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Are aliens scared of humans!

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posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 05:13 AM
I was thinking about this today.What if alien visitors were scared of humans.Its possible that aliens have evolved on a different path to us where violence and war were unknown to them,they might be completely void of all evil thoughts ,then they travel to earth and see what is going on here and it scares them ,they cant understand what we are about, why we fight and kill.This may explain a reluctance to reveal themselves to us except for a fleeting glimpse in the sky or shadowing a rocket or aircraft .I mean have they ever used violence against us,except maybe some cattle mutilations or the odd abduction here and there.I don't see or here any evidence of people being zapped , anal probed or buildings being destroyed.I think they may be here as observers, as we might search deep underwater or in jungles for new species so we can learn and study.Maybe they are harmless weaklings scurrying for cover when they see us, just as a small rodent may run out from the shadows when the lights go off and then retreat at any sign of activity.They maybe just like us without the hatred ,greed or jealousy.They obviously have technology ,I mean wouldnt they have to have designers and craftsmen to build their ships .If all their work and research went into non violent pursuits then they could achieve much.Imagine what humans could have become without pursuing war and violence. Anyway just a passing thought with no evidence at all!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:14 AM
If they are scared of us, then they have every right to be. We are so very lacking when it comes to anything spiritual. I can imagine how they shake their heads at us, and wonder how we have survived for this long.

The goals we are taught from birth on, are goals for the self, and have little or nothing to do with the rest of humanity, or the spiritual growth of the human race. If the universe was a class room, we would be in the slow learners section.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:36 AM
It's a very interesting thought, though I doubt if they are actually scared of us.

You don't have to pursuit violent goals to discover destructive properties of a concept. As their greatest technological advantage compared to us would most likely be energy it isn't hard to imagine them having a far more powerful weapon(technology).

Nevertheless, if they are peaceful in nature, I can see why they are very reluctant to physical contact.

It's saddening to watch the current state of mankind, while fully aware of what we could, and most definitely should be...

[edit on 28-4-2010 by j-man]

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:50 AM
reply to post by j-man

Yes but if they had this powerful weapon,why dont they use it .There is evidence throughout history of alien visitations yet they dont seem to have been violent.What im saying is why have a weapon if you have no idea what its for .The concept of destroying something is foreign to them.Picture this ,A tree is alive but it does not know how to, or need to kill ,to survive.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by 12voltz


You can develop a weapon without wanting to use it... Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, but he did not invent it as a weapon

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 06:58 AM
Sure, I'll play. Here's my speculation: I wonder if they are mostly of a hivemind, and pretty much devoid of emotion. I wonder if those two things are what might make humanity unique. Perhaps having individual sentience is overall a death sentence to the survivability of a species, and the "others" are just amazed that we're still alive.

Suppose you and your spacefaring group discover a planet teeming with life and good water (or needed minerals, or perfect magnetic resonance, etc.) and you had knowledge that they were going to wipe themselves out. Your society's rules require you to wait for the dominant life form to wipe itself out, rather than take it yourself. So, you wait. and wait. ....... and wait.............. fly around a little...... make reports...... and wait......

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:07 AM
You see, that is the problem. How many spiritual people do you see using technology to build weapons? They have no need for them, when their thoughts are for the good of the whole, and not just the one.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:11 AM
Na the more advanced you become the less emotional you seem to get. I doubt they are scared, but probably see us as primates, very primitive.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by argentus

They could be devoid of emotion like really intelligent amoebas ,or like you you said they wait like vultures or ants and raid the dying remains .They must be patient little freaks.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:17 AM
Your point is only valid in intra-cultural conditions. It takes just 1 un-peaceful space cruising species to make weapons, if only for defensive purposes, a neccesity...

All I'm saying is this: the second you invent, say, nuclear power, you invent the technology for the nuclear bomb.
So if they are technologically very much ahead of us, they are very likely to have defensive weaponry.

You think they are scared of our weapons (right?), I think they just don't want to engage, since they are most likely peaceful.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:18 AM
We are violent primates andy!
Speculating i would imagine that they are not afraid of us in the sense of superior technology, but we could be a threat in how rapidly our technology is increasing along with the fact we are still a very unpredictable, violent and emotional species. We can be quite happy one minute and within the blink of an eye that can change to a raging savage. So threat to a galaxy faring nation? doubtful...but a threat in the future or simply something interesting to observe? possibly!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by 12voltz

I do not think extraterrestrials are scared of us as a species in the now but rather they may be more concerned of our potential to cause harm out into the wider cosmos if we ever found an efficient method to enable us to get off this world in numbers enough to colonise or to explore other star systems. If we are able to reach other star systems before we are able to utilise our spiritual nature then I think that would be dangerous and I think that is what is a cause of concern to the visitors but as a species I do not think we are feared or derided on the whole.

If we were considered to be a species that could cause great harm like a virus or a spore cloud might cause harm then the eggs are all in one basket and I surmise it would not be difficult for a powerful watching extraterrestrial race to simply exterminate us in that case. There are several threads going on at the moment that talk of wars between us and extraterrestrials but I do not think we should delude ourselves into thinking we could put up even a token resistance against a star faring race that is probably thousands of years ahead of us in technology and intelligence.

I believe that they are here and I believe the last thing on their mind is war or to inflict terror on us but I do think that our leaders would wish us to seriously consider and worry about it.

