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Possibly a new democracy is in order?

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posted on May, 1 2010 @ 02:56 AM
I don't know if this is the right place for this thread, so please help me out if it's not and if that is the case, please forgive me.

But I was wondering if something like this would be possible. I was thinking, back when Obama was voted in as president, there was really a LOT of hatred between the two main political parties, and their followers (respectfully). I'm no expert and you'll probably agree that things like this is the reason I'm not an expert of political ideas. But would it be possible to sort of mend a new type of democracy around the old ideas of the consitution? Basically, instead of voting in just one candidate for Republicans or Democrats, why not have two presidents? If our powers at be are not supposed to be more powerful than the citizens of said country, then having two main presidents could possibly achieve such an act. It seems that in the example of the health care bill, we really have lost control of our government and it does have the power to ignore the people. I mean, this could never just "happen" like this it would need immense review and the base idea of democracy would probably change a great deal. Possibly at the head of all of the power (in something like the president's current position) have an "elder" of sorts to do just main deciding over all important matters. Then again, in any major matter, anything could maybe need two signatures to pass along with any other votes. It seems like a good idea, but I don't know. Any thoughts?

Right off the bat, I can think of only this off the top of my mind: It seems almost like we'd be taking a step back from democracy with the addition of an "elder" and then two "high powers" almost like that older version of government pictured as a triangle...can't think of the name of that style of gov't right at the moment, but I'm sure you know what I mean. I think it might be an idea though...Possibly give some actual power back to the people?

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by philosearcher

You are speaking of a more decentralized federal government similar to that of Switzerland.

IMO we should either keep our current system and allow more political parties in - OR - we should remove the federal government and replace it with the 50 governors that all have equal voting power on issues. Instead of having a federal legislature we could have the governors vote on the issues then send it to each state legislature.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 09:40 AM
I think you might be referring to the Triumvirate (spelling?) from the time of the Romans. I'm not sure we need a new democracy as much as a republic that more closely resembles what was intended by the founders.



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