citizens anyway, the companies will replace them with someone else. The only way to curb this is shut those bad bussinesses down and sell their assets to an ethical company.

Even in a utopian society something would be required of you to contribute your share or you'd be considered a drain.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by AwakeinNM
I have family in Green Valley, and one day a group of illegals wandered into their yard and asked for water. They were desperately thirsty. He (male relative) let them drink from the hose, then gave them a bit of a head start, then called Border Patrol. He has BP on speed dial in his cell phone. He also wears a sidearm because they move through that area at every hour in the day.

I probably would have done the same thing. I wouldn't deny someone water if they've been out in the desert for who knows how long, but once you've topped off, you're going to have Border Patrol on your ass.

I would do almost the same thing, except why give them a head start? I'd give them all the water then can drink and maybe some food too, but I'd be calling border patrol right away. This way you can give humanitarian aid but also comply with the law by notifying authorities immediately.

Originally posted by babybunnies
Oh, and there's a VERY big difference between someone ASKING a residence or business for water and water being left for these people on the trails.

I agree and I don't understand why some people can't see where to draw the line. If people walking along those trails need humanitarian aid, then it should be border patrol rendering the aid. And if people know of people needing humanitarian aid that aren't getting it, they should be calling border patrol to render the aid. So the people who need the aid should get it, but they should get it from border patrol.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Asherah

nor would I, but my heart goes to Americans who will not survive the onslaught of illegal immigrants regardless of intentions.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:21 PM
i know i speak out "against" illegal immigration...
or i speak for protecting the borders that we archaically insist on having...since we insist, after all.

but this warms my heart and seriously makes my day to hear such compassion and love for our fellow HUMAN BEINGS.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Personally, no I wouldn't come through the back door because I have principles, I would do it the LEGAL way and only if I was in the worst absolute worse possible desperation, it would take me a lot to actually even go through the process of immigrating. I would suffer all those same things first on my own soil until I found it was impossible to do so, ie there were absolutely NO resources to live off of. But that's just me, I am strong a fighter and I have strong morals.

That's just the thing. Illegals crossing the desert and facing these challanges on a daily basis are fighters just like you. Legal or illegal is just ink on paper in different patterns.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I support the new bill here in AZ, and I believe illegal immigration needs to be stopped. That said, I don't agree with those that say we should let them die in the desert. We're talking about human beings, with children, who made bad choices but not worthy of a death sentence. I would even go as far as to say those saying that are actually BS'ing and are trying to put supporters of the bill in a bad light. The Nazi comparisons that have been so ridiculous, actually can apply to folks who would let the desert consume another human being. I believe there are very few who actually feel that way.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by 27jd]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:37 PM
My question is why aren't these people that are leaving food and water on the trails illegal's use been charged with treason. Or at least aiding and abetting in a crime? I mean we had a granola burqa prison come to our house and we helped him willingly and knowingly would be charged with 80 in abetting a fugitive for a crime so why do these people get a pass? I think that we should arrest the people take and destroy in any food or water left. If these people go out into the desert knowing that there will not be food and water they might think twice about doing it the next time if they make it. I'm not xenophobic but I want my country to be here for my children and the next 20 years. This is why I oppose people leaving gifts for these illegal aliens crossing our borders and breaking our laws. Even humanitarianism can go to far.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:39 PM
my take is if your helping someone commit a crime your an accessories- pretty cut and dry your both criminals.

like its been said before if they come here legally noone would die- thats a fact thats hard to argue as well.

if i saw an illegal in need like that??? i call the freaking border patrol.

trying to make someone out racist or evil stupid or lazy for obeying the law is the most lame thing ive ever heard.

what will you people do when spanish becomes the official language to the usa??( scoff laugh or roll your eyes at that but the hispanic population IS the largest in the country right now-how do you really count illegals btw?)

all immigration legal or otherwise from mexico needs to be stopped now.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by neo96]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Fighters with no morals, because they are not following the law, immoral is immoral whether it has to do with God's law or human or govenrmental laws.
I also think you disregarded that I said I would come in the LEGAL way if at all, and it would be only if I had nothing in the area no resources whatsoever which I am sure we all agree they do have plenty of resources. If you live in a shack move to the tourism centers like guatamala and work for a 5 star resort you can make a good living there doing that.
I have had mexican family members on DH side they came legally, and feel the same way about using the back door. The illegal way.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:46 PM
Nobody should be left to die. Some of you folks are under the impression that these folks only want food and water to continue their journey and that isn't the picture.

Many of these folks are already sick and dehydrated when they are found. Many try to find their way to the highway to flag down border patrol themselves.

Kate removed his shoes, cleaned his feet and tended to his blisters. He said he felt much better after a little food and water and decided he didn't need to go to the hospital. Tonia and I drove up the nearest hill and called the Border Patrol. Even though it was at his request, I still felt a little like I was ratting out a friend.

One of the few bodies ever found by No More Deaths volunteers was that of a 14-year-old girl. We visited Joselina's shrine on my last day in the desert. It was estimated that Joselina had managed to survive alone for two weeks after being separated from her group because she had happened across a small oasis of water. Unfortunately, she was in a particularly rarely traveled part of the desert so by the time the No More Deaths volunteers discovered the oasis, it was too late for Joselina.

[url][ /url]

Some of you are just heartless and think your all macho and could survive anything. That's ok, I wish you the best. What goes around comes around and you never know when you might be in the same or worse predicament.

Lord knows we are always one minute away from being healthy and self reliant to being totally dependent on someone wiping our ass.

For those of you who talk about aiding and abetting, please tell me how common it is to charge people with aiding and abetting a misdemeanor?

Please tell me what other Misdemeanor you hold up to such high standards.

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