We probably still exist because either we are not considered to be a smudge of bacteria but rather we are considered to be a race that still scrabbles around in the darkness and has as yet to learn how to realise our potential which is very real and very powerful in the context of finding our place within the wider cosmic game. Somehow we have been cut off from source I suspect because we have been infiltrated long ago and once we expunge “them” and reconnect then we will wake up to the real things that matter which does not involve money and physical wealth. We are spiritual beings but of course it seems the opposite because generally we act like stressed out rats in a tightly compressed bag.

We rage against each other because our environment has stressed us and programmed us to distrust each other, and look upon nature as something that has little relevance in our human psyche and to fight each other for the whims of others that I really do believe know the truth of our potential but would rather we stumbled around in the dark because the light would set us free and remove power from this corrupted few.

This “corrupted few” need our fear to keep us under control i honestly believe this therefore I do not fear anything anymore!

If you cease to fear you may find that suddenly you are standing in a surrounding landscape of suffering and recognising it as a form of control for the first time. This has been my experience and it is not a fun thing to see it but I am under no illusions that I meditated with enough strength to experience what I can only describe as a very real period of unrelenting mental pain enough to cause one to question sanity. Thankfully I have come out of the other side a completely different person but I am human and I am thus flawed because I am human but I can see the nature of the game now but I cannot tell you because you must discover it for yourself and formulate your own plans thus.

The way to get a sense of the global lie is not to blindly read the plethora of anti governmental and conspiracy literature but use these writings as a rung of an unseen ladder because one persons truth is not always another’s and we are all at the whims of subjectivity until the day dawns that we have proof we can touch with our own hands and see with our own eyes.

Simply sit down and meditate with will and serious effort and the door will slip open a little more I would go so far as to guarantee it because that has been my personal experience - Serious mediation is key!

Make meditation as much a part of your life as the morning cup of coffee and you will get to see a semblance of the truth and why we are lied to and even get a sense of how it is implemented into our lives. The vicious system is gigantic in form and the depths of its malevolence runs so deep therefore personally so I can see why many among us hypothesise that it must be regressively extraterrestrial in nature.

The system is profoundly positioned into our societal environment and flies in the face that a human could have come up with such an iniquitous system of control. The system in its complexity will not be easy to break of course because to see even a small part of it indicates its intimidating nature and its vast global reach but only because we are waking up to something that has been in effect for a vast period of time. Obviously while we slept it would have slid into all the gaps in our human society and we would have seen it as progress and moving with the times.

The first step is to see it, the second step is to give up your fear and the third step is to refuse to play the game any more than is needed to keep attention from crushing you and the forth step is to hold on to hope and remain patient because everything changes, even the mountains are not forever.

I urge you not to believe the programming that you were taught that you and all of us are not spiritual in nature as to do so is to play another’s cynical game and slip further away from the source because your mind and your spirit is much more important and much more powerful than you might think.

You are spiritual, we all are and I believe that the visitors know this and are relying on our spiritual nature I am absolutely sure of it.

To add: I find it very odd that I have meditated deeply with intent and then saw two UFO’s directly above me – it cannot have been a coincidence and I do not think it was.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 07:54 AM
It´s an interesting thought. I remember reading about one extremely peaceful nation in Malaysia, Semais. Here is link about them:
They have emotions and they know about violence around them, but they are afraid of violence and think it´s dangerous. It´s very intriguing to me, that how is it possible to live there among violent tribes and remain so peaceful society without any hierarchies. They have the word "bood", what means "I don´t want to". If parent asks child to do something and child sais "bood!" the case is closed and child is left alone. Kids stop playing competitive and violent games in very early age, because they never see any violence amongst grown ups. I sometimes speculate, that if sociaty like this gets some push to develope more intellectually (in many parts they are more advanced as a society than most others in this planet in my opinion), and it doesn´t have to be literature and technology like we do, but some kind of more andvanced technology to travel in Universe, then they would probably be like the aliens OP is describing. Intriguing topic!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Amandla

Good find ! I have never heard of the Semai.Its amazing that these societys exist here on earth still living such a simple life.This lifestyle is a far cry from most people on Earth and really shows how you can exist without violence.To many they may seem as ignorant savages but maybe they are far more advanced than the rest of us.Thanks for the info!

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by j-man
reply to post by 12voltz


You can develop a weapon without wanting to use it... Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, but he did not invent it as a weapon

Defence from what ?If you have never been threatened or attacked you would not know what it meant to defend yourself.In a society with no violence you do not have to use violence .As for Mr.Nobel he may have invented dynamite as a tool for mining or whatever but it wouldnt have taken long for someone to realise the potential for it to be used to delimbify varmints.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 03:16 PM
Well if we consider that there may be millions of different aliens out there. Some will be scared some wont. And some might not even know what the emotion scared means or feels like.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by 12voltz

Exactly! Thst´s a pity most people have never heard about peaceful societies on Earth and it tells a lot about our´s. They would be so good example for us how it´s actually possible to live peacefully and rais children to live peacefully. We have this belief or I´d say a myth, that violence and agressiveness is a part of human nature, it´s natural and we need it to survive. Tribes like Semai (and some others all over the world) show us, that it doesn´t have to be like this. Unfortunately most people know nothing about them, they are considered to be too primitive and unimportant to ever talk about in schools or in media.

posted on Apr, 28 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Any sensible human is scared of humanity. I'd think that if there is any intelligence out there they'd be scared to death of us.

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