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Feeding My Rebel

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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 07:48 AM
My rebel should’ve come with a warning, a stick to plant in my yard, a nifty sign BEWARE, CAUTION or even better a neat little how to guide. However, as I am typing this desire, I am aware that had I popped from the womb with instructions or been tattooed with a reminder, my rebel is alive within not caged outside of myself. My rebel is mine to master.

I walk about my life, my yard, carefully. I question my steps at every opportunity and usually plant my feet on something solid but every now and then, my path leads to a heaping hot pile. This boiling stank that infuriates my senses must be dealt with.

I would prefer a block, or a hole. I can create or encounter such obstacles and persevere by pressing on. With these distractions, I am left clean, perhaps scarred but free of stain. It’s the steaming filth that I step in which labels me as refuse. I am troubled by this realization. I love my rebel even as its biting me in the butt. I prepare for the inevitable defecation by purchasing (with my pride) metaphoric baggies of “I apologize“. I attempt to tame my rebel, teach it to poo on command. My rebel never listens and let’s loose where it will.

My rebel is an ugly mutt but I continue to feed it knowing it must be kept strong in order to defend me from what is just beyond the fence. I wonder where or when I might find a leash.

[Mod Edit - snip]

Mod Note: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 21/3/2010 by Sauron]

[edit on 21-3-2010 by MsAmen]

posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:48 PM
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posted on Mar, 21 2010 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by MsAmen

Although we all do love our personal rebels, we also all know that eventually, the disgust that we feel toward the output of our rebels must be dealt with permanently, in one way or another, in order for our own sense of self determination to continue. Because only in that continuance is there hope for a future without rebel output.

Cheers!… and welcome to ATS.


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