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Mr. David Miliband, next Prime Minister?

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:03 AM


Mr. David Miliband is speculated to be the next Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. His younger brother Ed Miliband is also speculated but to a far lesser degree.

Here is Mr. Milibands biography...

Miliband's first job was for the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. From 1989 to 1994, he worked as a Research Fellow and policy analyst at the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). He was appointed Secretary of the IPPR's Commission on Social Justice upon its foundation in 1992 by the then leader of the Labour Party, John Smith.[17] In 1994 Miliband became Tony Blair's Head of Policy and was a major contributor to Labour's manifesto for the 1997 general election. After Labour's victory in that election, Blair made him the de facto Head of the Prime Minister's Policy Unit, a position which he held until the 2001 election. He was given the nickname "Brains" by Alastair Campbell, after the Thunderbirds character.[18] In the 2001 general election he was elected to Parliament for the Labour stronghold of South Shields. After a year as a backbench MP he was appointed Schools Minister, a junior minister in the Department for Education and Skills in June 2002. On 15 December 2004, in the reshuffle following the resignation of David Blunkett, he replaced Ruth Kelly as a Cabinet Office Minister.

Following Labour's third consecutive election victory in May 2005, he was promoted to the Cabinet as Minister of State for Communities and Local Government within the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. This was a newly created cabinet-level post with responsibility for housing, planning, regeneration and local government. Because the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, was the Departmental Minister officially in charge of these portfolios, Miliband was not given the title Secretary of State but he was appointed a Privy Councillor and became a full member of the Cabinet.[19]

Secretary of State at Defra
On 5 May 2006 following the local elections Tony Blair made a major cabinet reshuffle in which Miliband replaced Margaret Beckett as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.[20] Miliband has said he believes agriculture is important for the UK’s cultural heritage, economy and society and also for the environment. He has said disease control should be balanced with animal welfare. He attaches importance to reaching a “fair balance” among consumers, farmers, manufacturers and retailers. Miliband also believes the European Union and the World Trade Organisation affect power relations between British and foreign farmers.[21]

He was the first British cabinet member to have a blog, though claims of excessive cost to taxpayer provoked some controversy.[22] In January 2007 Miliband sparked minor controversy by saying there was no evidence organic food was better than conventionally grown produce, though he later clarified he was referring specifically to health benefits.[23]

Miliband is an advocate for international awareness of climate change and believes the cooperation of all nations is needed for environmental reform. Miliband's focuses include food retail waste management and greenhouse gas emissions in agricultural industries. He believes that the EU should go further in two areas: a low carbon global economy and global action on climate change. He also wants Europe to increase its economic competitiveness. By switching over to a low carbon economy, he plans to tackle climate change. He hopes to ensure a stable price on energy by securing an energy source and announced the Government's plans to legislate for carbon reductions at the United Nations General Assembly.[24]

In August 2006, in an effort to put environmental reform into action, Miliband developed a place for a collaborative "environmental contract" to be developed on a Defra Wiki site. It was subsequently linked to by blogger Paul Staines, and mocked, after which further edits by guest users were temporarily prevented.[25] Miliband's emphasis on the necessity of an entirely cooperative effort to effectively instigate a low carbon lifestyle worldwide has led him to advocate an open dialogue among citizens about environmental issues through web-based blogging.[26] Whilst Environment Secretary, Miliband called for all 27 nations of the European Union to unify in backing proposals to cut harmful emissions by 30% by 2020.[27]

Miliband has floated the idea of every citizen being issued with a "Carbon Credit Card" to improve personal carbon thrift. Miliband claims individuals have to be empowered to tackle global warming — "the mass mobilising movement of our age".[28]

Foreign Secretary
On 28 June 2007, the day after Gordon Brown became Prime Minister, Miliband was appointed Foreign Secretary. He is Britain's third youngest Foreign Secretary and the youngest person to be appointed to the post since David Owen (in office 21 February 1977 – 4 May 1979). Anthony Eden assumed office at the age of 37 in 1935. David's younger brother, the economist Ed Miliband, is the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, making them the first siblings to serve together in Cabinet since Edward, Lord Stanley and his brother Oliver in 1938.

