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Obama: America a Superpower 'Whether We Like It or Not'

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posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Am I the only one who doesn't think what he said is a problem? "Where's the pride"? WTF are you talking about? He speaks with great pride for this country all the time!

John McCain and the rest of the Republicans are CONSTANTLY looking for anything that comes out of Obama's mouth to attack and pick part and criticize. And unfortunately, people are quick to flock to the criticism as if Obama pulled his pants down and crapped on the flag.

In a little-noticed remark...

It's a little-noticed remark because there's not a damn thing wrong with noting the advantages and disadvantages of being a world superpower today.

Give me a freaking break!

What he said is entirely true. There are responsibilities that come with being a superpower. Responsibilities that aren't always peaches and cream. If someone can't understand that, they're just willfully ignorant.

Shame on you, jibeho, for slurping up the crap that fox news pours out! You're smarter than that!

He speaks with great pride for this country all the time??

Wow! The man campaigned on the notion of rebuilding a nation into one that fits is own image. The man continually laughs at the constitutions. The man mocks dissenters or anyone who disagrees with his policy. (freely exercising their rights to do so). The man wasted no time making his worldwide apology tour during his first few months in office. Recently, his science and technology czar just stated the the US can't expect to be number one any longer.

The little noticed remark was not picked up by any mainstream media outlets. The Fox new article mentions that. Fox picked it up from some smaller sources and reported the story. I'm sure that there is an ANti Fox news thread out there somewhere for you. Just another weak attempt at attacking a source. The Faux News rhetoric is getting old. I would expect more from you. You are smarter than that

The responsibilities of being a super power are no big secret. I presume Obama knew that before accepting his assignment. You know there are aspects of my job that suck but they come with the job. I would never draw attention to that fact in front of those who report to me or especially in front my boss. I want to assure everone that I am up to the task and that I am confident in my role. Something Obama lacks. Arrogance and confidence are two different beast. Obama certainly has the arrogance!

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