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Revelation; 4 Horsemen- Running

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posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by DISRAELI

My response to the claims made about the year 2012 was that I could see no prophetic significance in the date.
This position seems to have been vindicated.

posted on Feb, 27 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by DISRAELI

Hey Disraeli,

I love your threads they show a genuine desire in you to know what God desires to reveal to his people at this time.


The first four seals of the scroll given to Jesus Christ to open in the book of Revelation are about 4 periods of time in which the Church of God/Body of Christ/Temple of God would be destroyed (spewed out of God's mouth).

"no stone will be left in place" - destruction of the Temple that God dwells in.

The first horsemen is the son of perdition, the one who is given a crown to rule over the Church on Earth, after the death of God's apostle in 1986, the Church was given to his successor, that man in 1994 gave a sermon on the Sabbth with destroyed the law of God over the church. Through the introduction of false doctrine (sword) he destroyed God's truth in the Body of Christ, they went back to the false doctrine of christmas and easter, then they went back to worshipping on Sundays. Because he "stood in the Holy place" and offerred abominiations in the presence of God, God vomitted out the entirety of his church. This man was judged and died 40 sabbaths later to the hour he ottered the destructive words.

The second horsemen is war. After the son of perdition caused the abomination that makes the temple desolate (first horsemen) and conquered the truth of God in his Church, war amoung the varias pastors over what God had done, why he had done it, who was right and who was wrong caused many former brethren to declare war on each other. Over 500 different secs were formed as a result of this war of pride.

The third horsemen is famine. God feeds His flock, with God having vomitted out His entire Temple, no one in the former Body of Christ/Church of God/Temple of God, was being fed spiritually, this resulted in spiritual famine for those who were once "called out" to become part of the Body. By being cut off from the flow of God's Holy Spirit in their minds, they began to think carnally once again and many lost the treasure of God's spirit dwelling in them, that they once had.

The fourth horsemen is death. When you are not fed spiritually by God day in and day out, the creation God was molding in you (spiritual creation) dies, for many in God's Church they gave up the fight and returned to the blindness of the world, killing their oppertunity at becoming a member of the 144,000 person Kingdom of God to return with Christ shortly.

All 4 horsemen are spiritual in nature and pertain to the judgement God issued toward His Church, who because of becoming rich and increased with goods, developed the spirit of Laodicea and as by her works, she was spewed out of God mouth (dwelling in God). God first judged His Son (while on Earth), then His Church (seals 1-5), now His nation Israel i.e. USA and UK commonwealth (seal 6-7, trumpet 1-4), and finally the world (trumpets 5-7).

God Bless,

posted on Nov, 1 2020 @ 11:12 AM
A reminder because of current interest in Revelation.
See also the thread "The events of Revelation begin with a pandemic", which is a topical application of this chapter.
edit on 1-11-2020 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2021 @ 12:50 PM
This thread series was being run ten years ago. I keep thinking it needs to be revived, especially since it might now be regarded as topical.

Especially this one. More than twelve months ago, I introduced a thread under the title "The events of Revelation begin with a pandemic", which was a re-working of part of the theory of the OP.

Let me repeat, incidentally, that the title of this thread was meant to be "4 Horsemen-How?" to follow on from the previous "4 Horsemen- Why?" The last-minute change of title is a mistake I've always regretted.

posted on Jun, 17 2021 @ 01:24 AM
(Solomon's Contradiction of 40//40,000 horses)

White Horse Conqueror = Solomon went World Wide
Red Horse Striffs = Solomon took Wives and Harlots in Sin
Black Horse Balances = Solomon Destroyed the Temple
Pale Horse Death and Hell = Solomon was not included in Luke's Genealogy (not in the priesthood, not identified with giving a written law)
Kill Jesus
Kill the Temple in Jerusalem
Kill the Bible and Make another Religion
Kill all the Nation of the earth with Unclean Doctrines and teachings
You can say in one context, only the jewish people qualify as the "abomination of desolation".............therefore if the world is guilty of their sin, then God cuts them off from being a witness, from even understanding the end time, or from even understanding they are going to die, and the very end of the world is here and now.
As a people only the jews are associated with killing jesus, no one else would be surprised how many churches believe that some tragedy will befall the jews or jerusalem to mark the end time, or, how often they keep promoting that, because that is all people want to hear!!!!!
edit on 17-6-2021 by allibba because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2021 @ 01:35 PM
A reminder because of current interest in Revelation ch6.

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