Miliband with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, February 2009.Miliband's first Foreign Office questions session as Foreign Secretary in the House of Commons was on the 3 July 2007.[29] On the morning of 13 December 2007, Miliband stood in for Prime Minister, Gordon Brown at the official signing ceremony in Lisbon of the EU Reform Treaty, which was attended by all other European heads of government. Brown was otherwise engaged at the House of Commons, appearing before the Liaison Committee, and travelled to Portugal to sign the treaty in the afternoon.[30]

On 5 February 2009, Miliband made a statement to the House of Commons concerning Guantanamo Bay detainee and former British resident Benyam Mohammed.[31] A week later Mohamed’s American lawyer Yvonne Bradley flew to Britain to urge the Foreign Office to press harder for his release. On 23 February 2009, Benyam Mohammed returned to Britain and was granted temporary residence.[32][33]

India trip
After his India trip in 2008 post the Mumbai attacks, Miliband wrote in an article that "resolution of the dispute over Kashmir would help deny extremists in the region one of their main calls to arms, and allow Pakistani authorities to focus more effectively on tackling the threat on their western borders".[34] This sparked an angry response from the Indian government, whose long standing policy had been to not accept any third party involvement in the dispute of Kashmir. An Indian analyst suggested that his tone implied that India must shoulder some of the responsibility because of its policies in Kashmir.[35] Some reports also said that Miliband's tone towards the Indian Prime Minister and the Finance Minister had been aggressive, and that he had been excused for being a "young man".[36]

Sri Lanka ceasefire
During the latter stages of the Sri Lankan Army's 2008/09 offensive against the LTTE, Miliband headed to Sri Lanka to press the government to call a ceasefire with the Tamil Tigers, citing concerns for civilians caught in the crossfire.[37] Miliband's visit was met with protests by Sri Lankan nationalists, who accused Miliband of attempting to save the lives of Tamil Tiger militants.[38] During the victory celebrations that took place a few weeks later, a burning effigy of Miliband was reported to have been tossed over the gate of the British High Commission in Colombo.[39]

Comments over terrorism
In August 2009, Miliband was a guest on BBC Radio 4's Great Lives programme, choosing South African politician Joe Slovo.[40] Miliband stated during the programme, in a response to a question about terrorism, that "yes there are circumstances in which it is justifiable and yes there are circumstances in which it is effective, but it is never effective on its own". These comments attracted considerable opprobrium from senior political figures.[41]

European Foreign Minister
The Treaty of Lisbon creates the post of High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union, a post commonly known as the European Foreign Minister. In autumn 2009 as the Treaty came close to entering into force, Miliband was named as being under consideration for the post as EU officials regarded him as "ideal material".[42] Miliband publicly insisted that he was not available to fill the post, as he was committed to remaining in the British cabinet.[43]

Relations with Israel
On 23 March 2010, the UK expelled an Israeli diplomat owing to claims that an embassy official from that country forged passports, and Miliband gave a public warning against travel to Israel because of identity theft concerns.[44]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:13 AM
Well, I guess it will be whoever Mandy decides to support... that is if Gordo doesn't hang in there.. his comments still seem ambiguous to me..

But I really can't stand Milly... IMHO he has his head up his own behind..

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:18 AM
David Milliband is Rothschild`s choice and a NWO banker Zionist puppet.

His father, Adolphe Milliband was a totalitarian marxist and David Miliband
has stated his to devotion to Israel in many Jewish and Zion journals and
promotes Zionism within his prominent membership within the Fabian Society.

Miliband is groomed to be the next unelected prime minister and will be
there in psuedo statesman power at the London 2012 Zion Olympics.

A truly sad state of affairs for Britain and democracy, which has been
taken over by Zionists following the Marxist doctrine for a New World Order.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by deprogrammer

Maybe he's the antichrist who will rise to power by charming people.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:32 AM
There is no marxist doctrine of a new world order. Of course marx has not been read so this will be difficult to argue with some. Sadly changing the paint does not change the structure of a broken building!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:36 AM
God i hope not i hate David Milliband he is one Rothschild and Isreal kiss up bad for UK if that was to come about.

I think there should just call a new election its becomeing a joke and its not funny.

Democracy there is none its all a show and im sick of it.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:45 AM
Zion Britain is upon us and Miliband will be the final nail in the coffin for
this country. The banker takeover is escalating at great speed and the
EU domination nightmare is taking place.

