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Arizona's largest power company wants control over customer thermostats

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posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 11:26 AM

Arizona's largest power company wants control over customer thermostats

"Arizona's largest power company wants control over customer thermostats"

"The program will have a limited number of days APS can take control of thermostats and a restriction on how many hours per day they will do so"..??!?!?!?!?!?
"...Smart-grid programs use new technology to allow the utility to communicate electronically with meters and customers to reduce energy consumption. "
(visit the link for the full news article)

Related News Links:

Related Discussion Threads:
new "smart grid" cryptographic identity management mechanisms

Mod Edit: Breaking News Forum Submission Guidelines – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23/4/2010 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 11:26 AM
without the use of a cell phone, wireless network, telephone line or personal computer!!!!!

I miss the ole days of teepees, dancing, and laughing.....where is this all heading?????? This is all connected, literally... hahaha ha

"We also believe that with our current development of an implantable glucose sensing RFID microchip, PositiveID can become a leader in this growing and needed market by expanding our pipeline of potential non-invasive diabetic care and treatment products"

The iGlucose system is a standalone, self-contained unit that will automatically query a diabetic’s data-capable glucometer for blood glucose data and send that data via encrypted SMS text messaging to an online database. The system consists of a microprocessor, volatile memory (RAM), non-volatile memory, meter interface electronics, a minimal user interface, an embedded GSM (cellular) modem, an internal antenna, and a battery. iGlucose will automatically send a diabetic’s blood sugar readings to an online database without the use of a cell phone, wireless network, telephone line or personal computer"

Section 1305 of the Energy Independence and
Security Act (EISA) of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-140) requires the Director of
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) ``to
coordinate the development of a framework that includes protocols and
model standards for information management to achieve interoperability
of smart grid devices and systems.'' EISA also specifies that, ``It is
the policy of the United States to support the modernization of the
Nation's electricity transmission and distribution system to maintain a
reliable and secure electricity infrastructure that can meet future
demand growth and to achieve each of the following, which together
characterize a Smart Grid: * * *
(1) Increased use of digital information and controls technology to
improve reliability, security, and efficiency of the electric grid.
(2) Dynamic optimization of grid operations and resources, with
full cyber-security * * *''
With the Smart Grid's transformation of the electric system to a
two-way flow of electricity and information, the information technology
(IT) and telecommunications infrastructures have become critical to the
energy sector infrastructure.
NIST has established a Smart Grid Interoperability Panel. The
Panel's Cyber Security Working Group (SGIP-CSWG) now has more than 375
volunteer members from the public and private sectors, academia,
regulatory organizations, and Federal agencies. Cyber security is being
addressed in a process that will result in a comprehensive set of cyber
security requirements. These requirements are being developed using a
high-level risk assessment process that is defined in the cyber
security strategy for the Smart Grid.
NIST published a request for public comments in the Federal
Register on October 9, 2009 (74 FR 152183) to seek public comment on
the first draft of NIST Interagency Report (NISTIR) 7628, Smart Grid
Cyber Security Strategy and Requirements.
The comment period closed on December 1, 2009. The second draft of
NISTIR 7628 incorporates changes based on the comments received, which
are summarized below. The complete set of comments and NIST's analysis
are posted at:

Summary of Public Comments Received by NIST in Response to the Draft
NISTIR 7628, Cyber Security Strategy and Requirements, and NIST's
Response to Those Comments

NIST received comments from sixty-three (63) organizations and
individuals. The commenters consisted of twenty-three (23) private
companies, five (5) Federal agencies, nine (9) individuals, twelve (12)
non-profit organizations, twelve (12) industry associations and two (2)
universities. A detailed analysis of the comments follows.

General Comments

Comment: Fifteen (15) commenters identified inconsistencies between
the text and logical interface diagrams and suggested additions or
deletions to the logical interface diagrams and associated text.
Response: In the second draft of NISTIR 7628, the logical interface
diagrams and text have been updated and an overall functional logical
architecture has been added.
Comment: Fifty-one (51) commenters suggested grammatical,
editorial, and language changes and correcting cited information and
Response: The relevant sections were updated to reflect suggested
changes. Some suggested changes were not accepted because they are not
consistent with Government Printing Office (GPO) style.
Comment: One (1) commenter suggested integration of
cryptographically strong identity management mechanisms.
Response: Strong authentication is an important aspect of the Smart
Grid. This will be addressed in the next version of the NISTIR. There
were several topics that were not addressed
(visit the link for the full news article)

Mod Edit: Breaking News Forum Submission Guidelines – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 23/4/2010 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 11:51 AM
I had someone from our utility company come out on a cold call wanting me to switch over to their "smart thermostat". They wanted me to sign a 2-year contract, which was a deterrent to me. However, the biggie was that they said that a technician would have to come out and install the thermostat AND software on my computer so that they could remote access it to get the meter reading. Needless to say, that was the end of our conversation.

Besides, I already installed a smart thermostat 2-years ago. It works nicely. And for the prices they charge me for electric, they can keep sending out a meter reader.

to electric companies trying to dictate our usage.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by Aggie Man]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 11:58 AM

And to think, i was offered a job by those clowns when i lived there...

Unbelievable. I always heard the city of Phoenix would be the real start to the police state.

Did you all know that if you dont pay your bill on time, they install a box and you have to pre-pay for electricity? Sad but true.

God forbid they would lose a cent.

[edit on 23-4-2010 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 23 2010 @ 12:19 PM
With all the emotions about the illegal alien issues being the hot topic, i noticed that this news was input on the same issue with the blaring headlines of "Governor to sign immigration bill"... while this article was inserted... APS to govern the utility issue. BUT i am still wondering how the "Satan chip"
is going to be used... Now in this conspiracy filled world of big brother, i feel that the same technology to monitor our AC, will be used to monitor this satan chip????
".. without the use of a cell phone, wireless network, telephone line or personal computer..."????!?!?!?!? should we consider this as the first step?

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