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Could legalizing Pot help California's budget deficit?

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posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Ha, if Obama wants to get re-elected, he should legalize it, I'd forgive him for all his other f'ups if he did that! I'd even vote for him next time.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by LurkerMan

I'm reading the e-book now, thank you for the link!!!

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:22 PM
if they allow permits for industrial hemp along with recreational use. i truely believe californias unemployment rate will drop to 0% or close to it.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Also, As far as I know pot is a non-addicting substance, unlike alcohol, which is incredibly addictive.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

I think it would create no more jobs than is created from the legal cigarette / liquor industries, I really think the main issue for it not becoming legal is the industry the illegality supports.

Its much better for those that are fighting this ridiculous war on drugs to KEEP IT ILLEGAL, so (and I do not smoke) for that reason I don't foresee this ever changing.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by svpwizard
reply to post by 2manyquestions

I think it would create no more jobs than is created from the legal cigarette / liquor industries, I really think the main issue for it not becoming legal is the industry the illegality supports.

Its much better for those that are fighting this ridiculous war on drugs to KEEP IT ILLEGAL, so (and I do not smoke) for that reason I don't foresee this ever changing.

Making marijuana legal to smoke might only create the same amount of jobs as tobacco and alcohol, but if growing hemp is legalized then we will have jobs making clothes, fuel, foods, plastics, and almost anything else you can think of. Once companies need more hemp for their products, then more and more people can simply grow it. And for those that start growing, maybe they can start growing foods as well for extra money.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by AliBruh

All extremly good reasons to legalize it, I am for legalization by the way (non smoker!!!) but you just sited a whole bunch of industries that would KILL to not see this come into the market, especially "fuel".

Just not gonna see it happen under the corrupt government in place ...... JUST NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 03:21 PM
I don't smoke the stuff but I can't think of one single legitimate reason for it to be illegal. Seriously, not one single reason. Anyone?

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 01:35 AM
Very interesting thread

At a cursory glance, I haven't seen any input from my area, and it would be the single place MOST affected by legalization of Marijuana. I saw another poster from California, but I reside in the foggy, dank (pun intended
) Humboldt County. There has been a lot of debate in the area recently about legalization and/or decriminalization and it would have SERIOUS ramifications for our local economy, on the order of total collapse.

You see, Humboldt County is home to an enormous amount of growers, both quasi-legally and not. There is a great article in one of our local papers, the North Coast Journal, about this exact situation and how it will effect our area. Welcome to Pot City!

Basically, if marijuana were to become legalized it would destroy our economy because a VERY large portion of it comes from the sale, growing, distribution, and various offshoot industries of the marijuana market. It may help California as a whole, but we would be devastated. Our only real hope, as the article points out, is to associate our name with quality cannabis before the switch over to legality, so that the Humboldt name still comes in first and we won't be overshadowed by the corporate dime-bags with names like "Humboldt Redeye", "Humboldt Kush/Trainwreck/Diesel" get the picture. Imagine the wine culture, but substitute pot. We need to become the Napa Valley of pot, so that despite being able to get any kind of pot anywhere in California, people would still choose to come to Humboldt and buy TRUE Humboldt products.

It's late here and I have a double-whammy set of tests tomorrow, so back to the books for me. I'll keep tabs on this thread it is a fun topic for me and especially important. I would like to see what people outside of my interestingly colored bubble have to say on this subject.


[edit on 6-4-2010 by NoEXcUseS]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 05:00 PM
with all due respect nexus i think the emerald triangle growers would have the least to worry about.

you see legalization wont be the end of the world for growers because it will only reduce the profit margin in 1 aspect of growing (recreational drug) and open the door to several other more profitable areas.

the reason for humboldts success, other than the general attitude and lax atmosphere of the area, is due mainly to climate and land while also giving credit to experience.

i believe the legends that pioneered sensimila growing and created the favorite hybrids we enjoy today will excel and revolutionize Hemp growing as well. i think the oldschool growers up there have done enough selective breeding to be able to grow the best plants for specific products. Such as getting the most Fiber for paper as opposed to getting the most Cellulose for Fuel or Plastics.Some may go the nutritional route and specialize in providing mass quantities of seeds for cooking...that will also take specialized pollination skills/techniques. some may even hook up with some scientist's and pave the way even further for medical usage....theres going to be different kinds of hemp growers and they will be growing specialized crops. and i think since these guys already have the land and equipment and resources/experience to do it.... i think your economy will grow and prosper more than ever.

it just needs to, like you said, take what nappa valley did with vineyards and run with it. humboldts the undisputed king in the illegit world, i dont see why it would be any different legit.

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