Even the floodlights at the 2012 London Olympic stadium depict the pyramid and the 'all seeing eye'. This Zion power grab has been achieved by stealth and is now in plain sight. Britain must not be taken over by
this undemocratic unelected process via the Zionist agenda.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by deprogrammer

Maybe he's the antichrist who will rise to power by charming people.

He will not be charming me, and many others, who want rid of labour.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by deprogrammer

Maybe he's the antichrist who will rise to power by charming people.

He will not be charming me, and many others, who want rid of labour.

Andy, surely it was under a Tory government that you suffered so much under. You say in many of your posts that your life has been destroyed by this c#ry, surely this must have begun under a Tory government

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by deprogrammer

It's not just UK thats been taken over all can see this but who can stop them.
I do not see anybody standing up for the little people whoever is the new prime minister we will feel the pain all that cash as to be paid back.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:06 AM
David is going to be the PM , that was my first thought when I heard the results .

Baa-aah , politics , shmolitics ; does it ever REALLY make any difference ?

Unless if one is a Freeman On The Land , it matters not who the leaders are .

Rulers remain the same , do they not ?

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

That is true we did suffer under the Tory government but we are going to suffer so much more now be because of what Labour have done.

Labour as left us with so much dept that are kid's chidren will be paying for this.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:22 AM
You know,
It would be really nice, just for once,
If we could actually get to vote for our Prime Minister.
But no, once again, the political class are going to decide for us.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:32 AM
I don't get it, isn't it now a hung parliament with the Tories having more seats? Why would the next Prime Minister be from Labour again? Unless Labour forms a government with the Liberal Democrats right?

Anyway the video posted was "Who would lead Labour next?"...

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:30 AM
He's as slimy as they come, so yes, an ideal choice for British Prime minister

I believe he's attended Bilderberg meetings as well as all the other background that's been mentioned here.

This is really not much different than the last couple of years it's just that things are getting more transparent. Another unelected leader? What a coincidence! If labour carry on in power it sends a clear message that we no longer select our leaders, it will be out in the open.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by deprogrammer
David Milliband is Rothschild`s choice and a NWO banker Zionist puppet.

His father, Adolphe Milliband was a totalitarian marxist and David Miliband
has stated his to devotion to Israel in many Jewish and Zion journals and
promotes Zionism within his prominent membership within the Fabian Society.

Miliband is groomed to be the next unelected prime minister and will be
there in psuedo statesman power at the London 2012 Zion Olympics.

A truly sad state of affairs for Britain and democracy, which has been
taken over by Zionists following the Marxist doctrine for a New World Order.

i personally like him whatever his connection, i like his controversy, his honesty and tough exterior, a excellent leader for this country, i also though brown was tough leader to, you need a bit of an aggressive leader to show that this little island is not to be messed around.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 07:40 AM
Millitant band is a marxist .so was his father he will totally be bad news for the uk ,do your home work ,the uk voted, the people voted for Cameron whats happening now is a scam for the bigger agenda Nwo.labour lost just like gordo should not of been prime minister .milliband will set the uk on fire.
i feared him from the beginning he is evil you can see this from looking at the man .
i not messing darkness follows him and his brother .
this is a scam look at the maps of the uk they were totally blue labour has ruined this country ,they new labour are not labour,when i was younger i was a young socialist type but has you get older and have children grow your wisdom teeth you can smell the evil in the hidden agenders . the Nhs\townhalls\plastic police \power to traffic wardens to come,other services every one works for the gov, no respect with these agencys now , it is heading to communism ,yes people have jobs under labour but the services are run by tyrannical sadistic people who are not qualified ,well they have the new qualifications but they are crap,please dont route for him or we will end up with more control ,more war,more privacy lost ,more stupid laws,labour introduced 2,000 plus laws every year since being in office ,the young dont know what a good free country is like with plenty of good police officers ,with non intimidating policy/uniforms ,rant im done please c through this man he follows his fathers doctrine

[edit on 5/11/2010 by dashar]

[edit on 5/11/2010 by dashar]

[edit on 5/11/2010 by dashar]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:56 PM
Haha in your face OP,

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